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Jalal takes jodha’s hand and places it on his head and says Hamida wanT heir thats why she is going bare foot to ajmer if you want TO stop her you have to pretend that you are pragnant jodha takes off her hand and ask is this a joke for you jalal says its not i pretended in front of your parents now its your turn. Jodha deny saying its not possible Jalal angrily says I knew your answer jodha looks at him both have angry look.

Gul badan says to hamida you took big promise. Hamida says i want them to become one gul says but they are hamida says they are together but not close.

Jodha is cursing what he think I can lie. Moti says he pretended in front of your parents but that doesn’t mean he can ask anything from you, she then suggest to talk with rukiya jodha says after losing chess game she is angry so can’t talk. Moti then suggest to talk with jalal jodha says he is the one putting me in this fix what he will do now moti ask to talk once jodha ask her to leave.

Hoshiyar tells rukiya about priest’s word she laughs it off saying jodha will give heir. How can she as touch is far jalal doesn’t even look at her. She says lets see how jodha will give heir without jalal.

Jodha is sitting in front of lord and ask to do some miracle to save my mother from this difficult task the jalal whom i hate most how can i be with him.

Rukiya is offering prayers after she is done she gets up but feels numb so ask for doctor. Wives are gossiping in harem that ruks can’t give heir no matter how big her wish is she only wants heir to remain important wife in eyes of jalal.

Doctor checks her ruks is not so hopful when doctor informs her that she is pragnant ruks doesn’t believe and ask again when she says you are going to give heir to jalal someone will soon say you mother. Ruks gifts her something and says not to tell this news to anyone walls also have ears i don’t even want them to listen i want to give this news jalal in private. And smiles.

Jodha is doing aarti of tulsi plant jalal is practicing in same keep looking at her. She gives aarti to every hindu servant then thinks to offer it to jalal also? Then answers its aarti so should give. She goes upto him and offers aarti jalal remembers events of marriage when he accepted these kind of things like when masa offered him tilak and looks at jodha and bows down thinking she is about to tilak jodha thinks why he bowd his head down jalal thinks why she is not applying tilak he points at his head when jodha says its for aarti not tilak he is about to take plate when she says i will tell you and shows him how to take aarti he keeps his hand on diya jodha removes plate from bneath its hand and is about to give aarti herself when he holds her hand and clutches it tight jodha is shy jalal has passionate look diya is about to fall when both try to save it and jalal takes the aarti jodha is happy some servant informs jalal that ruks want to meet you jalal says wait a minute and look behind only to see jodha is gone. Jalal looks at his lil burnt hand and smiles broadly.
Ruks ask hoshiyar to bring mirror he complies hoshiyar ask i didn’t see you looking in mirror before ruks says i am looking at the mother of heir of this kingdom hoshiyar ask you are not happy about being mother but to become mother of heir. Jalal comes to her and ask you asked for me at this time she says if i stop hamida from then jalal says so you are going to lie ruks says its not a lie i am going to be a mother jalal is stunned and ask what you she repeats again he comes to her caresses her and ask to keep saying again again she says i also asked doctor again and again. Jalal says he will be my heir but if its a daughter even then i will love her most and will fulfill her every wish. Ruks says it will be your heir only. Jalal ask what she wants as a gift she says i will ask but after giving you heir he says then gift is dew. Jalal announces huge celebration for the new heir. Ruks tells Hoshiyar that finally she has got what she wanted, she wants the entire control over the empire which Maham has now, Resham overhears it.

Maham and Adham’s wife have a short DIL-MIL antics when Resham comes and informs about Ruks words. Maham is furious to hear that as she knows that Ruks can play dirty once she gets the power (since she knows that AK entered the harem that night)

Jalal is very happy and tells minister to free the prisoners, distribute money among poors. Hoshiyar ask whether maham will fume listening to this news ruks says i don’t care bu hindu wife jodha will definitely fume. Here jodha listens this news and is very happy saying this is best news and now hamida will not have to go bare foot to ajmer. Moti says and you don’t have to lie to her also. Someone informs hamida about this and says your prayer are approved she says its God blessing that he listened to my prayers.

In harem, some wives ask hoshiyar whether ruks is pregnant he says yes she will give heir to mughals. They say its not must that it is going to be son it can be daughter also hoshiyar says it will son only i can write it on paper for you. Hamida is with jalal saying this is very big news we should celebrate there will ceremonies and all. Jalal says to maham to send invitations in all states she nods. Hamida says seems jodha is very lucky for mughals. The day she entered in palace only good is happening she leaves saying need to offer prayer to thank God . Maham ask jalal do you agree with hamida on jodha being lucky. He says seems she like her very much more than me maham laughs.

According to jalal’s order invitations for ceremony is being sent in all states. In amer, bhagwan das reads invitation they all are happy at this news. Bharmal says i have to go to other state to fix sukanya’s marriage so can’t go to agra, masa is not so happy. Bharmal says das will go and ask masa to send gifts as our son in law is going to be father she nods. He leaves. Masa sits on couch sukanya ask what happened she says in mughals who ever gives heir to kingdom becomes big queen i am thinking about jodha her daughter in law pacifies her saying jodha knows how to lead her life.

Jodha happily comes to hamida’s room and greets her. Hamida ask her to sit. Jodha sits and says i was afraid when you talked about going barefoot. Hamida says daughters always care for mother. Jodha says but now problem is solved as ruks is going to be mother i am happy for her. Hamida says thats why you are different whenever any wife becomes mother in harem all wives become jealous but i can see happiness in your face because of this news i am very happy. Jodha says i will leave now. Hamida makes her eat sweets and says you are very lucky for mughals and hope God will bless you with same news as ruks jodha’s smiles faints away. She leaves but is in deep thoughts.

Some gul badan phuppo(maternal aunt) comes to rukiya she is her father’s sister and gifts her some dress. Jalal comes and greets her. She leaves jalal says everybody is giving you gifts its like we are marrying again. He looks at table and says so these are gifts given by your aunt ruks says not this one pointing jodha’s gift. He takes her gift ruks sarcastically says its so big that came in your hand easily. He opens it and finds a small spoon ruks laughs seeing it he sees a note also in box, ruks says whether its her nagging letter jalal says i can’t read so ruks read its a small poem for the kid of rukaiya. Jalal smiles listening to it as its very sweet. In poem jodha wishes her for baby saying he/she will bring happiness and will be very lucky for all, he will be naughty etc. Jalal finds it very touching but Ruks negates the gesture.
At night, Jalal is unable to sleep, gets a FB of sword fight,aarti scene and recalls the note written by Jodha. Jalal thinks that though he does not want but he always gets reminded of Jodha’s small yet thoughtful gestures, every time he gets to know a new thing about her, she did not share his joy but feelings for his child, her thoughts touched him.

In morning, The maids are getting Jodha ready, Jodha is happy that her brothers are coming for the function, Moti is angry at Ruks behavior with Jodha when Jalal comes in and asks everyone to leave. He recites the poem which Jodha had written in that note and praises Jodha’s talent. He tells her to explain the spoon and poem meanings and Jodha starts explaining that i gave spoon with a wish that he eats with that spoons for first time time and for poem it means i conveyed well wishes for him, may he get all things in life , his future will be bright, he will be so generous that people will love him and he will excel in all fields and Jalal gets lost in her He praises her and she asks him to leave in a roundabout way saying I have to get ready, he is surprised at that too that you are throwing me out? she says i am just asking you to leave why you conduct your words without thinking he calls all the maids and tells them that he has sent some gifts for them too for the occasion as he is very happy.

Bhagwan das and company comes to agra they are welcomed grandly. Das greets maham and sharif and gives them the gifts for ruks and jalal. Maham ask servant to taste the things first. Das comes to maan singh both greets each other and das says in peace after seeing you happy here. Maan says i have to be happy so that can make jodha bua happy here. Das meets other ministers. Sharif comes inside bakshi ask were they relatives of jodha sharif says yes they were same whom i captured and jalal ordered to leave bakshi looks on.

Rukaiya takes the royal bath in pool and is very happy. Her aunt make her ready for ceremony she looks beautiful. Priest blesses and make her drink pious water her aunt kisses her forehead.

Adham khan is coming inside when ministers gossip that he is back after playing politics in madhura whatever but he is a good soldier with twisted head. Adham sees moti and smirks. He lustly looks at her she sees him and goes away. Adham says to servant. i will come after meeting maham . Here in kitchen maham is distributing gifts among servants. Some servant informs that adham is back after defeating evils in madura he was successful there maham is happy. Adham meets maham and greets her then loses his temper and starts talking gibberish as Moti that she is still not dead, Maham asks Resham to step out of the room. Maham drills some sense into Adham , tells him how Moti was freed and is no threat now. Adahm is still gloating when Maham gets angry and frustrated and tells Adham that the function is to celebrate the arrival of heir to Mughal throne and Ruks becoming Marium Zamani.

At the function hall, Hameeda enters followed by Jodha. Ruks also comes and sits and gives a pathetic glance to Jodha. Jalal comes and greets Jodha which Ruks notices, and then takes his place , Ruks sits besides him. 

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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