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Rahul lies that Paakhi wanted him to take back case against her, so when he asked her to get Rudraksh’s video in exchange, she did it. Preesha says he is lying. Rahul asks if she didn’t give wrong medicine to his wife and he got her suspended. She says his wife was her patient and she informed Rudra about it already. Rahul says she didn’t and he informed Rudra about it right now. Preesha reveals that Rahul blackmailed her threatening to get her suspended and in exchange asked for Rudra’s video; his wife died due to nurse’s wrong medicine and not her, it was an accident; Rahul wanted his rival Rudra to be out of his life, so he made all this drama. Ahana asks if that is the case, then why didn’t she reveal the truth. Balraj says if she had informed them earlier, he would have stopped Rahul right there. Rahul says whatever it is, did she get him that video or not, she is lying and let them decide about it. Rudra says Rahul is right and he trusts him. Rahul smirk. Rudra gives him a tight slap and says he trusts Preesha that she will not let anything wrong against to her husband by her or anyone, even he will do same. Ahana comments Preesha has done black magic on Rudra. Rudra warn him to get out. Rahul warns him that he will ruin Preesha's life and career like he ruined Rudra’s. Rudra hold his collar and throws him out of the house while Rahul yells he will repent. He warns Rahul to dare not return here and closes door. Rudra then looks smilingly at Preesha.

GPS gets tensed regarding Preesha and calls her repeatedly, but when she doesn’t pick call decides to meet her personally. Vasu asks where is he going. He says to sign a new pension form. She asks him to go and return home safely.

Preesha tells Rudra that she wanted to tell him about all this and tried many times, but didn’t get the time due to circumstances, even last night she wanted to, but he was asleep; in the morning also, she wanted to, but Balraj uncle came and then Rahul; medical board will listen to her and will not suspend her, she doesn’t know what Rahul will do, she feels sorry for all this. Rudra says she is good and innocent, so she shouldn’t suffer alone and should inform him everything.
Yuvraj meets Rahul and seeing his crimpled shirt ask if he fought with someone. Rahul says Rudra and reveal the whole incident. Yuvraj provokes him to take revenge against Rudra via Preesha; he should spread Preesha’s suspension news and defame her completely, then he should file multiple cases against Balraj and destroy his company, etc. Rahul calls his lawyer. Yuvraj smirks thinking Khurana family is finished now.

At home, Balraj calls Rudra and Preesha and shouts that because of Preesha’s video, singers and producers filed multiple cases against him and his company is finished, he will be kicked out of his own company. Ahana says even she will be kicked out of board, what will happen now. Balraj says they are finished because of Preesha. Rudra says its wrong. Sharda says there is a news about Preesha and Rudra, reporters are shouting that Preesha is a black dot on medical field, etc. Balraj says because of Preesha’s one video, they are all finished. Rudra says Preesha is innocent. Balraj asks him to prove it. Ahana insists Rudra to prove that Preesha is innocent. Balraj insists Preesha to prove that she didn’t make Rudra’s video. Preesha says why should she prove herself when she is innocent, she doesn’t have to whether they believe it or not. Balraj says that means she doesn’t have any proof and cannot stay in his house. He holds her and Saransh’s hand and drags them towards door when Rudra stops him and warns to leave his wife and son’s hands as his wife doesn’t have to prove anything when she is innocent. Balraj warns if he will go against him and push him yelling he is supporting cheap Preesha. Rudra holds his collar. Balraj is shocked and says he can’t be his obedient son and pushes him towards door saying he will stay on roads from hereon. GPS enters saying Rudra will not stay on road as he will stay in his small house. He confronts Balraj asking if he has any proof that Preesha made Rudra’s video. Balraj shouts how dare he to confront him and warns to get out. GPS asks Preesha to get her bags from this hotel, he will wait outside. Ahana gets happy that Preesha is finally going from here. Mishka cries that Rudra is also going. Ahana says he will go to return back, but Preesha will not.
Saransh cries and Preesha consoles him. She packs her bags reminisces the moments spent in this house with Rudra and Saransh. She tells Rudra that he can stay back. He says he has decided to spend his life with her. She walk down. Sakshi requests her not to leave the house, but she consoles Sakshi. Rudra and Saransh join her. Mishka signals Ahana to speak to Rudra. Ahana asks Rudra not to leave house for a small reason. Rudra leaves with Preesha and Sanarsh. 

At GPS’s house, Vasu gets shocked reading news about Rudra’s ban from singing. She walks out and sees GPS bringing Rudra, Preesha, and Saransh home. Neighbors taunt that Rudra gave them a big lecture on morality, but after being banned from signing will have to leave on his father-in-law’s pension money, Preesha was over proud of herself and now she is also suspended, etc. Vasu warns them to stop interfering in their personal matter. Neighbors say its not anymore and continue yelling. Preesha gives them back and after a lengthy confrontation says her husband is with her and supports her, that is more important.

Ahana gets a call from principal that Rudra didn’t attend online class. She says its a good news and reminiscing getting Rudra’s signs on a form says now she will use it against Rudra and get him out of school. She orders principal to rusticate Rudra. Sakshi walk in. Mishka nervously signal Ahana. Ahana changes tone and requests principal not to rusticate Rudra. Principal says she was insisting just now. Sakshi asks her to give phone, principal cannot do that. Ahana gets more tensed.

PRECAP: Rahul thanks Preesha for support him, now with her help he will destroy Rudra. Preesha meets Rahul’s wife who says she doesn’t know who filed case against her. She says Rahul. Wife meets Rahul and confronts, then calls Preesha and informs that Rahul has promised to take back case against Rudra and cancel her suspension order. Yuvraj asks Rahul if he has gone mad, why did he invite Preesha and Rudra for dinner. Rahul says he called them for dinner but will serve them something else, he will set a big fight. Neeraj greets Rudra and Preesha and makes them sit. Rahul switches on Rudra’s video in tab and walks away in lieu of getting water glasses.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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