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Hamida gets up and says in mughal’s court whether 100 culprits may not get punishment but 1 innocen shouldn’t get punishment, i want this time real culprit should be cuaght and give punishment to him this is maryam maqani’s(queen’s) request to you one religious minister agree with hamida another minister agree to her point jalal looks rukaiya who is distraught but agrees to hamida’s point jalal is furious and says only for sake of mughals justice i am giving them 10 days to prove their innocence they have 10 days but they will be in house arrest and cant meet each other also jodha is shocked he says if they dont prove their innocence in 10 days then will burn them alive all are shocked jalal has volcano in his eyes for jodha.

Ruks sadly sits in her room and looks at mirror when she remembers the mirror incident where she said i am seeing the face of would be maryam zamani she shouts no and turns her face, jalal comes to her and says i listened to mom and religious scholar but why you allowed to give them time could have burnt them ruks says that way investigation could have stopped here only hamida has got point and is valid before this also in harem always unborn childern die of different wives when jodha wasn’t here means the thing which we are seeing isn’t true but there is something and now i want to know the truth who is he who don’t want mughal heir to come in the world jalal holds her and says i still what happened was due to jodha only she only wanted to take revenge, to see my head down and to see me in pain and she has given me that by killing my child. Ruks says only 10 days and truth will be out then after 10 days you will cut the head of the culprit whether its jodha or someone else. Jalal thinks deeply.

In Jodha’s room hamida comes jodha gets up happily and greets her jodha says you must not be here jalal has ordered that no one can meet me why you came here hamida makes her sit and says i am on that post where jalal cant get angry on me i am his mother and you have also called me mother thats why i am here jodha says i am not sad for being in house arrest but because of allegations on my family hamida says time and god both cant do injustice with innocent jalal is angry now but after sometime he will definitly realize his mistake and then you will again walk with high head but for now I am sad at the injustice by my son jodha gets on her knees and wipes hamida’s tears and says but I am proud of you I am lucky that I got you as mother in law you stood up for me in full court hamida says you are my daughter and your pride is important for me and also Jalal is wrong in mughal’s court injustice cant happen so I had to stood up, if you have any problem here then inform soldier outside Jodha says have one problem I daily lits diya in front of kanha ji(lord) but now I cant this problem is making me restless hamida says diya will lit in front of your lord i will do that jodha is thankful they hug each hamida leaves Jodha wipes her tears.
Jodha’s brothers bicker that they will not get justice here. Adham on the other hand says this much big conspiracy maham says not conspiracy but a big sin killing unborn child of a king adham says want to kill that amer people maham says i also want culprit to be killed but maybe amer family is not culprit. Das says its jalal’s trick maan singh disagrees, das says so what jalal did with us was correct maan says no but it wasnt incorrect either whoever was in place of jalal could have done the same every proof was against us but instead he gave us time who can challenge king’s order. Brother ask do have a doubt on someone maan says doubt can be on many people like adham he has bickered with king in court numurous time , das says can be sharifudden, here maham also suggests sharif’s name as dathura is made in his state and also he doesnt like jalal’s softness toward amer, there maan says sharif didn’t like when he returned our money, adham says who can doubt you mom? maan suggest the name of maham as from the day when jodha burnt the dress given by maham from that maham and jodha doesn’t share good rapport, here maham says can stop the hands of culprit but cant stop the tongue of the person doubting on you, jalal is in angry state and in theses 10 days many names will come in front of him as culprit and if jalal deduces any of them as culprit will kill him/her right away and I can be one of them no wonder. there brothers get the food from srevant which is very simple as for prisoners das says nobody will eat it all ask why he says the one who can make jalal’s wife drink dathura and can plan miscarriage can mix anything/poison in this food.they talk how Jodha will come out of this fiasco if she is not poisoned and how Jalal will find out the culprit and deliver justice.

Moti prays in front of Krishna, when Hameeda comes and asks the guards to leave as there is no threat to her , she recalls how pooja was done when she had given birth to Jalal , she asks Reva to get pooja stuff and prays.She explains Moti and other maids that she had seen in Umarkot so knew how to do it.

Jalal asks Hameeda why did she meet Jodha, she tells him that she is mallika(queen) and Jalal’s mother and no one can stop her from meeting her Daughter in law. Jalal is angry and leaves.

The chief minister asks Jalal if he had invited Bharmal and Jalal answers in positive as he wanted to have a word with Bharmal just like the way he did with his sons. Bharmal had sent a message that Sukanya’s marriage has been fixed with the prince of Sujanpur.

At Sujanpur,Bharmal and in laws of sukanya share light moments, Amer started celebration, Menavati is happy as Sukanya finally got a groom else after getting Jodha married to Jalal, it was very difficult to find a groom for Sukanya.

At night in Agra:

A messenger comes and calls Jodha and her brothers to have an audience with Jalal.

Prime minister announces that king wanted to talk about important things thats why called you all das ask what important talk? Jalal comes in court looks at him jalal turns and look at her angrily and also give a look to brothers he says with my orders you are under house arrest with my order you all are here and the news is that with my order bharmal is coming here all are shocked jalal says listened he wants to give some good news jodha thinks jalal says i want to ask you all whether he will give good news first or i will tell him about your conspiracy nobody answers jalal ok no answer i alone will decide leave. All leave except jodha he give a look to her and says i asked everybody to leave jodha is furious and ask what you want he says that you go back and orders to take her to house arrest place she sternly says i asked what you want jalal comes closer and says will know after 10days she ask what you will do with my father he says doesnt need to answer culprit she says if you do anything wrong then will not bare anything he says you feel pain when your family gets hurt and informs after 17 times rejection your sister is finally committed and for bharmal and you this relation is very important why dont we celebrate this jodha says dont do this with my dad he will be broken what you will get by this? He answers SUKOON(peace). I will get peace by hurting you they look furiously at each other. He orders soldier to follow his order they gather around jodha who is super angry.

Minister says to maham that heard bharmal is coming want to know how jalal will behave with him. Maham says i also want to know will jalal leave him or not and how he will be welcomed in jalals court.

Bharmal comes in court and greets jalal and maham who are not so happy bharmal says got your letter so came to give the news and presents some gifts and sweets. He says my daughter sukaniya is engaged to king of sujanpur ratan singh . There will haldi ceremony in coming days jalal say a happy news bharmal ask to eat sweets then jalal nods and take one piece and ask bharmal to eat first when somebody says i have arranged these sweet and can taste bharmal ask for jalal order jalal gives him a piece and says maybe you felt bad but there is poison spread all over agra bharmal says didnt got jalal says will get it and orders will eat these sweets in leisure hour maham thinks what is he doing not telling him the truth bharmal ask for permission jalal allows without listening and says you came from far so definitely wanna meet your daughter and orders to take him to jodha he leaves. Maham tries to say something jalal says i know you want to ask that why i didnt tell him about house arrest. He says bharmal will feel pain when see from his own eyes his childern in such condition will come back to me in minutes with pain in his eyes that will be real fun. Maham smirks.
Bharmal is going towards jodha’s room when meets adham in middle he gives him angry look and thinks now jalal called him also good will wipe each others tears in arrest bharmal this time welcome is strange jalal didnt congratulate not even adham and didnt accept gifts also. He comes to her room where theqe is strict security he again thinks this much security. Maan sees him he comes and all brothers greet him he says sukaniya is engaged congratulation to you all das says yeah got to know from jalal. One brother thinks whether he know about house arrest bharmal says jalal is clever before i say anything he allowed me to meet you all das thinks whether jalal want to arrest him also bharmal ask for jodha all panics when jodha comes from behind and greets him and says got to know that you are here so took permission to meet you bharmal ask permission for a single thing you are taking permissions and high alert security whats the problem tell me all are silent when das says we are under house arrest bharmal says but why and ask jodha that you are queen here then why arrested das informs that ruks had a miscarriage by dathura and doubt is on us then we see flashbacks of jodha feeding kesar to ruks, dathura was from amer proved, jodha getting 10 days to prove innocence

Jalal says by now bharmal would have knowmn the truth wanted to see his changing color.

Bharmal ask but why jalal didnt give me idea about now know why behavior was not good and strict checking of sweets given by me jalal thought i will give him poison he is about to go when jodha ask where are going he says need to meet jalal ASAP need to clarify things that you are innocent.

Sukanya and younger sister is having fun time masa enters and says the same was develop between jodha and sukaniya when she was getting married. we have a FB when sukaniya says to jodha that from now on you will not be able to snatch anything from me. masa says same protocol should be given to sukaniya on her marriage when younger sis says otherwise she will again complain that jodha gets everything they all have a laugh at this servant informs about the letter from agra to masa letter comes with news that Ruks Miscarriage has been blamed on Jodha and her brothers. Menavati in her unique hyper mode, breaks down and Dadi gives her same sane advice to control, sukaniya aslo pacifies her.

Bharmal asks Jalal why he did not tell the news himself and that he is wrong in accusing without fair trial. bharmal says he has the right to ask him jalal says you are not as a father in law but the father of people who killed my child. Jalal threatens that the day he will find an evidence against Amer, he will wipe out the entire clan and will not leave Bharmal too. Jalal asks his servants to serve Bharmal good food but Bharmal refuses and says he will fast.

Jalal is furiously thinking of turn of events when maham comes, Jalal ask What questions do you have? She says in court it is not good to interrupt in middle thats why I didnt say anything there but here I want to ask some questions from my son. Why you are behaving normal in front of Bharmal if princes of amer are in prison then why not king of amer if dathura came from amer then bharmal too is to be blamed and I think this conspiracy is not possible without bharmal’s involvement. You should give him punishment so that an example will be created and if the one to be hunted is here then why you are waiting? hunter should do justice by hunting. Jalal is thoughtful.

Bharmal is being dragged by soldiers in court jodha is with him concerned for him, Jalal says I am not all grieved in arresting you maham smirks jalal says you should not be said as your children are culprits And as your designation big you are a king then your punishment will be big too, till the time everything is proved your kids will be under house arrest and you will be arrested jodha says this is injustice jalal shouts stop disobedient, it turns out to be a scary dream of jodha who wakes up afraid shouting NO. she wipes the sweat and says it was very scary dream. She comes out of her room and says to one soldier that i cant go outside so i want your assistance where is my father do you know he says you are arrested so without king’s approval i cant tell you anything jodha says but just tell is he Okay he says i am sorry but I cant tell you anything i am bound jodha is hurt at her condition and thinks what should i do how to know whether papa is alright i dont know how jalal is treating bharmal.

All the ladies of harem are gathered and says rukaiya ordered to come here one wife says to other maybe she got to know that you ordered for gold hookah instead of silver one other says maybe she called us here because of your wrong deeds they are usually taunting each other. Some wife says she has lost her child dont know whether she is in senses. Maham also comes there all ask why ruks called us here maham thinks she ordered me also to come as if she is queen and says when she will come you all will know the reason resham thinks she also doesn’t know the reason but pretends that she knows everything. Rukaiya comes all greets her she says that all know i not only lost my child but kingdom lost his heir and Jodha and her brothers are under arrest as doubt is on them but that doesn’t mean that you all are free, you all are under doubt till I get some solid proof she says even hoshiyar and resham are in under doubt maham says mean I am also in this ruks says as I said till I get solid proof against one all are under doubt but I am not here to tell you this I am here to say that one is culprit so you all should search for him/her and prove yourself innocent you all have 10days time so keep an eye on every minor thing maham says harem is my responsibility so I request you to give this responsibility of finding culprit to me jalal is like my child and he lost his kid so I will be happy capturing the culprit and you have gone through much so you should rest i will handle everything Ruks says I dont care who finds the culprit i just need him/her she leaves. Maham says if Jodha is proved innocent then you all will be in trouble so if you find anything fishy just inform me.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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