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Meet Ahlawat stop her asking what are you doing don’t you want to go college look at the time. Meet says I won’t go to college. Meet Ahlawat says how did you take this decision you have to go to college and I’ll go to drop you and ask your teacher to have an eye on you, your education is important because that’s your father dream now forget whatever happen so please don’t let that effect your studies. Meet think so many things happen but still he is worried about my education but now our relation is on stake and I won’t let that hamper. Meet Ahlawat says what are you staring at get ready for college. Meet remembers what Babita said about challenge and says to him I’ll go to college but after 10 days. He says what is so important. She says you. He gets stunned and says what. She says there is something more important but you won’t understand. He says okay do whatever you want you have only 10days after that you have to concentrate on your studies and grab a saree for her says this is good and walks away. Meet in pooja room light the diya and pray to god saying last night I couldn’t practice how to make kheer and now it’s time for the challenge I couldn’t understand should I cook it or order it please help me to decide, this is yellow flower if this fall it means you want I should cook and if this orange flower fall it means you want me to order it so whatever happens it will be your decision and place the flowers on idol, yellow flower fall, she says you want me to cook it no problem I’ll follow this path if you want me to cook then surely I’ll cook it and start preparing kheer in kitchen. Meet Ahlawat outside kitchen walks to Meet says it smells good and taste it, he spit out and says what did you cook, you should concentrate on studies and do your repair work but don’t cook kheer from now on, he throws the spoon and walk away. Meet taste kheer and says this taste so bad how will I make him eat even I don’t like it, I have to think of something to win this competition

Meet Ahlawat tells Babita that Meet is cooking kheer, and starts laughing, he smells kheer and says it smells so good, Manushi walk in with kheer and says if you liked the smell of the kheer you will love to eat it, Meet Ahlawat says Mom I can’t wait to have it but Meet is cooking too so I will wait for her. Meet walk out, Babita ask where is kheer, Meet says I didn’t cook it, I tried but couldn’t make it. Meet Ahlawat says no worries come we will have kheer Manushi got, Manushi says I cooked it so let me serve it, Babita says Meet I told you, to get it from outside, now don’t say I didn’t give you a fair chance. Meet Ahlawat is about to eat kheer, Meet stop him and says I didn’t make kheer but something else and shows him tea, Manushi says you made this such easy tea. Meet Ahlawat pick tea cup and smells it and says I will have tea, it can never be easy, because it is a feeling, its so tempting and kheer I can have anytime even after having tea and has tea and says its same tea we both had at Shahbad, Manushi get angry. Meet Ahlawat says its mind blowing. Meet remembers practising for perfect cup of tea and Raj walk in and says did you practice tea all day, Raj tastes tea, and says its yummy, its superb and its so satisfying, I told you remember you are unique, you are hardworking and can never loose, and congratulations on this success. Meet thinks today Papaji’s blessing helped me and Meet Ahlawat tasted tea instead of kheer. Manushi says taste this kheer I specially made it for you and it’s your favourite kheer, Meet Ahlawat says I don’t want to loose this tea taste but since you have worked hard, give it to Meet, and I have some work and leave. Babita says I asked for kheer, Meet says point was winning hearts and your son choose tea over his favourite kheer, so you know what he likes most, Babita leave. Meet stop Manushi and smiles, Meet says since you prepared kheer with great efforts let me taste it, very yummy and tell Dadi she cooked very well, I know you very well, this is definitely cooked by Dadi, you can lie to Babita and Meet Ahlawat, but not me. Manushi says point was kheer, however it may be and you are a cheater, Meet says I will do anything for my husband, and we are connected by hearts, if you want to see lets try 5-1 and before I say 1, Meet Ahlawat will call me, Meet counts, Meet Ahlawat calls her, Meet smiles and says look I told you, bye now my husband is calling me. Babita sees everything. Meet thank God, and says I won’t lie to you, I purposely ruined Meet Ahlawat’s cream so that he calls me, and I had to do everything I don’t want to, to teach Manushi a lesson and wont let her hurt Meet Ahlawat again.
Sunaina says to Masum, Tej won’t go anywhere, Masum says who will stop me you, Raj walk to them and ask what is all this, Sunaina says she is throwing Tej out of his room, Babita ask why Masum, Masum says my room is small and Duggu fell from his bed, so I'm exchanging the rooms, Raj says buy duggu a bed or you can shift somewhere else, Tej won’t go anywhere, Sunaina take him to his room. Masum says to Raj, am I not your daughter, that my comfort doesn't matter to you, Raj says you will never understand things, I will have to work on it now and leaves, Babita says Masum you are so stupid, you could have talk to me once, now I can’t help you.

Meet ask Meet Ahlawat how did these creams got mixed, Meet cleans the tubes and says everything is fine, Meet Ahlawat says I have your recorded lectures on mail, study now. Meet sees Meet Ahlawat trying to fix his bag, Meet ask what are you doing, Meet Ahlawat says trying to fix this, Meet says you never fix things, Meet Ahlawat says it was given to me by Mom, I have emotions attached to it, Meet says let me help you, Meet Ahlawat says you study I can do this. Meet starts studying, and sees Meet Ahlawat struggling.

Babita says to Manushi, you didn’t just lose but are now a cheater too, firstly I thought you are behind my sons pain, but now I know it was because of Meet, Manushi smiles, Babita says my son didn’t get the wife he deserves, and so I want you to give your best, I want my son to have his happiness, so do your best because you are his happiness.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet, I can’t do this help me, Meet makes fun of him. Meet helps Meet Ahlawat but their hands get stuck with glue.

The Ahlawats are performing aarti, Manushi get angry seeing Meet and Meet Ahlawat together, she sees them holding hands. After aarti Ragini says always perform aarti with both hands. Meet says our hands are stuck, Ragini says this the best sign, Manushi says no, they must be in pain, let me try to separate them and try to pull their hands, Meet Ahlawat push her and says don’t try all this, I am staying with her this way all day I won’t mind. Ragini says I have an idea and get warm water and makes them emerse their hands, the glue comes off. Raj says to Babita, glue did come off but their marriage will never be weak.

Meet walk in kitchen, looking at her hand, Manushi walk in and says you did all this on purpose, you aren’t my old sister who used to sacrifice for her family, Meet says right I used to do things for my sister but today you are here in my husband's house, and this won’t work, you know how well I fight, I will never give my husband to you and leaves. Manushi says today Meet Ahlawat will give me his jacket.
Manushi sees Meet Ahlawat sitting alone outside, she unzip her dress and start shouting for help, she check if Meet Ahlawat is coming and sees he isnt there, old man walk to her and says what help you want madam tell me, she try to shh him away falls in dung and mud, she get up but gets covered in dung, old man throws water on her. Meet sees Manushi and ask what's all this and sees Meet Ahlawat’s jacket and her dress torn and says oh all this for jacket and gives his jacket to Manushi and calls Meet Ahlawat and shows him Manushi, Meet Ahlawat says she is so scary bye. Meet says Babita aunty is calling you come soon.

Babita says to Meet and Manushi, now you two will give each other challenge and will be related to my son, you two know each other well and my son too, so give a very good challenge.

Raj call his lawyer and says I don’t worry about Meet Ahlawat and Masum but Tej and his wife I am worried about them and Tej is unwell too and less chances he will be fine, and so I want to give him 75% to them and Masum and Meet Ahlawat are fine enough to work things out on their own. Masum hears that and says this is not good and I will have to do something.

Manushi says I will ruin Meet’s life.

Meet sees Hoshiyar playing with Duggu, dog and bone and says Manushi first fought with me for a doll, and now she is fighting with me for Meet Ahlawat like he is some toy and I have to show Manushi’s true face to everyone before Meet Ahlawat gets dragged into all this and Manushi keeps lying so maybe about Parth it was a lie too, I have to find Parth, Meet Ahlawat doesn’t know about competition and can’t tell him too, but will still apologize to him.

Manushi throws almonds she was eating and it falls on Dadi, Dadi smiles and says your face shows that you lost to Meet, and negativity never win, I am helpless to support you but I pray for my Meet, Manushi push Dadi and then holds her hand, Dadi get scared, Manushi says I wish that you fall down but I need your help now and when I will walk in here with Meet Ahlawat someone should be here to welcome us right?

Meet Ahlawat on call, sees parcel on his car and goes check it, and it’s from Meet, and sees her standing, Meet Ahlawat walk to her and takes her along with him, and asks how come you are here, Meet says I was going to meet Dadi and Mummy so I came to see you on the way, Meet Ahlawat says oh you were missing me, Meet says I wanted to apologize to you, Meet Ahlawat says oh because of the glue, Meet says that was your flop idea and you can’t ask why, Meet Ahlawat says fine and gives first bite to Meet, she gives him too, Meet Ahlawat says so tasty, and you will always give me tasty tea too always, for lifetime, Meet says are you sure we will always together, Meet Ahlawat says I am never leaving you and promise me you will never leave me, Meet says promise.

Anubha is having pain in her feet, Meet gives Anubha money, Anubha says Manushi is changed now, she is taking care of the house, Meet think this is all her new plan till she get Meet Ahlawat and after that she won’t even ask you people, Meet massages her leg, Anubha says you always know what I want, Dadi walk in, Anubha says she will never forget us, Dadi remembers how she behaved and leaves. Meet says I will make good tea for you two, Dadi says I don’t want, Anubha says I will have it, Meet making tea and asks Anubha do you know anything about Parth?

PRECAP: Meet gives Manushi challenge to sit in front of Meet Ahlawat’s car. Manushi says consider it you have lost it. Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat I have put boxes in your car, please drop me and sees there is no front seat. Manushi says to Meet and Meet Ahlawat, Babita aunties fashion show dress boxes have arrived and I have to take them to botique urgently please drop me. Meet Ahlawat says okay. Manushi gets to the car and see there is no front seat. Meet walks to Manushi and smiless

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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