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Jodha comes in kitchen and says today i will make food for jalal, she make different dishes, moti says its good if wife prepare food for hubby, love develops, jodha gives her a look, moti says if husband wife eat in same plate then love would grow more, jodha ask her to shut up otherwise will burn her, salima comes and talks mandir fiasco and says i am happy that you are preparing food for jalal, jodha says its wife’s duty, moti smiles, salima says i never saw so generous on jalal before.

Ladies says that you talked good about jalal thats why she is making food for her, hamida says i want to see her presenting food to jalal. Ruks says what value she has now preparing food for jalal, make his nights colorful, maham should have seen it, she ask hoshiyar when maham is returning from her visit to other state? He says cant say anything

Jalal discusses political issues with adka and says we have to control rajvanshis to make india one, servant informs that jodha is waiting for you on dinner, jalal that means she.. Jalal comes to jodha, jodha prepare his plate for dinner, jalal looks at her and says i hope food is not spicy as you, jodha says eat it and then say, hamida says to ladies that we should leave them alone, they all leave, jalal ask why this generosity? Jodha says everyone has different way to show their happiness, jalal ask which happiness? Jodha says you fulfilled your promise by allowing me to follow my religion, jalal says but.. Jodha shuts him up saying dont you know that one should not talk while eating, jalal says eat with me, jodha says i will bring another plate, jalal says eat in same plate with me, jodha remembers moti’s words and says i dont eat this food, jalal says ok i will eat what you eat, bring another plate, jodha dumb stuck but goes to get it, she brings food of her, both looks smilingly at each other, jodha sits in front of him, jodha says 1st i will taste, jalal says you prepared it and i trust you completely, jodha is impressed, jodha says i am thankful that.. Jalal says your thankyou is accepted, he eats food and compliments it saying daily you prepare food for me i like your this quality, jodha says if hamida didnt took my side then. Jalal says then i would be with you jodha is stunned, jalal says i gave you words and i follow my words you know it(ishq hai wo ehsas plays)

Sharifuddin is furious with the priests for being weak after the letter from chishti and now All the non islamic powers will get stronger. They feel it was an attack on their religion and they all get together to do something about stopping hinduism from spreading in agra, sharif is happy that now priests are against jalal.

In Salima’s room rahim is being taught by salima, jodha comes to rahim who is reading she ask the meaning which is with anger and hurry nothing can be rightly done, with slow and thoughtful move everything can be done even snake can come out from hole. Jodha says we have same thoughts salima says maybe religion are different but true things come from heart, rahim says you didnt tell me story and leaves, jodha ask for that line again from salima, salima says you like to learn so from now on i will things about your religion and you will about our religion from me.

Ruks is informed about jodha cooking for Jalal by Hoshiyar .. Hoshiyar tells ruks that otherwives would be jealous once they learn the jodha was cooking for jalal ruks tells hoshiyar that ruks never waited for jalal but it was Jalal who waited for ruks always.

Jalal is going when papers falls on him, its jodha’s papers who says weather is very good with this beautiful moon, jalal comes and says beautiful looking at jodha, she says yes moon is beautiful, jalal what moon? He looks at moon and says its time waste looking at moon, jodha says one get peace looking at moon, its really peaceful, jalal sits there, jodha ask why you are sitting here when its waste of time jalal says i have right on peace also, jodha is learning mughal’s religion, jalal says i didnt ask you to learn it, jodha says i like to learn about different religion, jalal ask so what did you learn, jodha says with anger and hurry nothing can be rightly done, with slow and thoughtful move everything can be done even snake can come out from hole, jalal says subhanallah, jodha says in jalal’s voice now dont says i like your this talent, they have hearty laugh, jalal says true i would have said it and in this way only. Ruks thinks today jalal made me wait so much where is he? ruks sees them talking and is burning in jealousy.

Its morning, ruks is in bath tub and remembers jalal and jodha talking, hoshiyar says jalal did wrong he should have, ruks says you are adding get out of here, he goes, jalal comes and put water on her , ruks says you dont have to do this, jalal says i have as i cant stand against your anger so putting cold water on you, jalal ask the reason behind anger that he didnt spent night with her or was with jodha? Ruks says i have no if you spend nights somewhere else but it was my night and somebody snatched from me, jalal says are you jealous of her that jodha have snatched me from you, ruks says she dont have this capability, jalal ask then why angry? Ruks says my wish, ruks ask why you spent night with jodha , jalal says my wish and goes, ruks thinks that jalal cant hide anything from me.

Jijianga is telling humanyun’s story and praises her relation with her husband and mughal kingdom, javeda comes and says i also to tell story of maham to make book on her, they says yes maham had many credits in her life, she took care of jalal well so book can be written on her, javeda says i know many spicy and hidden things about her and we cant separate from each other, they are to write a book, javeda leaves happily.

Moti is making jodha’s hairstyle, jodha says i was outside all night so hairs are like this, moti says you both were entangled in talk or hairs? Jodha ask her to stop, moti says there must be something important jodha says no we were talking generally, moti says Then there must be lots of sweetness in their discussion everything is sweet in your life whether food or talk, jodha says my changed behavior for jalal is for his goodness, 1st he made sukanya marry then fulfilled his promise that didnt force me that means there is goodness somewhere in his heart,. And if someone is good, i am good with him its my teaching.

Adka discusses with jalal priests are against jalal, they discuss political strategy Jalal orders to invite the priests to special court then jalal sees jodha in garden, jodha outside meet rahim who is angry that jodha didnt tell him story, jodha says sorry, jalal comes and says to rahim you made her learn our religion so she should tell you story, jodha promises, rahim leaves, jodha also start leaving but see there is no anklet in her feet, jalal sees it and picks it up he remember ganghaur anklet and looks at jodha, jodha comes to him and ask for anklet, jalal says its for feet so i will make you dont worry i will not stretch, jodha says hubby dont touch wife’s feet , jalal says i wanted to see that this anklet is same as that of amer that you lost in ganghaur its your old habbit, jodha says its your habit to steal my anklets, jalal ask moti to her wear it and ask jodha that if she want that anklet then come and ask him as its safe with him (ishq h wo ehsas plays) he leaves, moti teases jodha with anklet.

Sharifuddin confronts jodha and asks her why was jalal so generous on her first he gave her sister the fort and Now he allowed her to retain the religion
She replies that he knew jalal longer than her so he should be knowing better. Jodha replies all the inside news she knows about his planing with adham khan and She knew all his plans about fort, Sharifuddin is shocked and scared and She orders him out of the way.

jalal comes in court where all are there, jalal ask what problem all you have, priests says you are inclined towards other religion, you are 1st muslim then king, you have practice it in which you failed, jalal ask if someone insults king on his back then he is right? Priests says he is betrayer and you should give punishment to him, moti says jalal is intelligent, jodha says yes he is and know what to talk on time.

Jalal comes to priest and ask what punishment i should give you, you spread this news in people that i am not following islam, i dont deserve this throne, but i am a true muslim and i dont need to prove it. I talked with biggest priest(mufti azam) and he said that i am innocent, jalal says even then you dont care for your king, they say we have to see whether all things, jalal says your work is to give me suggestion which you didnt and did politics, other priest agrees with jalal that one should not combine government with religion, jalal says they did this crime, priests says sorry, jalal says its religion’s insult, priest says you are doing that by taking jodha’s side, didnt force her, jalal says i would have gone down in god’s eyes by doing that and that islam could not be forced. He declares the priests as betrayer and ask them to leave india as punishment. And was doing a favour to them by not imprisoning them and not beheading them. as “Mazhab ke naam pe siyasat karna gunaah hai ” (doing politics in name of religion is sin). He further declares that it is his duty as the shehenshah to take all religious and administrative decisions and That he would not consult any priest hence forth. he makes this declaration. jodha praises him and says he is educated but lil twisted in his words.

Jodha comes hamida, hamida ask jijianga to present her fav juice to her. jodha comes to hamida and ask you called me? hamida says i thought of taking your test today, jodha is blank. She makes her sit and says you are jalal’s wife, you are special so whats your take on jalal’s decision today in court, it was right or wrong? Jodha says it was right, it was taken against politics in religion so it was right, hamida ask so what was wrong? Jodha says his way was wrong, he didnt ask for anyone’s suggestions before announcing decision, there was you, adka and many people in court but he didnt discuss solution and this will present his wrong image in people and today his decision was right but when it maybe wrong then this will wrong that he didnt discuss it with anyone, hamida says you passed the test and you are intelligent.
Jodha comes out and meet ruks and ask how are you? Ruks says asking this bcoz you spent night with jalal, jodha says its not like that, ruks says he was to spend his night with me but you signatured it with him, anyways it was one night only, i dont care, jodha if its more than one then you care? To tell you he spent all his nights with me in amer and on way back to agra also, ruks says a close one and you want to say that i hate jalal, i find him cheap, i am angry on him…. Your arrogance was gone in one night only, she ask how do you feel now? Jodha says strange i thought he tell you everything.. I have no issue you said all this but it didnt happened, ruks says so what he did? Jodha says he protected my integrity. jodha says to ruks that i remember what happened between me and jalal but surprisingly jalal didnt tell you,Jodha further says that however close they get or however long they stay together .. It did not matte but without my permission jalal will not break his limits,. And about your rights i didnt ask him to spend night with me, he came on his own and if i knew you were waiting i would have asked him to go to you bcoz i still have no interest in snatching jalal from you, jodha leaves, ruks is furious.

Jodha is asked to come in playing area by jalal but jodha denies to come, moti says he is your husband its not right to deny his order, jodha says i have no problem in going to jalal but ruks use to play with him and i dont want to snatch her right, jalal comes and ask i called you but you didnt come, jodha says i want to rest so denied, jalal says you didnt want to play with me thats why denied, jodha again twisted thought by twisted person, you should play with ruks as you use to play with her , jalal says but i just wanted to play with you sometime, jodha says its ruks right, jalal says so she showed her angry to you jodha says yes, jalal says ok if you are saying i will play with her but you have to bare punishment just like i did in amer, jodha agree, jalal ask her to sing now, jodha hesitate but agrees, she sings hay man mohan beautifully, jalal says you are not wife but queen….. Talent queen. Jodha smiles.
Jalal offers prayer, soldier informs that his other brother in law Abul mali, husband of jalal’s step sister is preparing to attack agra, jalal says i knew he could do something like this and orders adka khan that even before he can attack, the mughul army should destroy the attack. adka says yes will be done.

Jalal comes to jodha and says there are knifes here but nobody hurt anyone(pointing jodha), he sees book and says you like to learn a lot thats why reading this, jodha says its bhagwat geeta, jalal says i can make you learn my religion more than rahim, jodha says in return i will make you learn geeta. Jalal agrees and leaves.
Jodha comes outside where moti tells her that its your birthday today and there use to be celebrations in amer jodha says but its agra, moti says so what we will celebrate, jodha agrees, rahim listens their convo, he runs, jalal stops him and ask why in so much hurry, rahim informs that its jodha’s b’day today and i want to prepare for surprise for her so can i go, jalal leave him and thinks so its her b’day today.

Jodha And Akbar Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 4pm

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