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Meet wake up and sees Meet Ahlawat asleep and thinks about how they met, and says I have fallen for you and Mummy is right you are close to me and I like everything you do, and how you take care of me, I like it, I never thought this can happen, Meet can fall in love with Meet Ahlawat. Meet get a call from Kunal, Meet changes her voice and answers, Kunal says you gave news about a boy, Meet says so you are Kunal, Kunal says yes 100%. Meet Ahlawat asks who is calling? Meet says my manager wants old deliveries details. Meet’s call gets disconnected she calls him back again, Kunal asks who gave me so much money, Meet says you worry about money and come take it, Kunal says I will come tomorrow, Meet says why tomorrow come today, Kunal says actually I am out of station, I will come tomorrow, Meet says okay call me and inform when will you come and get good sturdy bag bye. Meet prays let Kunal come and reveal Manushi’s true face and me and Meet Ahlawat can get back.

Ragini says to Ram, Raj always gives special gift to Babita, Ram says yes its very special but no one tells her, Ram says he is giving her 15 Cr bangalow, Manushi hears this and in shock. Ram says when Raj tells us act as if we don’t know. Masum asks Hoshiyar what will she get, Hoshiyar says I gave you duggu, Masum says I hope he doesn't turn like you.
Meet think of giving Meet Ahlawat gift, Raj and Babita walk to everyone, Raj says I have news for you all, I have bought a bunglow, Isha says your new holiday home, Babita says we will all enjoy together, Meet Ahlawat says let's go together today, Raj says yes. Sunaina says come Tej. Manushi think I have to stop Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat says I have important work I will join later, Meet says I will stay, Meet Ahlawat says you go I will join later. Meet think I will give him gift before I go.

Meet is nervous about giving Meet gift, Meet Ahlawat walk to her and says what are you doing here go all are waiting, Meet stammers and says I need a favour you need to take care of my pendant, Meet Ahlawat says its your dad’s. Meet says you take care of it, I trust you. Meet Ahlawat says I will keep it inside. Meet says wear it, Meet Ahlawat says you are very attached to it, Meet says you too, I mean wear it please, Meet Ahlawat says you put it on me, Meet gives him necklace and he smiles.
Meet Ahlawat sees Meet nervous and asks what’s wrong with you, Meet says nothing I should leave and walks out. Meet says I forgot to tell him its his Valentine’s day gift.

Manushi sees house being decorated and ask why is this decoration, staff says Meet Ahlawat asked me to do it, Manushi think who is this for, Meet Ahlawat pulls her close and says today is Valentine’s day and surprise is for you, so that we can share our feelings, and yesterday was special and I know you are my happiness and this is why I sent everyone out, get ready a celebration is waiting. Meet Ahlawat calls Isha and ask her to send Meet home and not tell he called her. Isha says Meet bhabhi, I had planned surprise for Mom and Dad but forgot it at home, will you please get it, Meet says okay wait and says I need to go home, Meet Ahlawat needs help in some work, Ram says let me drop you then, Meet says you go ahead, I will go home and come with Meet Ahlawat, Ram says okay. Meet leave.

Meet Ahlawat is dressed waiting for Meet, Meet Ahlawat calls Isha and asks where is Meet? Isha says he left. Manushi walks to Meet Ahlawat, and says I can’t tell you how special I feel for all this you did for me, Meet Ahlawat think this is for my Meet. Meet Ahlawat says I have no words to tell you how pretty you look. Manushi says what next. Meet walk in.

Meet Ahlawat and Manushi are in the house. Meet ring the door bell. Manushi get scared. Meet Ahlawat says she shouldn’t be here, I don’t know how did she come let’s do one thing I have to do drama infront of her being husband, you should hide somewhere or she will make a mess. Manushi hide under the table. Meet Ahlawat says to himself happy valentine Meet. Meet open door and get’s shocked after seeing the decoration. Flower shower on her. Meet Ahlawat walk to her and ask did someone say statue to you and sit in front of her, he ask for her hand and take her inside. Manushi look at them. Servant bring cake for her. Meet thinks did Meet Ahlawat start loving me? Meet ask him did you do this for me? Meet Ahlawat says because you are my wife and I want to make you feel special now don’t stare at me. Servant bring dress for her. Meet Ahlawat ask her to wear the dress. Meet walk to Meet Ahlawat wearing her gifted dress. Meet Ahlawat and Meet start dancing. They both cut cake. Meet says to him may god bless you forever and think should I tell him that I love him and hesitate to say. Meet Ahlawat kick candle and clothe catches fire. Manushi get scared come out of under the table and hug him. Meet see her and ask Manushi what are you doing here? Manushi says to her excuse me before asking me anything let me tell you he did everything for me. Meet is shock. Manushi says don’t you understand he still loves me. Meet Ahlawat hug Manushi. Meet get’s disturbed and walk out of the house. Meet Ahlawat walk out to see her. Meet sits in car and try to drive away. Meet Ahlawat run towards car and sit inside. Meet and Meet Ahlawat on highway. Meet do rash driving on highway. Meet Ahlawat get scared and ask her to drive safely. He says talk to me. She says I don’t want to talk. He says when you have seen everything then we should talk, it’s too fast please drive slowly, last night I went on dinner with Manushi and I asked that model to ditch the show. Meet stop the car and says I don’t want to know anything just tell me do you love her? Meet Ahlawat says yes I love Manushi. She get out of car. Meet Ahlawat says listen to me please we can talk in car. Meet says how can I fall in love with him. Meet Ahlawat walk to her. Meet says tell me all that decoration you did was for Manushi. Meet Ahlawat says how should I tell you, I am not as strong you are, you did help but I couldn’t get her out of my heart, I thought I will over come her but I couldn’t, she kept affecting me and I fell for her as she is my first love, she is right for me because we love each other. Meet says there is no love, I will bring her true colours out. Meet Ahlawat says no Meet, that doesn’t matter, I know I hurt you, Meet says you are happy with her, I will leave by tonight, Meet Ahlawat says you can’t because that will hurt dad and if you remember you had promised him you will always be married to me. Meet says okay I will talk to Papaji, and leave. Meet Ahlawat says he won’t agree to this, Meet says do you want to be married to me and be with Manushi too? Meet Ahlawat says I can’t forget Manushi, so will you please talk to Dad for me please? Meet says I can’t. Meet Ahlawat says this is the last favour, for me please do it, and if you really don’t want to, I have to run away with Manushi. Meet says have you lost it, don’t you remember what happened when Tej left and you want to repeat that again, your love is so selfish and when did you turn so selfish, I can’t see a family loose their son again, I will talk to uncle and think will also reveal Manushi’s face. Meet Ahlawat stop Meet, Meet leaves his hand and walks away in tears. Meet Ahlawat collapse and says sorry I am helpless because no one can take your place and try to snatch your respect, I am sorry and tomorrow is big day because everyone will see how good you are Manushi so bad and also your papers will be in my hands.
Meet Ahlawat near pooja house pray to God and says today I’ll be needing your help because today I’m going to hurt someone who is close to me for her good only so that I can make Meet mine. Meet is standing behind him says I wish Manushi also love him the way he loves her. Meet Ahlawat try to light diya Meet walk to him and help him, says the direction in which you are lighting diya is important. Meet Ahlawat says you are right and after so long I feel like I lighten this diya for the right person and think this will take me to my destination which is Meet. Meet says did you pray for Manushi's right? Meet says yes and are you forgetting something. Meet says yes I remember, I’ll leave today. Meet Ahlawat says but after talking to dad and he leave. Meet says to God I promise him that for his happiness I’ll talk to Raj and I promise myself too that I’ll never break his heart so please give me the strength and help me to bring out Manushi’s true face by finding Kunal. Meet call Kunal. Kunal see his phone and hung up, he says I don’t know if I should trust him or not because already people are looking for me because of my mess. Meet says he is using his brain. I need to try something else to catch him because it’s important for me. Kunal says I have to be careful and get’s voice message from Natwarlal, whichs says there is a girl who introduced herself as Kunal's relative and money is handed over to her and voice note ended, Kunal get scared. Meet says to herself Kunal is trying to act smart but I’m smarter, now he will call me. Kunal try to call Natwarlal, Meet purposely keeps ignoring his calls. Kunal says now he is not picking my call and try again.

Meet Ahlawat walks to Manushi and start ranting saying I dont know what magic she did on my dad, he treat her like his own child than me, for her he is ready to throw me out of his porperty land house business everything. Manushi get’s up says this can’t happen your mom loves you so much. He says ofcourse she loves me but dad is her husband she will support me only to some extent don’t you remember dad forced me to get married to meet? Meet Ahlawat says it shouldn’t happen that because of Meet we loose everything and find ourselves on the road. Manushi says this can't happen because I came back for your property and money. Meet Ahlawat says it’s okay I’m not judging you and everyone want stable relationship but our case is different, Meet has spoilt everything what can we do now?

PRECAP: Kunal calls (Meet) Natwarlal , Meet disguised as Natwarlal goes to meet Kunal. Meet Ahlawat asks Manushi to find some Meet’s weekness that we can use against her. In fashion Meet Ahlawat walks with Meet. Meet Ahlawat being protested by audience, Meet says we will prove right away here who is the bad one.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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