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Maham look alike is been taken to prison. Jalal comes to Maham and says I am happy you are saved from this conspiracy Hamida says you have taken mughal justice to new level jalal says no little justice remains and says whatever I did with Jodha and her innocent brother was required at that time and it was wrong so I am sorry for whatever happened with them Jodha is stunned. Bhagwan das says no you are a king and you have the right, whatever you did was the requirement of that moment you dont need to say sorry and you have raised your dignity by saying sorry as a king.

Maham is in her room laughing continuously when Resham says I have to say you are great in playing family politics and nobody can reach to your mind maham says never talk about this topic again everything is finished and laughs. Jalal and hamida comes to her room. Maham says you could have asked me I would have come Jalal says not to embarrass me and that the real culprit is caught why are you now in tension maham says I didnt get to know about that look alike and she was conspiring against you that gives me tension I could have saved your son but couldnt, when you were child I saved you from roof but I didnt save your heir. Jalal I am sad that I lost my child but it would have hurt me more if I lost you thank god you are out of doubt. He hug her. Hamida says Jalal is right you have done so much for him Maham says I have done what a mother should do and I can do anything for my child Jalal takes the blessing and leaves Resham says god you said you can do anything for Adham and he didnt get a single clue, have to say you can change yourself at anytime. You dont have a double face but dual nature also. Salute to you.

Jodha is sitting when servant bring haldi paste for Jodha as she didn't take do any beauty tips in the past few days but she deny saying I am in no mood. Jalal comes to Jodha and says I have good news for you Jodha says I know you have done preparations for me to go to Amer Jodha says I am very sorry I am going back to Amer there will be peace, here peace word doesn't exist and you have tortured me a lot. As a divorcee I will go back but my father will accept me and it is extreme bad news for them they will be hurt when they will know that their daughter was being tortured here and will be a divorcee but I will be happy living a life of divorcee. For married women her dead body should be taken out from her in law's place. But I am happy that my dead body will taken out from the place where I was born because I can't die here as I die here daily sometime my emotions are killed sometimes my dignity, respect. Jodha says there must be some order that;s why you are here I am your wife so I will listen to every of your order tell me Jalal says stop you keep saying Amer Amer don't forget you are in Agra still Jodha says how can I forget I am here dying inside Jalal made a fist Jodha says angry with me so take it out I will be happy that I have satisfied you by taking your anger out Jalal says yes I am very angry but leave it what to say to a person who is a guest for 2 days he leave Jodha is shattered.
Javeda come to Maham, Maham says god she is here again Javeda says I didn't liked it when Jalal threw you on the ground Maham says it was not me she says people think it was you as she was same as you. Javeda says think if she succeeded in her evil plan she would have beheaded you and hinge the throne. Maham says do not think else brain will ache then says she doesnt have the brain so how will it ache. Javeda says Jodha is stuck everytime because of you and leaves. Resham says she is right Jodha get in prey everytime because of you maham says she did foolish act by doubting in front of everyone resham ask will her doubt be finished Maham says that it is to be known from her only .Maham is on her way going to jodha when she sees Rahim is playing, maham grabs him and says you stole that box rahim gets afraid and comes to jodha and hugs her jodha ask what happened he says maham is behind me. maham comes and says how are you to rahim he says I am fine maham says you got very much attached to jodha do you remember the story which i told you he says no she says this is good thing avout kids they don't remember things much. maham says good you stole that box else how I would be proved innocent rahim leaves. Jodha ask the reason for her visit Maham says I am here to congratulate you that we are proved innocent maham says I want to make that kheer that you were preparing that day. Jodha remembers when she asked maham this is how you mixed dathura in kesar she is shocked and says whatever was said was by you not your look alike. Jodha says means you were present in kitchen that day not a look alike maham gives a wicked smile and says Jalal had conducted the investigations everything is over culprit is caught I am out of suspicion all believe that I am innocent then Why I think you still doubt on me and how to remove this doubt? Jodha looks at Maham doubtfully. Maham says lets go to Jalal again, he is expert in justice now ask him to investigate again jodha is disgusted. Maham says my mother used to say that if you believe that poison is in front of you and you taste it to prove your belief than you you will die but your belief will not be proved. She leaves saying will meet again.

Jalal says to jodha that every wife participate in mela(festival) and you should be there also and remember till when you are here nobody should know about you going back to amer.

A guard comes and gives a message to Das & Company, they get agitated, worried,they meet Jalal and tell that some one has attacked Amer. Bhagwan das says you can expect the situation and Bharmal is alone there and the reason we were here is over as the culprit is caught so allow us to leave Jalal says I understand and offers his force to join them as they can need it. Das says its really great of you but Bharmal has arranged his force and we brothers will fight with the situation Jalal ask them to meet Jodha but they want to leave asap. Jalal says ok I will order to do preparations for your leave. Bhagwan thank him and leave. Jalal says I know you will not need my force, you brother alone can fight, I’ve seen it and appreciate their bravery. Jodha on the other hand says I wanted to leave with my brothers I dont understand Jalal one side he wants me to go then why he allowed them to leave without me? She comes out where Jalal is practicing sword fighting and get the cut soldeir puts the sword down and ask for forgiveness Jalal says we will progress till soldiers like you are present. Jodha comes and says I want to talk to you he ask everybody leave, Jalal says it has become your hobby to interrupt me in everything Jodha says you say something else and do other thing why didn't you send me with my brothers Jalal says you always complain that I dont listen but its you who don't listen, Bharmal asked them to come urgently so I allowed them to go while practicing he puts sword on her neck Jodha says I can't breath here I want to go he says I am also not interested to stop you she sees a cut on his hand and puts mud from tulsi plant on it Jalal says this much care why? She says I saw cut so I applied mud he says but I didn't ask you to do so jodha says you are only an injured person for me not a king and it is my responsibility to treat an injured person Jalal says great in lovey dovey words there is smell of hatred I like it and he cuts his other hand Jodha is stunned he ask will you not apply mud on it Jodha gives him furious glance and leave (ishq hai wo ehsas plays).
Maham is offering prayers when she sees Adham he says first I behead the look alike then roam in Agra with her head but I was remembering your face when I see her. Maham says it was your fear only I am here in front of you she were lakhi he ask who maham says I met her and remembers some past where she met lakhi in traditional dance he ask how you met her maham says when jalal was child enemies were searching to kill him when I saw a look alike and I was shocked. To save Jalal from enemy I asked her to become maham for some days to save heir of mughals and offers big amount to her she agreed and became maham enemies followed her thinking her maham and I saved Jalal. Then after some days I met her and filled her house with gold as per promise and beared her daughter’s marriage expenses she promised me that she will always be there when i need hes. I almost forget her when few days back me and Hamida were discussing history and hamida says mulla bekham had a look alike and he used him. Then i remember that lakhi and gone to her and ask its time to pay back she agreed and I put her in secret room Jalal came and saw her. Maham says to her you are doing great job keep it up. Jalal doubts increased and after two days Jalal showed me lakhi and said she is your look alike but not in doings and rahim saw her mixing dathura in kesar. Then i asked to never say a thing in court she did exactly same and got my punishment. Maham says she beheaded herself only because of a promise given to me Adham says strange you never appreciated me this much ever maham says she deserve this appreciation this is the special thing about this group of people as they can die but do not changes their tongue.

Ruks is playing ancient luddo when hoshiyar comes excited Ruks says I think you’ve got the news about mela who is going to present what he says I also know who is not participating Ruks who can be this foolish that will not participate as this is the only chance for all wives to get closer to Jalal and only one will not participate that is Jodha hoshiyar says I had same news, Jalal comes suddenly and ask no hookah today for me Ruks I have the news which has more addiction ruks says tomorrow is mena bazar Jalal ask whats new ruks says I always present something special and will make stunned like always but someone is not participating Jalal ask who will not be present ruks says jodha jalal says impossible she have as this is tradition of harem ruks says but its not necessory Jalal says it is as its tradition and all should follow ruks says why take so much tension for her and you have only put these traditions aside for her only by allowing her to follow her religion, allowed her to do prayers in harem. Jalal is about to leave when ruks where are going he says last order she has to follow ruks ask last? He says I have letter to bharmal to take Jodha from here and she will leave soon she says she must leave as she dont respect you.

Jalal comes to Jodha and says yesterday you said you will follow all my orders till when you are here but what is this you are not partispating in mela Jodha retorts that you also said you will not pressurize me as I am a guest for 2 days Jalal says till when you are here you have to follow traditions and you are myedf wife here so must follow my orders jodha says I’ll leave in 2 days so why should follow traditions of this palace. Jalal says to jodha that every wife participate in mela(festival) and you should be there also and remember till when you are here nobody should know about you going back to amer. and leaves. Jodha thinks that  will be leaving in two days but he is not leaving any chance to annoy me but this time I will not vow down and will show him what i can do.
Jalal ask why stall of colors jodha says you will not understand their importance just understand that colors of relation between people can change but relation with colors cant change colors are the sign of life and when two colors are mixed a new colors form but if they donot mix then mess will happen jalal gives a wicked look to her

Jodha comes to hamida and greets her. Hamida is embroiding a suit jodha ask what is this hamida tells her and says every wife do something for their husband your mother do so also jodha nods hamida ask do you know the reason behind meena bazar jodha says to impress the king to get his attention hamida says when it was arranged first time the reason was big that was wives in palaces do not get to see the outside world so on this day they get the chance to see the sky actually wives buy their happiness on this day jodha is thoughtfull.

Javeda is writing something on paper when maham comes she hides it maham ask what are you hiding javeda says i have something very special for meena bazar you will expand like rice of biryani maham ask whats that idea javeda rejects to tell it as wall can listen maham ask to show she says when walls can listen they can see it too. Javeda says about jodha leaving Maham says yes jodha is leaving and it is good that she is leaving as she has no interest in amer and happenings here its better she leaves javeda says i will miss her maham says so go with her to amer Javeda says i will not leave you who will make sweets for you and i will not leave you till we go to heaven i will be there with you as well. Maham is irritated.

Jodha comes out and servant ask what happened hoshiyar is behind her Jodha says i have to take part in meena bazar for sake of hamida servant ask what you will present to impress jalal jodha thinks what should i present to irritate jalal and sees color on servant’s dupatta and says tomorrow is holi. she gets the idea and whispers something in her ear.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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