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Malhar says sorry. Sarthak refuses to go to party and tells that he didn’t get invitation from Malhar. Anupriya says there is a party in our house, and you need invitation. Sarthak says he will not come and asks her to go. Kalyani asks Malhar to go and invite Kaka and Aai. Malhar says I will not go. Kalyani says you are stretching the matter and tells that they shall not forget elders during happy times, as we move on in life due to their blessings. She asks him to call them else she will go to her room. Malhar says I will go and bring them. Anupriya asks Sarthak to come and asks him not to be stubborn. Sarthak says I will not come and goes to take bath. Moksh is climbing the stairs tensedly. Gungun asks him to bring the paper and says if you have magic stick that paper will come itself. Moksh asks her to come along with him. She says if anyone sees me, and tells that she will wait for him in the room. Abhimanyu tells Kalyani that the dress is boring for the party. Kalyani says she got busy in packing and unpacking that she didn’t get a chance to go for shopping. He drinks and asks her to bring ice. Kalyani asks him to drink less else it will be problematic. Moksh comes to room and takes the file. He gets scared seeing someone. Kalyani comes back to Abhimanyu and finds him holding a gift. Abhimanyu tells that door bell rang, he opened the door and found this. Kalyani says she didn’t hear the voice. Abhimanyu says may be due to loud music. Malhar has come to Sarthak’s room and pick the file from the floor. Sarthak comes there and sees file in Malhar’s hand. Kalyani opens the gift and finds a dress and also a romantic note. She reads the poetry. Abhimanyu asks any guesses, who has given this. Kalyani says obviously Malhar ji and tells that he is enjoying doing this. Anupriya comes to room and asks Malhar you are here. sarthak says Malhar is stealing the file for his wife. Kalyani thinks to wear the dress and surprise Malhar. She goes. Abhimanyu thinks this Malhar ruins my moment everytime. He drinks and gets angry.
Malhar asks Kaka not to say anything. Anupriya sends Moksh out and asks why you are talking such things infront of the boy. Sarthak says didn’t you see that he was stealing Vahini’s file.

Kalyani wears the outfit and thinks Malhar ji chose a nice dress. Electricity goes. Kalyani says how the party will happen. Abhimanyu comes there. Kalyani thinks Malhar came and says you have become naughty Malhar ji. Abhimanyu hugs her. Kalyani asks who is he and sees his face in her mobile light. She asks what is this misbehavior and asks him to get out of her room. She says I am giving you warning. Abhimanyu says I am waiting for years to come close to you and asks why are you acting, I have noticed that your smile, talks, behavior…I know that you tries to come closer to me whenever I am near you. Kalyani asks him to leave her and asks not to touch him. Abhimanyu holds her. Malhar says I am not interested in your file. Just then he hears Kalyani shouting Malhar and they all run to room. Malhar asks Kalyani to open the door and hears Abhimanyu forcing himself on her, and confessing his love to her. Kalyani pushes him and opens the door. Malhar gets inside with Sarthak and Anupriya and asks what happened? Kalyani tells Abhimanyu that he wants to get her, this is her answer. She slaps him. Malhar asks what did he do with you? Kalyani says he misbehaved with me. Malhar takes Abhimanyu out. Abhimanyu tells Malhar that he didn’t do anything and tells that she herself gave me a hint. Malhar says I will kill you if you say it again. Abhimanyu asks him to see that Kalyani is wearing dress given by him and also invited him to the room. Kalyani says he is lying, I didn’t know that this dress is given by him, I got it with a note and thought Malhar ji gave it. Abhimanyu says Kalyani is lying. Sarthak says Kalyani is not just my bahu, but my beti, and she never lies. Malhar says you deserve punishment and tells that he shall be beaten until he learns to respect woman. He asks Kalyani to beat him. Kalyani beats Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu says sorry Kalyani, I was drunk and did this. Kalyani says no good person can do this even in drunkard person, says I thought you as my friend and asks how did you think about this? Malhar hits him and says this is the problem of such guys. Asawari asks Malhar to let him go and not to risk his own career. Malhar says I don’t care and hits Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu apologizes and says I was drunk. He throws water on his face. Kalyani says when we used to be together in coaching centre, I thought you are good friend, but you don’t deserve to be an officer. Anupriya says you don’t have the right to work in police dept. Malhar says I will get his uniform out. Kalyani looks on sad.
Abhimanyu plead with Malhar not to do this and says if this thing comes out then Kalyani’s name will be punished more than me. He says what Moksh will think about his mother and says Kalyani’s name will be ruined. He apologizes to Malhar. Asawari says he is saying right. Sarthak asks her not to interfere and tells Abhimanyu that Kalyani is having all her family to take care of her, and tells that you will be punished for your wrong doings. Anupriya says don’t try to scare my daughter by talking such things. Malhar says I will make your uniform taken out as nobody has the right to insult the department. Abhimanyu folds his hands.

Later Anupriya gives tea to Sarthak. Sarthak opens the newspaper and sees the news that Abhimanyu got arrested for teasing ex district collector Kalyani rane. Kalyani reads the news on her mobile, reads the comments and gets upset. Later Malhar tells everyone that Abhimanyu’s bail is rejected, now he will be taken into judicial custody. Anupriya says his place is there. Sarthak says now everything is fine. Kalyani thanks Sarthak for helping them. Malhar thanks Sarthak and Anupriya. Kalyani says irrespective of the circumstances, you both will always be our elders. They bend down to touch his feet, but he moves back. He says he has supported them as they are his family. He says he will bless them when they accept Vahini and take her blessings. Malhar says sorry and tells that he will not question him, he can let anyone stay here. He says I didn’t come to your room to take that file. Sarthak says you don’t need to say anything, I got my answer.

Moksh is in his room and thinks Aai fi will like his scrap book. Gungun is sleeping on the bed and kicks him in sleep. He thinks he didn’t get enough place to sit on the bed in night. Kalyani comes there and asks him to open the door. Moksh asks Gungun to wake and hide. She wakes up and hides behind the bed. He opens the door. Kalyani sees two blankets and asks about it. Moksh tells that there was cold at night so he took the other one. He says he has made the scrap book and shows Abhimanyu and her news pic on his scrap book and asks her to see. He says he will show to his friends. Kalyani gets shocked. Asawari thinks she will make her confuse in her own problems that she will not enquire about him. She takes the scrap book from her hand and takes it to Anupriya. She asks her to see what happened, and says that’s why I asked not to stretch the matter. Anupriya sees it and spills water intentionally. Moksh says it is ruined. Anupriya says she will give him more Kalyani’s pic and newspaper cutting. She asks Moksh who asked him to paste this pic. Moksh looks at Asawari and is about to tell her name, but Asawari stops him and asks Anupriya to think what would have happened if Moksh had taken it to his school. Kalyani warns Asawari to stay away from her son and says she knew that she had asked Moksh to paste the news in his scrap book.

Gungun asks Moksh to bring two rotis more from tomorrow else she will show his report card to his Aai. Moksh thinks he has to do something, she is troubling him. He clicks her pic and thinks to show her pic to Aai and Baba, thinks they will search her parents, or grand parents and will send her back, then she will leave me. Gungun asks what is in your hand. Moksh says nothing. Just then Kalyani calls Moksh and asks him to return Aaji’s phone. Gungun asks him to show the phone. He runs while she runs behind him. Asawari talks to someone and asks him to search the girl. She looks out the window, but doesn’t see anyone. She is about to see her, but vase falls down and she bends down to pick it. Moksh and Gungun continue to run. Kalyani comes there calling Moksh. Gungun steps on the water pipe accidentally and the waterfalls on Kalyani. Kalyani gets drenched and falls, gets hurt. Gungun and Moksh are shocked. Kalyani is in her room. Malhar asks if she is fine? Kalyani says yes. Moksh comes there and thinks if Gungun hurts Aai again. He hugs Kalyani and promises not to obey her and also her. Kalyani asks who? Moksh runs out. Kalyani says he has become strange. Anupriya comes there and asks Kalyani to drink haldi milk. She keeps Asawari files on the table. Kalyani says it is of Asawari. Malhar says I know that you wanted to help us, but I don’t want Kaka and your relation to get better.

Sarthak comes there and says I have given these files, so that you can check and get over your doubt. He says Vahini’s behavior was good when she was in jail. Kalyani thanks him. Sarthak and Anupriya go. Kalyani takes the file. Malhar asks her not to read now. Kalyani asks him to let her read else she will not get sleep. Malhar says ok. Gungun threatens Moksh and tells that if he takes her pic again then she will hurt his Aai. Moksh asks her not to hurt his Aai. Gungun promises not to hurt his Aai if he cooperates and tells that he shall sleep on the ground while she will sleep on the bed.

Later Kalyani sees some reflection outside her room and thinks Aai or SB must have gone to kitchen. She rests on bed. Again she sees the reflection and gets doubtful. She tries to go out and finds the door locked. She asks Malhar to wake up and says someone entered our house. She turns and sees Abhimanyu standing in their room. Malhar wakes up and finds Abhimanyu aiming gun at him. Kalyani gets shocked.

Kalyani sees Abhimanyu aiming gun at Malhar and shouting him to get up fast. Malhar wakes up and asks Abhimanyu to keep down the gun. He says we will sit and talk. Abhimanyu says you have ruined my life for the small mistake and my family, job and home are snatched from me. He asks how did you think that I will not punish you both. He shoots himself on his forehead shocking Malhar and Kalyani. Thr next day, Inspector tells Kalyani that they have handed over Abhimanyu’s dead body to his wife. Kalyani says he said he was not married. Malhar says he must have lied and might have forgotten his real life, while living a fake life with you. Inspector tells that he will write in the charge sheet that Abhimanyu escaped from jail, attacked you and then he himself commit suicide. Malhar says ok. Inspector leaves. Kalyani says can’t believe that Abhimanyu had hidden his secret from them and tells that he was acting sweet with her. Malhar tells that such people take their hearts on their hand and some people bury their secrets and take drastic steps. He asks Kalyani to relax and says you didn’t do any mistake in this matter. Just then a glass gets broken accidentally. Anupriya comes there and asks Kalyani if she is fine? Kalyani asks her to relax and says now I am fine and forgotten Abhimanyu’s chapter. Anupriya hugs her and keeps her hand on her face. She then says sorry for the flour on her face. They go.

Sarthak talks to Aao Saheb and tells that Moksh is fine now. He says Moksh is playing here in the garden. Gungun signs Moksh to come and asks him to steal money from Sarthak’s wallet to buy icecream. Moksh says he will not do such a thing. Gungun blackmails Moksh and tells that she will shout and tell everyone that they have forcefully keep her captive. Moksh agrees. Sarthak goes from there. Gungun asks him to go and get the money. Moksh is about to touch the wallet and recalls Kalyani’s words that good children don’t touch others’ stuff. Sarthak comes there and asks Moksh what is he doing?

Asawari comes to Kalyani and tells that she is feeling pain, but came to take out bad sight off her. She takes off bad sight and then burns the chillies in the gas stove. Kalyani coughs and thanks her, says she can take care of herself. Moksh tells that he was getting bored so he thought to solve your puzzle (Gungun’s pic papers). Sarthak says you can’t solve this puzzle. Moksh says if I solve your puzzle then you will give me 100 Rs. Sarthak says ok and gives glue to him. Moksh sits down and tries to match the pic rightly. Kalyani comes there and thanks Kaka for handling Moksh well. Sarthak asks if she saw Asawari’s file and tells that she has changed with time. Kalyani thinks she has accepted that she came with a motive and thinks she can’t talk without proofs. She says I will return her file, I don’t want to talk about her. Sarthak gets a call and goes to attend it. Moksh sticks the pic to the paper and thinks last part was missing. Kalyani sees the pic and thinks it is of a girl and thinks to talk to SB about it. Asawari enjoys fresh air standing in the balcony and thinks she had yearned for fresh air in jail and here there is no restrictions here. Kalyani comes there and reminds Asawari that she has pain in her leg and asks her to sit on the wheel chair. She says I will drop you to your room and tells that even she has agenda behind this. She says you have challenged me and I can do anything to win it, and tells that she can bring wrong people on track, it is her hobby. She says I am not DM, but I didn’t forget the training and knows how to punish people, specially the ones who look at her family with bad sight. She says you have personal experience about it. Gungun throws a pebble on Moksh. Sarthak comes there and asks Moksh if the puzzle is solved. Moksh asks him to give just 90 Rs, as one of the part is missing. Sarthak asks him to give the pic. 

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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