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Meet Ahlawat in his room doing work. Meet walk in and see plate with food, she walks to cupboard and take out clothes and keep on dressing table. Meet Ahlawat says what are you doing they are met to be kept in the cupboard. Meet says why can’t I keep anything anywhere when you can be angry on something else so I’ll also do same. Meet Ahlawat get up and says stop it. Meet says when you are angry with me then why are you showing it on food. Meet says I’m not angry with anyone. Meet says you think your mom, dad or anyone will eat food, you can show anger to me but why are you punishing everyone, you know how much everyone loves you, they become sad if you are sad. Meet Ahlawat ask did you eat food. Meet says no. He get the plate of her and says it’s important that you also eat food like me and he sit to eat food after seeing him she also eat. Meet think you can not it see but I know someone planned this against me and I need to find out who that person is.

Masum, Raj and Babita in hall. Masum says to Raj I’m also scared for you and I think you will get in problem in taking stand for Meet and Sunaina. Raj says I know what you mean to say, if I take stand for anyone else then except the two, you will still stop me, I have faith in everyone and I believe that they won;t let me down. Jaydeep at door says if she is your daughter in law this mean you will cover everything, walk to them and says Sunaina won't tell me everything but I thought you all will tell me, I have many questions but I’m not here to talk about that I’m here to sort out things, your daughter in law Meet have to apologize to Ravi in front of everyone. Raj says she won’t apologize to anyone, she is not involved in anything that happen to Ravi she said it and once she said then I have full faith in her and you also know whatever you see from your eyes is not true. Jaydeep says try to understand we can finish this topic here itself. Raj says this won’t sort things but she didn’t do anything that’s why she won’t apologize. Meet Ahlawat from behind says she will apologize.

Meet on phone trying to reach out to someone.

Meet Ahlawat walks to them and says to Jaydeep don’t worry she will apologize to Ravi infront of everyone.

Meet says on call I got a message from some unknown number but all the messages got deleted. Men from other side ask do you remember the number. Meet says I remember you just trace it and tell me and she send the number. She says I’ll not spare him.

Meet in her room gets call from person says this number can not be traced because this number was generated online. Meet says this is true someone is trying to frame me and know everything about me I need to find out who knows me personally and have grudges with me.

Raj says to Meet Ahlawat what are you saying? Meet Ahlawat says I’m saying what you thought us we can not hide things we need to accept and realize what is true so I also want my wife to realize her fault Raj says I know I thought you but you are doing wrong because she cannot do this and if she did anything like this then she will accept it and she already told you that she didn’t do it, so why don't you believe her. Meet Ahlawat says Anubha aunty is her mom and how can I not listen to her, everyone know she threaten Ravi and I believe she should apologize. Meet walks down and says I’ll apologize in front of everyone. Raj says to Meet what are you doing. Meet says no problem father and says to Jaydeep I’ll apologize to your son in law. Jaydeep says she is smart, now I’ll leave. Masum says to Babita please don’t mind but because of her dad and brother had an argument. Meet says I’ll apologize because you said to him, you know I injured Ravi, only this much you know me.

Same night. Raj says to Meet I thought my son will start believing you but then I thought he also started contributing, started understanding you but then I think I don’t know my son I don’t know why he cannot see truth in your eyes.

Meet Ahlawat says to Babita when I look into her eyes I think I’m wrong. Babita says Anubha saw Meet with her own eyes that she was carrying stick if Meet is right then she would have fight and not get ready to apologize. Meet Ahlawat says she accepted to apologize because I give my words but if she is not guilty and doing it because of me then it means that I’m wrong and says do you remember when police took me in case of drug that time she took all the blame, she always think about someone else first, am I doing wrong in not believing her?

Meet says to Raj he doesn’t believe me because he is scared of your respect please don’t blame him I have no problem in that. Raj see her hand and ask what happen to your hand. Meet says nothing it’s a small scratch so I applied bandage. Raj says tomorrow morning you will go to doctor for injection that’s it.

Babita message Meet Ahlawat's head and see he slept.

Meet in her room waiting for Meet Ahlawat and says I know you are angry with me because you admitted me in college and I disrespected it but I’ll make you happy I swear on god and I’ll find out that person who is creating differences between us.

Meet is in the hall Babita walk to her and says cancel all your plans you have to come with us to community centre to apologize to Ravi they gave us 5:30pm time. Raj says before going there she will first go to doctor she is hurt and getting injection is important than anything else and I’m pretty sure nobody must have seen that. Meet says to Babita don’t worry after doctor I’ll come directly, she turn but stumble because of her dress. Meet Ahlawat rush towards her and ask are you alright. Meet says yes. Meet Ahlawat says come I’ll take you to doctor. Meet says no I’ll handle it and leave.

Meet is in the market goes to vendor and says who pushed your stall in empty area and start helping him. Few men get down of vehicle and abduct her and takes her to remote place and tie her to chair. Meet kick one of the guy but they tie her to chair and leaves. Meet shouts. Man calls Manushi and says work is done. Manushi says make sure that her phone is switched off and she don’t run until I reach there.

Everyone is at the community centre waiting for Meet. Panch says where is she it’s already late. Masum says to Babita where is she what if she don’t come I have zero faith in her and she is trying to hamper dad’s reputation. Meet Ahlawat says to Masum I have faith in her she cannot leave dad like this she will come, I’ll call her. Meet Ahlawat calls. 

Meet fall down while trying to escape.

Raj ask what happen Meet Ahlawat, Meet says her number is not reachable he try again and her number turn out to be switched off. Raj says don’t worry she will come she never do this must be stuck somewhere.
Meet break herself free and get up.

One of the Panch says to Raj your daughter should be here by this time but she is not here but one thing is sure that decision on this matter will be decided today.

Meet says there is someone who is trying to ruin my family name and try to open door shouts where did you run open the gate.

Panch says we have decided that your daughter in law have disrespect us so in punishment your face will be painted black. Everyone is shock.

Meet is trying to find out a way to get out from the room and see a window says if I’ll jump from here I’ll reach hospital directly, looks at watch says everyone will be there and see a man gets inside, she kick him dodge the other one trap them inside a cloth tie them with rope and run away. Meet is running on highway and reach community centre see its empty and think I’m late and ask someone where is Ahlawat family. Man says Ahlawat’s daughter in law had to arrive here to apologise but she didn’t come so everyone is getting punished.

One of the Panch get up to take Raj and bring him in centre infront of everyone. Panch put his hand in black ink. Raj remove his speck. Meet Ahlawat shouts wait and says to Raj nobody can paint your face black till I’m here. One of the Panch ask why? Meet Ahlawat says because she is my wife, she give her words to apologize and if she is not here then I’m the one who is responsible for the punishment not my dad, you all are disrespected so punish me not my dad. Panch says if families son is ready to take the responsibility then we have no issues.

Man says to Meet the whole Ahlawat’s family was disrespected because of her what kind of daughter in law is she? Meet think my whole was disrespected because of this I’ll will find out who did this to me and my family.
Panch says we have decided to paint Meet Ahlawat’s face. Babita shout wait walks to one of the man and put his hand down. Meet Ahlawat hug her. Babita says to Panch did you see we Ahlawat’s didn’t back off from our word, we came with honesty and we accept that our daughter in law gave her word to apologise but she didn’t turn up for that you can not punish my son. Panch says there is no doubt in that but one of your family member disrespected us so you will face this and one of your family member have to bow down and apologize to us or else we will boycott your family from the society, now you can decide who will apologize. Raj and Meet Ahlawat argue on that and Meet Ahlawat says I’ll do it. Meet join her hands and says this shouldn’t have happen Meet Ahlawat says I’m ashamed for what happen to Ravi and Meet didn’t come to apologize. Meet Ahlawat says I Meet Ahlawat apologize infront of everyone on behalf of Ahlawat’s family. Meet says I apologise while on my knees. Panch says to everyone this is what should be done if anyone try to disrespect our community. Babita says she got lot if attitude in her that she didn’t come to apologize because of her Raj got lot of disrespect. Manushi from outside seeing everything. Meet in tears says why didn’t I come on time, I need to find out fast who is trying to disrespect my family and trying to make difference between me and my husband relation.

Ravi get’s a message he turn around to see. Meet from behind tie his hand and put tape on his mouth. Ravi fall down. Meet take him to remote place he says I didn’t touch you but still you created a scene so I thought you did this already so why not make you taste a bit of my hands, atleast you should know how it feels when I hit you, you already know my history I’m a Goon of Shahbadh, one time I hit a person and he got permanent handicap. Ravi says please don’t hit me. Meet says okay I’ll leave before that tell me who asked you to do that or else I’ll not spare you, wait here I’ll grab my gun and come. Ravi get’s up and run away. Meet says I know you were a puppet and only you will take me to the person.

PRECAP: Manushi in open area talking on phone. Meet standing infront if her says I know all about your exploits. Manushi says then you should know this too that your husband will be mine. Meet says then see how I’ll save my husband from you and tear Manushi and Meet Ahlawat photo infront of her.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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