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Jalal is bathing in his shahi bath tub ruks comes and gives him bath, she is in very angry state jalal ask showing love or anger? ruks says you know me so you should know i am angry or not jalal ask what happened she says you know Allah rakha sahab he says yes she says he came and told that your life is in danger and one wife will go with you to ajmer on which sun rise falls first i was going for the rays but saw jodha in that room and rays falling on her and ask why you decided to take her when you hate her so much he says i didnt know about it all, but if you want to go i will talk with hamida she will allow ruks says i know you can talk for me but it is about your life and if priest has said that then you should go with jodha only. She leaves jalal is thinking something.

Jodha is in garden with salima making pigeons eat salima says thank God you are save and see you both are going to ajmer jodha say i am going only for hamida salima says dont say like this if you are going you should pray with ful heart, you do your prayers every morning with full heart then in ajmer also go to God with open heart Jalal comes there and greets salima she greets him back and leaves. jalal says pigeons do not only feel hungry but thirsty also, he put some water in their tub he says do all things fully jodha says whose life is empty then how can she do things fully jalal says you are expert in taunting. H says if hate me so much then why are you going to ajmer she says because of hamida jalal says if you are the last person even then i will not ask you to pray for me because you cant oray for me with full heart just say to hamida that you will not go. jodha says you are the king then why you need me to say this go and tell her he says that you think i fear of hamida Jodha says I dont know but i cant deny her and if you are talking about prayers than i will definitely pray for a king as king’s life is important for many.

Hamida says to women that from the day jalal married to jodha i had a wish that they go to take blessing from ajmer and see now they are going. I hope they become close, women says that they are together hamida says they are together but they are not there for each other but i think now god have created way for them. jalal looks at Jodha she is about to go and slips but jalal holds her they have an eyelock jalal smiles (ishq hai wo ehsas plays) and says if one doesnt see while walking he/she can slip. Jodha frees her hand from his and says if prick is pinned in feet, then sometimes feet is not responsible, but hands that have placed pricks in way is responsible. jalal smiles as she leaves. Hamida says there nok jhok today will become history in future.

Adham comes outside the palace, some ministers also come there. Adham says jalal wants me to go back to malwa again he thinks i am his servant and keep ordering me so i have thought about a plan, as jalal and jodha are going to ajmer, in their way there will be huge jungle and anything can happen there like someone get killed there. Minister says so you want us to attack jalal adham says yes they say that it will be risky and we are not that much powerful to fight against jalal adham says we need to attack jalal only then all his soldiers will throw their weapon and will come to our side minister says that if jalal remain save in attack and get to know that we are behind this then everything will be out of control adham says i cant show more patience and ask them to prepare for malwa maham comes there and ask what was happening here adham says i was discussing malwa’s problem but you always doubt me maham says i am not doubting you but… He says i am not interested and leaves.

Ruks is playing chess with salima when ruks offer her some snacks salim says i want to concentrate on game as if you loose focus you loose everything and denies taking snacks, one wife says that its right if you loose concentration you loose everything like jodha when ruks lost her concentration jodha took the opportunity to go with jalal from her. Maham comes there laughing and says i told you that jodha will rule here, i told you to stop jalal and let jodha die but now she has snatched the right from you to go ajmer with jalal. She made you loose in life’s chess, it turns out to be ruks imagination as maham vanishes. Ruks is lost when one wife ask where are you lost ruks stop her and says to salima that you are a good player salima says i learned it from bairam khan, ruks moves her king forward salima says your king is under my king now ruks sees jalal and jodha in chess. ruks plays one more move and kills the salima’s queen and says no one can get king from me and leaves.

Jalal and company is all ready to leave for ajmer. Hamida says jodha is going for the first time with you so take good care of her, jalal looks at jodha and smiles broadly. Voiceover- they are going together but without their consent. Jodha sits in her box and they leave. In night, tents have been set up, jodha comes there and talk with servant that i dont see jalal’s tent and i think he is gonna stay in my tent only, if that is the case then i will directly says to him that i will spend night with him in same tent. Servant says maybe this is the case, jodha says i cant see any goodness in him so i will ask him directly. She goes to him and says i will spend night in one tent with you jalal smiles jodha ask the reason for smile he says you dont have patience look at that tent which is yours and this is my tent and let me clear one thing i have no interest in you. Jodha leaves to her tent jalal smiles.

Jalal is passing from corridor and sees a man from outside the palace jalal ask soldiers to arrest him jodha also comes there, jalal ask why you came here he says i am from the place where jodha belongs to, you disrespected our religion and bharmal, jodha is equally to be blamed they have tarnished the respect our womens. she has brought disgrace to our community by marring you jalal shouts enough i will not listen single word against my wife, man pours out wrath against Amer and Jodha, Jalal is about to kill him when Jodha stops him and says that we are out to pray not to kill somebody and what he is saying is right, jalal ask all to leave. he comes to jodha and ask what are you saying? Jodha says he said nothing wrong after marrying you many kings have become our enemies and this is only because of you. She leaves. Minister comes and says after this incident one thing is clear that you both are not save so security will be high alert.

Jodha is in her tent taking off her jewelry when she is informed that due to security issues jalal will remain in your tent tonight she thinks that i asked him not to come here but he never keep his promise. Jalal comes there and sits on sofa cum bed jodha sits on bed but doesnt lie down, he ask dont you sleep in night she says i dont sleep when outsider is in my room, jalal says ok you do security work while i will sleep peacefully he lies down, she fumes. Jodha goes out somewhere, jalal gets up and see jodha missing he comes out and put sword on jodha’s neck who is drinking water, he says i feel someone’s presence jodha says it was me only (bg music plays). jodha lies down in her bed jalal comes in jodha’s room she is sleeping, he grabs her dupatta and throws it away, jodha gets up and says it doesnt look like you are a king doing these kind of things, jalal fumes. jodha ask you are the king of a big kingdom and you do such kind of things, you should respect women, just go from here , what you think that you will attract me through these cheap tactics, you should be shameful. Jalal looks at her and gives back the dupatta to her, she wears it and look up at jalal who is having snake in his hand jodha is shocked.
Jalal says to snake what wrong thing i have done to you because of you my wife bursted on me, you touched my begum which even i am not allowed, i saved you from my begum because when you attack man dies one time only but when my wife attacks man dies many times. Jalal throws him away and says to jodha that i was not trying to touch you but some smell make me feel the presence of danger and some smell put me in danger. Jodha thanks him for saving her life jalal says if i didnt save that snake then people will accuse my wife of his death. Jodha tries hide her smile from him jalal says i joked so you can laugh openly and lays down on his place with back to jodha, she smiles broadly. Both are smiling jodha looks up at him whether he is sleeping or not, jalal says no need to worry i will keep my promise, i will not come there jodha ask how you get to know what i am thinking, do you have eyes on back of your head also jalal says i need to be attentive all the time.

Jalal comes out that man who came in their tent and says i know you came here to kill my wife jodha but i will not kill you because i am on a pure way to ajmer. Voiceover- jalal’s company is on way to ajmer and jodha was embarrassed that she scolded jalal without any reason.

Jalal comes to fakir sahab and greets him. He sees some jewelry with fakir sahab and ask what is this fakir says in village people are dying because of hunger they need our assistance so i am collecting fund, he jalal for some help jodha comes forward and is removing her jewelry when jalal stops her and ask her to go back to her place. She thinks what kind of a king he is? People are dying, he is doing nothing, even not allowing others to do something. Jalal gives his jewelry and says queen doesnt look good without jewelry secondly my jewelry is expensive then hers. he puts his turban instead maulvi says its your pride he says pride is when your people are happy with you so take this, Jodha looks on and is a bit surprised.. He says i am going to ajmer there is no king in front of him fakir says but it doesnt look good without turban and make him wear of some cloth.
Jodha’s soul says I was angry when you didnt allow me to give jewelry. Jalal’s soul speaks i was angry too Iwas Jalal at that time not akbar, mariam zamani. Jodha says we didnt know in our furious state that new way for us had open in ajmer.

Jodha and jalal reaches ajmer sharif, priest says it looks good when a king come here without his turban like a common man and blesses them. Jalal prays and says to Jodha that here we pray with high head not low. If you dont want to pray then its ok jodha says i want to, i have listened about him a lot, many people from many place come here to pray here, he seems very close to god so i will. Priest appreciate her and says may god fills your life. Jalal prays, jodha looks at him and prays in his manner. Jalal keep looking at her while praying (qwali plays in background). They both get up from one side and prays on other side. Priest says i pray you both develop a strong bond, may god give you a heir soon, jalal’s soul speak i didnt know priest’s wish will come true. jalal says from today our way was started. He offers her petal and says eat this parsad jodha eats. they both ties a thread, Jodha prays to gharib nawaz that jalal has taken everything from me so give me one chance to teach him a lesson, jalal ask what you prayed? Jodha says no one share prayers jalal says but if you ask me i will definitely tell you. Jodha ask what? He says i have taken many things from you so i prayed that god fulfills your every wish , also you came here for the 1st time so i want to give you full chance. Jodha says i also want my wish to come true its good you wished for me. They leaves from there.

Jalal and jodha are listening to qawali. Jodha looks at him and thinks for the 1st time i have seen different side of jalal who is not arrogant and has respect for god. I am really stunned to see this side of him, he claims that he has no heart but i have listened heart beat in him. Jalal enjoys qawali and joins their dance for god. Jodha’s soul speak that for 1st time i have seen different jalal who had heart beats, jalal’s soul speaks when distance between god and man vanishes then he become close to him. I was also very close to god that day so i forgot that i was a king thats why people says come close to god to get peace.

Jalal tells the commander that he and Jodha will go for hunting next day minister tries to protest that they will tag along because of security risk jalal says i will manage no need to worry. Jodha says i came here with you for ajmer sharif not killing animals. jodha and Jalal have a face off about hunting being his hobby and she gives him lecture that he cant kill animals for his fun jalal says if you think its cruelness then let it be, i have listened that your targeting is also good so you can hunt also will come with me. jodha says we dont kill animals jalal ask nobody do hunting in your family? he says remember i killed that snake also otherwise it would have killed you. jodha says just for fun you will kill them jalal says its not fun but hobby for me and i will not change.

In the forest, jalal ask will you not talk with me? jodha says much happened with me, you have tagged me along for this hunting and asking me to talk, both again start fighting again, she tells him that she was the one who spoilt the hunt of deer earlier when he and Ruks had gone hunting jalal says you were from that time competing with ruks she says i was just saving animal, i will not admire if one man will kill a animal without any reason jalal says he will feel great that he died to make king happy jalal and says all will be decided by this gun jodha says its for safety not for fun. Jalal finally orders her to keep quiet as it will alert the animals. He watches and tells that there is some danger lurking around. He gets ready with the gun and there is a tiger coming towards them.

PRECAP: Jalal is trainiing his guns, Jodha comes up with a mashaal and tells him that there is no gunpowder I’ve removed it. Jalal is furious on hearing this.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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