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Yuvraj walks to terrace and threatens Kirti that he and Preesha will expose her truth in front of everyone and if nobody believe them, they will call mental health clinic’s manager as evidence. He continues. Kirti laughs and says she can shout better, he is mad and fool to think only he can find out about her past, even she found out about his past; she knows he killed Rudra’s brother Rajeev and Preesha took the blame on herself and went to jail; Preesha’s father saved her, else she would have been hanged by now. She threatens that she can reopen his case and end his life. Yuvraj stands tensed. Kirti continues threatening him. He strangulates her and asks if she will end his plans. He gets out of flashback. In corridor, inspector insists Rudra to tell the truth, else he knows how to get truth out of him. Ahana yells to behave with Rudra as he is famous rockstar and Kirti was his close friend, so why would he kill Kirti; he should question waiter again. Waiter says he is telling truth. Inspector asks if he will give evidence in court. He says yes. Ahana drags Preesha and yells that she is the reason for Kirti’s murder and in fact she was looking angrily at Kirti last night, so he should arrest Preesha instead. Preesha warns her to stop blaming her as she heard about Kirti’s murder from her and doesn’t really know what must has happened. Yuvraj peeps in and thinks poor Preesha gets trapped always. Ahana continues blaming Preesha.
Inspector warns her to stop and let police do their job. He asks manager if there is CCTV camera on terrace. Manager says there is no camera on terrace, but there are at entrance and they can find out who all went on terrace. Inspector asks constable to check CCTV footage and see who all went on terrace. Yuvraj thinks he will be caught, so he has to stop them from seeing CCTV footage. He rushes to CCTV room and sending guard out deletes CCTV footage. Manager walks towards CCTV room where guard says someone informed that manager is calling him, so he came out. Manage asks him to show him footage. Ahana continues blaming Preesha and says murdering someone is not new to her as she murdered Rajeev. Preesha warn her to mind her tongue as court pronounced her innocent. She reveals that Kirti was mentally insane and wanted to kill Khurana family for some reason, she was in mental health clinic since 10 years. Ahana yells to stop blaming innocent soul. Preesha says she has proof and they can go and check mental health clinic in Nadiad; she was worried for Rudra, so she found out Kirti’s truth. Everyone stand shocked.

Yuvraj deletes CCTV footage and silently returns to his room thinking he escaped. Constable knocks door and asks him to come down as inspector is calling him to question him regarding Kirti’s murder. He walks to corridor nervously. Inspector checks CCTV footage and sees Rudra walking to terrace with Kirti last. He insists Rudra to accept that he murdered Kirti. Rudra says he doesn’t remember anything. Preesha tells inspector that he cannot blame Rudra as Kirti was mentally insane and must have committed suicide, they can accompany her to mental health clinic and check themselves. Balraj says she is right. They reach mental health clinic, and Preesha asks manager show Kirti’s case history. Manager asks who is Kirti, there is no patient by this name.

Preesha takes police, Rudra, Balraj, and Yuvraj to mental health clinic and asks manager to inform them about Kirti Jain. Manager asks who is Kirti Jain, there is no patient with that name. Preesha asks why is he lying. He says he is seeing her for the first time. Yuvraj asks if he is seeing even him for the first time. Manager says yes. Inspector asks manager if he has records of all patients. Manager says yes. On the other side, Ahana sees Mishka panicking and thinks she is panicking seeing Kirti’s dead body and Preesha’s drama. Mishka walks away and hopes nobody saw her going to terrace and meet Kirti. Manager shows records and says there is no patient named Kirti Jain. Preesha warns him to stop lying. Balraj reacts. Inspector takes them all out. Manager gets a call and says they had come and he didn’t inform anyone, requests not to kill him.
Mishka goes to terrace and seeing police tag on crime scene thinks she shouldn’t have come here and fought with Kirti. She reminisces going on terrace and seeing Kirti calls her play girl who steals other girl’s boyfriend. Kirti says that is something new, what problem she has, she didn’t steal her boyfriend. Mishka shows Kirti with her ex-boyfriend Rithvik Agarwal’s pic and says he was her boyfriend, but Kirti stole him. Kirti says she saved her and should thank her. Their argument continues. Mishka says she is trying to steal Rudra from her. Kirti laughs. Mishka says she will push her from here. Kirti insults her saying she has neither beauty nor character, etc. Mishka pushes her from terrace. Out of flashback, Mishka thinks she has to find out her lost thing before police finds it and starts searching. Ahana walks in and asks what is she doing here. Mishka nervously says she came for some fresh air. Ahana says this area is sealed, she can go somewhere else. Mishka shouts that police sealed a lot place and if she goes somewhere else, reporters will throng her, so she just wants some fresh air. She walks away thinking Ahana came on wrong time, she has to return and get her thing before police finds it.

Inspector returns to hotel with Preesha and others and tells her that in CCTV footage, Rudra had gone last with Kirti, so he is the prime suspect and should be arrested. Balraj says he cannot do that and tells Rudra that he will speak to their lawyer. Sharda informs Preesha that Saransh wants to speak to her. Preesha leaves. Yuvraj thinks why manager lied, something is wrong and needs to discuss it with Preesha. He walks to Preesha and asks what is happening, why did manager changed his words. Guard walks to him and says manager didn’t call him, why did he lie. Yuvraj asks which manager, who is he. Guard reminds that he sent him out of CCTV control room when police had come. Yuvraj says he is right and asks him to return to control room. Preesha stops guard and asks if doors were open when Yuvraj sent him out. Guard says yes. Preesha apologizes to him on Yuvraj’s behalf and sends him. She asks Yuvraj what did he do in CCTV control room? Yuvraj says guard is lying. Preesha says she will take guard to police and asks if he murdered Kirti. Yuvraj asks if she thinks he is a psycho killer. Yuvraj agrees that after Rudra, he went to meet Kirti, but he didn’t kill her and she was fine when he left terrace. Preesha asks what happened next. He describes his meeting with Kirti and when he exposes her truth, she threatens to jump from terrace and kill herself. He gets nervous and requests her to come down. She gets down and says she is not Preesha to tolerate his nonsense, she will kill him and then die herself. He walks away seeing her madness. Out of flashback, he says he went to CCTV room and deleted footage. Preesha asks if he didn’t kill Kirti then. He asks if he should write it down. Preesha says he should go and tell police to prove Rudra innocent.

PRECAP: Yuvraj asks if she wants him to tell truth and get into trouble himself, so he will not. Kirti’s father threatens Balraj that he will send Rudra to jail and orders inspector to arrest Rudra. Preesha says nobody should dare touch her husband and asks manager to tell complete truth. Inspector informs Balraj that they found woman’s earring on terrace, so Rudra is innocent. Ahana provokes Balraj that who must be that woman. Mishka throws earring away which Preesha notices.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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