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Meet and Meet Ahlawat in garden. Meet says thankgod Tej is fine. Meet Ahlawat says to her your father must be a brave police officer that’s why his junior still remember them. Meet says he use to think ahead of his generation, he use to believe in equality for boy’s and girl’s. He says if your father be alive today then making you girlfriend will be a big task. Meet says it will be opposite, he will talk to you, understand you take all your information and then say yes. He says after that he will approve me. Meet start thinking. He gets offended and says you have to think about me. Meet says first go take me out, do some effort then something will work. He says that is so less, he get close to her and whispers I won’t do such small things for you and start running away from her. Meet chases him and garden. Raj Babita and Ragini see them and walks to them. Raj says you both are running and laughing it means patch up is done. Ragini says thank god. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj you know how understanding Meet is so we both have decided something which is important to tell you, I want you to meet my new girlfriend. Everyone is shock. Babita says what are you saying. He says yes we both have decided this and Meet is also fine with this decision, please meet my new girlfriend Miss Meet Huddah. Meet greet them and says he is my new girlfriend. Meet Ahlawat says we got married directly so thought of starting things from start. Raj says this is a good idea and I also have something in my mind and ask Babita to start from initial stage. Sunaina and Tej walks to them. Babita see Sunaina’s hand and ask her where is the talisman I gave you to protect Tej from bad omen. Sunaina says I was wearing, it must have fallen down somewhere. Babita shouts at her says this way you will take care of my son, I gave you talisman for the good of my son. Raj says relax. Babita ask Sunaina to find now but light goes off. Raj ask Mani Kaka to bring torch. Duggu bring the torch and says I’ll also look for talisman. Babita says no son I’ll look for it. Everyone brings torch to find talisman. Tej start getting scared because of it and start shouting. Everyone ask what happen. Tej start running away. Meet remembers and ask everyone to turn off torch. Tej fall down on floor. Meet Ahlawat take him to room.
Everyone in Tej’s room. Babita says you cannot take care of one talisman and see what happen when you lost it. Meet says I don’t want to disrespect your thoughts but if people get well from talisman and other things there would be no need of doctor, we have to think why he is getting fits. Tej remembers seeing Ashok Huddah, taking pictures and him being shot. Meet says in Bikaner also he got same panic attack like tonight’s, there is some connection between Tej attack and torch. Meet Ahlawat see Tej in stress. Babita says for next 24hrs someone must be around me kid. Sunaina says don’t worry I’m here. Meet say we all love Tej but that’s not the solution. Raj ask what do you mea. Meet says I mean that Tej is scared of something and we need to find out that or else he will be suffering from this, we need to find out about his past. Raj says how we will do this. Meet says we need to find out things when he was lost, I think his attacks are connected to what happen to him while he was missing, when he get these attack he start seeing those scenes, that time we can get to know about the truth. Babita says no I won’t let this happen. Sunaina says to Meet I’m ready to be with him in this condition. Ram says I also think not to take that big risk, slowly but gradually he is healing. Meet says you are right but ask Raj to make them understand. Raj says you have to understand we cannot do this to him. Meet says but we need find out truth so that doctor can also heal him. Raj says I have supported you everytime but now I cannot help this could be dangerous because we don’t the result. Meet Ahlawat says to meet let’s finish this topic now. Raj ask everyone to leave and says to Sunaina to tell me when he wakes up. Meet thinks I understand there pain but my father taught me when your path is correct so you shouldn’t be worry about going on that path, I know Tej will be all fine and when this will happen everybody will be happy.

Meet Ahlawat in Tej’s room. Meet Ahlawat remember how Tej reacted because of torch. Meet says to him tgis house happiness is in Tej’s happiness, everyone suffers in seeing him in pain, we have to find out the truth behind fits. He says I’ll find out a way, I won’t let him live in pain.

Next morning. Meet Ahlawat and Tej sleeping. Meet walk in Tej room and wake Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat wakes up says thankgod we were in Tej room or else don’t know what he could have done to himself that’s why I decided to stay in his room. He tie his hand with Tej’s hand and says I won’t leave him alone. Meet says I know you want to keep him save and he will be save like this. Tej wake up and ask Meet to play. Meet says yes we will play and ask Meet Ahlawat to take him out. He says how could we. She says yes we can and you have tie his hand with yours so no need to worry.
Meet Ahlawat and Tej out in market. Tej run towards tree to break leaf. Meet Ahlawat says no don’t do that I’ll buy soem for you come with me and he try to control Tej from nonsense. A ball hit Tej . Meet Ahlawat ask him is he all right and scolds a boy. His mom ask him what happen. Boy says ball hit bhaiya and he is shouting. Lady see there hand tied with eachother says if he is not well then why did you bring him out. Meet Ahlawat tgis place is for everyone so ask your kid not to play in market. Aunty says kids will play, the thing which is abnormal here is your friend so take him from here, problem is with him take him away. Meet Ahlawat get’s angry and start shouting at him. Meet ask aunty to leave and says she was right and you have become Tej’s bodyguard, look from Tej’s point of view he want to be free and kive but you have tie you with himself, this over love and over care is not good in this way he will feel like a person inside jail. Meet Ahlawat shouts at Meet says I’m trying to do which is hest for Tej. Meet says try to think how he must be feeling your love is making you weak and in this way Tej wont be cure, try to think what I’m saying this way Tej will become lonely and start living inside a room alone, what do you want for Tej to enjoy his life or be alone. Meet Ahlawat remember happy time with Tej and how he love adventure trip and wanted to join him for next trip. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I’m sorry but I have to make you realise that coming back to house is not important, important is to make him normal. Meet Ahlawat says to her I just want my Tej to be good I need your help. Meet says I won’t let you regret and untied them, she put her hand forward and says team. Both of them join there hand with Meet.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in there room on a video call with doctor. Doctor says in Tej’s case shock therapy is given and in these case only 50% chances are there you can talk to eachother and decide. Meet Ahlawat says okay doctor we will let you know after discussion.

Babita, Ragini, Raj, Anubha and Dadi in hall. Raj congratulate them and says if you need any help do let us know. Anubha says thank you but all the arrengement are done only Meet’s father’s photo need to be framed. Tej doing art and craft in hall. Sunaina bring tea for everyone. Babita says I’m very happy for you that your are self dependent now, work guve you happiness. Anubha says all this is possible because of Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Tej’s bottle cap fall near table where all the snacks and Ashok Huddah photo is kept

Meet says our reaction can go other direction too. Meet Ahlawat says if his condition don’t get good we could be stuck with Tej in his bad condition. Meet says danger is in everything. Meet Ahlawat says same way when you get married to me, you already knew how much I hate you but still you took chance. Meet says now we are together. Meet Ahlawat now our marriage is successful, I learnt from you always give 100% effort and they both decide to continue with treatment.

Tej take the snacks from table and keep it with himself to eat. Raj ask Sunaina to call Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Babita says you sit with Tej I’ll call them and she leaves.

Meet Ahlawat says to doctor we are ready for shock therapy. Doctor says I’ll share consent form just go through it and let me know. Meet says why consent form. Doctor says it’s important as I told you there are 50% chances so whole responsibility will be yours. Babita walks upstairs. Meet says okay I’ll take whole responsibility. Doctor says I have mailed you form. Meet Ahlawat says okay we will revert your back and please don’t share about this treatment to any of our family members. Doctor says okay and disconnects call. Meet says what do you mean we will tell lie to everyone. Meet Ahlawat says we are not lying, we will just not sahre anything with them for some time, it require a lot of strength to take decision, mom and Sunaina will not agree for this. Meet says without family blessings how tgis treatment will be possible. Meet Ahlawat says we will do everything with blessings and you only said kids always have there elders blessings, we are not saying lie we are just delaying to tell them truth and ask her are you with me. Meet shake his hand and says always. Babita on door says so this is going on with a piece of paper in her hand. Meet thinks did aunty know about Tej’s shock therapy. Babita walks to them and says I know that you both are planning a surprise gift for Anubha’s business. Meet Ahlawat says yes you are right. Babita says I also want to know what are you planning. Meet Ahlawat snatches the paper from her hand and says it’s a surprise so you will also know it later on. Printer start printing paper. Babita ask him to go and stop it. He walks to printer and switch it off. Babita says I’m proud of you both because of you now she is self dependent, they both are downstairs waiting for you.

Ragini says to Tej they she is mom and she is dad of your friend Meet comeon greet them. Tej get up to greet them but see Ashok Huddah photo on table, he walks to photo grab in his hand and see flashes of Ashok getting shot by bullet, Tej get scared and start shouting run away, he grab red colour and spill on his photo and start rubbing. Babita, Meet and Meet Ahlawat come downstairs. Meet walks to Tej and says what happen what are you doing he is my father. Tej try to explain something. Meet says you trying to tell something, what happen try to remember. Tej start shouting run away friend run away.

Tej see Ashok Huddah photo gets scared and says run away and rushes to his room. Meet Ahlawat, Sunaina, Ragini follow him to his room. Babita apologize to Anubha for the photo. Anubha says it’s okay. Raj says don’t know why he did.

Inspector Singh says to a vendor who denys to give money you have nice hair and sees Dadi and Anubha. Dadi telling everyone thats Anubha is a businessmen and invite for inaugration. A man says what a bad life now they have to work. Singh go’s and scold him and greet Amma says remember me I’m Hawa Singh, Ashok’s junior he praise Ashok. Ammaji says it was nice meeting you and give him inaugration card. Hawa Singh says sure and take blessings. Amma and Anubha leave.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in a car. He ask her why did you bring me here. She says It’s important for Tej’s recovery Doctor said you have to creat the same scene for the time he went missing, do you remember anything. He says gow can I forgot it was August 2018, Tej went with his favourite camera for wild life photography and that was the last time we saw him. Meet in tears remembers she lost her father in same month and says that time was cursed, I lost my father same time. Meet Ahlawat holds her hand. She see’s someone sneaking behind the car.

Hawa Singh says Ashok daughter is just like him and so her mother and Dadi are doing fine but that is fine just she shouldn’t be a problem for us and for that she should stick to taking care of Ahlawat family, she shouldn’t find truth and like I have fool the whole world I have to fool her too.

Meet get’s down the car with a stick and see a kid with balloons, ask him what youbwere doing. Kid says it’s very sunny so I was just sitting in car shadow. Meet ask Meet Ahlawat for wallet and give money to kid says go and have some food there you will get shelter too. Kid thanks her and leave. She says to Meet Ahlawat we will take him to same place and then to doctor and find out why is he scared of light and then shock therapy can be started.
She asks Meet Ahlawat does he remember what colour cloth he was wearing that day. Meet Ahlawat says I remember every detail don’t worry. Meet says but what we will tell everyone home where are we taking Tej. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry everyone will be busy in inaugration of your mom’s shop and there we will take Tej out.

At Ahlawat mansion everyone leaves for inaugration, Tej with Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Meet nods at Meet Ahlawat and leaves.

At Huddah house everyone praise Anubha. Meet says I have to leave now. Anubha calls Meet and ask where are you going. Meet says I’ll go get sweets. Anubha says don’t worry about that come meet Pushpa’s family. Meet get a call she says ill take this and come back. Meet Ahlawat says did you leave. Meet says she will need an hour more. Inform me when you do and disconnects call. Meet thinks she have to leave somehow, doctor team is on the way and we have to handle situation before inaugration ends. Meet hides a tiffin and says mom caterer forget to send sabji, I’ll go get it. Anubha says come soon. Meet pray to God that’s it’s for Tej well being keep us blessed, she inform Meet Ahlawat. He says even we are leaving.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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