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Vaidika finds a girl asking help against a man following her. She takes the girl into an auto. At home, Vaidika assures the girl she is safe at her house and brings her water. She asks for her parent’s contact number, she will call them. The man comes into the house calling Suomya. Vaidika stays as a shield to girl and warns the man to say away. The man clutches his fist while Nani calls the police. He questions who is she to stop him, Vaidika shuts him up as it’s because of men like him that their daughters are unsafe. Suomya begins to laugh out loud. The man says he is her uncle and explains this girl is after him to marry. Suomya insists she gets bored at home with him alone and wants a Mami. Nani curtly says they won’t mind mingling in anyone’s matter; they are used to it now. Vaidika apologizes for speaking much. The man introduces himself as Yash Kumar; they shake hands. Suomya eyes this.

At Agarwal house, Bari Amma shouts at Nidhi to come downstairs. Anjana stood in front of her with her hands joint. Bari Amma asks Anjana to apologize her daughter in law. After she has apologized, she was asked to lick on the dust of Nidhi’s hands. Gayatri feels severe pain in her belly. Anjana was badly crying while she bends. Someone comes to hold Anjana up. Shruti comes to assistance as it was Sahil. Sahil shouts that his mother won’t bend or apologize anyone. He wish to slap Nidhi’s face hard, but this woman (Anjana) taught him to respect women. He questions if Bari Amma is insulting his mother in the hand of this bastard. It’s better he witnessed this all, he is taking his mother along as she no more needs to live in this hell. Anjana doesn’t move. She says a woman’s corpse only leaves the house she is married into. This house isn’t a hell for her, she can’t leave this house and the memories of his father. He didn’t fulfil any of responsibilities of a good son ever, why should so go and live in that Vaidika’s house then. She places Sahil’s hand over her head and asks if he would return home leaving Vaidika. Sahil says alright he will, but wait for a while; walks upstairs and returns with a licensed gun of Bari Amma. He says living without Vaidika is similar to dying for him; he points the gun at his forehead as he can’t live without Vaidika. Everyone come to snatch the gun but the bullet was shot. The gun was in Deepak’s hand which trembled. Sahil had fallen to floor. Everyone try to wake Sahil up, he stands up finally. Deepak questions what he intended to do, nothing is important for him than Sahil’s life. Anjana says she got his reply, he can’t see anything else in front of that woman. He must leave this house not to show himself up again, she will consider she near had a son. Sahil agrees to go. He cries for not being able to become a good son. Bari Amma shouts at Anjana. She wonders if she is stupid or over smart. She has given Sahil what he always wished for. She will always long to see her son, and that Vaidika would win her. Anjana cries that she lost Sahil and fell on the floor. Vaidika opens the door for Aarya and was shocked to see her come with Mohid. She tries to ask casually about the guy. Aarya says this is Mohid, the choreographer. She was inspired of him and his offer to drop her home. Vaidika warns that she must think well before being friends with someone. Aarya says she isn’t a kid anymore and goes inside. Vaidika gets a call and recognizes the voice as Sahil’s. Vaidika and Anjana reach at the same venue at same time finding Sahil.

Sahil comes to meet Anjana and Vaidika. He says Anjana and Vaidika are two most important ladies of his life, none want him to stay in their house. He is fed up of his life and the dramas in it. His mother wish him to leave his love of life, while Vaidika only wants him as a friend. Everyone wants Sahil as they desire, none ever cared for him. Neither his mother nor his love, Vaidika holds him important. He clarifies to Anjana his love for her didn’t decrease because of love for Vaidika. He holds Vaidika’s hand saying he has dreamed he would only return home when Vaidika goes along him as a daughter in law and Anjana has become her mother in law. He announces he won’t leave their lives even if they wish for.

It was morning, Aarya finds Vaidika sleeping on the couch. She asks about Sahil, he isn’t in his room and even his phone is off. Vaidika says she was also waiting for him. Aarya goes to call Karan but Vaidika stops her. Aarya asks why she is always concerned about Sahil. When she has left, Vaidika wonders why she worries for Sahil so much. Maya speaks from behind that Vaidika loves Sahil. Vaidika was happy to see Maya and asks about her Monali trip. Maya jokes she told her husband to learn from Sahil how to love. Vaidika denies loving Sahil. Maya suggests about finding a handsome, rich businessman for Vaidika, who is of her age as well. Suomya matches Yash’s photo with the one in the photo and makes him change his tie. She then reads Vaidika’s profile from internet. Yash interrupts Suomya saying he came to Kanpur for a purpose, there is only room for hatred in his life. He aims to destroy the biggest jewelers here. Suomya asks if hate isn’t wrong. Yash replies sometimes love also destroy lives and leaves for office. Suomya was irritated why Yash brought her to Kanpur from Delhi.

Deepak is playing with money and jewelry in his room. He says he only wish for an heir in the house, he would be Bari Amma’s own blood; his son. He fed Gauri papaya, there would be a confirmed son after tonight. He looks into the dustbin and was furious over Gauri for throwing away the papaya his Pandit had given.

Sahil is watching Vaidika’s photos. Nidhi comes in. Sahil turns to go. Nidhi says she was also angry about all this, doesn’t he know his Bari Amma. Sahil says she could have forbidden everyone, but she didn’t resist. Nidhi says she wished to tell him but he is never around. She doesn’t even know if she would ever be able to live in his house or not. Sahil tells her to stop her drama. Karan allows her to speak. Nidhi says her condition is exactly like Sahil, he isn’t accepting her the way Vaidika doesn’t accept him. She promises to leave his life the day Vaidika accepts her. Suomya comes to ask Vaidika if she can give her tuitions. Vaidika asks how she did know about her tuitions. Suomya says she read everything about her on internet and is inspired how Vaidika can do a lot together, like embroidery, dancing, teaching etc. Is she a super-woman? Maya comes to ask if she has read about Sahil and Vaidika as well. Suomya replies as no. She tells Vaidika she likes her. Vaidika says she likes her too. Suomya asks her to finalize the matter, but not to discuss with Yash else he would be angry. Vaidika promises to speak to him. Suomya then says they are staying at guest house here, so the wedding will take place from Vaidika’s house. Vaidika was now taken aback; Suomya says her uncle is 43, and is unmarried as well. Isn’t her mother finding a similar proposal for her? She read on internet. Maya likes the proposal. Vaidika was shocked to see Yash at the door, Suomya hides behind Vaidika. Vaidika tries to save Suomya but Yash was angry. Suomya convinces Yash she only came to Vaidika for tuitions. Yash calls her really mischievous; but Vaidika offers tuitions for her. Yash decides that Vaidika must come to their guest house for the tuitions. Vaidika looks towards Suomya and agrees. Yash asks about the fees? Nani heard this from the door, and calls 5 thousand. Yash agrees and walk away.

Sahil comes home. Nidhi was also with him. Maya greets Sahil and says only her friend is his true soul mate. Nidhi forbids Maya interfere in their personal matter. Sahil and Maya doesn’t pay any heed to her. Maya leaves, Nani takes Vaidika for cooking while Nidhi goes upstairs.

At night, Vaidika finds Sahil sleeping on the couch in cold. She covers him with a blanket, thinking about his talk in front of Anjana. Nidhi comes in and blames Vaidika why Sahil is sleeping here. Vaidika is always around Sahil and would never let him near to her. She complains Vaidika even sat in pooja with Sahil. Vaidika explains Anjana asked her to, but Nidhi blames Vaidika for always having a reason. How would she then get a place in Sahil’s life. Vaidika is equally responsible for Sahil’s craziness. Vaidika was upset after Nidhi leaves.

Deepak harasses Gauri in the room by twisting her arm behind and asks why she lied to him. Gauri says she had eaten the papaya he gave her, she only threw the left over. Deepak shouts at her for lying, and pushes her away asking what she has been hiding. Gauri screams in pain, placing a hand over her belly. Deepak points towards her belly and says he understands now, he is going to be a father. He would now enjoy when his son would be the next heir of this house, winning over Sahil. Gauri was worried what if it’s a daughter, she wonders how to save her child and decides to take Vaidika’s help in the matter.
The next morning, Yash was doing pooja at home with Suomya. Vaidika comes to their house. Suomya was excited and calls her to join them in pooja, then points towards Yash. Pandit asks to begin the Havan and asks about a Kalawa. Yash replies it’s not there. Vaidika gives a new one from her purse. She keeps on standing while Yash do the Havan. Suomya goes to her room to bring the bag. Yash tells Vaidika it’s his mother’s fourth death anniversary. Vaidika says she is sorry, at least he miss her. Yash says he had promised to give her something she couldn’t get in her life, he shifted to Kanpur to get that now. He isn’t worth getting any happiness until he gets it for his mother. Vaidika prays Yash is able to give his mother everything he wish for. Yash walks upstairs. Suomya brings her bag, Vaidika sits to teach her.

At Agarwal house, Bari Amma throws a letter of Leela jewelers. He shouts who are they, and where they came from? Deepak says they prepare each design from traditional to modern designs and even have computers. Bari Amma insults Deepak and asks how they lost the contract of Mehta’s daughter’s wedding. She sends Deepak to find out the reasons they lost the contract. She says she thought Sahil would help him in growing the business, but he got crazy after Vaidika.

Age Is Just A Number Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 5pm

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