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Jalal and Jodha are in centre of jungle when he hears sound of a animal, jalal says birds are screaming, means hunt is close. He keep looking at jodha when they see a tiger on tree. Jalal set his gun’s position jodha lits the fire, tiger comes closer when jodha tells jalal that i have taken out gunpowder from your gun, he is shocked Jodha try shoos the tiger with fire but he attacks jalal, the fight continues when jalal get hold of a knife, he kills tiger and is severely injured.

It is night and raining heavily, jodha is attending to jalal’s wound and says forgive me i thought you will kill the deer so i took powder out. Fb is shown when jalal was washing his face, jodha took and threw the gunpowder in water. Fb ends. Jalal says there is one rule of jungle that if one powerful has to rule then he have to kill the other super power, to over power we have to wipe the opposite side only then you can rule jodha says i feel pity for this kind of a king, if you kill innocents then who will stand with you nobody will be on your side jalal says maybe this is the price to be a king, jodha ask him to keep calm otherwise his stamina will decrease more. Jalal closes his eyes. Jodha take him to a save place and places him on ground. She sees one rope, folds it. She put jalal behind her on horse and bind him through rope with her. She runs the horse and keep one hand on him. She thinks i have to save jalal’s life in any possible way. Jalal trips from the horse. Jodha comes to him and says nothing will happen to you jalal says i know i cant live more. He says i dont hamida, maham, ruks to see me like this, i cant see their sad faces, i dont want ruks to wear white dress. Jodha says nothing will happen jalal ask how do you know? I have not regrets on dying but the way is wrong i wanted to die like a soldier in battle field fighting for my kingdom. He says jodhaa.. And closes his eyes jodha screams no.

Jodha comes to palace, she is worried and alone. All ask where is jalal. Ruks comes and shouts tell us where is jalal, jodha in shaky voice says thatjalal is no more with us. Hamida becomes unconscious, ruks lies on ground and cries. It turns out to be jodha’s dream. In jungle she sees jalal unconscious and shakes him to open his eyes, she says i came here to pray for your long life. You cant leave me like this. I cant see you like this. She puts him on cart and sees blood on her forehead, she remembers when jalal had put sindoor in her forehead. Minister along with soldiers comes, they are shocked to see jalal in this state and puts jalal on one horse.

Its morning, minister along with unconscious jalal and worried jodha comes to agra palace, all are stunned to see jalal’s state. Maham rushes to him and give a stern look to jodha. They bring jalal inside and treatment starts. He is very much injured . All doctors are being called for his treatment. Hamida comes in and becomes unconscious seeing jalal like this. She is being taken to her room. Maham orders that enemies can attack if they get to know jalal’s state. She says i am minister i will handle everything.

Jodha comes to hamida, she remembers jalal’s word and ask how are you ami jaan, she gets up and ask one lady to go to jalal and ask jodha that you both had gone to ajmer trip then how did happened. Jodha says i will tell you everything and tells her that they have gone on hunt before coming here. Hamida says this is not possible, jalal is best hunter how he can get attacked like this. Jodha says i did a big mistake, fault is all mine i have taken out the gunpowder from his gun, hamida ask why you did that she says i didnt want that any innocent animal get killed by jalal so i did that hamida screams that for one animal you put jalal’s life in danger, hamida says to salima that nobody should know this that jodha is responsible for all this especially rukaiya, she cant see jalal in this state. Hamida says pray that nothing should happen to jalal otherwise kingdom will have to pay a big price. Jodha is tensed.

Maham comes to people of kingdom and announces that your king’s life is danger also our kingdom is danger pray for it. Remember enemy should not know about it, this is the time to show your loyalty with your king. They all chants jalal’s name.
Salima says to harem ladies that we have assure that this news doesnt go to enemies. This news has not gone to ruks , make sure she doesnt know about it as she will burst on him/her. All harem ladies gossip about jodha’s act. Here adham is happy that jodha did that what he couldnt do. He says she should have placed that gunpowder in jalal’s chest instead of throwing. Minister says that jalal is not recovery even with medicines. Adham says tomorrow i will be sitting on throne, minister says Maham will not acknowledge this. Adham says dont says negative things.

Hoshiyar is with salima and says that ruks should not know about it. Jodha comes and says but this will injustice with her. It is her right to know about jalal that he went with me and got injured. Salima says but who will tell her jodha says i will tell her the truth. Jodha comes to ruks, who is resting and says didnt you see i am resting why you are here like this? She sees jodha crying and grows conscious. She gets up and ask about jalal as he went with her. She holds her and ask again. Jodha says jalal is being attacked by tiger he was.. He was.. Ruks slaps jodha and ask how is he jodha says he is alive. jodha is sitting on ground, ruks says jalal is a expert hunter then how did this happen, jodha tells her that i have taken out gunpowder from his weapon, ruks gives a hard slap to jodha.. She says you went with him to pray for his life and slaps jodha again. Jodha says i thought he will innocent animal so i.. Ruks says so you jalal’s life in danger. Ruks cries.
Ruks is running towards jalal’s room and remember their childhood antics, their nikkah, how they use to tease each other, how they you to paint together. Here jalal is being treated. Hamida is there, ruks comes there, jodha is also there. Ruks ask jalal to get up i am here your rukaiya please open your eyes, i need you she ask hamida why he is not getting up. Hakim says coming 24 hours are really difficult for him, blood is not stoping and wounds have become severe. All prays for him. Voiceover says that jalal’s enemies get to know about jalal’s state. They all says that jalal’s death is must only then we will be in peace. Here jodha is preparing home remidy and remember how she asked dadisa that she want to know the remidy as sujamal was injured by tiger’s forehand. Fb ends. Hamida comes to jodha , jodha tells her about remidy hamida ask servant to take this to jalal. Jodha says this will work hamida says this has to work as jalal’s life is in danger along with you. Maybe some servant, wife or soldier will kill you as they hold you responsible. Jodha says its right let me die if they think i am responsible then let them kill me. Hamida says you call me and saying like this. You are also my daughter i will not be able to bear the pain of losing you so you will stay here in this room till jalal gets well.

In Jalal’s room, all are worried for him. When servant brings jodha’s remidy maham says hamida still believes her. Hakim applies remidy on jalal and says it is the best remidy blood has stop coming. After some time hakim calls everyone and says blood has stopped from this remidy but his fever has gone to higher level and it is not lowering. Ruks says jodha framed jalal, she says to hamida that you trusted her and what she did, she must’ve put some poison in remidy, she hates jalal thats why did that. Maham put fuel in fire and ask hakim to do something. He says I cant do anything now only god can do something now, please pray for him all cries loudly.

Hakim says the day coming is going to be very difficult for jalal, anything can. All are very much tensed. Here jodha is praying when servant comes and informs that Jalal life is in much danger because of your remedy. He is very much serious and big hakim hasnt come yet. Jodha prays to kanha that i did that to save innocent animals life and what happened, jalal’s life is at stake. I made this remedy as it worked for sujamal but here it showed its negative impact, she ask kanha whenever i go to do something nice, some bad thing happens, why? Hamida comes and says lets go from here, i know you didnt do anything intentionally but here anybody can attack you. Hamida says you will not stay here lets go. Jodha says no i will not go else people will think that i did everything intentionally, i cant leave jalal in this condition. Hamida says i am not asking as mother but i am ordering as a queen and want to see order fulfilled.. Hamida takes her along. Salima presents food to all wives and says eat this last time as after that we all will eat poison as we have no place here without jalal. Ruks says i have the most right on this poison and i will eat it first, after jalal’s enemies will take everything from here along with us as they take out their enmity from us, i had the 1st right on jalal, i was the companion of his in life so in this death i will be his 1st companion. She grabs poison bottle and leaves. Salima cry.

Adham is enjoying Hookah. When Javeda comes and says all are sad for Jalal’s health and you are enjoying wine adham says i drink it everyday. Javeda says i know it but people think that you are enjoying his life, they can throw us out of palace what we will do then. Adham laughs. Voiceover says that some wanted to remain with jalal in difficult time and some wanted to run. We see some wives taking jewelry and leaving saying after jalal this harem will be hell so lets leave. While one says i will not leave jalal and will take poison if he dies. Here adham is pacing around thinking when will the 24 hours pass, when will jalal die. Sharif listens all this and comes to adham. He says i got to know your dirty plans adham says i can destroy one who comes in my way. They takes out their swords, sharif ask dehli or agra? He says you have choice whether choose agra or dehli. Adham says if i dont agree to this deal. Sharif says then i will take everything. Adham says you are jalal’s brother in law and doing all this, sharif says you are his brother. They plans that hakim must not come to Agra.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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