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Meet Ahlawat walks to Manushi and start ranting saying I dont know what magic she did on my dad, he treat her like his own child than me, for her he is ready to throw me out of his porperty land house business everything. Manushi get’s up says this can’t happen your mom loves you so much. He says ofcourse she loves me but dad is her husband she will support me only to some extent don’t you remember dad forced me to get married to meet? Meet Ahlawat says it shouldn’t happen that because of Meet we loose everything and find ourselves on the road. Manushi says this can't happen because I came back for your property and money. Meet Ahlawat says it’s okay I’m not judging you and everyone want stable relationship but our case is different, Meet has spoilt everything what can we do now?

Kunal gets scared on Natwarlal not picking the phone and send a voice note which says don’t give my money to anyone I’m coming to pick it up. Meet says I told you Meet Ahlawat I’ll leave you for your happiness I guess we were ment to be together only till here, but I will show you Manushi’s true intentions.

Meet Ahlawat says to Manushi, we have to find a weak point to control her, she is close to your mother too, do something because if she goes to tell Dad we will lose everything. Manushi says I have one thing but no, Meet Ahlawat says its important for our future, happiness, everything. Manushi says I have property papers of the house, we can sell that and mummy and Dadi will be homeless and Meet won’t be able to handle that. Meet Ahlawat picks Manushi and says what a great idea, go get the papers and I will deal with Meet and ask her to do as we say, Manushi says I will talk to Meet. Meet Ahlawat says no I should talk to Meet and Dad because we need to be careful, I will handle it and if you don’t want all this, we will live a poor life, Manushi says I am ready and can do anything for my love, Meet Ahlawat says you are so nice, Manushi think I will sale that poor house and be a millionaire, Manushi leave.

Ram and Lakhan happily dance, and cheering for Meet, Meet dressed as Natwarlal, ask can she be recognisable, Ram Lakhan says no.

Meet Ahlawat is waiting for Manushi, Manushi walks in with papers, Meet Ahlawat hug her and says I love you, no one can separate us.

Manushi at fashion show rehearsals, Manushi is being trained, Manushi is asked where is her partner, Meet Ahlawat comes out talking on phone with Raj and breaks phone. Meet Ahlawat tells Manushi, Raj found about them and has thrown them out of the house, property and business.

Kunal walks to Natwarlal, Natwarlal says come lets have tea or lassi, Kunal says wait I will be back and goes get suitcase and says look I got good bag for money, Meet describes Manushi and says that girl took money away, here is her ID photo, Kunal sees Manushi’s picture and says what did you do?

Meet Ahlawat says I have you Manushi my love, I don’t want anything else. Manushi ask who told dad, Meet Ahlawat says your sister, I wanted to go on tours, luxury vacation but we are poor now but your love is enough to survive.

Kunal says why did you give her my money, Natwarlal says she said she is your, Kunal says I know wife, why did this nonsense girl come to my life, but I left her then why did you give her my money, Meet thinks but Manushi married parth and he stole her money and ran away, Meet as Natwarlal says to Kunal, you are so funny, why would you live such beautiful girl, Kunal says she is evil cunning girl, and I married her twice.

Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat, we will survive with this love for only 2 days, I know love is important but so is money, what will we do when we get hungry and all that struggle will bring differences and not romance. Manushi says I have an idea…(Manushi remembers Babita giving her Ahlawat ancestral jewellery for fashion show). Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat this ancestral jewelery may be worth crores, so let's sell it for money, and run away and get married, atleast we don’t need to be poor. Meet Ahlawat think so this is your plan.

Kunal says to Natwarlal, she is evil first married me Kunal on 17th July. Meet thinks this is the wedding date when she ran away, Natwarlal says you are so filmy, why would she do so? Kunal says she just looks innocent, come see these pictures this is the first wedding photo and then made me Parth and took me home, she lies to her family how can I trust her, she lied she is pregnant and forced her family to let her marry me and then stole all jewelery, pushed her grandmother, insulted her mother. Meet think god she behaved so bad with mummy and Dadi, this true face of her I have to show to Babita and Meet Ahlawat.

Meet disguised as Natwarlal with Kunal in the market. Kunal is cursing Manushi and her sister Meet. Meet punch him and says your are worst more than my sister and played with my family with the help of Manushi and remove her disguise. Kunal is shock and try to run but couldn’t and says you purposely made me stand in asphalt, I got so lost in cursing Manushi that I forgot to look around my environment, he sits down and apologize. Meet says shutup or else I’ll shut you up permanently with this asphalt, now come with me and tell everything what you told me to Meet Ahlawat and Babita. She bring rope from car and tie his hands.

Meet Ahlawat with Manushi in fashion show we can’t do anything with jewelery right now because it’s mom fashion show and if we do something now she will get disrespect because of the fashion show. Manushi says I don’t care at all, these media people will talk for few days and after that everything will gets normal, try to think about our happiness right now and don’t be emotional fool for your mom, we have time let’s run. Babita shouts Manushi’s name, walks to her and slap her.

Meet is trying to free Kunal. He gets free and push Meet, put knife on her neck and says don’t try to move. Kunal remember cutting his rope. He take her to asphalt and tie her and says don’t come in between my matter again and run away. Meet remove her slippers says he thinks he ran away but don’t know I allowed him to run and I have recorded everything in camera pen and thinks I’ll tell your truth if you be in my life or not.
Babita shouts at Manushi and says how dare you think of selling our families jewelery, your sister always think of Meet Ahlawat’s happiness before her and you who is trying to break our family, a selfish girl like you I never seen. Manushi says to Babita you are no better, always praising your son and thinking about the happiness of your son and ruined everyone’s happiness because of that. Babita says you are absolutely right, I was so blind sighted by my son’s love that I accepted a selfish girl like you for his happiness and you don’t deserve anyone. Amma walk in and says you pay for your own deeds finally your true face is revealed and says to Babita she wrote everything fake in that letter, she took paper of our house and asked me to say lie infront of you, she took happiness of Meet it was her choice to run away from her marriage, Meet always think good for others but this Manushi threaten to kill me and stop her from running. Manushi push Amma and says I really don’t care what you think about me I only care only about one thing that my Meet Ahlawat loves me and ready to live with me. Meet seeing everything. Meet Ahlawat remove her hand and says I hate you Manushi Hudda. Manushi says what are you saying we have jewelery worth of crores, just come with me. Meet Ahlawat says I was wrong till now only thinking about you, but the time I get to know about you reality there was only one thing which was hate, I was also playing with you like you play with others, I’ll tell you the reason of loving you, it was Huddah house and give the papers to the real owner of the house Amma and Aunty and give paper to Amma and says to your heart is black and want to show this to Babita which was my second intension to tell how Meet actually is with others, you cannot stand infront of her pure intentions, when Meet took part in wife number 1 competition then I thought I should do something to be husband number 1 because she is already number 1 wife and will be. Meet in tears call take Meet Ahlawat’s name. They both run to eachother and hug. Meet says you almost killed me. Meet Ahlawat apologize and says I want to finish all this Manushi’s drama for good and you also realised that I’m smarter than computer. Manushi try to walk away but Amma holds her says where are you going you clever fox with Ahlawat’s jewelery and remove all her jewellery. Manushi says to Meet I’ll not leave you. Meet Ahlawat says before that you have to face me first. Manushi says what did you say I have to face you first and what about your mom how will you protect your mother’s reputation without a show stopper, I’ll disrespect you all infront of the whole media, just wait and watch, you won’t be able to whitewash this disrespect of your carrier. Babita says I deserve this disrespect for what I did but you don’t deserve to be here for a moment and push her. Amma give jewelery to Babita and walks to Meet and says this is the last belonging of your father and with the help of Meet Ahlawat we got these papers back and hug Meet. Meet says stop it you will make me cry. Amma apologize for everything. Meet says I have no grudges, I heard everything. Babita remember about the challenge and says I disrespected my daughter in law's love infront of my son’s love, I hurt her feelings, how will I face them and apologize. Meet walks to Babita and says it’s okay everybody is wrong some times and if we talk about apologizing elder blessings over weigh those things I just want you to let me be your son’s wife and let us pave our own way. Babita says you are the only one for my son. And accept my daughter in law, from now you both will walk together. Meet Ahlawat hear everything. Amma walk to them and says I use to pray daily for your families happiness and these kids too and have blessings of elders. Amma hugsMeet and Meet Ahlawat hug Babita. Organisers walks to Babita says what am I hearing that you are walking out at 11th hour. Babita says I don’t have show stopper so I cannot participate. Owner says do you have any idea how much loss we would have to face and top of that what about your brand, no will like to work with you because of your unprofessionalism. Meet says she is very professional in her work and don’t worry you continue with your show, the designer dress and show stopper will be on ramp. Babita says how? Meet says trust me. Babita ask organiser to go. Meet ask Meet Ahlawat to get ready. Meet Ahlawat says yes the show must go on and we will rock.
Host welcome everyone for show says this evening will be great because it’s time for Chandigarhs bridal week and welcome chief guest Mr. Makhija. Masum says to Hoshiyar do you know who is he? Makhija he is the owner of India’s top brands and all the designer want to collab with him. Hosiyar says but why is he flabbergasted. Musum says he is posing. Raj calls Babita and says there is a good news Mr. Makhija is here all the best. Babita gets excited and says to Meet Ahlawat Mr. Makhija is here. Meet Ahlawat says that Mr. Makhija who you always wanted to collab with? Babita says yes I always wanted to work for his brand. Meet says don’t worry you will win this time and will get offer. Babita says I wish and says I’ll be backstage. A girl bring the dress for model. Meet Ahlawat stops girl take veil from her and put it on Meet says my wife will walk the ramp with me. Meet start getting hiccups and says what are you saying. Meet Ahlawat put hand oh her face. Host introduce contestent about there theme. Every model on ramp. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I cannot do ramp walk. Meet Ahlawat says listening to me or I’ll pick you up and take to ramp. Host introduces Babita Ahlawat and her theme my son’s wedding. Two model walks the ramp. Hoshiyar says it’s me. Two model walk as Raj and Babita. Host introduce the last models. Meet Ahlawat on stage. Everyone cheers. Meet Ahlawat walk the ramp. Light switches off. Everyone panick. Meet Ahlawat says Meet come out light’s are off and look for her says where is my bride. Meet shouts here is your wife and see Meet on ladder. Meet Ahlawat what are you doing there. Meet says I’m repairing the electricity. Hoshiyar says you look beautiful while repairing light in brides dress. Organisers says come down we will send electrician. Meet says electricity dosent know who is repairing it an electrician or a lady and she repair it and get down to Meet Ahlawat says you trapped me, I cannot walk like a model. Meet Ahlawat says walk like the way you do in Shahbadh in your own swag. Meet says I’m getting cold. He hold her hand and they walk the ramp. Mr. Makhija says wait a minute I want lights on, is this a joke her height dosent matches, she is not wearing heels and scolds Meet and make fun of her. Meet try to walks away but he stops her says wait and talk to Makhija says hello, I have all the answers, I agree that my wife is not a professional model. Audience make fun of them. Meet Ahlawat says if you allow can I ask you few questions and says who is your role model? Lady judge says my mother. He ask can you tell me about her waist. Lady judge says 40. Ask another judge about his role model. He says Elvis Desouza. Meet Ahlawat ask about his height. He says 5’3″. Meet Ahlawat says when our role model don’t stand on beauty standard then why we ask standard model to carry out these dresses, it’s always said to look for inner beauty but we run for outer beauty, person is beautiful from inside. Mr Makhija says can ask a question from your wife. He says yes. Mr Makhija ask her what do you feel when you look yourself in mirror do you have any insecurities. Meet says no never, infact when I look in the mirror I don’t believe in my fortune, I have such good in-laws and it’s said the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, tell me do you find any insecurities when you look at your parents at this age? Mr Makhija says not at all infact they are the most beautiful person for me. Meet says right they must be, when you love someone you cannot find any insecurities in them all you see is love and you believe that and if we talk avout height and personality it’s been made by god and who are we to judge that, many people feel insecure and under confident because of all this beauty standard, but we need to understand if beauty is everything then why did he send us with brain and heart, everybody have some kind of quality and that can be seen only when you look inside. Raj and everyone claps for Meet . Mr Makhija start walking out. Meet says to him your brand is world famous, its unique then why do are you running behind that old practice of beauty standard? Makhija give her thumbs up and sit down. Meet and Meet Ahlawat complete there ramp walk. Everyone applauds for their performance. Babita come to stage. Makhija give trophy to Babita and a check of 50lakh.

Everyone receive a message on there phone. Someone throws a slipper on Meet Ahlawat and everyone protest against Meet Ahlawat. Meet says what is this. Lady says it’s your husband who disrespected, talking about his ideal wife and acting to have an affair with someone else. Meet says what are you saying. Lady says look your phone and you will know. Meet ask her phone from Anubha and see the video says Manushi accused you of ME TOO. Everyone says we want justice and try to put shoes garland on Meet Ahlawat. Meet stops the lady and says I dare you to move forward and justice will be served call the person who wants it and will talk infront of everyone.

PRECAP: Meet ask Isha to call Kunal and Pandit ji who married them so that everyone knows the truth. Manushi says to Kunal don’t tell everyone truth so that I’ll file case against Meet Ahlawat and take money. Babita says to Raj how could you do that to me you should have asked me first before taking away my Tej from me. Sunaina says who will I live there alone. Raj says you must have thought first before sending legal notice

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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