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Balraj gets Rudra discharged and takes him along with Ahana and Mishka. Preesha sadly watches Rudra going. Rudra stops. Ahana thinks if he changed his mind. Rudra walks to receptionist ignoring Preesha and says she didn’t give bill and walks away taking bill. In car, Rudra cries reminiscing his love for Preesha and her betrayal, etc. Preesha also in her car cries reminiscing all the recent events. A Punjabi song..plays in the background.

Neerja wakes up at midnight and searches drawer’s key in Rahul’s pocket. She gets key bunch and thinks one key must be of that drawer and finding a small key thinks this must be the one. Rahul wakes up and asks what is she doing. Neerja gets tensed and keeping key back in Rahul’s pocket says she needs water and thinks he woke up now and she will get keys tomorrow again.

Preesha walks towards home when neighbors stop her and yell that she cannot stay in this building after her inebriated husband created drama last night, she should pack her bags and leave. Preesha enters home. GPS and Vasu ask if Rudra is fine. Saransh walks to Preesha and asks where is Rudra. Preesha says he went to his home as he needs some time alone to recover. Saransh says asks her to promise that Rudra will return once he recovers. Preesha promises. Vasu takes Saransh for dinner. Preesha expresses her pain in front of GPS.

Balraj with Ahana and Mishka take Rudra home and asks Sharda to perform Rudra’s aarti as its a new life for him. Ahana says Rudra left behind Preesha and Saransh and they are out of his life. Balraj says Rudra will start a new life without Preesha and Saransh.

Preesha continuing to chat with GPS thinks she will only know what Rudra saw in Rahul’s tab once Neerja sees that video and informs her. Yuvraj enters. GPS angrily asks what is he doing here.
Yuvraj acts and says he is worried for Preesha and GPS, if they are fine. GPS asks if he is so concerned why did he harm Rudra. Yuvraj asks what happened to Rudra. Preesha says he met with an accident last night. Yuvraj thinks why didn’t Rudra die or least lost his limbs, asks if Rudra is fine. Preesha warns him to get out. Yuvraj holds GPS’ feet and pleads to forgive him. Preesha gets Neerja’s call and walks to her room. Yuvraj requests GPS to get him water. GPS walks to kitchen. Preesha asks Neerja if she saw video. Neerja says she couldn’t as Rahul told he threw it as it is broken, but she feels he hid it in a drawer and she will try to get it somehow tomorrow and find out what is in that video. Preesha asks to inform her soon. Yuvraj enters and asks why Neerja called her at this time. Preesha says its none of his business and drags him out to living room. Yuvraj acts as still loving her and asks why she is behaving rudely with him. Rudra walks in and says betraying is her hobby and yells that as soon he left her, she went back to her old lover. He insults Preesha.

Saransh walks in and seeing him happily runs and hugs him. He asks Saransh to pack his bags as he is taking him to Khurana house. Saransh happily runs away. Vasu walks in and says he cannot take Saransh like that. Rudra says he is taking Preesha also as she is his wife and he has right on her. He asks Preesha to pack her bags. Vasu asks Preesha if she really wants to go after what happened. Preesha says she has to go, else Rudra will be more angry.

Saransh packs his bags and excitedly tells Rudra lets go home. Rudra holds his hand and extends his hand towards Preesha. She holds his hand, and he takes them away. Yuvraj thinks even this time he missed the chance and what should he do next. Rudra with Saransh and Preesha drives car towards home when he notices Preesha holding her head due to headache, reminisces massaging her head before when she got headache and thinks he will trouble her now. He asks Saransh if he likes rock music and plays his song and also sings along loudly. Preesha feels severe headache, Rudra thinks this is nothing and his torture has just begun.
At home, Balraj fumes saying he got court order to stop Preesha from entering house, but Rudra wants her back home, reminiscing Rudra walking away saying he will have graha pravesh only with his family. Sharda gets happy thinking her son is doing right. Ahana and Mishka blame that Preesha is controlling Rudra from the beginning. Rudra with Preesha and Saransh enters and calling Sharda asks her to perform their graha pravesh. Sharda happily rushes to the. Saransh hugs her and says he missed her. Sharda performs aarti and asks Preesha to kick rice kalash and enter home. Preesha does. Balraj stops Rudra and asks why did he bring Preesha home after acting so much, he is not his puppet to obey him always. Rudra asks Preesha and Saransh to go their rooms and tells Balraj let us speak. Preesha walks in to her room and tells Sharda that Rudra saw some manipulated video in Rahul’s tab and thinks is betraying him, he trusts Rahul than him. Sharda says sometimes if lie is told 100 times, people believe it; she should shower her love on Rudra and change his opinion. Preesha says she will tolerate all the pain Rudra gives and will do anything to regain his trust. Rudra takes Balraj to home bar and tells that he hates Preesha, but she is Saransh’s mother and he cannot keep son away from mother. Balraj stands fuming.
Yuvraj calls Rahul when he is asleep and informs that Neerja is on Preesha’s side and was speaking to Preesha over phone. Rahul says they are friends and speak regularly and asks him to let him sleep now. He reminisces Neerja near his coat in lieu of drinking water and thinks if she wanted to take keys, then thinks she doesn’t know where keys are.

Rudra walks to his room and starts drinking heavily reminiscing Preesha’s video and Rahul provoking him that Preesha betrayed him from the beginning. His friend Bunty calls and asks if he is fine as he heard about his accident. Rudra informs whole story and says he trusted Preesha, but she betrayed him. Bunty asks how can he trust Rahul, but Rudra says he saw the video himself. Bunty says if he doesn’t love Preesha, then why did he bring her back home, it means he still love her. Rudra says he doesn’t and disconnects call. He continues drinking singing Har Kisiko Nahi Milta Yahan Pyar Zindagi, then walks to Preesha and forcefully waking her up says she is his wife and should sleep in his room. She tries to resist. He gets romantic forcefully. She tries to leave, he holds her dress and it tears.

PRECAP: Preesha over phone asks Neerja if she got Rahul’s tab. Neerja says she couldn’t open drawer, but will get duplicate key.  Ahana tells Yuvraj that he made Rudra hate Preesha, but Rudra is not able to get away from Preesha, so if he can give that video. Yuvraj gives her video. She gathers family to show video. Neerja takes tab to repair shop and asking technician to get data out of it thinks she will get Preesha’s video also.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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