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Meet pray to God that’s it’s for Tej well being keep us blessed, she inform Meet Ahlawat. He says even we are leaving.

Meet is waiting at the pickup location and calls Meet Ahlawat. Raj walks to Meet Ahlawat and Tej while leaving and ask where are you two going. Meet Ahlawat says why are you back so soon. Raj says your mother forget gold coin it was for Anubha so came to take that, but you didn’t tell where are you going. Meet Ahlawat says nearby garden. Tej says no we were going to meet friend. Raj says he means Meet, must be missing her, no problem we will be back by evening and leaves. Meet Ahlawat inform about the situation. Meet says come fast it’s just 2 hrs for function. Raj leaves the house.

Meet Ahlawat and Tej reach the pickup location, Meet get’s in the car, they stop at a lonely raod. Meet ask did you inform doctor. He says yes. Meet put a tracker in Tej’s pocket. He ask what is this. She says it’s a tracker so that we can locate. He says great. Meet says I hope Tej is cured today. They hear a temple bell. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll go pray for Tej, you stay with him. Meet says okay. Tej comes out of car and gives him a rucksack and a camera. Meet says from now own all will be good and we will also go to your doctor. A car approaches them. It’s Babita.

Raj congratulate Anubha and gives her gift. Anubha thanks him. Raj says Babita let’s go. Ragini says I’ll go and check. Anubha says I’m happy you all came. Raj says you gave us godess, we are so happy to have her and it’s all because of your upbringing. Ragini says Babita and Meet aren’t home. Babita says I know everything about your plan and I won’t let that happen and ask Tej to sit in her car and driver to leave. Meet says it’s just for Tej’s condition it’s all under doctor supervision and there is 50% chance. Babita says are you his mother I know what’s good for him, we trusted you but you took advantage of it, I told you not to, how dare you bring him here, what if something happens to him. Meet says don’t worry try to understand. Babita shouts at Meet and faints. Meet try to wake her up. Meet Ahlawat teaches and ask what happen to her. Meet say she found the truth and fainted. Meet Ahlawat get’s water. Meet ask him to call doctor and she throws water at her face.

Tej outside car drawing, his paper fly’s, he gets caught between car and get scared by the lights. Driver rushes to Meet Ahlawat and says Tej ran away

Babita says to Meet I told not to do therapy it will harm Tej and faints. Meet try to wake her up. Tej get out of car, driver ask him to sit. Tej says here I’ll make my painting. Driver gets a call and he get busy in that. Tej’s paper fly away, he get on road to pick up but get scared of coming vehicle, he get trapped in between car and see flashes of his past and remember how he gat trapped last time between car’s.

Meet Ahlawat pick Babita and make her sit in car. Driver walks to them says Tej run away. Meet Ahlawat says didn’t you stop him. He says I tried but he still run away. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet do you remember you put tracker in his pocket. Meet says you go I’ll find him don’t worry and she start looking for her phone. She gets her phone and call someone says I have send you Tej’s photo so circle it out in your group and ask everyone to look for Tej and disconnects call. She call someone else and says where did you see.

Street play going on on road safety. Tej stop near them and see people in police uniform of street play, he see falsh of Ashok Huddah getting shot. Tej run towards them and says murder, they are killing him. That man says to take him away. Meet see Tej and go to him. Tej trying to tell her something. Meet says calm down. Tej faints. Meet try to wake her up. Everyone in Babita’s room. Doctor checks her says her BP was low now she have cleared the danger zone, I have given her injection, if you need anything so let me now let me leave. Babita taking Tej’s name and wakeup. Raj says calm down doctor’s are with Tej. Doctor checking Tej in his room. Babita says to Meet I asked you not to do anything with Tej. Meet Ahlawat says listen to me. Babita says you shutup and start shouting at Meet. Meet Ahlawat says I’m also involved. Babita in shock I can understand about Meet she don’t have blood relation so she don’t care at all but he is your brother, you went against us, is this a game, it’s about ny son’s life can you see his condition in what stage he is, if something happens to Tej don’t call me mom, I’ll convince myself that I have only one son, I’ll break relation with you two forever.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet walks in Tej room. Ram says Tej’s body is not responding, his body is like stone and walks away. Meet Ahlawat start crying and apologising to him, says to doctor he is not giving any signals, is there anyway I can help Tej anu any body part which can help Tej. Doctor walks away. Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry he will be fine. Meet Ahlawat says please get up and crying. Babita praying with Raj, Sunaina, Ragini and Raj. Raj try to stop but Babita didn’t stop and everyone join hands. Meet and Meet Ahlawat crying infront of Tej and trying to wake him up. Babita praying, she starts feeling dizzy. Tej moves his finger, Meet Ahlawat calls doctor and says its a good sign now we can give him shock therapy and who did he last talk to before fainting, Meet says he wasn’t with us, doctor says okay go out, we need to monitor patient. Meet Ahlawat informs Babita that Tej is fine, Ram stumbles on hearing Tej will be fine now. Ragini says doctor will help us our Tej will be fine soon. Ram gets scared and leaves. Ram sees Tej getting shock therapy, Meet Ahlawat walks to him, Ram wipes his tears and leaves. Meet praying with others, she remembers how she met Tej and his reaction to light and her fathers photo. Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat and tells doctor I remember what Tej was saying, he was talking to police from drama, Meet Ahlawat says we will not do anything with Tej, Meet says we won’t touch Tej all will be done without him, I have an idea and keep you updated, Meet Ahlawat asks how will you meet drama people, Meet says I have their number and calls them. Meet and Meet Ahlawat in room talking. She tells to Meet Ahlawat that she will go and check with drama company. Meet at drama company. She walk a men and says today you were doing a street play and one person was playing role of police so where is he. Man says Jaydeep is dead because of that road safety. Meet says what are you saying. He says he is not well because he have asthma and because of smoke he got sick, let me go I’m in hurry. Meet stop him and says where can I find him. He says look at that man with white hat he is our manager he will help. Meet walks to manager says I need address of Jaydeep. Manager says he is dead for me he ditched me at last moment and shouts at her and get back to phone says I need a new actor. Meet says to him I need his address. Manager start cribbing and walk away. Meet see Jaydeep and run towards him says everyone was saying that you will not come. Jaydeep says why I’ll not come, they told me to deduct my salary so I have to come, from last 2 months I didn’t got my salary but everyone think I’m getting lots of money, I’m tired and ill but still need to work, you won’t understand and leave. Meet stops him says I don’t know about your life, I understand your pain and your time is valuable but it’s important for me that’s why I need your time, I just want to know when my brother in law came to you in afternoon what did he said. Jaydeep gets call and makeup artist start putting makeup on him. Jaydeep shout at him. Meet says your little help will be so much worth for me please tell and show him Tej’s photo. A guy walks to Jaydeep and annoys hik and walks away. Meet says please remember and tell me what he was saying. Everyone keep annoying Jaydeep and says to Meet I’m in trouble so let me go and change me. Meet says if he will not tell then how will I know the secret of Tej.

Hoshiyar with Duggu in drama company. Duggu ask him what is this and why are we here. Hoshiyar says it’s time to have fun and never miss to have fun, I got money from mom so we will eat something enjoy this fair and leave. Duggu says yes we will enjoy.

Meet on phone withh Meet Ahlawat says I try to talk but couldn’t get any answer, I’ll not leave till I get to know something.

At Ahlawat mansion everyone busy with pooja. Babita gets tiered from pooja. Raj says stop this and don’t be so stubborn. Sunaina bring water for her. Babita drinks it and says where is Meet. Meet Ahlawat thinks how will I tell mom Meet is out to found information about Tej. Meet pray to God says please don’t break our hope we want to know what Tej said if I couldn’t find then I’ll be in infint guilt, give some sign God.

Babita says I understood she doesn’t have a bit if time to stay in pooja with family, what was so important that she left pooja. Raj says keep quiet your are not well your BP is also shooting try to calm down. Babita says they are taking my advantage of our love and care, because of them Tej is in this condition I’ll never forgive them. Meet Ahlawat try to say something. Babita says shutup and says don’t try to say anything and shouts at Meet Ahlawat. Raj says this is not time to fight now we have to pray for Tej for his health.

Duggu and Hoshiyar playing ring throwing games at fair. Dugu says what happen you can’t put even one. The fair catches fire due to oil leakage and everything burning. Duggu get lost in crowd. Hoshiyar try to find him. Meet see Hoshiyar and walks to him. Meet ask him what are you doing here and taking Duggus name. Hoshiyar says I thought of bringing Duggu here for some good time but I lost him in crowd. Meet and Hoshiyar start looking for him. Dugg7 hiding under cart and crying for help. Meet see a girl crying, she rescue her. People try to put out fire with water. Meet see a tanker and start using it’s water to put out fire, she succeed in putting fire out, everyone applauds and see Duggu hiding under the cart, she walks to him and help him to come out. Hoshiyar see Duggu with Meet he run towards him and hugs him. Meet says take him home he is traumatized. Everyone screaming. Meet says take him people need me here, I’ll come later.
Meet run towards tent and ask everyone to bring water. Man shouts water is finished. Meet cover herself with blanket and walks inside tent to help. She stumble and fall down, fire poll fall infront of her she dodges it and see man lying on floor. She walks to him and says no need to panic Jaydeep, she help him to get up and give him asthama pump. She cover him with blanket.

Hoshiyar with Duggu in his hands. Everyone ask what happen. Masum get down and ask what happen to him you both went to fair then what happen. Hoshiyar says to Meet Ahlawat we went to fair but suddenly fair catches fire and then Meet. Masum says so Meet Bhabhi was also there you know she is a bad omen for our family, first she messed with Tej and now with Duggu, what does she want. Meet Ahlawat says stop talking about her, she always try to help. Masum says, yes she don’t do anything, everyone said no to her but still messed with Tej, she was not in poojs too. Meet Ahlawat says stop blaming her when she will come we will get to know truth. Babita says to Meet Ahlawat I know she did so much for us but this doesn’t mean she will do whatever she want, because of her actions we have to face consequences. Masum says because of Meet already Tej is in shock and now Duggu, I don’t want any more negativity, I’ll never forgive her. She hold Duggu in her hands walks to Raj says you punished me for your daughter in law, now it’s time to punish her, Duggu is in this condition because of her, you cannot forgive her, she messed with Tej and Duggu and made there condition worse now you have to give hee punishment and throw her out of house.

Everyone in hall. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj but you know very well Meet cannot do this wait for sometime Meet will be here. Masum says to Raj no you have to throw her out of the house, I’ll go pack her bag and she leave.
Meet in burning tent trying to save Jaydeep, she bring him out. Jaydeep lie down on stretcher. Jaydeep apologize to Meet and says thanks for saving him. Meet says I didn’t save you it’s God who save you. Jaydeep says I know what your brother in law was saying, he said someone is murdered near the well in jungle nearby Shahbadh. Meet hear the address and remember the time of her father death.

Ragini try to wake Duggu, he gets up. Masum thinks can he be fainted for some more time and run towards him says thank god he is fine but this doesn’t mean Meet is innocent, you have to punish her. Raj says first I’ll listen to her side of story only then think of punishment. Duggu says but why punishment she should be given prize, she saved me and many more people, I was scared because of fire. Hoshiyar says that’s what I was trying to explain and says to Meet Ahlawat please go and help Meet she is trying to save people. Meet Ahlawat run to help Meet. Masum says so what she save my kid, she is responsible for Tej’s condition says to Raj and leave with Duggu.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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