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Vasu confronts neighbor ladies and revealing their secrets warns them to stay away from her family. GPS says he is hurt seeing their behavior and takes Preesha, Rudra, and Saransh inside home. Ahana informs Shikha that principal wants to restricate Rudra from school for missing online class. Saransh gets sad and asks Preesha and Rudra if they really did something wrong and why are neighbors insulting them. Rudra says its their exam of life like Saransh’s school exams. Ahana informs Sharda that teacher will restricate Rudra if he doesn’t attend online class today. Sharda asks her to let her speak to principal, but Ahana disconnects call. Sharda then calls Preesha and informs her same. Preesha insists Rudra to attend class and logs him in. Rudra attends class. During break, students insult Rudra taunting him that he is a fake star and became one because of his father’s support, etc. Preesha walks in and hearing students’ chat and asks Rudra to not pay attention to them.

Preesha walks to Rahul’s house and warns him to stop targeting Rudra. Rahul tries to justify, but Preesha warns him that she knows with Yuvraj’s help, he is targeting her and Rudra, he lied that she sent him Rudra’s video, etc. Rahul thanks her for supporting her in destroying Rudra and with her help soon he will destroy Rudra, he knows that she hates Rudra and is staying with him only for 6 months until Saransh’s school finishes. Preesha warns him to stop his nonsense and lies and walks away. She walks on street reminiscing the incidents when Rahul’s wife Neerja stops her car and asks Preesha why she is ignoring her, she is concerned for her seeing news about her medical license suspension. Preesha warns her to stop her fake concern and informs that her husband Rahul is targeting Rudra and her as he thinks her baby died because of medical negligence. Neeraj promises to set things right and leaves.
Rudra reminiscing students taunting him pokes compass into his finger. Saranash enters and saying he heard what happened in class encourages him to be strong and ignoring unnecessary people fight for his rights. Vasu calls them for lunch and gets concerned seeing Rudra’s bleeding finger. She tries to bandage his wound when Preesha enters and supports her. Rudra says his own family doesn’t show him love. Preesha says he doesn’t have to injure himself to get love, they will shower him unconditional love always.

Neeraj walks to Rahul and confronts him for targeting Rudra and Preesha even after her warning and threatens to leave him forever. Rahul gets tensed and plead to her not to leave and promises to take back the cases on Preesha and Rudra. He insists her to call them for dinner. Neeraj calls Preesha and informing her what Rahul told invites her and Rudra for dinner. Preesha hesitantly agrees. Yuvraj walks in and hearing about special guests asks Rahul who is his special guest apart from him. Rahul says Preesha and Rudra. Yuvraj asks Rahul if he has gone mad to call Preesha and Rudra for dinner. He says he wants to inform them that he is taking back cases against Rudra and Preesha’s suspension. Yuvraj yells that he has really gone mad. Rahul says he loves his wife and doesn’t want to hurt her, so promised her to take back cases against Rudra and Preesha’s suspension. Yuvraj says if he loves his wife so much, he should sit in her lap instead of forgetting his revenge. Yuvraj says he will serve them something else instead of dinner. He says he will destroy Rudra completely and shows him a video. Yuvraj gets happy seeing video and says he was a small brute and with company he will reach his level soon, now nobody can stop Rudra’s destroyal, his and Preesha’s relationship will end forever.
Preesha gets happy thinking Rahul and Rudra’s differences will solve in Rahul’s dinner party. She informs Rudra that they are going for a dinner outing tonight. He says it would be fun with her parents, Saransh, and them. She says only she and him will go on a special surprise dinner outing. He gets happy thinking she also wants to propose to him like he is and says I love. She nervously asks what? He says he means I love this idea and asks her to get ready. He excitedly gets ready and in front of practices to propose her. Saransh walks in and asks what is happening. He nervously gives weird answers. Saransh asks him to tell truth now. He says he also catches lies like his mother and reveals about Preesha planning dinner outing with him. Saransh jumps in happiness and says he is going on a dinner date with Preesha and should very something special. Rudra goes to change. Saransh thinks finally mom and dad will love each other and stop fighting. Rudra changes different dresses, Saransh rejects them all and finally okays one.

Sharda walks into Balraj’s room and sees him looking at his and Rudra’s pic. Balraj asks why did she switch on light and to leave. She says she can see he is missing Rudra and suggests to him to patch up with Rudra before its too late, he lost one son and shouldn’t lose another.

Preesha also walks into kitchen and happily sings a song with Vasu. Vasu jokes to stop singing badly. Preesha informs her about meeting Neerja and revealing Rahul’s misdeeds, Neeraja confronting Rahul and convincing him to take back complaints against her and Rudra and to apologize Rudra in a dinner party tonight. Vasu says its a good news and gives her sari to get ready. Preesha gets ready in a beautiful sari and comes in front of Rudra. They both get mesmerized in each other’s eyes. Saransh alerts them and asks to keep it rest for dinner date and leaves. They both walk out. Rudra gets romantic with Preesha. Their both stand nervously. He is about to propose her when Saransh walks to them and asks if they are still her and finish all their chat before outing. Rudra thinks Saransh has bad timing like his mother and didn’t wait until he proposed Preesha. Preesha takes him to Rahul’s house and tells Rudra that her friend invited them for special dinner party. Neerja greets them and introduces herself. Rudra gets suspicious and asks which Neeraj is this and stands shocked when Rahul welcomes them.

PRECAP: Rahul switches on Yuvraj and Preesha’s romantic video on tab and walks away in lieu of getting glasses. Rudra panics watching it and breaks tab. Rahul says the woman he loves loves Yuvraj even today. Rudra confronts Preesha that she still loves Yuvraj and not him. udra alleges Preesha that she betrayed him for Yuvraj and loves Yuvraj and not him, she is characterless and will she kill him like his brother. Rahul informs Yuvraj how he manipulated Rudra.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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