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Vaijanti takes the call and says hello. Moksh asks where did she go? He tells that he got unwell and that’s why baba has sent him to hostel. He says he is missing her. Vaijanti says I will come soon, asks him not to take tension and says she will come. She asks him not to cry and be strong. Moksh asks why are you talking in different accent. Malhar takes the call and goes to talk to him. Anupriya confronts Meenakshi and asks what will you get by using a child. Meenakshi says I will get justice for my husband, no rules, right and wrong can stop me. Anupriya says you will go to jail one day and tells that she has taken out all hidden cameras from home and if she try to do such thing again then she will get her arrest warrant. Anupriya warn Meenakshi not to do this again else she will bring arrest warrant for her. Sarthak asks her not to accuse his client without any proofs and says if you accuse my client next time, then you will be accused of mental harassment. Meenakshi says this is not needed, as she will be exposed soon, and nobody can save her from my trap. She goes. Vaijanti gets a call from Param asking her to meet. Sunita thinks come out, I am waiting. Vaijanti thinks I am waiting for you. She puts a letter in the coconut and comes out calling Param. She says where are you? Malhar comes and pats on her shoulder. Vaijanti gets shocked and turns to looks at Malhar. He asks what are you doing here? Vaijanti says she came to throw the coconut. She throws it. Vaijanti and Malhar hear the sound coming from behind the trees. Malhar looks there. Sunita escapes and thinks if Malhar had not come, then I would have caught Kalyani. Malhar asks why did you come here? Vaijanti says to throw the coconut. Malhar checks her phone and says Param came to meet her. Vaijanti says he messaged, but didn’t come. She cries and asks him not to tell anyone. Malhar says I can’t see anyone crying and thanks her for talking to his son. He says my tension is relieved a bit, hearing him happy and laughing. He asks her to come inside.

Param comes there and picks the chit from the coconut. He reads the message and says very good Vaijanti. Later bebe brings coconut and gives to Vaijanti, says special coconut sent by someone. She asks until when this will go on, our work can’t be done. Vaijanti says I was waiting for this. She says I missed the chance, I will make all blame and insult end and they get free of the accusation. She says you take care on the gate and make sure nobody comes inside. Bebe says ji Madam. Anupriya comes there and asks if she calls her Madam. Bebe says what to do, my son left me in her care. Anupriya says you are drinking coconut a lot and takes coconut from her hand to cut it. Vaijanti comes behind her and says she knows how to cut it. Anupriya says even she knows and gets her finger injured. Vaijanti calls her Aai and tells that she has called her Maayi, as Malhar says. She thinks she can’t express her emotions, else she will know that she is Kalyani. She brings first aid box and does the bandage. Anupriya gets emotional and tells that life has hurt her. Malhar talks to Jadav and comes to know that a lady has threatened to kill Meenakshi. Malhar asks if she is fine. Jadav says yes, but she doubts Kalyani. Malhar comes to Meenakshi’s house and sees Param outside holding gun. Kalyani/Vaijanti gets a chit from the coconut and smiles. Later Bebe refuses to eat food made by Vaijanti. Anupriya asks what she wants to eat. Bebe tells what she wants to eat, she falls on the table intentionally. Anupriya takes her to the hospital. Kalyani/vaijanti is left alone in the home.

Meenakshi talks to her superior and tells that why she will help Param escape and tells that someone is threatening to kill her. Just then someone comes there and attacks Meenakshi on her head. Meenakshi looks at her and says Kalyani before fainting.

Malhar follows Param and thinks where is he going? He follows Param. Param looks at the paper in his hand and continues walking. He finds Malhar behind him in the truck’s mirror and takes out the gun from his pocket. Malhar catches him. They have a fight. Param runs away from there, but the chit falls down from his pocket. Malhar checks it and thinks this resembles Kalyani’s handwriting.
Malhar come to Meenakshi’s house and asks why there is crowd here. Pawar tells that Meenakshi is attacked and is in the hospital. He shows the CCTV footage. Malhar thinks this woman looks like Kalyani and thinks she is at home, then who is she? He calls Anupriya and asks her to give call to Vaijanti. Anupriya tells that she came to hospital with bebe as her leg is hurt. Malhar thinks Vaijanti can come here then? He comes home and calls Kalyani…He thinks Kalyani can’t hide from him and finds the fridge stuff on the floor in the kitchen. He find the fridge open a bit and finds her sitting inside unconscious. He gets shocked and calls her. He asks her to open her eyes and takes her out. He checks her pulse and takes her to bedroom. He rubs her hands and feet. Kalyani shivers and gets temperature. He then closes the door and covers blanket on her, but she still shivers. Malhar thinks I have to give her body heat. He removes his shirt and hugs her to give her warmth. Param comes there and says you want to do this with my wife and that’s why you sent me to jail. He says neither I am blind nor stupid, I can understand. Malhar says I am trying to save her. Param asks this way, by a hug. He asks if there is no other way for you. He says I knew your intention and will not let my wife stay here. Malhar aims gun at him and says she will not go anywhere, says if she is attacked here then she is not safe outside. Param asks how to believe you, that there is no trick of Police in this? Malhar says this is not my trick, you don’t have any option than to believe me. Kalyani wakes up and hug Param. She says you came back, we will stay in our house. Param asks her to stay here until she gets fine. Kalyani says you. Param says Malhar has a big heart and permitted me to stay here. He says Malhar sir said that your life is in danger, so I will stay with my wife. Malhar asks her if she saw who attacked her. Param says let her rest. Kalyani says she is very tired. Malhar shows the video to Anupriya. Anupriya says the lady resembles Kalyani, but she can’t be her. Malhar says Meenakshi is attacked, Vaijanti too, this is getting complicated. Anupriya says the attack is not to kill Vaijanti. She says why will anyone lock her inside fridge if they wants to murder her? Sunita is shown in Kalyani’s hair do and attire and thinks she had made Meenakshi believe that she is Kalyani. She think Kalyani will come out of her madras avatar. Malhar think whoever has locked her in fridge, might leave any clue. He finds a shirt button and doubts Param. He thinks why Param will try to kill Kalyani? Param tells Kalyani that he had attacked her to save her. Kalyani ask why? Param says Commissioner was attacked, as she was after you and everyone will doubts you. He says if you get arrested then our work can’t be done. He says we don’t have any time now, we have to leave the work and stay here. He asks her to tell where she has hidden that. Kalyani asks him not to panic and says what I thought. Param asks her to tell the truth to him else he knows how to bend the finger. Kalyani falls down while trying to stop him and falls down. Param shouts Vaijanti.
Malhar think what is going on in Param’s mind and asks Vaijanti if she is fine. Vaijanti shows the fake pregnancy pillow on her stomach and says it saved me. Param asks her to try to understand and ask her to tell where she has hidden the remaining drugs. He says I know that you have hidden 60 percent of the drugs somewhere, as 40 percent were found in sarees consignment. He asks her to tell. Kalyani says sorry and says I will not tell you. Param says don’t be stubborn, I need to know. Kalyani asks why do you want to know, so that you get the drugs and submit it in the narcotics office, to be the best officer of the dept, and calls him Inspector Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu says yes, you are my friend and I want to help you. He says we know since coaching days, when you were preparing for IAS and I was preparing for police academy. He says you know well that I don’t do anything without thinking. He says I am asking you to take it out so that when the thief comes to steal it, we will catch her. Kalyani says you know well that once drugs are out, that guy will kill Sunita. She says she is acting to be Vaijanti since a month so that she can get free of the fake accusation on her, so that she can wipe the stains which Malhar got, so that her son doesn’t get taunts due to her. She says this is possible when Sunita is caught, I know that she is trying to kidnap me. Param says your plan is not working though. Just then they hear door sound. Malhar enters the room and finds Kalyani/Vaijanti sleeping and Param standing. He tries to check Kalyani, but Param takes him out, says she is sleeping. He comes out with Malhar. Param thanks Malhar for helping Vaijanti and asks if he came to know who has attempted to kill his wife. Malhar shows the button and asks what this was doing in the fridge. Param says I love her so much, why will I harm her. Malhar says I will question you in the PS. Param asks what is the proof that this is my shirt button. Malhar says I am sure that you are upto something and I will bring out your truth, will see until when you will be saved.

PRECAP: Meenakshi tells Malhar that she has attacked a commissioner and arrests Vaijanti/Kalyani. Anupriya comes there and says you can’t take her from here. Meenakshi says I will see, how you stop me. Anupriya says I am shooting to upload on social video. Kalyani/Vaijanti refuses to give drug location to Sunita. She tells Sunita that her threatening won’t work on her. She knows very well how important drugs are to her and only she (Kalyani) knows the location.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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