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Host introduce the contestent about their theme. Every model on ramp. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I can not do ramp walk. Meet Ahlawat says listen to me or I’ll pick you up and take her to ramp. Host introduces Babita Ahlawat and her theme my son’s wedding. Two model walk the ramp. Hoshiyar says it’s me. Two model walk as Raj and Babita. Host introduce the last models. Meet Ahlawat on stage. Everyone cheers. Meet Ahlawat walk the ramp. Light switch off. Everyone panick. Meet Ahlawat says Meet come out light’s are off and look for her and ask where is my bride? Meet shout here is your wife he see Meet on ladder. Meet Ahlawat ask what are you doing there? Meet says I’m repairing the electricity. Hoshiyar says you look beautiful while repairing the light in bride dress. Organisers says come down we will send electrician. Meet says electricity dosen't know if it's an electrician or a lady that is repairing it, she repair it and get down to Meet Ahlawat says you trapped me, I can not walk like a model. Meet Ahlawat says walk the way you do in Shahbadh in your own swag. Meet says I’m getting cold. He hold her hand and they walk the ramp. Mr. Makhija says wait a minute I want lights on, is this a joke her height dosen't match, she is not wearing heels and scolds Meet and make fun of her. Meet try to walks away but he stops her says wait and talk to Makhija says hello, I have all the answers, I agree that my wife is not a professional model. Audience make fun of them. Meet Ahlawat says if you allow can I ask you few questions and says who is your role model? Lady judge says my mother. He ask can you tell me about her waist. Lady judge says 40. Ask another judge about his role model. He says Elvis Desouza. 

Meet Ahlawat ask about his height. He says 5’3″. Meet Ahlawat says when our role model don’t stand on beauty standard then why we ask standard model to carry out these dresses, it’s always said to look for inner beauty but we run for outer beauty, person is beautiful from inside. Mr Makhija says can ask a question from your wife. He says yes. Mr Makhija ask her what do you feel when you look yourself in mirror do you have any insecurities. Meet says no never, infact when I look in the mirror I don’t believe in my fortune, I have such good in-laws and it’s said the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, tell me do you find any insecurities when you look at your parents at this age? Mr Makhija says not at all in fact they are the most beautiful person for me. Meet says right they must be, when you love someone you cannot find any insecurities in them all you see is love and you believe that and if we talk about height and personality it’s been made by god and who are we to judge that, many people feel insecure and under confident because of all this beauty standard, but we need to understand if beauty is everything then why did he send us with brain and heart, everybody have some kind of quality and that can be seen only when you look inside. Raj and everyone claps for Meet . Mr Makhija start walking out. Meet says to him your brand is world famous, its unique then why do are you running behind that old practice of beauty standard? Makhija give her thumbs up and sit down. Meet and Meet Ahlawat complete there ramp walk. Everyone applauds for their performance. Babita come to stage. Makhija give trophy to Babita and a check of 50lakh.

Everyone receive a message on there phone. Someone throws a slipper on Meet Ahlawat and everyone protest against Meet Ahlawat. Meet says what is this. Lady says it’s your husband who disrespected, talking about his ideal wife and acting to have an affair with someone else. Meet says what are you saying. Lady says look your phone and you will know. Meet ask her phone from Anubha and see the video says Manushi accused you of ME TOO. Everyone says we want justice and try to put shoes garland on Meet Ahlawat. Meet stops the lady and says I dare you to move forward and justice will be served call the person who wants it and will talk in front of everyone.

Meet says to the lady you want justice, call the victim she will get justice in front of everyone. Manushi come on stage. Meet says to her when this much was happening with you then why didn’t you say it first. I was bounded because I was working for Babita and I was scared if I say something she would remove me from the job then how will I pay bills of my house along with that Meet Ahlawat habits get increased, now you tell being beautiful is my fault. Amma says don’t know when did she learn to tell lie. Babita says she is lying nothing happen like this. Manushi says you will say so because you were blind in your son’s love, infact aunty told me to have an extra marital affair with her son, I’m ashamed how could you do this with a woman after being a woman? Women says to Babita don’t you feel ashamed. Meet says to everyone she is my sister but she is not that true the way she is showcasing, I’ll show you her reality and ask her name. She says Manushi Hudda. Meet says switch off lights and play the video of Kunal which she recorded from spy pen. Everyone is in shock after seeing Kunal. Raj says to Meet Kunal and Manushi were married? 

Meet ask Raj do you know him? Isha says he is our relative. Manushi says this is fake and she is lying, you must have threaten him and give him money to say this. Meet says to Isha in makeup room Kunal and Pandit is in makeup room can you call them. Manushi says okay call him I’m not scared of anyone. Isha go to call them. Manushi think god if they come here I won’t be able to fake anything, I must find a way to run and start acting like she is having headache and sit down. Isha gets call and she gets busy in call. Manushi see her and run toward makeup room. Everyone seeing Manushi’s footage talking to Kunal in makeup room, how she planned everything against Meet Ahlawat and will take money after filing a case against him, we will split money but please don’t tell anybody and run away. 
Anubha bring Manushi in front of everyone. The guy come out dressed as Kunal in makeup room. Manushi try to run away but Meet hold her and says didn’t you think about the respect of your family before doing this, what happen to you, you have so much pride on your beauty, today everyone has seen your ugliness just see how much worse you are I feel ashamed of myself being your sister, you know that accusation of ME TOO that you put on Meet Ahlawat is actually for girls who have been torture mentally and physically and nobody supported them even after years of struggle that was the reason to start that movement so that everyone can understand their pain and people start taking these movements lightly because of people like you who misuses it because they think women are lying. Women apologize to Meet Ahlawat and Meet for misbehaving and says to Manushi we will paint her face black to set and example for others and file a case against her so that girls like her cannot manipulate us and take her away.

The next morning. Meet in her room getting ready. Meet Ahlawat in room. Meet ask him are you thinking or staring. Meet Ahlawat says I was thinking while looking at you, I always thought that you are a goon, when I saw you, you were beating him and stealing his money. Meet says I was not stealing money from him in fact he was stealing, that day I was coming to return your money, he was trying to steal it so I also hit him. He says and what about Ravi he said you hit him. Meet says he was with Manushi. He says this means you are not a goon and attack people. Meet says I’m not a goon and attacking people depends upon his behaviour. Meet Ahlawat help her to take off pin from her dress. Meet go out of room and says I’m goon only for you and start playing scary sound inside room. Meet Ahlawat get’s scared and start looking for the source of the sound, he find the toy under the bed and calls Meet and says I have seen you come inside. Meet walk to him and  says so you found it. He says what is this? Meet says it's a toy. He ask what is this doing here. She says it was hidden from you to scare you because you also scared me when talking about leaving me but you find it earlier, next time if you made plan and didn’t include me then I’ll not leave you. Meet Ahlawat says sorry to her and start doing sit-ups. Meet stop him.

Babita and Raj in hall. Babita calls Sunaina and says to Raj you will seprate the family. Everyone come. Sunaina says what happen? Babita says you can not seprate Tej from me. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj is that true? Raj says yes. Meet walk to Raj says you believe in staying together then why this decision? Raj says there are some people in this house who’s thoughts don’t align with mine, don’t want to live together. Sunaina says are you talking about me? Masum says yes he is talking about you. Sunaina says there is some misunderstanding I don’t want to leave everyone and live in a bunglow alone. Raj says you must have thought this before sending notice. Masum says exactly, you know he was hurt when you send the notice and now you are denying it. Raj says didn’t you write in notice that you want yo live alone and want Tej’s share from will? Ragini says to Raj Sunaina can not do this there is some misunderstanding. Raj says there is no misunderstanding and says to Sunaina I asked you about the notice or not and scream at her. Sunaina remember that and says yes you asked me, I send you notice but that was not the content. Raj says don’t worry you won’t have to send another notice I have separated your and Tej’s share from will, now you can live the way you want. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj try to listen first. Raj says decision is been take and everyone knows in this room that I build new house and says to Sunaina you will get your money in next two or three days then you can leave this house. Sunaina try to hold Raj’s hand but he push her hand and leaves in tears. Babita congratulate Sunaina and says finally you took revenge, I’ll never forgive you and leaves. Masum says to Sunaina you did wrong, you shouldn’t have hurt Raj’s feelings and leave. Sunaina in tears. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I don’t believe this. Meet Ahlawat I also don’t believe and we cannot let our family be apart like this. Meet thinks I need to find out the truth.

Meet is in Sunaina and Tej room. Meet says, so there were no point of share and living alone in notice, it was that you and Tej are still legally married. Sunaina says yes, but it’s a big misunderstanding.

Meet Ahlawat is with Babita in her room. Babita says there was no misunderstanding, Raj took a big decision on just a notice by Sunaina, after many years I got my Tej back and he took the decisions of sending him away again without talking to me. Meet Ahlawat says Dad won’t do anything. Babita says if Tej will go then I’ll leave too.

Meet says to Sunaina you will not go anywhere, give me your lawyers number. Sunaina give her his card.

Meet Ahlawat says to Babita don’t worry we will find a way. Raj at door says decision is been taken and now I’ll not change my decision and I won’t stop anyone from going out.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat are in their room. Meet says lawyer change the notice content, someone must have ask him to do so, but who will do it. Meet Ahlawat says Ravi. Meet says no he will try to take only Sunaina not Tej. He says logic. She says there is someone else who will benifit from it. Meet Ahlawat says who is to be benefited from this action, after dad has taken the decision so property will be split into Tej, me and Masum. They both stop and get surprised and says Masum and they both get static shock. Meet Ahlawat ask what happen here on Masum, he says if I talk to Masum. She says no, first we should confirm it. He says but then how we will know and touch her, she get shock. Meet shouts and says we will know. Meet Ahlawat move towards her but Meet step back because of shock and they both start thinking. Meet says let’s check Masum’s phone. He says it’s impossible she won’t give her phone to anyone. Meet says we will figure it out go and cut electricity of the house. He leave.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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