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Everyone in hall. Raj says to Meet it’s a perfect plan everyone would love the party because from last few days everything was so hectic. Meet says but we won’t call any high society personality. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj, Meet believe that we will call the people who helped to save Tej like police, doctor. Anubha says this is a great idea it’s the best way to thank everyone. Ram says you are right this is best you think different. Meet says so we were thinking to give invite to everyone personally. Ram says it’s era of digital connection so why are you going to invite them? Meet says because we want to make sure everyone come to party and make it successful.

Hawa Singh is out getting his head shaved. Meet and Meet Ahlawat with invitation. Hawa Singh get up and ask who is this, he looks at them and ask them to sit and says tell me how did you come. Meet says I came here to help you, to give you permanent solution for your baldness, my husband was bald earlier now look at him how great hair’s he got now. Hawa Singh looks at his hair says it’s good. Meet says forget all this I came here to invite you for a party because of you Tej is safe at home and it’s all because of you he is safe at home. Hawa Singh says no I did not do anything but how will I come to party it will be difficult for me because of my job. Meet says you have to come, one side you call me your daughter and now you are saying no to me, after father’s death it you who is the family to us, I’m telling you, you have to come to our party or else I’ll not talk to you. Hawa Singh says okay I’ll come. Meet Ahlawat give him invitation and they both leave. Meet showing anger. Meet Ahlawat says try to calm down. Meet says I have a feeling that he is hiding something, see he will tell truth in party.

Meet lights diya and prays today is big day, you know my reason to stay, please help me find the truth on how Tej and Papa are connected. Meet Ahlawat walks to Meet, says come with me I have something for you.

Meet Ahlawat sees Ram and Lakhan studying with Tej. Ram and Lakhan start arguing. Meet says its so much fun. Meet Ahlawat says it’s fun to study with him, look at these two studying with him, Meet says you made me happy, Meet Ahlawat says now its your turn. Meet says shut up and are all arrangements managed. Meet Ahlawat says yes.
Masum sees Sunaina with a poor kid, and Masum serving him and falls of bed in dream. Hoshiyar and Duggu wakeup and get scared. Masum asks them sleep and says if Sunaina brings a child my son will have nothing, I have to do something.

At party, Meet waiting says when will this Hawa Singh come. Meet Ahlawat says let me call him. Hawa Singh says my car broke down. Meet says he has to come and takes call and says such a little problem, I am sending car, Hawa Singh says no I have lot of other works too. Meet says okay but Deep is here, I told you he used some Japanese techniques to grow hair on my husband’s head and he carries extra with him and he is leaving for 3 months so anyways will see you some other day. Hawa Singh says I am coming you have invited me with so much love. Meet calls Deep and asks does he know what to do, Deep says yes.

Raj puts flower on Babita’s hair. Babita blushes. Duggu rushes in scared. Hoshiyar walks in dressed as doctor, Duggu points at him, Isha asks what is this, Hoshiyar says my mother always wanted to see me as a doctor so I thought today I will fulfill her wish. Ragini says okay, where is Masum. Duggu says she isn’t feeling well, Masum walks in coughing and says I am not actually not feeling well. Babita says we have lot of doctor friend’s so lets get checked. Masum says actually I am pregnant. All are very happy. Hoshiyar confused says can I talk to my wife and says when did this happen? Masum pinches him. Hoshiyar says yes yes. Everyone congratulates Masum. Duggu says now I will be big brother. Masum says we didn’t plan this but looks like God gave me this opportunity to fix things and Sunaina Bhabhi I have done so many wrong things with you and so I want to give Duggu to Sunaina, if she wants to adopt him, will you be my Duggu’s parents. Sunaina says you are so big hearted we are so happy. Hoshiyar is sad. Tej says I can’t Thank you enough Masum. Sunaina hug Duggu. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet, it’s too late still he isn’t here. Hawa Singh walks in, Meet says come meet my family. Ram and Hawa Singh share a look. Ram greets Hawa Singh, Hawa Singh sees Tej. Tej walks to Hawa Singh and greets him says you helped me a lot, thank you so much and hugs him. Hawa Singh says just stay like this its good for everyone, Meet says meaning, Hawa Singh says he is fine thats happiness. Raj says happy to have you please have fun. Hawa Singh says sure. Hawa Singh asks Meet and Meet Ahlawat where is your friend, Meet Ahlawat says come with me. Meet Ahlawat introduces Deep to Hawa Singh and leaves. Deep says don’t worry, even I was bald tried so many things but zero result, then I went to Japan and got an oil, I can manage it for you. Meet and Meet Ahlawat start talking loudly purposely and says we should flush all the old memories of Tej when he was missing, his bag I found a chip too. Meet Ahlawat says Tej when photograph when he went missing, so may be the chip is of camera. Meet says okay so we can see what he was clicking, lets check it after party, Hawa Singh hears that and panics. Meet says I have kept things on store we will see it later. Hawa Singh says to Deep we will discuss later and thinks he has to find the chip.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat welcome everyone arrived at party and says this evening is for Tej and everyone but I cannot find Tej where he is. Tej walks to them and thanks everyone for coming to party and says I don’t remember what happen but I’m happy that we all are together now and then, as we are Ahlawat so we need reason to party and everyone start dancing and singing. Hawa Singh in party remember Meet telling him that she find a chip in that bag and walsk upstairs. Meet see him going upstairs and tell Meet Ahlawat.
Hawa Singh is looking for the store room. Meet and Meet Ahlawat is following him. Hawa Singh go inside Meet’s s room. Meet says why is he going inside pur room what if he see all the link connection I did on board. Hawa Singh in room says this is not store room and see the board with all the connection. Meet says to Hawa Singh what are you doing here. Hawa Singh says I was searching washroom. Meet says okay this is our room, I could say you can use our washroom but some plumbing work is going on so you can out and go straight in corridor then you can find the washroom near store room gate. Meet Ahlawat sneaks inside and change the face of the pin board. Hawa Singh says okay and ask her what is this at pin board he turn around and get shocked. Meet says this is my style of studying. Hawa Singh says the real study of girls are in the kitchen and you are studying after marriage don’t waste your time you should focus on household work and leave. Meet says I have shown him the way now he will jump into the trap. Hawa Singh is in store room and looking for the red and blue colour bag and start searching, he finds the bag and start looking for the evidence, he find the memory card and burn it. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I know he is hiding something and that is related to my father and Tej, I’ll find out the truth. He says have patience we need to find out more before doing anything. Hawa Singh on the phone says I have destroyed all the evidence now don’t worry you name will not come, Tej don’t remember anything I meet him he hugged me too, I have burned the letter too and nobody will know the truth that Ashoka Huddah was killed. Meet and Meet Ahlawat hear everything and Meet goes in shock. Hawa Singh says don’t worry till the time I’m alive nobody will come to you and disconnect the phone. Hawa Singh come out of store room. Meet Ahlawat take Meet away from him. Hawa Singh following the same path but Meet and Meet Ahlawat hide. Servant come to Hawa Singh and serve him drink. Hawa Singh drink it and walk away. Meet Ahlawat and Meet in there room. Meet is crying and remembers her time with her father.

Hawa Singh walks to Raj and says I need to leave now it’s about job and ask him about Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Raj says they were here and call them.

Meet emotionally damaged crying. Meet Ahlawat gets call from Raj. Raj says where are you Hawa Singh is leaving so he thought of meeting you two before leaving. Meet Ahlawat says we will be there and disconnect the. He walks to Meet. Meet is crying says my father was killed and I did nothing for that for these many years. Meet Ahlawat try to calm her down, he throws water on her face and says stop crying take a deep breath and be strong because you can not show your enemies that you are weak are you listing to what am I saying, you are Ashok Huddah’s daughter and you can not break like this the fight has just begun and it’s a long journey so gather your strength and come down to talk to Hawa Singh. Meet says I can not do, my strength was my father he taught me to fight against wrong, my father was killed and I didn’t know that. Meet Ahlawat says don’t accuse yourself because you didn’t know, try to understand this is not time to cry it’s the time to take action and bring the enemy infront of everyone, this is a big fight and Hawa Singh is just another goon in this fight we need to find out the real culprit, you want to take justice for your father so gather your energy I’m there with you and give her father’s locket back to her saying this will make you remember to fight against your enemies and punish them, now come with me and face the enemy, we will get justice for our father and punish the culprits. They both walk downstairs.

Meet come downstairs and remember Hawa Singh talking on phone with someone. Meet and Meet Ahlawat behind Hawa Singh. Hawa Singh says I was searching for you, you are true Ashok’s daughter he was my senior, he showed me the way to walk and still I’m following that path till now and you are like my daughter so here I brought this dupatta for you, take it I called you daughter and it’s ritual that you should not go empty handed in daughter’s house. Meet Ahlawat whispers to Meet Hawa Singh is saying something. Meet take the dupatta from his hands and imagine it as her father’s uniform with blood, she open the dupatta and put it in Hawa Singh’s neck.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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