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A lady singer Kriti meets Rudra’s family and informs Rudra that if he agrees for a musical tour with her, she will help him lift his singing ban. Balraj asks how to believe her. She says she is minister’s daughter and its easy for her. Rudra asks if she is minister’s daughter, then why she needs him to tour with her. She says he is a rockstar and she admires his success, even her father will not say anything if he accompanies her. She tells Balraj that he made Rudra a rockstar and hopes he makes her also a superstar. Balraj agrees and says he will make her a superstar like Rudra if she helps him lift Rudra’s singing ban. Rudra shakes hand saying its a deal. She hugs him happily. Rudra looks at Preesha. Preesha feels angry. Ahana and Mishka smirk at Preesha. Kriti apologizes Rudra saying she is not like his lady fans who try to hug him unnecessarily, she respects her and Preesha’s relationship and is a big fan of them, in fact they both are known as Rusha in fan circle.

Neerja try to open Rahul’s drawer when Rahul walks in and she moves away. He tries to open his drawer when she asks if he needs coffee. He says okay. She asks him to come along and she will ask maids to prepare coffee. He asks her to go, he will come later. She reminisce taking a similar broken tab from technician to replace it with Rahul’s tab till he recovers data from Rahul’s tab.

Ahuja informs that tour will start tomorrow, so Rudra’s singing ban should be lifted by tomorrow morning. Kriti says it will be lifted tonight itself and walks away. Balraj says he will guide Rudra and accompany him. Ahuja suggests not to accompany Rudra directly as his image is already tarnished after award function and to wait until Rudra’s image is rectified. He suggests to let Preesha accompany Rudra as fans love them and once tour is successful, people will forget everything. Balraj shouts first, but agrees.
Yuvraj comes to meet Rahul. Rahul informs him that he will get tour contract from Ahuja. Neerja sees maid carrying coffee for them and asks if someone came. Maid informs Yuvraj came. She takes coffee tray and walks toward living room and stands aside hearing their conversation. Rahul calls Ahuja and asks when will he meet him with the contract. Ahuja informs that Rudra is the lead singer as his ban will be lifted tonight, so he can send junior singers if he agrees. Rahul shouts, and Ahuja disconnect the call. Yuvraj notices Neerja standing and alerts Rahul. Neerja gives them coffee and leaves. At night, during dinner Yuvraj informs Rahul that he should keep a tab on his wife as she is passing on information to Preesha. Rahul doesn’t believe him and shows tab from his drawer. Yuvraj thinks Rahul is blinded in wife’s love, but he will prove that Rahul’s wife is wrong.

At night, Rudra and the whole family eagerly wait for the ban to be lifted. Kriti walks in with orders. Rudra happily hugs her and introduces her to Sharda. Sharda also hugs and thanks her. Kriti thinks Sharda forgot her, but she didn’t and will take revenge. Rudra asks Kriti to accompany him to his room to pack bags and discuss songs. Preesha feels embarrassed. Saransh walks in. Preesha informs him that they are going on a music tour. Saransh identifies Kriti greeting her and says he has online classes. She says online classes can happen anywhere and they will enjoy after online classes. After sometime, Preesha search for Rudra. Ahana informs that he went out with Kriti. Preesha thinks she cannot handle it anymore. Neerja calls her and informs that she will get original video from Rahul’s tab in 2 days. Preesha informs that she is leaving for musical tour tomorrow. Neerja says she will ask technician to recover data by tomorrow. She calls technician and requests to recover in a pendrive by tomorrow. Yuvraj hears her and thinks he will not let her give the pen drive to Preesha.

Neerja tells Rahul that she is going out to attend her friend’s dandiya party, but before that she will visit her hair dresser and boutique. Rahul agrees. She walks away thinking thank god Rahul didn’t doubt her, now she will go and get data. Yuvraj also leaves after her. She gets into car and leaves. Yuvraj thinks Neerja is very intelligent and wants to expose him and Rahul, but he will finish her game before that. He follows her and waits outside parlor. Neerja gets out of parlor and instead of getting into car walks to laptop repair shop and takes Rahul’s tab’s recovered data in a pendrive and walking to car thinks she will call Preesha and inform her that she recovered data. She leaves in car, and Yuvraj follows her yelling.

Preesha packs Rudra’s clothes and over phone informs Vasu that she is going on a musical tour with Rudra. Rudra walks in, and Preesha informs that she is packing his clothes. He yells not to touch his clothes and he already bought new clothes with Kriti’s help, Kriti doesn’t have behanji choices like her, he doesn’t want to take any old things but helplessly taking her along. He pushes her out of his room. Preesha thinks he will repent once he sees the real video. She calls Neerja, but its not reachable.

Neerja drives car towards Preesha’s house and seeing her phone switched off stops car to pick phone charger when Yuvraj rams his car at her car repeatedly severely injuring her thinks why she wants to tell truth to Preesha, she has to die like Rajeev died. He in a pyschotic behavior walks towards shouting accident.. and getting into car thinks how many people he has to kill. He picks her purse and pen drive and leaves. Preesha calls Neerja repeatedly, but her phone is switched off.

The next morning, Rudra and family get near vehicles to travel for tour. Balraj asks Kriti to sit with Ahana. Rudra says Kriti will go in his vanity van as he wants to discuss music with her. Preesha stands sadly. Kriti says he would love to and try to get into van but slips. Rudra lifts her and walks into van. Preesha thinks till when she has to bear the pain; she calls Neerja, but Rahul picks call and informs that Neerja met with an accident and is in coma and warns not to disturb them. Saransh walks in and asking Preesha what is she doing outside takes her into van. He sees Kriti sitting next to Rudra and asks her to sit aside as its his mamma’s place. Kriti agrees and sits with Saransh while Preesha nervously sits with Rudra. They reach hotel where Yuvraj is already present and asks Balraj if they can discuss schedule as he is handling Rahul’s company because Rahul’s wife is in coma and he will not come. Balraj walks away saying he doesn’t care. Rudra enters with Kriti. Yuvraj thinks what is she doing with Rudra and seeing her angrily looking at Sharda thinks something is wrong and he needs to find out. Rudra walks away with Kriti while Preesha walks behind alone. Yuvraj tries to speak to her, but she ignore him. He thinks this is the best chance to trap Preesha again. Kriti opening her room door says she is tired and needs massage. Rudra says he will and walking into her room closes door to make Preesha jealous. Preesha stands disheartened.

PRECAP: Preesha knocks Kriti’s door. Rudra shirtless opens door and closes it again, leaving Preesha shattered. Rahul notices that and meets Kriti who slaps him and shouts to get lost. He sees Sharda’s cross marked photo there. Saransh wakes up and gets afraid seeing himself alone. He walks out and is shocked to see Kirti sitting on Rudra’s lap, asks what is happening here. Yuvraj takes Preesha to Kirti’s room and opens her cupboard to show Khurana family pics. Preesha says there is nothing there.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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