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Jalal is training maan Singh and ask him to focus on target, they both hit right target, kids clap for them. Jodha is also in lawn, talking with servants about maham’s behavior. She sees jalal, who is helping a kid to hit the target. Maan says you are very small so go from here, jalal says he has no problem with it. He hits the target with the help of a kid. Das and maan praises his behavior. Jodha comes and reprimands jalal for doing all this with kids. She says its not their age to play with it. Maan says you are saying this, you remember how you used run outside the palace and soldiers kept running behind her. Jodha says you are small so dont talk big. Maan whispers in jalal’s ear look she is always like this. Jalal says i know very well. Das says she is very good at hitting targets, jalal says i knew she is best in sword fighting but i didnt know she is good at it also, he ask to show him also. He gives his weapon to her. She takes it, set the arrows and hit the right target. Jalal is amused and says whether its sword fighting, colors knowledge, target hitting, you know everything. Jodha says you also know how to grap the moment and taunt others.

Jalal is seeing the portrait of some raja when jodha comes in, jalal says strange your behavior is changed, you come for my medicine, my food and to give parsad. Jodha says i used to give parsad in agra also, dadi has given it and asked to share it with you, she takes one spoon, jalal takes the bowl and eats the whole kheer, jodha looks at him, he ask what? Jodha says you never listen to me, i said we will share it, jalal says i forgot as it was so tasty, jodha says your food is first tasted by the one who brought it then why you didnt do it today, you started to trust me? Jalal says no but i know you will not kill me, as you could’ve done it earlier, you got many chances, jodha ask which chances? Jalal says at target hitting time, you could’ve hit me with those targets and your hitting is good. You follow 3 things of rajputs.

1- you have training like warrior
2- you follow your rules
3- you cant attack from back of a person.

Jalal says you people make very good portraits, jodha says its prithvi raj chahaun, the great warrior, he use to sweep war field, his fear was enough for enemies but he was captured by shahabuddin, his eyes were taken off also but his moral was even high, i think rajputs needs more warrior like him to fight with mughals.. She stops, jalal is lil angry, jodha says sorry, i was lost in his personality, jalal says i got to know one thing more about you, should tell? Jodha says will you stop if i say no, jalal says without arrow and target you can right place with your words, jodha says you cant say simple things, always entangled talks, jalal smiles as she leaves(their bg music plays).
All ladies are there and with Suknya all her wedding gifts are there Dadisa asks that tell me which gift is brought by your Jodha Jeeji , She looks at those carefully and shows the right one Dadisa asks her how did you found out she says by seeing these bangles Joadh gets the flashback of their fight over those bangles ..Sukanya hugs Jodha and they share an emotional moment , Hammeda comes there with Mughal gift She says these are few gifts form Mugal and some of these for lil princesses ..They exchanges gifts ..Girls is happy that their jeeja sa kept his promise , Jodha informs that Jalal is born at Rajput king of Amarkoat ..Hameeda gives new clothes to Jodha and says this is Jalal choice, this for her as this green is his fav. colour …Maham receives new clothes form Dadisa which is white same the types of clothes she wears ..

Bharmal welcome in laws of sukanya and says everything is arranged for you, hope you will not have any problem, behind sharif is standing, he smirks seeing them.

Maham is sitting, jodha comes and ask are you ok here, maham says absolutely not, your dadi is even taking full care of me thats why she brought this for me(its a white suit). She says i remember how you acted seeing gifts, jodha ask what? Maham burns the suit and says i remember you did same with the gift earlier, Jodha gets the Flash back of her wedding time when she burnt the clothes Maham brought for her wedding Jodha. maham says to jodha you felt bad when burned it same way it felt bad to me when you burned the dress from me given by jalal. But I cant do it publicly like you did as I am the cheif minister i have some respect. i Have to do it in private .and laughs cunningly. Jodha burn off the fire, take the dress and says what you did is your thinking and i cant stop you, i have sadness not because you burned gift by dadi but she chose wrong person to give the gift. Maham says you have one more ritual, to ask people to go out of room from servants, my work is over you can go now, jodha leaves angrily.

Sharif are with in laws, who ask do you remember your promise, fb shows, father in law says why should we come to your side, sharif says we will give ratanpur’s palace, Fil ask why will king give us that palace? Sharif says i will manage it, you will get it after marriage, they say then its a deal. Fb ends. Adham ask sharif did he ask for that palace from jalal in real, sharif smirks and says no whats the need, i will manage everything.

Pratap is playing luddo with das who praises him, pratap says whether its game or war i never allow enemy to win, jalal comes in, bharmal says come play with us, jalal says i like this game, they sit. Pratap plays and wins the game, all says that pratap can change any game, rajvanshi thinks its the best time, pratap should make jalal feel of losing, they say all rajvanshi are lost, now jalal should play with him, bharmal says celebration has begun outside, jalal says i will play and then celeberate. Pratap and jalal look in each other’s eye.
rajvanshi says pratap knows how to handle numbers, jalal says one cant trust number. They start playing, jalal has one goti(object), he says sometime one is enough, they play further, jalal keeps smiling, bharmal ask das stop this game somehow, he whisper something in servant’s ear, he announces that mena asked all to come as celebration is about to start, jalal says only one trick was left pratap says i can say this also, jalal says will continue this next time from here only.

Bakshi is preparing gift for sukanya when sharif comes and ask whats this she informs he says why less give them more, give your nelaam necklace also bakshi is happy, he says this will comeback, jodha comes and ask what will comeback? sharif says we give you gifts then we will have more, bakshi gifts jodha when sharif says i am jalal’s brother in law so we ahve some relation also, jodha is awkward and leave, sharif says when this marriage will not happen then gifts will comeback.

Servant is preparing for hawai’s(elephant) food and says he is very much fav. of jalal and jalal takes his full care, adham sees where hawai is being kept and take out his sword.

Javeda is wearing jewels, maham comes javeda says look sasuma dadi has given it to me, maham says call me ami jaan not sasuma and ask her to waer her jewelry not given by them, javeda says you are also wearing their dress maham says i burned it, javeda says its not right, maham says to javeda now you will tell me whats wrong and right, do what is said and dress up like mughals in tonight’s celebration. Javeda wonder do she drink kerala juice daily, why she is like this.

Jalal is standing idle when mena comes and ask him why is he standing here? Jalal says he is waiting for jodha mena says you dont know girls take time to ready jalal says i can wait for her, i cant behead mirror’s head, jodha comes in same green dress given by jalal, he thinks now whats this skill, said no to this suit and wore it also. mena ask jalal i dont know, jodha dont like green then why is she wearing it, jalal says its because of me, she know i like green color and it suit her a lot. Jodha looks at him.. Jodha ask shall we go jalal sees same jalebi shopkeeper and ask them to go i will come.

Adham says to sharif that what we won from wars are being gifted here. Sharif says soon this celebration will turn in sadness by his plans adham says no but by his doings, sharif ask what he is going to do? Adham smirks.

jalebi man is trying to run away from there when jalal comes, he ask forgiveness from jalal, pratap comes there and thinks they have this problem, jalal says taste should be like before, man fumbles and says it will like earlier dont worry, jalal leaves.

Celebration starts, all are seated, dancer dances, jodha looks at jalal, other side some people try to capture the elephant of jalal, he gets mad, adham, adka, sharif comes and says they have stop him, adka goes to tell jalal, adham says i will handle him, he shows elephant red cloth. People start running in celebration as mad elephant comes in destroying everything, jalal runs toward him, jalal tries to calm him, all are worried, jalal ask hawai(elephant) to calm down. Pratap says he has to sit on his back. Jalal very smartly sit on his back. Pratap says he have to calm him by placing hand on his head. Jalal does the same, elephant calms down, pratap thinks of guruji words to know your enemy’s strength. Jalal says its not hawai’s fault someone did wrong with him. I want him to be normal by tomorrow. He thinks who can do this with his hawai.

At amer, bharmal thanks jalal that because of you all are saved. Adka says someone gave something to hawai to eat. Jalal says he knew that i would try to control hawai and will get injured or killed in process he didnt know about my capabilities, bharmal says who can do that, adka says you should be more careful. Jalal ask adka you want me to live with fear, i am a king of india and i will not leave amer till sukanya’s marriage is done. Bharmal praises jalal and says you are my responsibility and we will take measures for you.

Maham says to hamida that we have to open our eyes jalal was being attacked in amer. Hamida says sometime its better to be quite, we are here for sukanya’s marriage and think with mind person can be from agra also as jalal was being attacked before he came in amer and agra people know more about his activities. Maham says sorry for blurting out everything bluntly hamida says one should control his arrows and mouth. Here bharmal in hyper mode ask soldiers to find that man and bring him in jalal’s feet. Sharif reprimand adham for his stupidity, adham brushes it off. Sharif says your plan was a fail. Adham says i will keep doing and jalal will be in that one day. Sharif says you knew hawai love jalal very much then why you did that. Sharif and adham have verbal scuffle and sharif says time is not in our hand, wait for it. Mena is worried that jalal may be angry and ask jodha to make him understand.

Hakim says i have made medicine for hawai, jalal says he is in problem bcoz of me, i wilk make him drink that medicine, adka comes in and informs that they found no clue about culprit, jalal says he can be any rajvanshi even you, he says i am not trusting even my shadow. Jodha comes in and adka leaves. She ask jalal to leave amer, look your life is in danger here first that lake incident then this. Jalal ask you are caring for me? She says no but sukanya’s marriage will be at halt, if something happens to you then amer will face many difficulties, jalal says thank god you cleared my doubt that you dont care for me. There are many enemies of mine but only few come in front and show their hatred openly and one is you. He takes of his coat and make jodha wear it. He gives her sword and make her wear his turbine and says think yourself as a king. jalal ask jodha think yourself as king if i leave amer people will think i am afraid and how can afraid man protect his people otherside if i stay here anyone any rajvanshi, mughal can attack or use my own animal against me. Tell me what to do now. Jodha is stunned. Jalal says nobody can understand my position there are many snakes in my coats sleaves. Jodha says i am feeling sorry for you today you cant trust anybody you have no one trustfull you even doubt your shadow i cant live this life for 5mins and gives him back everything and says i feel pity for you. Jalal says dont pity on me ever this is my insult. Do you know why everyone is my enemy, not trustful bcoz my and lion’s life is same we walk alone whole life and rule the world. Jodha leaves

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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