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Rudra comes to the lab. Security guard stops him and asks for ID. Rudra leaves for now and thinks of a way to get in the lab. He sees bunch of IDs and PPE kits in a room. Rudra wears a PPE kit.

Preesha arrives at the hospital. Rahul asks her to save Neerja. Preesha goes in the room. Doctor stops her, but she says she won’t go anywhere until she saves her friend. She talks to her and says she won’t let anything happen to her. Neerja gives up. Rahul cry. Yuvraj smirk. Doctor and his staff give up, but Preesha push them to try and bring Neerja back. Preesha tells Neerja that she will have to come back for her daughter. Neerja starts breathing again. Yuvraj says how did she do this miracle.

Ahana and Mishka receive full footage from manager. They see Yuvraj, but think he doesn’t have anything to do with Keerti. They continue watching footage. They now see Sharda and they are shocked.

Security guard lets Rudra go inside the lab this time as he has dressed like a doctor. He search for DNA samples that police gathered at his home. He’s about to switch Sharda’s sample, but another doctor comes and asks what is he doing. He says they need to send samples for fast track results. Other doctor says reports are there already. He gives all the reports to Rudra and from their discussion, Rudra finds out that Preesha is not Saransh’s real mother. He can’t believe it, but other doctor shows him report and says science never lies. He says he married Preesha only because he thought Saransh is his brother and Preesha’s child. Who is Saransh’s mother, if it’s not Preesha? He says she suffered so much and did so much for Saransh. Only a real mother can do that. He says he will think about that later. For now, he has to save Sharda.

Doctor thanks Preesha. Preesha says Neerja is very brave. Soon she will fully recover. Rahul join hands and thank Preesha. He ask her to punish him, but forgive him. She asks what that will do? Will Rudra start trusting her? Will her life be like before? He look away. She tells him to take care of Neerja and leaves. Rahul is feeling very bad. Yuvraj think Preesha always ruin his plans. He will have to do something before Rahul tells everything to Rudra out of guilt.

Rudra try to switch DNA samples, but other doctor catches him this time. Rudra leaves from there with Sharda’s report. Preesha finds out from Sharda that she sent Rudra behind her to stop her. Sharda is afraid that Rudra might be in problem. Preesha goes to the lab.

Keerti’s father demands police to go to Khurana’s home and arrest Keerti’s murderer. Police officer says they don’t have any proof. Once DNA reports come, they can do something. Officer gets a call that reports are ready. Keerti’s father says he will also go with him.
Rudra tears the report and thinks how to change Sharda’s DNA sample. Just then he sees Preesha and tells her everything. She says they will have to destroy the DNA sample. He says he’s waiting to get in the lab. She says she will also go with him. Preesha asks Rudra how will she enter forensic lab without PPE kit. He gives her kit. She wears it and asks him to go in while she stands out. He insists her to come along as he is not medical expert and may get nervous if someone ask him questions. She accompany him into forensic lab and search for sulfuric acid to mix it in DNA sample and spoil it. Harish reach hospital to get the results. Inspector stops him and says he will get it as media may create issue. Preesha mixes sulfuric acid in Sharda’s DNA sample. Inspector walks into forensic lab and informs technician that he came to collect Khurana family’s DNA sample results. Technician says what is special in Khurana family’s DNA samples that another man came earlier and ran away with Sharda’s reports. Inspector asks him to give other family member’s reports. Rudra and Preesha silently walk out of lab. Preesha says by now with sulfuric acid DNA sample would have spoilt.

They both reach home and inform Sharda that police will not catch her. She emotionally hug them and ask Rudra to thank Preesha for her support. Preesha says Sharda didn’t eat well since Kirti’s murder incident, so what will she have. Sharda says she will prepare food, what would they like to have. Rudra says something special like kheer. Sharda goes to prepare kheer. Rudra thank Preesha. Preesha informs that Rahul had called her to thank her for saving Neerja and he must be ready to share original video and prove her innocent, but she will not ask him as she is tired of Rudra doubting her repeatedly and she trying to prove her innocence repeatedly, so she will wait until Rudra himself trusts her again. Rudra says when facts are hidden, it is difficult to trust someone. Preesha walk away. Rudra reminisces reading DNA sample report and find out that Preesha is not Saransh’s biological mother and think why is she hiding this fact and who must be Saransh’s real parents?
Inspector with Harish Jain returns to Balraj’s house and says he came to arrest Sharda for murdering Kirti as her tissue samples were found in Kirti’s nails. Balraj says what nonsense, report must be fake. Inspector informs that someone tried to destroy DNA samples and stole reports, but didn’t know that they make sample copies; he knows its Preesha and Rudra, but can not catch them as they were wearing PPE kits. Balraaj asks why will Sharda kill Kirti as she doesn’t know her well. Harish informs that Sharda is his wife’s friend and knows Kirti since long, in fact she was present when his wife died. Balraj is shocked to hear that and says even then he doesn’t believe that Sharda can murder anyone, report is fake. Inspector says they have hotel’s CCTV footage where Sharda went to terrace to meet Kirti Jain and walked out at 4:05 a.m. while Kirti died at 4:00 a.m. Ahana thinks she sent CCTV footage to police, but nobody will doubt her.

Precap: Inspector arrests Sharda in Kirti’s murder case and informs Balraj its a nonbailable offense. Preesha starts praying god thinking she will continue praying until maa gets bail. Neerja’s condition improved. Rudra watches video and stands shocked. Rudra shows CCTV footage to Preesha. Rahul calls Preesha and informs that Neerja is conscious now and wants to meet her. Preesha goes to hospital where Rahul says he manipulated her video and wrongly alleged her. Preesha says why is he saying this after destroying her life. He says he is telling it to Rudra who is standing behind. Rudra hears their conversation.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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