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Family is having breakfast together. Kirti tries to impress Sharda. Meanwhile, Preesha asks Yuvraj why he called her and what he’s doing outside Kirti’s room. She shouldn’t have trusted him. She refuses to go in the room, but he insists saying she will need to go inside to know Kirti’s truth. She agrees. They come inside. He says even he was shocked yesterday when he checked cupboard. He shows her by opening it, but there’s nothing inside. He gets shocked. She asks is he trying to defame Kirti who saved Rudraksh’s band? She warns him next time she will go to police. He says he is not mad that he would call and bring her to Kirti’s room. He then shows photos in his phone in which there are notes and cross marks on family member’s photos. She asks what that means. He says that means she’s trying to finish the family. Maybe she doubted him and she removed everything from the cupboard. She’s just trying to act innocent. She says she won’t let anything happen and asks him to join her and tell everything to Rudraksh. She comes to Rudraksh. He tells her to tell whatever she wants in front of everyone. She says Kirti is planning something against their family. Everyone is shocked. He asks if she is in her senses. She says she’s just doing an act of helping him and family. He tells her to stop. Before blaming someone else, look at herself first. He asks for proof. She says she has proofs and calls Yuvraj there. Rudraksh says so her lover boy is also involved. She says he’s not her lover boy and she’s telling the truth. She asks Yuvraj for his phone. He takes out his phone, but a waiter bumps into him and drop juice on his phone. His phone doesn’t get turned on now. He lashes out at the waiter. Preesha gets tensed. Kirti is glad that she did her planning on time. It’s shown in flashback that she saw Yuvraj and Preesha entering her room. And then she gave money to the waiter to follow her orders when she gestures. She says she can’t let Preesha waste her years of hard work. Yuvraj has nothing to show now. Rudraksh tells them to stop their drama. Preesha says phone had pictures that would reveal all Kirti’s truth. She tells everyone what was in the pictures. Kirti says enough. She respects Preesha a lot and she’s blaming her like this? She wishes phone didn’t break as she wanted to see pictures too. She knows there are problems between her and Rudraksh and in that if she’s getting friendly with Rudraksh, then she understands Preesha would get upset. But Preesha also needs to understand that they are just friends. Kriti further says that Preesha raised question on her character and she can not take this. She can not continue this tour. Balraj tells her that she won’t go anywhere. He tells Preesha to stop her nonsense and be in her limits. Kirti is his lead singer. She’s much more important than her. So next time, she should be careful with her words. Rudraksh interrupts and says, else he will forget who she (Preesha) is. He tells Preesha that it’s her character to lie, betray, ploy, not Kirti’s. She wants to destroy him and his family. He knows her very well. He asks her to look at herself before blaming someone else. It will be better if she keeps her mouth shut. He takes Kriti and leaves from there. Yuvraj is annoyed.
Everyone comes to Ahmedabad now. There is Navratri party tonight. Everyone goes to get ready. Yuvraj holds Preesha back. He says it was not coincidence that waiter bumped into him and his phone broke. It was all planned by Kirti as she figured out that she would get caught. She says Kirti is smarter than they thought. He says she’s dangerous too. They will have to do something, together. They will find her past and try to gather proofs. He tries to get closer, but she doesn’t like it. He says he knows she doesn’t like him, but what can he do? He loves her, especially when Rudraksh is behaving like this with her. She tells him that she’s talking with him just for her family and he should stay in his limits. She leaves. He says love is really blind. Preesha is still caring about Rudraksh despite his poor treatment to her. He calls someone and asks to find out information about Kirti. He says by exposing Kirti, he will get his revenge and also win Preesha.

Other side, Preesha decides to wait few days to see whether Yuvraj is able to gather anything, otherwise, she will try to find the truth herself. Saransh comes asking what they will wear in Dandiya party. She says they are going for shopping and they will decide what Rudraksh will wear as he’s busy.

They come back. Saransh gives Rudraksh’s dress to him saying Preesha bought it. He says sorry, he already selected his dress. Preesha says he always brings for her and she wears his choice, so this time, he will have to wear dress of her choice. Rudraksh doesn’t want to wear, but Saransh says he won’t talk to him if he doesn’t wear that dress. Rudraksh agrees. After Saransh leaves, Preesha thanks Rudraksh for accepting her gift. Her phone rings and he sees Yuvraj’s name. He gets angry.

Dandiya party starts. Preesha and Saransh are waiting for Rudraksh. He comes. Kirti goes and hugs him. She says he’s looking dashing. He says choice is hers in end. Preesha and Saransh get heartbroken as he didn’t wear their gifted dress.

During dandiya function, Kirti complements Rudra’s dress and says he is looking dashing. Rudra thanks her back and says after all it is her choice. Saransh asks Rudra why didn’t he wear his brought dress, he is angry with him. Rudra says it was a torn dress, reminiscing angrily tearing dress when he sees Vanraj’s call on Preesha’s mobile. Saransh says it is a new dress. Rudra says people fool others. Kirti asks Rudra to be her dance partner. He says he will be her partner from hereon and dances with her on Kamariya…song.. Preesha sadly stands aside. Kirti tells Rudra that after Preesha insulted her, she doesn’t respect her anymore, in fact even he should kick Preesha out of his life as she doesn’t leave a person in her life or world after he/she gives her pain. Rudra says she is right. Yuvraj takes Preesha aside and informs that Kirti is really mentally ill and escaped from mental asylum 1 year ago, she wants to kill Khurana family. Preesha says she will inform Balraj about Kirti. Yuvraj stops her. Preesha asks him to find out more about Kirti.
Rudra feels sad and stops dancing with Kirti. Kirti says she can see his attention is somewhere else, so its okay. He asks her back for dance. Saransh walks to Rudra and asks why is he dancing with Kirti instead of dancing with mamma and insists him and Preesha for a dance. Rudra agrees and dances with Preesha on Nachenge Sari Sari Ahana and Mishka get jealous seeing their dance. Rudra hits Preesha’s hand by mistake and gets concerned. Preesha says he wanted to hurt her purposefully. He says he didn’t. Preesha walks away to apply pain balm when Yuvraj informs her that he found out that Kirti’s mental asylum is just 47 km away from here and they should go right now and check. Preesha says they need to go on musical concert tour in the morning. Yuvraj says they need to find out about Kirti first. Preesha agrees and leaves with him in his car.

GPS gets worried for Preesha. Vasu says she is fine and is busy in tours, but seeing his worry calls Preesha. Preesha thinks amma shouldn’t find out that she is with Yuvraj and doesn’t pick call. Vasu then calls Rudra. Saransh picks call and speaks to her. Vasu asks about Preesha. Saransh says mamma is fine and is somewhere around, he will inform her to call her back. He search for Preesha. Rudra asks him to go back to Sharda while he search for Preesha. Kirti says she will find out Preesha’s location via her friend and asks him to send Preesha’s number. He does, and she forwards it to her friend. Preesha with Yuvraj reaches mental assylum and meets manager who informs that Kirti is very dangerous and aggressive, she was admitted after her mom’s death and tortured many patients and doctors, she tried multiple times to escape and finally did, her father said he will handle her and did admit her back. Preesha gets worried. Kirti informs Rudra that her friend found Preesha and Yuvraj’s location and they both are together. Rudra stands fuming in anger.

PRECAP: Kirti thinks she will not let Preesha expose her truth. Rudra panics seeing Preesha dancing with Yuvraj and yells at her. Kirti gets him heavily inebriated and he falls asleep. In the morning, he walks out of hotel and finds police around Kirti’s dead body. Rudra wakes up in the morning hearing door knock. Constables asks him to come down as there is a major accident. He walks down and is shocked to see Kirti’s dead body. Ahana informs Preesha that Kirti is dead.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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