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Rudra asks inspector how can anyone send him CCTV footage just like that. Inspector says he doesn’t have to know that. Balraj says he will call his lawyers and inspector can not arrest Sharda. Preesha says Sharda didn’t kill Kirti and she committed suicide instead; her father is responsible for her suicide. Harish shout what nonsense. She reveals that they know Kirti’s father is responsible for her mother’s death and Kirti became mentally unstable after her mother’s death, she thought Sharda killed her mother and in lieu of taking revenge she committed suicide to blame Sharda; Sharda tried to pull her back and save her, but her skin tissue and earring got in Kirti’s hand, etc. Inspector ask if she has any proof. Preesha stand mum. Inspector says all the evidences are against Sharda, so he has to arrest her in Kirti’s murder and takes Sharda away while Rudra and Preesha plead not to.

At night, Rudra insists Balraj to come along and bring maa back home from police station as maa is innocent. Balraj says he is waiting for his lawyer who is on the way with bail papers. Preesha tells Rudra let us go and meet maa. Ahana yells at her to stop her fake concern for maa. Rudra says Preesha is really concerned and that she is the one who had informed about Kirti, in fact she tried to change maa’s DNA sample risking her own life and he also went along to support her. Ahana blames that because of Preesha’s childish act, their reputation would have been in more trouble. Lawyer enters and says she is right. Balraj yells at Preesha. Ahana gets happy thinking now she is in Balraj’s good books and Preesha in bad. They all with lawyer reach police station to bail out Sharda, but inspector says murder is a non bailable offence, so he cannot free Sharda. Rudra and Preesha then meet Sharda and share emotional bonding with her. Preesha return home and starts praying to God saying she will not move until she gives a clue to save maa.
Rahul emotionally tells comatosed Neerja that he loves her and will confess her sins to Preesha and Rudra. Neerja shake her finger in approval. He gets happy and calls doctor who says he must have just imagined. Life support monitor shows improvement and Neerja shakes finger again. Doctor says its a miracle and Neerja doesn’t need oxygen now. He removes oxygen to get her out of coma. Neerja open her eyes. 

On the other side, Rudra pampers Saransh and plays video game with him. Mobile data get full, and Rudra trying to free some data finds a 14-hour long footage and gets shocked seeing that.

Rudra stands shocked seeing a 14-hour long video in Saransh’s mobile. He rush to Preesha, who is praying to Devi Maa for Sharda, and inform her that they found Sharda’s proof of innocence and shows her the video from Sarash’s mobile. They see Kirti proposing to Rudra and insisting him to leave Preesha and accept her. Rudra says he loves Preesha and he can not change his feelings for her to anyone else. Kirti get aggressive and adamant, and he walks away warning her. They further see Yuvraj and Mishka’s conversation and then Sharda trying to save Kirti, but Kirti forcefully committing suicide to punish Sharda. Preesha says that means maa didn’t kill Kirti, she hugs him happily and says let us go and bring maa. She thank Devimaa for helping her. Saransh walks in and asks to return his mobile. Rudra happily hug him, and Preesha asks when did he record this video? He says Daadi informed him that when he is alone angels come to protect him, so he thought angels land on terrace first and keeping his phone on recording went to sleep; when he returned in the morning, he picked his mobile and didn’t see angels recorded, so he took his mobile for charging. Rudra says he is the angel instead and God came to their help.
Neerja wakes up from coma and asks Rahul where is she? Rahul get happy seeing that. Neerja reminisces her accident and feel headache. Doctor says she got out of coma just now and shouldn’t be disturbed. Rahul goes out and informs Yuvraj about same. Yuvraj fume thinking when will she die?

Ahana walk to Balraj and seeing him tensed says if he is tensed regarding Sharda, they can not do anything as evidence is against her. Rudra and Preesha walk in and says they can save maa and show video from Saransh’s mobile. They call lawyer and show it to him who suggests to show it in court first and after getting bail to bring Sharda back from police station. 

Back in the hospital, Neeraj inform Rahul that she remembers her accident and ask about the pen drive. He says he didn’t find any pen drive in her bag. She says she says she had got original video and wanted to give it to Preesha to prove her innocence as she helped them many times. Rahul says he will show the video to Rudra and Preesha and prove Preesha innocent. He calls Preesha and informs that Neerja is out of coma and wants to meet her. Preesha informs family and try to leave. Balraj asks her to thank Saransh for recording this video. Preesha reach hospital where Neerja thanks her for her help and says she will prove her innocence and Rahul wants to say something.

Precap: Preesha asks Rudra why he is calling her wife and coming behind her. Rudra says he loves her. He turning her back towards him says I love you. Yuvraj from behind says I love you too Preeesha.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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