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Jodha comes to jalal and says i want to talk something important, jalal says you come to me when talk is important only, jodha says i fear this wedding may change into war between the 2 warriors. Jalal says atleast you consider me as warrior. Jodha says bharmal is very much tensed for you both and ask him to not fight with him. Jalal says I thought you care for me thats why saying all this but it is for your father only, jodha says i love him a lot jalal says atleast you love someone, he is refrained from you anyways i promise i will not take 1st step of war but i have conditions.

1- if he say ill about me, my religion or my people i will forget this promise. jodha accepts this
2- you will remain in my tent every night here.

Jodha objects, he says else what people think about us, jodha tries to say something, he shoos her that somebody will listen, then says its good you even cant fight with me here. He sit next to her and says lion attacked me bcoz of you so apply medicine on my hand, she applies it while he smiles, he says my head is aching so do the massage, in agra servant do it but here nobody will acknowledge it, so you will do it, he sits on ground, jodha does his massage, and sees wound on his back, she ask him to take off his coat, he gets up and says i am a king you want my respect(izzat)… what you are saying, jodha says i will close my eyes as i have apply medicine on your wound. He take off his sherwani. jalal is shirtless, jodha applies medicine on his back. He says i dont know what relation i have with jungle first snake then baagh(lion) and now baaghin(lioness). Jodha says apply it yourself and leaves.

Sharif says thank god soldiers that attacked didnt see us. Adham says my face was covered when i talked with them so dont worry, sharif is irritated with adham’s foolish attitude. Adham and Sharif are discussing that they need to be careful , Sharif says seeing your frenzy state I think you would be successful on getting the throne.

Javeda is having fun with servants maham comes and ask what are you doing here, javeda says i was learning amer’s language, your name will be mahamsa and his name will be adhamsa in their language, maham says you were talking with servants, javeda says i am enjoying here, maham says so we will leave you here only, javeda says you will miss me. Maham says adham’s fate is bad, javeda says thats why his dream of becoming king got crushed, maham shouts to shut up and ask her where is adham, she doesnt answer, maham leaves irritated.

Jodha comes in hall area and meets masa, dadisa, hamida. She greets them, jalal also come there, jodha says i am going to mandir for devima darshan, dadisa ask to take Jalal along, jodha says maybe his religion doesnt allow him, jalal says if you can go to ajmer with me then i can come with you as well. Jalal-jodha leaves for mandir.

They come to mandir, adka says we’ve checked this place, there is no danger here. Jodha says you have doubt for this place also, jalal says when you are with me then no need for any other danger and you know how to make remedy. Jodha says if your taunting is over then lets go, jalal remember that how he came bare footed in agra’s mandir and take off his shoes. Jodha stops him and says you cant take your sword inside jalal ask why, she says did you take it inside in ajmer, this place is for worship, jalal gives sword and turbine to adka. They comes inside, jalal remembers how jodha prayed in his style in ajmer, he do the prayers in her style. Jodha is teary eyed , jalal ask what happened, jodha remembers her promise that she will bring jalal’s head in her lap, she tell this to jalal. He says so you want me to bow my head, he goes to kali maa and bows his head in her feet and says for head to bow doesnt mean one should cut his head by putting head in feet is ok.
Jalal repeats the dialogue of yesterday’s episode and says that now she is happy as he has fulfilled her wish. Priest comes and reiterates Jalal’s views and asks Jodha to perform aarti. Jodha does the aarti and Jalal is all lost in her.

MA gets an info from Resham that Jalal went to visit the temple, she is furious, Adham is also present there in the room, he talks ill about Jodha, MA cautions him to hold his tongue as they are in Amer.Also they are worried that Agta Khan has accompanied Jalal.

Jalal asks Jodha why is she sad, she explains how the mandir and murti was looted by Jalal’s army andthe men were killed mercilessly and this is why she has so much ghrina for him. Jalal is shocked and couldnt meet her eyes. Jodha gets blessings from the priest and even Jalal does a namaskar to priest and deity once again and he is deep in thoughts and disturbed by the revelation of Jodha.

Jalal asks Agta Khan that why the true message doesnt reach him, he is very angry and orders that he will get to the bottom of the matter and is thinking what all he will get to know in Amer.

MA comes to Jodha’s room, she scolds Jodha for taking Jalal to the mandir, she goes on and on, what right does she have on Jalal to take him to temple. Jodha gives her a glass of water to cool her down, MA throws the glass, Jodha throws the ball in her court and asks her to go and question Jalal himself. Both have a face-off and MA is super angry at Jodha and swears that she will take revenge from her for her actions.
MA reaches Jalal when a guard stops her for security check, MA at first doesnt greet him and tells him that the security is quite tightened in Amer. She tells him that he has done a grave mistake in going to the mandir, Jalal tells her that if Jodha can go to Ajmer then even he can go to mandir. He assures her that his religion is not in danger and tells that its only to gain political mileage that he went to mandir and has come to Amer.
MA kisses his forhead and he her hand.

Sukanya being teased by her sisters getting married and leaving for sin laws Jodha informs her sisters about her awesome visit to kaali temple and her sankalp being fulfilled Sukanya asks Jodha about her queries about her wedding night and how to conduct herself in suhaag raat .. Jodha laughs off ,Jodha tels suknya to look at herself in the mirror and she tells Sukanya that she is so pretty she would get every ones love ,Sukanya asks jodha that jodha was beter looking than her and Jeejaji would have given her lots of love .. He must have taught her every thing on suhaagraat . Jodha is stunned. Sukanya realizes jodha and Jalal have not had their suhaag raat yet . Jodha explains that their religion was different and their relation was weird She warns sukanya not to divulge their sisterly secrets with any one ..
Suks agrees and also tells her she was sure Jodha would over come all her hurdles next time they met.

Jalal is being affectionate to his fav pet elephant .. He talks to him and rides him lovingly .. Aaham watches him slyly …as his commanders praise his love for his pets and animals .. Elsa where Pratap is loving his horse and lovingly feeding them, his companion praises him and how he understands animals mentality .. his man says you gave good answer to jalal, pratap says guru said to observe jalal closely, i was just observing my enemy but its not easy to understand animal, his companion says that they are missing the golden opportunity as jalal himself has come to their state, pratap says he is here to attend the ceremony not as enemy. When he will come as enemy we will see him. Pratap declares that once the wedding ceremonies were over they would soon be in front and would soon find out who had the supremacy over the other

Adham looks at some servant of amer, he eyes her and hugs her from back and says spend night with me i will give you gold, she turns and its javeda, she says why didnt you say it before. Adham ask you in amer’s cloth? Javeda says you thought me as some servant. Adham nods. Javedas says so you were hugging randomly. You can hug and talk like this with every girl. Adham in drunken state says yes, javeda says i will tell this to maham. Adham manages to handle her and stop her.

Jodha comes to jalal, jalal says what? She ask how do you know i am here to ask something. Jalal says you come only to ask things, she says what you did in mandir, anybody can object it, jalal says nobody knows it so there will be no problem. Did anybody said something to you, jodha thinks whether maham asked him, suddenly she sees some silhouette and sit beside jalal. Jodha-Jalal in the bed, Jodha with the dagger, Jalal asks what happened, she says it seems that someone is out there near the door and gives the dagger to him and signals him to go and check.. Jalal takes it and goes out to check. He says force attacked on us, it turns out to be kids of amer palace. They say that you took jodha with you and gifted us things. Will you tell us story. He says why not come inside. Jalal sits on bed with them and tell them the story about some queen who used to be angry and fighting all the time till a chirpy/happy go lucky king came in her life. Jodha interrupts saying its wrong story then realize what she said. Jalal ask you also know this story then tell kids. Jodha fumbles. They ask jalal to continue. He says that queen use to disturb the king a lot and even she left the lion open on that king one day. Jodha start laughing at this while he is mesmerized with her beauty. Mena comes in and ask jalal will he be able to sleep along with kids. Jalal says i have no problem. She leaves. Jodha says he will be able to sleep else his back wil ache and this will be problem for bharmal. Jalal says this concern is also for father not me. Jodha goes to sleep on couch.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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