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Aao Saheb is going somewhere. Kalyani asks for her phone and says plumber number is engaged. Aao Saheb gives her phone. Kalyani thinks why are you helping Atharv? Aao Saheb gives her locket to Kalyani and makes her wear it. Kalyani thinks if Sampada is having any misunderstanding. She thanks her and calls Godaveri. She gives Godaveri’s phone to her. It shows the phone was of Godaveri. Godaveri smile. Kalyani tells Sampada that Aao Saheb is not helping Atharv. Sampada says then who is helping him. Godaveri is shown, feeling bad. Atharv asks her not to feel guilty and tells her that because of Kalyani and Malhar, her Baba is in jail, Nal died and Pallavi went in depression and went to Mumbai. He ask her not to feel bad and says they didn’t give you pocket money also. I gave you money, you wanted. He says nobody cares for you, not even Aao Saheb. He provokes her against everyone. Sampada says someone is helping him. Kalyani says she will execute the plan today and make him confess all the truth.

Atharv asks Godaveri about the locket. Godaveri says she made juice fall, but Aao Saheb took the locket. She says Kalyani didn’t wear it. He says it is good that Sampada can get inside her body. Atharv asks her to give medicine to Kalyani, so that she feels that she can’t become a mother and get in depression. Godaveri says that medicine is over. Atharv gives money and asks her to buy it. She gets down from the car. Anupriya and Sarthak see her. Anupriya calls her. Godaveri sits in the auto and goes. Sarthak says Godaveri was looking tensed. Anupriya gets worried.

Kalyani come to Atharv’s room and asks what happened? Kalyani asks what happened, I am your Sampu. Atharv smiles. Kalyani says she has destroyed the locket when Aao Saheb kept it in hall. Atharv says he wanted her to come in Kalyani. Kalyani asks why, as our dinner date was pending. He says no, as you didn’t tell me of your plan to kill Malhar. Kalyani says even you didn’t tell me who is helping you. She says we will do our dinner date. Anupriya and Sarthak follow Godaveri. They see Godaveri buying medicine from a medical store. Anupriya asks the shop keeper about the medicine, which Godaveri has taken. Shop keeper says she has taken contraceptive pills. Anupriya gets shocked and comes home. She asks Aao Saheb if Godaveri came. Aao Saheb says no.

Kalyani tells Atharv that he is using good use of the Nal emporium. Atharv asks her if she remembers their favorite song. Sampada tells Kalyani that pyaar ki ek kahani. Kalyani hears as she is wearing secret earplugs…..She tells him. Atharv plays the song and asks Kalyani to dance with him. Kalyani dances with him and imagines dancing with Malhar. Atharv gets a message and tells that he will go and receive the parcel, and asks her to be there. Kalyani asks him to return fast. She tells Sampada that Atharv has gone out. Sampada asks her to see the CCTV. Kalyani couldn’t see in the CCTV and goes out. She finds him talking on phone and calls him. Atharv says I was talking on phone about the important business deal. Kalyani says if you are going to meet the informer. Atharv says I will inform you after I come back. He says I am getting late.
Kalyani says bye. She follows him and finds his car parked somewhere. She tells Sampada that today she will catch him red handed. She goes near the car and couldn’t find him there. She thinks where did he go? Atharv thinks Kalyani was acting and recalls seeing the locket in her hand. He understands that Kalyani acted that Sampada’s soul is in her. He says this game will going to be very dangerous. He pretends to call someone and tells that he can’t believe that Sampada’s soul comes in her. He says I didn’t tell her about you, as our game would have ruined if Kalyani is acting. He says I am sure that Sampada is dead and I will not believe until I see the soul in Sampada’s face. Kalyani hears and goes from there. Atharv thinks Avni had said that she has seen Sampada, and thinks if she is alive and Kalyani is fooling me with her help. He thinks to find out the truth.

Kalyani meets Sampada and Pawar and tell that they have to work on our plan. Sampada says I shouldn’t have come infront of Avni. Kalyani says Aai is freed because of you. She asks Sampada to come out infront of Atharv and says today itself we have to execute this plan. Pawar says Malhar sir is at home. Kalyani asks him to send Malhar and Moksh to the fair. Pawar comes to Malhar and tells that he wants off to take his kids to the fair. Malhar asks him to go. Pawar asks him to take Moksh to the fair. Moksh asks Malhar to take him to the fair. Malhar says you have to read 2’s table 2 times. Moksh says he will write. He says he will call Kalyani. Pawar says Kalyani Madam went with Aao Saheb. Moksh insists. Malhar takes him out.

Kalyani comes to Atharv and says she is bored of Malhar and Moksh. Atharv says if anyone sees you. Kalyani says I am not Kalyani to get scared and says I will kill malhar, and then will possess Kalyani’s body for forever and then we will stay with Moksh. She asks him to go and get ready.

Atharv goes and thinks Kalyani came to get trapped in my trap. Malhar tells Pawar that they shall pick his children and come there. Atharv comes back to his room. Sampada is sitting on the bed with veil on his head while Kalyani is hiding. Atharv tells that he has to do some important work. He closes the door and switches off the lights. Sampada thinks why did he switch off the lights. He pours powder around the bed and now it will be found, how many people are in this room. He thinks rangoli white powder is on the floor, I will find out how many people walk on it. Kalyani gets tensed and thinks if Atharv got doubtful about our planning. She thinks she can’t let him lift Sampada’s veil.

In the night Athrav exclaims that the time for waiting has ended, Sampada in the veil exclaims that when it is lifted he would not be able to believe it, Kalyani prays to god that there be some miracle so Athrav doesnot find the truth about them, Athrav exclaims that he cannot wait to see her face so walks close to the bed, Kalyani wonders what can she do so throws so balls which causes Athrav to fall with his head hitting the chair, he gets unconscious.

Kalyani jumps on the bed of Sampada who is tensed asking how did Athrav fell, Kalyani however says that there is no time to explain and taking the hand of Sampada gets to the door when she realizes that their feet have created imprints on the floor which is filled with powder, she is able to remove the imprints and takes rushes out of the room with Sampada.

Kalyani enters another room with Sampada, who questions what has happened and how did Athrav fell, she explains that he is really clever and had filled the entire room with powder to find if there were two people in the room, so she had to wipe them out.
Athrav wakes up with severe pain in his head, he seeing the powder realizes that there is something wrong, exclaiming that Kalyani is really clever because she completely ruined the powder however walking near the bed sees that there are two sets of footprints so he realizes that his suspicion was true and there was more then one person in the room.

Kalyani exclaims to Sampada that she would have to be careful and must not leave the room as he would try to find her, Sampada asks what the plan is because she cannot think of anything else.

Athrav exclaims that she might have been in a hurry as the patches of powder made by her feet are in the entire house and are going to the outhouse, he opens the door which signals Kalyani and Sampada, he opens the door of the room however doesnot see anyone in the room, Kalyani along with Sampada are hiding behind a pile of boxes, Sampada asks what would they do now, Kalyani says that even she doesnot know the plan but that she would have to remain hidden from him.

Athrav sees the prints in the room however wonders where they could have gone as they came into the room, he leaves after not being able to find them, Kalyani breathes a sigh of relief after he leaves.

Anupriya questions Godavari what was she doing buying the pills from the medicine shop and what need did she have for the contraceptive pills, Godavari thinks that she was mixing these pills on the orders of Athrav, Anupriya says that she is waiting for her answer, she should not think that she would make a fool of her because she is not the same Anupriya, who she can make a fool off, Godavari explains that she has bought these medicines for her friend who is married but doesnot want a baby and if she desires then can call her friend, Anupriya explains that she would surely call and calm herself.

Athrav exclaims that they have come to know that Sampada is alive and now should wait to find her, he advises Avni to keep acting as a mad women, she explains that she fears they would catch her if she keeps on acting however he responds that he doesnot have any answer but she should keep on acting, he gets a call on the second mobile and says that he only gets a call when there is a problem, they answer it and Anupriya asks if she has asked Godavari to buy the pills for her, Avni acts as if she had asked Godavari, so requests Anupriya to not inform her husband, she then ends the call, leaving the room after instructing Godavari to say to her friend that it is not right to keep such a secret from her husband.

Athrav explains that once they get a hold of Sampada then it would be easy for him to prove in the court how she kept her child scared because of her act and how can such a woman take care of her child so exclaims that Kalyani would not get the custody of Moksh.

Kalyani is in the hall, Athrav comes after her, she thinks that he can become suspicious but would not be able to find any proof, he also thinks that she has come to know that he is suspicious so would be even more careful, Athrav comes close to her however she says that she is Kalyani and he should not dare come near her, he exclaims that how good is it because she gets the soul of Sampada at any time then does she know where her soul is wandering, Kalyani gets mad asking if he thinks that she knows lives with the soul, he leaves after laughing.

Kalyani is in the room when Malhar comes with Moksh, he explains that he threw the ring and it fell on the largest chocolate, she asks where di it go, Moksh replies that he ate it, Malhar asks why did she not attend his call, she replies that she went with Ayi to the market, Malhar however says that Moksh told him that she went someone else, she immediately retracts her statement, Malhar asks what is she worried, asking if she thinks that the soul of Sampada would get in her body because ever since she has taken the necklace then there has not been any such incident. Kalyani thinks that she is worried about what Athrav would do next.

In the morning the police constable is walking when a Pandit comes to him saying that he was sent by the Pandit jee to place the band on the hand of Sampada however the police constable says that he is mistaken because she has died however he asks the constable to not worry and asks the Pandit jee if he feels so the constable calls the Pandit je who explains that he is his disciple and was sent because he had to go out of the city, after the call ends, pandit jee remembers how he was scared by Athrav who threatened to kill him, the constable then decides to call Kalyani and tries however when she is able to answer, Avni pushes her mobile and it submerges in water, she starts laughing however Kalyani is really worried, she then texts Athrav saying that the work is done, he heads with the constable to the outhouse.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm

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