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Rudra gets conscious in hospital. Sharda says by god’s grace he is fine. Balraj says he will take him home soon. Rudra asks why is he in hospital. Ahana says he met with a car accident last night and was brought here. Rudra reminisces whole last night’s incident and asks where is Preesha. Preesha watches from outside. Balraj says whatever happened is because of Preesha and even Kunal doesn’t want her near him, he has taken court orders and Preesha cannot come even 100 meters near him. Rudra says Balraj did all this for him, he is right, now Preesha will not come near him forever. Mishka takes Ahana out and says what they couldn’t do in months a mere accident did it in a night. They both walk to Preesha to make her jealous. They taunt that Rudra is conscious now and she must have seen hatred in Rudra’s eyes for her, Rudra asked Balraj not to let Preesha near him as he hates her. Preesha stands sadly while they walk away smirking. Balraj asks them to go home while he stays with Rudra. Sharda feels sorry for Preesha, but is helpless and leaves.

Balraj gets a call and walks out of Rudra’s room. Preesha walks in silently and asks Rudra how is he, apologizes saying he has to suffer so much. He calls her near him and holding his hand tightly says she is the reason for this. Preesha says she doesn’t know what happened to him after visiting Rahul’s house, asks him to leave her as its hurting. Rudra says he wants hurt her. Preesha pleads and he leaves her. She requests him to tell what happened and why she changed, he used to protect her and now he himself is hurting her, even Rahul didn’t say anything. Rudra asks if she doesn’t know about the video in which she agrees that she wants to take revenge from him and gave Rudra’s video to Rahul. Preesha says she met Rahul to confront him, that video is a lie. He says she is lying and will get his hatred from hereon, he hates her. Balraj enters and warns her to leave or else he will call police. Preesha walks away crying and thinks which video Rudra saw. She reminisces Rahul’s broken pad and thinks video must be in that, she needs to check.

At home, Saransh insists Vasu to take him to Rudra. Vasu thinks Saransh cannot see Rudra in dilapidated state and says she has dance class and even he should attend online class, else Preesha will scold her. He agrees and opens his laptop for online class, realizes he and Rudra have test today, so he packs Rudra’s laptop and silently leaves towards hospital.
Preesha calls Neerja who asks if Rudra is found. She says shocking events are happening since last night, Rudra met with an accident and in the morning, he informed about a doctored video in Rahul’s pad in which she spoke that she is with Rahul and wants to take revenge from Rudra. Neerja asks how is it possible. Preesha asks her to get Rahu’s pad and check that video. Preesha walks to Rahul asks him to give his pad as she needs to watch movies. He says it was broken and he threw it away, so he will order new one for her. She thinks it can be repairable, Rahul must be having that tab even now.

Ahana with Mishka return to hospital and taunt Preesha. They walk in to Rudra’s room and ask if he needs anything. Nurse informs that Rudra wants his wife to sponge him. They both are shocked and think everything changed back to normal. Preesha walks in. Rudra insists her to remove his shirt and sponge him. She does. He holds her tightly and asks if its paining. She says she is not and he should tell what exactly happened. He pulls her hair and says he will hurt her from hereon. Saransh enters and stands shocked.

Rudra pulls Preesha’s hair and says he will give her intense pain from hereon. Preesha pleads to leave her. Saransh enters and stands shocked seeing that. He asks Rudra why was he pulling mamma’s hair. Rudra says they were playing game. Saransh says he is a kid, but knows there is no game like that. Rudra says he and mamma fought and he was punishing mamma. Preesha gets tensed seeing Saransh’s tensed face. Rudra says he was joking and asks Preesha to pull his hair in return and making her pull his hair says his hair is strong. Saransh says his hair is not strong.
Neighbors walk into GPS’ house and handing him society’s notice say their daughter and son-in-law cannot stay here after what happened last night as whole society complained against them. GPS asks who are they to decide, its his house. Neighbor says house is his, but its in a society and he has to follow rules. Vasu warns them next, but neighbor says they can stay here peacefully, but cannot let their daughter and SIL in. GPS stands fuming shouting who they think of themselves.

Saransh asks how did he meet with an accident. Preesha says when she took Rudra to doctor, he fell and injured himself. Rudra says its just like he got injured during boxing match. Saransh says he saw his injury then, it was not severe like this. Preesha asks to call GPS. Saransh gets tensed. Vasu calls Preesha and informs her that Saransh was attending online class and don’t know where he went after that. Preesha says he is here and she will bring him home in sometime. Saransh asks Rudra if its paining a lot. Rudra says yes. Preesha says when he gets pain, mamma kisses his cheek and his pain vanishes. He insists Preesha to kiss Rudra. Preesha hesitates, but Saransh insists. Rudra also insists for Saransh’s sake. Preesha is about to kiss Rudra when Mishka with Ahana enters and shouts what is she trying to do and when she is warned from not coming near Rudra, she should get out right now. Rudra warns her to shut her mouth out and asks Ahana to take her away. Ahana takes Mishka out and says she should have patience if she wants Rudra. Rudra asks Preesha to get take Saransh out and get him milkshake. Preesha takes Saransh out and gets him milkshake. When she walks towards, Rudra’s room, Ahana and Mishka yell at her and reminding about court order warns her not to come near Rudra. They complain Balraj who fumes at Preesha. Rudra says he let Preesha in for Saransh’s sake as Saransh is everything to him like he is for them. Balraj says he will get him discharged today and asks if he will return home. Rudra agrees and says he hates Preesha and never wants to see her again, and Balraj gets happy.

Neerja thinks of searching Rahul’s ipad and in lieu of getting baby’s diapers sends him away and starts searching his cupboards. He finds one drawer locked and thinks pad must be in it. Rahul returns and seeing his files shattered asks what is she doing. She says she missed her ring, so she was searching it. He searches it, and she acting as finding it shows it and tries to leave. He stops her. She gets nervous thinking he got suspicious He asks if she was searching tab and asks to take diapers along. She smiles and takes diapers along.

Preesha calls Vasu to come and take Saransh home as Rudra is getting discharged and she will stay with him. Vasu agrees. Balraj with Ahana and Mishka brings Rudra out. Preesha tries to help, but Ahana warns her to stay away. Preesha stands crying and thinks if Rudra hates her so much.

PRECAP: Ahana says Rudra that Preesha is out of his life forever. Balraj says exactly. Neerja tries to take Rahul’s cupboard’s key when he catches her. Yuvraj asks Preesha why she doesn’t understand his love. Rudra enters saying she doesn’t. Yuvraj informs Rahul that Neerja speaks to Preesha. Balraj asks Rudra why did he bring Preesha home. Rudra says she is Saransh mother and Saransh cannot stay away from her. Balraj says Preesha cannot stay in this house. Rudra says he hates Preesha more than Balraj does. Neeraj picks tab when Rahul enters and she drops it down in fear.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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