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At amer, bharmal thanks jalal that because of you all are saved. Adka says someone gave something to hawai to eat. Jalal says he knew that i would try to control hawai and will get injured or killed in process he didnt know about my capabilities, bharmal says who can do that, adka says you should be more careful. Jalal ask adka you want me to live with fear, i am a king of india and i will not leave amer till sukanya’s marriage is done. Bharmal praises jalal and says you are my responsibility and we will take measures for you.

Maham says to hamida that we have to open our eyes jalal was being attacked in amer. Hamida says sometime its better to be quite, we are here for sukanya’s marriage and think with mind person can be from agra also as jalal was being attacked before he came in amer and agra people know more about his activities. Maham says sorry for blurting out everything bluntly hamida says one should control his arrows and mouth. Here bharmal in hyper mode ask soldiers to find that man and bring him in jalal’s feet. Sharif reprimand adham for his stupidity, adham brushes it off. Sharif says your plan was a fail. Adham says i will keep doing and jalal will be in that one day. Sharif says you knew hawai love jalal very much then why you did that. Sharif and adham have verbal scuffle and sharif says time is not in our hand, wait for it. Mena is worried that jalal may be angry and ask jodha to make him understand.

Hakim says i have made medicine for hawai, jalal says he is in problem bcoz of me, i wilk make him drink that medicine, adka comes in and informs that they found no clue about culprit, jalal says he can be any rajvanshi even you, he says i am not trusting even my shadow. Jodha comes in and adka leaves. She ask jalal to leave amer, look your life is in danger here first that lake incident then this. Jalal ask you are caring for me? She says no but sukanya’s marriage will be at halt, if something happens to you then amer will face many difficulties, jalal says thank god you cleared my doubt that you dont care for me. There are many enemies of mine but only few come in front and show their hatred openly and one is you. He takes of his coat and make jodha wear it. He gives her sword and make her wear his turbine and says think yourself as a king. jalal ask jodha think yourself as king if i leave amer people will think i am afraid and how can afraid man protect his people otherside if i stay here anyone any rajvanshi, mughal can attack or use my own animal against me. Tell me what to do now. Jodha is stunned. Jalal says nobody can understand my position there are many snakes in my coats sleaves. Jodha says i am feeling sorry for you today you cant trust anybody you have no one trustfull you even doubt your shadow i cant live this life for 5mins and gives him back everything and says i feel pity for you. Jalal says dont pity on me ever this is my insult. Do you know why everyone is my enemy, not trustful bcoz my and lion’s life is same we walk alone whole life and rule the world. Jodha leaves

All the girls are putting mehndi on sukanya’s hand as its mehndi ceremony. Jodha says you will look more beautiful after haldi, sukanya says that your face is glowing bcoz jalal went to mandir with her, then waited for her and kept looking at her. Jodha ask them to take about sukanya’s would be husband, dadi says he is very good girls says yes as jalal chose him, jodha says why you always talk about jalal, kids come and ask jodha that all will come in haldi? (hinting jalal).

Maham and javeda comes in mehndi ceremony, javeda goes for mehndi. Maham says to hamida’s friend(ruks aunt) why dont you make hamida understand its not save here and how they are attending ceremony as per her order, she ask do your bahu listen to you, maham goes to check her, javeda shows her mehndi, dadi praises javeda and leaves. Maham ask javeda that dont tell anybody that you are my bahu and your mehndi is worst.

Jalal is in thoughts when kids come to him and shows him mehndi, jalal says i got afraid they say you are king jalal says but you are jodha’s friends. Jalal praises their mehndi, they says all were saying that jodha’s mehndi was best and she would look beautiful when will dance, jalal ask where is jodha they says mehndi and ratjaga is being held there and shows him direction but says boys are not allowed. Jalal says so jodha is going to dance but i am not allowed so what i will go there, I am her husband after all.
Mehndi ceremony starts, jodha is pulled by other girls to center and she dances happily in mehndi ceremony on song mehndi rachayo, jalal comes from behind curtains and stealthily looks at her smilingly.. Jalal keep watching, javeda wants to go to dance but maham stops her, all are smiling seeing jodha’s dance, maham again stops javeda saying your mehndi will destroy. Jodha is dancing and sees jalal stealthily looking at her, she feels shy. Kids come and says that you dances, wish jalal was here, he asked us about mehndi but we told him that boys are not allowed, jodha ask what did he ask? They tell her everything, jodha thinks jalal knew that boys are not allowed even then he came here, he is very stubborn.

Jalal is in his room, keep thinking of jodha dancing seeing her dupatta. Jodha comes in, jalal says so you put mehndi in your hand, jodha says asking or telling? Jodha says when maan entered harem that became story but you also came there even knowing that you were not allowed, jalal says ok tell me my punishment, jodha says we dont punish for small things and you pardoned maan so i am pardoning you, jalal gets up and looks at her mehndi and says its beautiful, jalal says you are not punishing me bcoz you started to like, you dont hate me now, jodha says are you in senses, i have to give you punishment to clear your mind, she says you will do 500 push ups, jalal ask thats it, jalal takes off his dress, jodha ask what are you doing, he says i cant do push ups with this dress, he is bear bodied, jodha looks away, jalal ask her to look otherwise she will say i was cheating, jodha slightly looks at him, jalal do push ups and screams, jodha stops him saying what people will think outside, jalal says i will stop but you have to massage my shoulders, jodha agrees, she massages it and murmurs i gave him punishment and he is getting massage from me, he is jalad not jalal, jalal takes deep breathes jodha ask him not to, his voice is going out, jalal says people will what jodha ask jalal to do that he is taking deep breathes, jodha leaves, jalal says good night and smiles.

In morning, jodha makes sukanya ready, sukanya says people say jalal do not have heart, but what i saw is that he have it, when hawai got mad i was afraid but jalal remained cool didnt make it a issue otherwise my marriage would be at halt, i would have died, jodha stops and says its your marriage, be happy and forget everything.

Sukanya’s barat comes, all are at gate, rituals are being done, jalal looks at jodha and remembers his marriage, mena do jalal’s tilak, color got on his nose, jodha points him but he doesnt understand, jodha says to kid look your jija is fool, kid goes and tells him, jalal wipes it, jalal now points at jodha’s nose, she tries to wipe when kid tell her that he was making her fool, his nose get red due to color and your by rubbing it, jodha smiles when jalal smiles at her, she thinks like his words his doing is also twisted.
Sharif is playing with sand, adham comes, sharif says bomb will blast in few hours, adham ask if you fail? Sharif says thats difference between us, my ace card will destroy everything, when vanjidar(sukanya’s husband) father will ask for fort of ratanpur from jalal, adham ask if jalal give it to them then sharif says its important fort for him, he will not give it. They cheer for jalal jodha fight ahead otherwise jalal’s loss of that fort,

In hall all are seated, when announcer announces about the gifts in laws will get, father in law(fil) of sukanya says that there is no name of fort in this list, jalal ask what, it is my property, fil says sharif promised it to them, sharif denies it and says how can i do that, i know that fort is important for you, you became governor of punjab from that fort. Bharmal ask fil why you want that, fil says for safety, you had to marry your daughter with mughals and all rajvanshis became your enemy, if we get that fort we will be save, jalal jodha are stunned to silence, all looks on.

Sharif ask who did give that fort, do you have any proof, document or agreement. Thanks that it is jodha’s sister marriage thats why we are not doing anything, fil says that we are also respecting that otherwise we know about war, earlier you promised that at marriage time you will give that fort to us, sharif promises on his honesty adham supports him saying he cant lie infront of jalal, pratap angrily leaves from there, they promises on their goddess that sharif is saying lie, maham gets up and says i am sure sharif is not telling lie, fil says you are lying, your son adham, sharif and you. Jalal shouts enough., all are tensed, jalal says you saying bari ami is lying, my brother in law lying, i promised jodha that i will not create scene in this marriage but we dont count bodies after the war, bharmal ask for his decision, jalal says my decision is i will NOT give the fort at any cost, all are stunned. Jalal says like i found this guy i can find another rajvanshi, this marriage is not happening, jalal looks at jodha and leaves.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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