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Meet picks her bag and walks thinking about Anubha and gets hit by a bike.

Babita on call says all gowns should dispatch by tomorrow, Sunaina walks in and asks where is Tej, Babita says I have sent him away because of you, Sunaina says why are you hating me so much, I didn’t marry on my wish and even filed for divorce, Babita says what about night you spent with Ravi, Sunaina says we didn’t have anything between us, we didn’t even sleep in our room, Babita says what proof you have and have some shame atleast, leave now. Sunaina leaves, Babita on call aske to get Tej back.

Meet Ahlawat is waiting for Meet and says I have lost my confidence and only you can help me, I need to talk come soon. Meet reach Ahlawat mansion and says Meet Ahlawat sounded very worried, I can’t tell him my problem and walks to Meet Ahlawat, and smiles asks whats wrong, Meet Ahlawat says today, Meet says look at me don’t worry what happened, Meet Ahlawat holds her hand, Meet gets hurt, Meet Ahlawat says show whats wrong and sees her hand wounded, Meet says just a little scratch, Meet Ahlawat says your whole hand is bleeding, why can’t you take care of yourself, sit here. Meet Ahlawat gets first aid and cleans her wound, Meet Ahlawat see Meet has woudned her foot too and picks her up and takes her inside. Manushi sees that and gets angry.

Ragini brings Tej back, Babita try to talk he ignores her, Ragini says to Babita, are you sure your behaviour against Sunaina is right, Babita says I know you were close to Sunaina and this is for my son’s future, Sunaina is hurt with what I said today, she won’t force again.

Meet Ahlawat gets Meet turmeric milk and asks is she fine, Meet says yes and asks whats wrong, Meet Ahlawat says its not more important than you, have this milk, Meet drinks milk, Meet Ahlawat wipes her lips and asks her to go to sleep, switches of light and sleeps beside her.

Babita on call says dress designed for Meet should reach on time, Raj and Ram are busy in decoration, Hoshiyar asks whats the best gift you got on Lohri, Raj says Babita expressed her love to me, Babita stops Raj and whispers keep some limit with kids. Babita sees Tej walk in with Sunaina holding hands, Sunaina sees Babita and leave his hand. Duggu comes dancing in punjabi attire, Raj praises him, Meet and Meet Ahlawat join everyone and take elders blessings. Meet takes Sunaina’s blessings, Sunaina says don’t, Meet says I need it, so I can take care of relationship like you did, Babita says if she could she wouldn’t go with Ravi and than stay here as a servant. Sunaina leaves with Tej Ragini explains the rituals to Meet and says come home on time, Anubha says why will she leave today, she should stay home today, its  abig day, Meet looks at her and remember how Anubha was upset. Manushi says mummy and try to take blessings, Anubha stops her and hug Meet and whisper why haven’t you left your job yet.

Anubha walks in Ahlawat mansion and says it's an important festival, Meet should stay home, Manushi try to go take blessings, Anubha stops her and walks to everyone and says it’s Meet’s first Lohri she should stay with everyone, Meet Ahlawat take Anubha’s blessings, Meet takes too, Anubha says Meet today you won’t go to office right, Raj says its fine if she wants to go, we are not that kind of inlaws, and Meet will be back on time and even Babita is busy, so all is fine, Anubha says you are all very cooperative but as a daughter inlaw she should spend time with everyone and hug Meet and whispers didn’t you tell them you won’t work, how much will you insult me, Meet thinks why is she behind me to leave job. Anubha says here are some clothes for Lohri, Meet whispers so many expenses, Anubha says shutup and asks Meet Ahlawat to take Sindoor and keep in the temple and apply it to Meet later after pooja, and says I should leave now, Meet holds her hand and thinks I have to find what is wrong, Anubha leaves her hand looks at Manushi in anger and leaves. Meet Ahlawat and Meet keep Sindoor in temple as Anubha asked, Meet Ahlawat says why didn’t you tell me you took off, Meet says even you didn’t tell me yesterday now sit here and tell me whats wrong, Meet Ahlawat says good I have God and you, this will give me confidence.
Sunaina says to Babita she is ready and both leave, Meet sees Babita and Sunaina leaving and says can we talk later, Meet Ahlawat says okay. Meet follows Babita and Sunaina and says this doesn’t look good. Manushi sees Meet leaving and says I am sure Babita is going to curse you today, it is going to be a fun drama Lohri.

Babita and Sunaina come to Gynaecologist, Babita says I want to know if Sunaina had physical relationship with anyone else other than my son, she was remarried 7 days back and I want to know if she had physical relationship and science is advanced enough to find this and I am ready to pay any amount, Meet thinks why is she doing this, doctor asks Sunaina is she okay with this and if not she don’t have to do this, Sunaina says I am ready. Meet walks in and stops Sunaina, says science might have been advanced but not greater than self respect of a woman, don’t do this to yourself. Babita looks at doctor and takes Meet aside and says stay away from it, Meet says this isn’t correct, Babita says you will be against me for an outsider and Sunaina if you didn’t want to why did you say yes and walks out Meet stops Babita and says I can never go against you and Sunaina didn’t tell me anything, but this is wrong, Babita ask why, she spent a night with Ravi and I want to see of she is lying or telling the truth, Sunaina in tears, Babita says its history we women have to give tests, and I am A woman I understand, Meet says but you are new generation woman and don’t feel bad but Tej is also back after so many years and we don’t know anything about him, Sunaina didn’t doubt him, Babita stop Meet, and says not a word against my son, Meet says I am sorry, I just wanted to say we have no idea how long Tej will take to get normal but she is ready, and relationship grows on trust, so why this, and if she is showing trust why shouldn’t we and rituals that test women I know you don’t support all this and so I am inspired by you, how can we let this happen, in fact we should support each other, Babita says its all in perspective, things that are wrong for you may be right for me and I am late for boutique and no one should know about this, Meet says promise no one will finds about this.

Others in Ahlawat mansion prepping to fly kite, Ragini says why didn’t you get whole ready set, Raj says there is fun in prepping, Masum says Dad I have something important to talk, I want to join office because I get bored staying home, Raj says Masum says you are late, why didn’t you say anything first, if Meet Ahlawat can work with me why can’t you, I’m happy to see you take responsibility, you can join immediately, Masum says thank you, Hoshiyar says you will go office, Masum says yes and you will get me tiffin, he says okay. Everyone leaves except Meet Ahlawat, Manushi says help with kite please, Meet Ahlawat keep it here, you will get it later leave now, Manushi says I will wait for you.

Meet asks Sunaina to calm down and says even you are at fault why did you agree, Sunaina says I love Tej, I can do anything for him, Meet says never say yes to these things, Sunaina says at times love makes you do this, Meet says love is strength and not weakness. Meet sees a baba outside.
Masum angry on not receiving green tea, Hoshiyar stops her and asks what is running in your mind, I didn’t work and so you did till date but now you dropped weapons, Masum says now Meet and Manushi are here together and I won’t join this nonsense, I will go office and get control from there because Meet Ahlawat is disturbed and Tej is mentally unstable.

Anubha gets Amma tea, Amma hears Baba’s voice and says get him in, we will take blessings and donate too. Meet disguised as Baba, thinks today I will find the truth.

Meet walks in Hooda house disgusied as Maharaji, Amma ask Anubha to get him water, Anubha says have this water I will get something to eat, Meet says first tell me is this food earned or is someone’s sins, Anubha says no my daughter’s hard work this is, Meet drops glass and says you eat on daughters earnings, Anubha says so, why discriminate between daughter and son, Meet says rituals say, daughters are not meant for this, this food is sin, Amma says even I understand rituals a little bit and all say girls are goddess, then why not keep hope from them, Meet says correct, make this sit home and perform pooja and not let them work out, and all here are committing sins, Anubha says my daughter works hard all day and you call it sin, my daughter is not at fault, not a word against my daughter, I’m proud of my daughter, she didn’t forget her parents even after marriage, I’m proud to have a daughter like her. Meet removes her disguise and says I’m proud of my mother who stands by me always, Anubha surprised. Meet says I know you didn’t mean a word you said yesterday, did you see some stupid movie, now tell me why was that behaviour yesterday, you have to tell me, swear on me.

Everyone at Ahlawat house enjoying Lohri, Meet Ahlawat asks where is Mom, Raj says she will take time, all come upstairs with kite. Tej doesn’t give his kite to Duggu, Meet Ahlawat says Duggu lets get another one, I will find you good one. Manushi sees Tej is alone and has manja near him, Manushi asks Tej to play with it, Tej gets tangled in kite, Manushi starts acting as if she cares and says you will get hurt don’t do it and tries to get Meet Ahlawat’s attention. Meet Ahlawat goes to Tej and frees him slowly, Tej says kite, Meet Ahlawat says yes hold this we will fly kite together, Manushi sees Meet Ahlawat is busy and pulls his Manja.

PRECAP: Meet asks how did you earn this cereals, Anubha says my daughter earns it. Meet removes her disguise and asks why are you doing this tell me truth. Anubha says because of Manushi. Manushi purposely hurts Meet Ahlawat and then acts as if she is so worried and ties her dupatta over his injury. Meet Ahlawat and Meet dressed in regional outfit, he gives her gift. Meet looks at gift and says I will die but wont let anyone eye on my Meet Ahlawat he is mine.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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