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Anubha tell Meet, this is because of Manushi, till she is at your place, she is a mess, I know she is behind your happiness. Meet Ahlawat gets hurt, Tej rush to him and gets scared, Meet Ahlawat calms him down and says I’m fine, Meet Ahlawat call Isha down.

Anubha says remember Meet, Manushi once broke her favourite toy and then snatched your favourite toy, I did stop her then but you gave it to her, and even this time you will give Meet Ahlawat to her.

Meet Ahlawat’s hand bleeding, Manushi thinks Isha won’t find first aid box because I hide it, Manushi says Jiju please give me your hand, and starts crying and forces him to let her help, Meet Ahlawat says Isha will get first aid calm down.

Anubha ask Meet, will you give your husband to Manushi, Meet says I trust Meet Ahlawat and I know he will never leave me and you have to trust my belief and you always said trust is everything and Manushi is there for sometime and she will leave Ahlawat house with good health nothing else.

Manushi says to Meet Ahlawat, why don’t you let me help you, let me go call someone else, he says I am fine, Isha says I’m not finding first aid, Manushi says I won’t hear a word now and tears her dupatta and tie on Meet Ahlawat’s hand and gives wicked smile. Meet Ahlawat gets affected. Meet Ahlawat in his room, keeps calling Meet but she doesn’t receive his call, he looks at his hand sees Manushi’s dupatta and tears it off and says my pain and suffering, I can’t give it to Meet, I have to do something myself, find a way for diversion, I can’t be weak and lose, I have to control my feelings, he sees a vessel on table which has halwa. Meet Ahlawat picks some and writes with it on plate and smiles and says Mrs. Meet Ahlawat your special gift is ready and writes Meet with it.

Babita on call angry because draping artist isn’t coming, Meet staples the saree and says I solved the problem, Tej is there too, Babita scolds Meet for destroying the fabric, Tej sees Manushi and leaves, Manushi pick the fabric and removes stapler and drapes it on Meet, Babita is impressed with Manushi and says this wasn’t expected, you draped it professionally, Manushi says I was always interested in designer wear and so if you don’t mind can I be your draping artist? Babita says its strange you sisters are so different, one has no knowledge and other one is so classy. Babita gifts Manushi a dress, and says my clients will be here help them drape and leaves. Meet look at Manushi and remembers Anubha’s words and says how is your health, Manushi says very nice and all here are so nice and take care of me, I’m loving it here, and this dress is so pretty bye now and leaves.
Raj is tying turban on Meet Ahlawat. Babita says my son look so handsome nobody can match him today in Lori. Isha says to Meet nobody can think to compete with you today you look beautiful. Meet Ahlawat ask Babita where is Meet because Ragini told me we have to sit together tonight in pooja. Duggu says to Meet, Mamu will be here soon. Isha says you hav eto take care of one thing, you cannot talk to eachother until pooja is done. Meet says what we cant talk. Raj says to Meet Ahlawat this is the ritual you can only talk after pooja till that hold your horses. Isha says to Meet our ancestors made cute ritual to increase your love for your partner. Babita says to Meet Ahlawat that’s why we keep couple apart so that there love get stronger. Raj says after that when couple meet each other they get lost and says to Babita do you remember our first lorhi how we were excited to talk to each other and ask Meet Ahlawat to sit we will go and check the arrangement and they leave. Meet Ahlawat says now we both can not talk till lorhi is finished. Meet says I need to talk to him and tell everything. Meet Ahlawat enter her room from window. Meet says what are you doing here and why didn’t you come from door? Meet Ahlawat put his hand on her mouth and tell her with sign that we can not talk. He give him one slip. Meet reads it, this is your first special gift hand made sweet. He give her other slip. She read it, I hope you like the taste I tried of making it just like your father. Meet Ahlawat remove cloth from plate and she see sweet in shape of her name MEET, he give her to eat. Meet taps on his shoulder and give him thumbs-up. He goes out from window. Meet says I can not forget the kind of relation we are building, you are my husband and I won’t let anyone take you away from me.

Hoshiyar is outside says this food is smelling good, I’ll eat everything today. Babita walk in and says I love your decoration Manushi, Ragini told me you were taking equal part in the decoration and your creativity idea I’m very impressed. Manushi says thank you it’s nothing in front of what you did for me. Meet and Meet Ahlawat walk in. Babita says lets start pooja and tell them what to do for pooja and says put this in fire to kill all the negativity in your life. They both proceed with pooja. Meet step on stone and get hurt. Meet Ahlawat took her in his hands and continue with the ritual. Babita says apply this sindoor given by Anubha on Meet's forehead. Meet Ahlawat ask Meet how was your exam? Meet says it was good now listen I’ll talk and you will be quiet. Manushi bring dhol for them. Manushi says to everyone now ritual is done so let’s play some games. Raj says yes why not. Ram ask what we have to do? Manushi says I’ll tell you, I’m your host for today’s evening and the game we going to play is you are my love, in this game all the wife will make popcorn garland for their husband, who ever win will get the title of you are my love but it’s not that easy there is some twist you have to throw that garland to your wife’s neck to win the game so let’s begin. Everyone start with the game. Babita, Meet and Masum are competing with each other. Manushi think I kept this game so that you loose because you don’t know how to put thread in needle. Meet is struggling to put thread in needle. Raj says to Babita you have magic in your hands. Meet poke herself. Meet Ahlawat cheer for her. Meet think he did a lot for me I have to complete this task and win for him. Babita complete her garland. Meet throw her garland on Meet Ahlawat and win the game. Raj ask how did you win you were sitting down. Meet tie threads around all the popcorn to make garland. Manushi get angry. Ram says to Meet Ahlawat now it’s your turn to prove your love. Manushi says to Babita go and help her. Ragini and Babita walks to Meet and hold her on there hands. Meet Ahlawat throw garland but it goes to Manushi’s neck. Meet take that garland and put on says garland dosent know where it has to land, I know he threw to me so it’s mine. Ragini says she is right. Ram ask to play dhol. Everyone dancing. Meet Ahlawat in shock. Manushi dancing around Meet Ahlawat. He gets flashes of Manushi and leaves.
Meet Ahlawat goes inside walk to god idol saying how could I let this happen with me. Meet walks to him says what are you doing remove your hand from fire. Meet Ahlawat says I throw that garland on you but don’t know how it went on to Manushi I don’t know I have nothing to do with her. Meet says I don’t think like that, it was a game dont take load of it. He says it was not a small mistake and I should be punished for that and put his hand on diya. Meet says stop it and try to remove his hand over diya and mistakenly drops that. He ask are you hurt. She says I’m fine. Manushi calls Meet Ahlawat. He walks to her and throw her out of the house. Everyone gather around. He shouts get out of me and Meet's life. Meet says what are you doing? Babita says she is our guest and we don’t behave like this to our guest. Raj says calm down. Meet Ahlawat says I know what I’m doing, I should have taken this step earlier and says Manushi go from here and don’t show your face ever again get out and closes door on her face. Meet Ahlawat says to everyone you might think this step as disrespect but I don’t feel that bad at all I request you all not to take her name again and walk away.

Meet Ahlawat in his room. Meet walks to him says why nobody will take her name, I’ll take she is my sister, not me everyone will take her name. Meet Ahlawat says I’m telling you not to take her name. She says because of her this house is happy again, she brought Tej back to this house. He says don't take her name. She says I’ll take it because she is my sister, listen I’ll take her name and repeat again and again. Meet Ahlawat shouts and says don’t take her name because I don’t want to hear her name, if nobody is trying to understand my problem in this house atleast you should understand me. Meet says I’m understanding that’s why I’m asking why nobody will take her name?

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat why nobody will take Manushi’s name. Meet Ahlawat says nobody will take her name, atleast you try understand. Meet says I already understood things now I don’t need to anymore now you understand, I have told you to face things, whats is your problem tell, she run away so what you are married to me and I asked you first before keeping Manushi but you said I have moved on after Rajashthan trip you said say it. He says yes I told you but it’s affecting me a lot and try to understand I want to talk to you to have some strength but you were not here, you have different work to do, I tried to talk yo you earlier but I read the slip that you were already away, I tried talking to you in evening too and was waiting for you that same night all tensed to talk to you so that you can give me solution but when you came you were already hurt, how could I have done that, I tried to talk today morning too but something happen, I’m all broken from inside that’s why please don’t take her name you should try to understand.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in bed. Meet Ahlawat trying to sleep. Meet also awake. Next morning. Meet Ahlawat sitting on chair. Meet walks to her ask do you want to go somewhere today. He says no. She says then come with me and they both go to market…… Meet show her life to Meet Ahlawat, a girl playing on street, she says I also lived like this life with lot’s of happiness and fun the only tension I was having was of studies, my family was my world but everything went away from my life, that day when I heard about father’s death I was all broken and couldn’t understand what to do I was crying, father was tree of our family when he left we thought out tree cyt down. Meet take her to show ambulance. Meets small version walks to the body, Anubha come too near ambulance and both were crying. Meet says to him my father never taught me how to live without him, I was his fairy when he left he took my wings too and I lost all my happiness. Meet take him to her house says after seeing Anubha crying I was all broken after seeing her again my life was changed now I was having responsibility of family not of school, that day Meet also died and I buried that pain inside of me, my family was breaking everyone was falling apart so this new Meet took birth to support my family, what I have suffered you don’t have same issue atleast you have your family with you, think what they must be feeling about your yesterday’s behaviour, you storm out from there that must be heartbreaking for them, Uncle, Aunty must be in pain because both of their son are not giving them support, and both son are affected because of memories, they must be feeling bad, tell me the truth do you want to move on or live with your past? Meet Ahlawat says you know I want to move on. She says then stop breaking people, you have to become the support for your family above that you have to take care of your elder brother, when young Meet can grow big at the age of 16 then why cant you? I know you are hurt and in pain but is that bigger than 16 year old Meet, who lost her father, when I can do it then why can’t you, I want you to grow like tree with strong roots, if you can not support yourself then don’t worry you can sit in some corner I’m there to support you and take care of you.

PRECAP: Meet Ahlawat says to Meet it’s time to take your bag again it’s your first day of collage come I’ll drop you. Meet says I’ll not go with you I have someone more special than you. Meet Ahlawat says it’s your first day to college so I’ll go and drop you. Meet says I don’t want to go I have someone special then you to go with. Meet rush to auto and go away. Anubha see her says where is she going stick today is her first day to college. An injured man walks inside Ahlawat’s house. Raj ask how did you got injured. He says vall police and says Meet Hudda is involve.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Fridays At 7:00pm

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