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Resham informs Maham that Adham is drunk and is creating havoc in his room. MA again goes to fix her erring and useless son. Maham tries to sort him but then Adham pours out everything which has been hurting him, Adham very sternly says you are worried for the function of jalal’s heir but i am so so sad i thought something bad will happen with jalal then i will get the throne but now his heir will get it. I kept serving him as a slave and now will serve his heir also. Do you know how i feel when you take jalal’s side in front of me but i thought you do that because of my future but i think in pretending to be his mother you have actually become his mother.

Maham along with adham enters the function where all are seated jalal says its double happiness as adham won madhura and ruks is going to give mughals its heir. He says every gift is important for me whether it is small or big looking at jodha says every gifts means a lot to me. Function starts hamida gives holy book to jalal and shawl to ruks. And says i am so happy. Then comes maham and gives her gifts. Then comes sharif and bakshi and put gift in her lap and says may you become mother soon. Jodha gets up with bhagwan das jalal looks at her. She gifts her kesar came from kashmir she says your child will be healthy with it. Jalal ask this is a time so make her drink now maham gives milk to jodha , jodha is about to put kesar in it when jalal stops her and takes out the spoon which jodha gave. Jalal says i want everybody to know that this spoon is given by jodha to ruks as a gifts and says how much small this gift is but emotions behind it is true, and asks Jodha to use it. Jodha gives the milk+kesar to Ruks,Ruks thinks that Jodha has started behaving like slave from now, Jalal insists to have some more milk as the baby will be healthy.

The dance starts when Jalal gets up on spotting Rahim , Rahim says he wants to dance and Jalal starts dancing with him. Everyone is surprised and happy to see Jalal and Rahim swaying to the beats, Hameeda gets emotional too.
Ruks is feeling unwell and says to her mother that feel like vomiting mom says nothing to worry it is normal in pregnancy till baby is born you will heavy take this fruits ruks denies eating, Jalal comes and says to her mother that after bari am(maham) You have also fed me when i was infant so i want you to look after the servants today and to distribute food among them. She leaves jalal sits with ruks and says ceremony is over you must be feeling tired go and take rest she says i am fine and i just dont want to give a child but heir for your throne i want to give you a son. She screams in pain jalal ask are you ok and says i am very happy that you think about my heir and future that much i feel elated. He ask her lets go and take rest. They are walking jalal has landed her support to her ruks says i just want to see that time when you will be playing with your own son just like you were with rahim. He ask her are you happy to be going to a mother or giving child to me? She says i am happy in both ways and waiting for your heir jalal says fate is very different thing and throne sets his own king. Ruks sits and says lets fate decide whether he will be king or not. And ask in which way you are happy jalal says no doubt to be going to a father nothing is big blessing then that jalal says i have decided will not go to any war for one year will remain with you here what you are going to give me thanks a lot from my heart ruks dont know feel like you are having heart jalal thinks for a while and says in case of a child i think i have heart , a heart of a father ruks smiles lil stunned and rest on his shoulder.

Jalal is walking maham says you called me here? Hamida ask what happened why you called us all here. Jalal says i dont know i am feeling different little tensed and impatient maham says your health is not good i will call a doctor he stops her hamida ask what you are feeling he says dont know whenever everyone is around i feel lonely and when i am alone i feel like calling everybody over. Maham smiles and says i will tell what you are feeling he ask what she says you are not able to carry your happiness as you are going to be a father mother gives the birth to the child but father also feels happiness jalal smiles hamida says if thats the case then nothing to worry and happiness has come after long time thanks to the God. Jalal leaves all ladies smiles.

Ruks is laying down on bed but cant sleep due to pain she open her eyes and sees blood on her hand she gets up and screams out for jalal. He comes in fastly and is shocked to see rukaiya crying he hugs her and is super tensed , maham comes jalal says bari ami what happened to ruks maham says cant tell what happened but she needs treatment which cant be done in your presence jalal is about to leave when ruks holds her hand jalal lays her down and goes out reluctantly. Doctor checks ruks while maham waits anxiously, outside jalal is super worried and waits for information to come from inside, doctor is checking ruks who is crying in pain, everyone is worried after sometime maham comes outside with a sad face. Jalal ask what happened bari ami? Maham is unable to tell jalal says to tell clearly maham says ruks have a miscarriage jalal is grieved and breaks down he sits on ground maham hugs him jalal says why god always snatch my happiness 1st give me everything then snatches it away he is considered generous then why? Not me but he didnt think about rukaiya she prays to him then why with her maham says i know you are broken ruks is also broken but cant question God’s decision. Jalal says snatch everything from me my kingdom, my throne, my wealth but give me back my child maham consoles him.

Ruks is still in pain doctor is shocked at what she concludes and checks once again she ask to make me smell your breath. She is shocked and ask hoshiyar to be with ruks while i go out, outside jalal ask are you sure? She says yes it was not a natural miscarriage but planned and intentionly done to her, maham ask doctor what you are saying doctor informs that somebody has given her dathura’s extract(herbal medicine) for a normal person if its given he will feel sleepy only but for a pregnant lady can kill her unborn child jalal fumes doctor says there was smell of it in her mouth and also I suspect it in her blood I am 100% sure. Jalal ask who can dare to do this much with ruks. Maham says I checked everything that came inside palace there was full proof system how is it possible? The doctor says that the ingredient was added after it was tasted by the maids.Also that the dhatura is not from Mughal kigdom but from outside. She points out suggestively that it was from Amer, Jalal gets a Flasbacks and Maham as usual also adds fuel to fire. Jalal tells that it should be proved now else he will kill her. The kesar is brought and its given to Maham and she also tries to show that she is sleepy. Jalal is extremely angry. Ruks is also informed that kesar was responsible for Miscarriagr. Jalal comes to Ruks but she tells him to punish Jodha asap and instigates Jalal against Jodha and asks for justice cryingly.
Jalal in full is walking and remember bharmal’s words when caught abdul that i took a decision once then cant take and will kill him, then remember when in jail jodha put sword on his neck he takes out his sword then remembers his words that have to whether to win heart or mind then remember ruks words that she loves your hatred and you want to get habituated to her intolerance. He enters jodha’s room servant announces his presence jodha gets up jalal comes and put sword on her neck and in full frustration says jodha after taking my sleep you are sleeping here peacefully, you wanted to take revenge from me, you hated me then why you took the life of that innocent unborn child jodha panics and ask what you are saying he says you planned with your brother mixed dathura in kesar and my child’s life. Jodha says i didn’t do that jalal says every culprit says this jodha says what did i do jalal says you killed my child he pulls her to wall and says like every culprit you left that kesar back, you along with your brothers snatched my baby jodha tries to say something jalal shouts enough and says will not leave you will not let you live or die i will give that punishment which you and history will remember for years, only this night after that in morning i will punish you in front of your brothers. He throws her on ground moti is shocked, jodha cries thinkin whats her fault.

Resham says who can do this much cheap thing maham says dont know but jalal got to know its jodha who did that resham ask how she did that? Maham says from amer’s kesar maham says i am worried who is the one thinking before me who is playing games before me. Resham says ruks is suffering maham says you haven’t seen jalal’s face i am sad for him he was very happy with this news a happy news knocked mughal kingdom and left resham so jodha mixed dathura’s extract in kesar maham says all things is proving that but don’t know i feel even jodha didn’t know that the kesar she is giving to ruks had dathura resham says its getting complicated maham says its becoming political issue as dathura was brought from outside mughal territories there is someone big enemy of mughals resham who ever he is jalal will find him and give him tight punishment maham says right but what will happen heir will not come back resham says but you also didnt want ruks to be maryam zamani maham emotionally says yes i didnt want that i hate ruks but i cant hate jalal’s child jalal is my son i cant his heir and cries.

Hamida gets the news and prays how this happened this is shocking, some minister and wife talks that its political issue now not the personal amer has set cold war against jalal. Sharif and bakshi discuss she says why this happened with jalal? Sharif says i warned him when he gave back them money taken from amer’s war it was my fault that i brought bharmal’s sons alive to him could have killed them. Adham says what happened was good two killed with one arrow the child who had a right on agra’s throne is gone and now my sword will suck jodha’s blood. Hamida gets the news that jalal ordered to capture jodha and her brothers she is shocked.

Sharif along with soldiers comes to arrest the brothers they ask their fault Sharif says you planned to kill jalal’s child you took revenge from him they denies allegations he says to say all this court they leave with him to court. Here moti says how this happened jodha says what happened with ruks was very very bad but jalal is not doing right by pointing fingers at my family, servants comes and says Jalal has called you in his court she is stunned.

Hameeda consoles Ruks, Ruks tells her what wrong has she done to Jodha who did such a thing with her Jalal comes in and says who did that I will definitely punish them will not leave them i have captured jodha and her brothers hamida says to think with cool mind and it doesnt suit king the haste decisions jalal says every proof is against them and leaves. Salima comes and tells that Jodha cant stoop so low and commit such a crime,And says i feel sad for you i know its difficult for you to bare the pain of losing child. Jodha loves kids and she has come so close to rahim in few days Jalal says you are here to take her side she says I am saying what I feel. You are a king and need to give justice you can’t do anything wrong you have to be patient and follow what bairam khan has taught you , you have to follow him Jalal says thanks for advice and I will follow baba’s teaching only he is my mentor so can’t go against his teachings, Jalal is too angry and asks her to leave.

In special court

Jalal is extremely angry and calls everyone who has been waiting for the arrival of the heir. A person tells that dhatura was mixed in kesar and asks permission to start the discussion of whether Jodha’s family is involved in mixing the poison. Jalal says that there will be no discussion and Jodha is guilty of the crime. Maan Singh says he doesnt agree that Jodha is to be blamed and if she has done this crime then even he is guilty. One of the minister also states that Jodha should be given a chance to prove herself according to Mughal laws. Hameeda also speaks up and tells that she feels that its some conspiracy against Jodha and she relates the mirchi incident and how the kesar could have been manipulated after being tested.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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