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Ruks comes to Jalal and asks why can't he say no to going to Amer. Jalal says that he loves Jodha, he is fallen head over heels in love with Jodha, Ruks is stunned/shocked but then Jalal laughs it off. He once again tells her that its only because of siyasiti maamla that he is going to Amer to attend wedding. He tells her that he doesnt have heart and will never have one. Ruks heaved a sigh of relief and hugs him from behind and tells him to be back soon. She says she wont ever go to Amer and the reason is known to him. Jalal looks on out of the window.

In amer, celebration starts, voiceover says bharmal reached amer and he had sent invitations to all. Dadisa ask bharmal did you send invitation to pratap bharmal says they hate us, have enmity with us then how can i send invitation, dadisa says they are our relative, your choti mother had relation with them, bharmal argues, mena says dadi is right you should send. Voicover says that after jalal-jodha marriage the space got widen between 2 families and womens were tring to sort it out, they wanted enmity to end from both side. Mena send invitation that says that we all are warriors, we have fought together, we fight with bravery but we have to remove this enmity between us and also when daughter marries, she make fresh relation, we also want to make fresh relation with you through this marriage. Pratap gets the invitation, and says i am confused, jalal is my enemy and bharmal shoke hands with him, he is as a traitor, so how can i go there, other side there is marriage of rajputs daughter, how i cant give blessing. Pratap meets priest and he says that one side is your enmity and other side is responsibility, here responsibility is big, you are bharmal’s relative so you should go. Pratap ask guru again. Guru says that jalal is also coming marriage, he is your enemy, you should go and see in his eyes, pratap is not convinced, guru says if you want to win the fight, you should know your enemy’s weakness and this is best chance to know it. This was a political necessity for him .. Pratap get thoughtful

Jalal gets to know that pratap is also coming, he orders to prepare for amer, I am eager to meet my enemy. Here pratap decides to attend the marriage as well not to make cordial relations with jalal but to know my enemy. They both take out their sword, screen splits in two.

Hamida says gifts should be good, she ask every gift is ready, they say everything is ready. Jodha comes to meet her and sees the expensive gifts. She gets emotional. Hameeda says jodha was just like her
daughter like her other daughters .And this was in keeping with royal traditions . Jodha has tears of happiness . Hameeda is emotional and loving towards Jodha.

Voiceover says that jalal’s family started their journey towards amer, here in amer all are seeing arrangements and discussing jalal’s security as he is the king of india, coming to attend the marriage. Bharmal says i want amer to decorated fully. Voiceover says that bharmal wanted to decorate whole amer while otherside enemies of jalal thought to take this opportunity to destroy jalal. All rajputs along with pratap meets, all suggest that jalal is coming for marriage so soldiers will not be with him, we should attack him. Pratap objects and says you want to attack him from back, not want to fight like a worrier, he says their women will be with him also, it will not suit us to attack from back.

Javeda irritates maham saying if i die then who will give you grandchild, you will be playing with whom? She says if we put fire here then no animal will come.
Jodha ask where is my tent, servant shows him, jodha says its jalal’s tent not mine, jalal comes out of his tent, adka informs that boat is ready for boating but you should not go alone, you should take soldiers, hamida comes and ask jodha do you like boating, servant answers that she use to go before marriage a lot, hamida says done jodha will go with him, both are preplexed but compiles anyway, jodha thinks he is weird, going to boat at night, jalal ask did you say anything. They comes to boat, jalal extends his hand and says dont think much i will not let slip, you cant come on your own, jodha gives her hand in his and slips, jalal catches her and has smile on his face(that flirty smile :p, ishq hai wo ehsas). They sit in boat, jalal looks at her and ask your servant was saying you like boating, jodha says it depend on company i am having, jalal says nobody can talk to you, jodha says you dont talk but fight only. She sees a wound in his hand , she dis-balances jalal holds her and says people will think i didnt catch you, jodha shows him the wound and put water on it, he winces and says do it slowly, jodha says do it yourself, she get up but dis balances again, her dupatta comes off her head, jalal says i saved you again remember it, she sits, jalal puts dupatta on her and says else people will i flirted with you, he says take your remedy always with you, who knows when i get wound, jodha smiles slightly. Jalal sees some attackers behind jodha, they throws arrows toward jalal. Soon a volley of arrows are showered on Jodha and jalal , Jalal immediately dunks down and pulls down jodha along with him . While holding her down he assures her. Not to worry hum hain yahaan aap ke saath ( i am here with you jodha)

The attackers shouts that nobody should go back, attack them. Jalal says stay here to jodha, arrows are being fired from the group, jalal says to jodha dont worry. Jalal sails the boat safely to bank of river.t adka shouts on soldiers that after this much security how come someone attacked king. Jalal comes and says to adka that nobody should know about this attack, investigate who is behind it. Jalal says i have one question, after this much tight security can anybody think of attacking me? Adka says no. Jalal suspects that someone close to did this, he ask adka to find that traitor. Here sharif says that anybody can suspect us, adham says you only think while i execute my plans, sharif cant believe that is maham’s son, adham says one day i will sit on throne, sharif says your false dream will destroy us one day, he says now they will put more security for jalal’s safety. He ask adham to stay calm, adham says calm people cant be made a king and leaves. Sharif is irritated.

Jodha comes to jalal, he says you here? Maybe you are in wrong tent. Jodha says i am in a right tent, actually i will stay in your tent, jalal says for the first time someone is ordering me, jodha says and you cant deny this order? He ask why? Jodha says hamida said this. Jalal says then i cant deny else you will feel bad, anyways i welcome u to my tent, i have no problem in sharing my tent, jodha says i will sleep on couch, jalal says hamida will feel bad if she get to know about so you sleep on bed. I will sleep on couch. Jodha says no, i dont know what you will ask for this generosity. Jalal says ok today i will not save snake, i am tired of saving lives. He goes to bed and sleeps. Jodha remembers snake incident and goes to other side of bed and sits. Jalal smiles and blow off the candle. Jodha think why he blew off the candle? Now he will not answer me even. Jalal smiles while eyes closed.

voiceover says that amer is being decorated as mughals are coming for the first time in amer’s function, palace is decorated, expensive jewelries are brought,sukanya is happy.
Mughals reach amer, amer family greets them, mena comes forward and does the aarti of jalal-jodha, she offers jalal-jodha milk, they drinks it. Bharmal says my daughter and son in law has come for the first time, come inside. Jodha ignores mena and dont meet her. She meets everybody. Jodha comes to her room,sees everything like before, servant says everything is same like before, every girl feel peace in her mayka, jodha ask them to go and meet her family. She remembers how she said to sukanya that every gift of her is important for her. Mena comes and says you are angry with me, jodha says yes i am angry, what was my fault, everything is same here but you are not the same masa, did you think when you denied to take me along to amer, what i felt, mena says do you think what i felt when you asked that, i have to think about many things as a mother after daughter’s marriage, for a small fight, it doesnt mean you should come to mayka, understand my problem, when you will become mother you will know, jodha hugs her and says sorry for being angry. Sukanya comes and meet jodha, sukanya says after you left i missed fighting with you, younger sister says i also missed you not only Sukanya, jodha says i have brought many dresses for you both, both sisters starts first to show the dresses first to her, jodha stops them and says lets go and see. Jalal is seeing the palace along with maham and adham, das says you should rest as your wounds are not healed completely, das says ok you wanna see palace, jalal says yes, maham says it can be dangerous for you, jalal says if they are with me then there is no danger, they proved it in war, maham is furious and ask adham to have lunch. Jalal leaves with das. Other side pratap with family arrives, bharmal greets him and thanks him for coming, dadisa ask about his mother he says she is seeing dream when will india get freedom from outsiders. Bharmal says hope everything goes well, pratap says your daughter is marrying rajvanshi so i have no problem in coming. I am here to attend wedding not as worrier. Jalal compliments their palace, he says your palace has very good architecture, voiceover says that marriages binds people but this marriage has some danger with it also, all are tensed that jalal should not meet pratap as it can dangerous for all, jalal comes to terrace and locate their mandir, and ghanguar pooja site, das says your memory is strong. Pratap says strong memory ir required for a worriar. He sees jalal security and thinks here security is tight, i want to see jalal to know him. Jalal says to das that security is tight for me? Das nod, jalal says sometime attacker is your own,in your palace. Both pratap and jalal walks in corridar, das and bharmal is tensed. pratap and jalal comes face to face,they have a faceoff, they looks in each others eyes .

Jalal ask who is he, das says he is rajvanshi and our relative. Bharmal introduces jalal to pratap, pratap says i know he is mughal king jalal, jalal says you know all about me, pratap says right everybody knows you, jalal ask reason, pratap says not particular, jalal says means my image is not good, pratap says all rajvanshi think about you as not good king, he says i am here to attend wedding, jalal says i am also here to attend wedding, pratap says my sword have fire but i cant fight on sister’s marriage, jalal says its not the time to enter in war so let it be. Pratap leaves, jalal says he has tongue like sword. They look back at each other and leaves.

Bharmal says to mena i am tensed that everything should go well in wedding , dadi assures him, he says i am tensed that no rajvanshi should stand up against jalal, pratap accepted my invitation and is here to attend the wedding but this can convert in war also, jodha comes in, dadi says we have relation with his bua and he respects her a lot so dont worry. Mena is worried for jalal’s life and other side says pratap is relative. No bad thing should happen in this marriage, they all pray.

Jodha comes to jalal and says i want to talk something important, jalal says you come to me when talk is important only, jodha says i fear this wedding may change into war between the 2 warriors. Jalal says atleast you consider me as warrior. Jodha says bharmal is very much tensed for you both and ask him to not fight with him. Jalal says I thought you care for me thats why saying all this but it is for your father only, jodha says i love him a lot jalal says atleast you love someone, he is refrained from you anyways i promise i will not take 1st step of war but i have conditions.

1- if he say ill about me, my religion or my people i will forget this promise. jodha accepts this
2- you will remain in my tent every night here.

Jodha objects, he says else what people think about us, jodha tries to say something, he shoos her that somebody will listen, then says its good you even cant fight with me here. He sit next to her and says lion attacked me bcoz of you so apply medicine on my hand, she applies it while he smiles, he says my head is aching so do the massage, in agra servant do it but here nobody will acknowledge it, so you will do it, he sits on ground, jodha does his massage, and sees wound on his back, she ask him to take off his coat, he gets up and says i am a king you want my respect(izzat)… what you are saying, jodha says i will close my eyes as i have apply medicine on your wound. He take off his sherwani. jalal is shirtless, jodha applies medicine on his back. He says i dont know what relation i have with jungle first snake then baagh(lion) and now baaghin(lioness). Jodha says apply it yourself and leaves.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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