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Rudra imagine Preesha in a bar singer and pushes her. She asks if he has gone mad. He apologizes. Another customer comes to singer’s support and tries to hit Rudra. Rudra breaks bottle in his hand and walks away saying he cannot hit a dead person. He walks on road singing Sunraha hai naa and falls down. Sharda sees that in her dream and worried for Rudra calls him, but bartender picks call and says sir left his phone in Deepa bar, he was heavily inebriated and fought with people here. On the other side, Preesha tells Vasu that she doesn’t know what happened to Rudra that he is behaving weird. Sharda calls Preesha and asks if Rudra is fine, if something happened between them, she saw a bad dream regarding Rudra. Rudra enters shouting at Preesha. Sharda asks what is happening, she is worried. Preesha says she will call her later and disconnects call.
Rudra walks to Preesha and yells at her that she is characterless, etc. Vasu and GPS try to calm him down, but he continues insulting them and Preesha and pushes GPS down. Family stands shocked. Neighbor warns GPS to control his son-in-law and solve their problem inside home. Rudra starts yelling at him. Neighbors ask Vasu and Preesha that they supported Yuvraj, now he broke their trust and is insulting them. Rudra yells at neighbors next. Neighbor warns to leave, else he will call police. Rudra leaves yelling at Preesha that he is going far away from her and will never forget her betrayal. Family stands crying. Sharda walks in and asks Preesha if something happened here, where is Rudra and why was he shouting at Preesha. Preesha says Rudra developed some misunderstanding. GPS says Rahul must have done something for sure. Sharda says they should search Rudra first. GPS asks Preesha to go and confront Rahul while he, Vasu, and Sharda search Rudra.

At Rahul’s home, he describes Yuvraj how he manipulated Preesha’s voice and make her say that she hates Rudra and wants to take revenge, etc. Maid informs that Preesha has come. Rahul asks Yuvraj to hide and meets Preesha. Preesha asks if he told something to Rudra that he is out of control. Rahul denies. Neerja joins them and Preesha explaining whole incident says Rahul did something. Rahul denies again. Preesha leaves saying truth will be out soon. Neeraj confronts Rahul again, but he denies and takes their baby’s oath. She walks to her room and thinks she cannot completely trust Rahul and should ask him again once. She walks back and sees Yuvraj with Rahul and they both showing thumbs up. She thinks something is definitely wrong and she needs to find out.

Rudra gets into his car and drives it speedily. GPS with Sharda and Vasu searches Rahul in his car and calling Preesha asks her location. Preesha describes location and says she is worried for Rahul, and he says they are nearby and will pick her up.

Preesha with GPS, Sharda, and Vasu search Rudra worried for him. Rudra rash drives his car and rams it to a pole. Preesha sees Rudra’s car and asks GPS to stop their car. They all rush to Rudra’s car and see him unconscious and severely injured inside car. They try to open door, but its locked from inside. Sparks emerge in car. Worried, Preesha breaks open door and try to get him out of car before car starts catching fire, but seatbelt is jammed. GPS brings knife from his car and cutting seatbelt get out him. Just then, car bursts into fire. They rush him to hospital. Preesha calls doctor and requests to check severely injured Rudra. Doctor says his condition is critical and needs surgery, they should sign consent form till he makes surgery arrangements. Balraj with Ahana enters and says he will sign consent form. He gets emotional looking at Rudra and asks doctor to treat his son at any cost. He then blames Preesha for Rudra’s condition and warns her to not go near Rudra. Preesha says nobody can stop him. Balraj says that is why he brought court order and hands it to him. Sharda says Preesha saved Rudra instead and she is not at fault. Balraj asks what happened between her and Rudra that he met with an accident. GPS says he is blaming Preesha who saved his son. Ahana blames Preesha for Rudra’s condition saying she must have provoked Rudra to take this extreme step. Preesha says they were very happy, she had taken him to her friend Neerja’s house for dinner. Ahana asks who Neerja. Preesha says Rahul’s wife. Balraj shouts that Rudra was upset because of Rahul. Ahana continues her theory shouting at Preesha. Vasu warns her to stop blaming her daughter. Their argument starts. Preesha warns Ahana to behave with her mother. Doctor comes out of OT and says Rudra’s condition is critical and he will be under observation for 24 hours. Preesha thinks she will not go from here at any cost. GPS asks Vasu to go home as Saransh is alone. Vasu hesitantly leaves. At home, Saransh gets up calling Preesha and Rudra and gets afraid seeing no one around. Vasu enters, and he hugs her tightly and asks about Preesha and Rudra. Vasu says they have gone out and asks him to sleep as he has online class in the morning.
In hospital, Preesha stands outside, Rudra’s ICU room. Ahana shouts at her to go from there, but Preesha says she will not at any cost. Balraj says its okay and let law take its course. Serial’s title track plays in the background. After 24 hours, doctor informs that Rudra is out of danger. Everyone relax hearing that.

PRECAP: Rudra tells Balraj that whatever he did is right, he doesn’t want to see Preesha’s face again. Rudra informs Preesha about seeing her video in Rahul’s tab. Preesha calls Neerja and asks her to check that video. Rudra physically abuses Preesha. Saransh enters and stands shocked. Neerja searches tab in Rahul’s cupboard and finds one drawer locked. Rahul enters and asks what is she doing. Ahana taunts Preesha that Rudra is discharging and he is going to his house, she cannot enter Khurana house, without her even Saransh cannot come there.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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