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The Episode starts with Prerna going to her room and crying. She sees family pic and says you would have made me out of heart, its fine, I won’t let you leave this house. Navin says I m so lucky. Mohini says no, she is lucky, you made her life. He says no, I m lucky, you gave me much love, Moloy is lucky that he got you. She gets Moloy’s call. She says you are going to live a hundred years, Navin just took your name. Moloy jokes. She asks when are you coming back. He says a day after tomorrow. She thinks thank God, he would have not let rasam happen. He asks her to explain Nivedita, she misbehaved with Rajesh, he has big place in my life. She asks him to give priority to family. Anurag comes. She says I will talk later. Anurag says I went to Rajesh’s house to collect my book. She asks is Prerna fine. Anurag says yes. Navin asks is everything normal there. Anurag says yes, why are you asking. She says just like that, you go, good night. Anurag thinks mom didn’t ask about Prerna and her family before. Prerna cries and says I know no one will miss me from now on, I will never forget you all. Veena says I feel she is some stranger. Rajesh says you slapped her. Veena asks what can I do then. Rajesh says its her mistake, if we scold her, she will rebel, calm down and explain with love. Prerna says after marrying Navin, what I will lose will be smaller than respect, I will give your respect, I have no dreams or my prince now. Anurag gets Prerna’s book. He gets a rose inside. He says I feel she has many dreams in her eyes. He wishes that she gets love. She says I don’t want any lose, your respect is my dream now. Veena says she won’t understand. Rajesh says we are her parents, go and explain her, she will understand. She says you gave life to Basu family, he gave you pension in the form of never ending pain. Veena comes to Prerna. Prerna wipes tears and says I will explain you. Veena says he is double your age, give me one valid reason. Prerna says he is my choice, he has maturity, which young guys don’t have. Veena says Rajesh and I have three years difference, we are living in peace, 20 years difference isn’t right, its our duty to explain you, you won’t marry. Prerna says marriage will happen, I don’t see his age and character, I can see a good life which he can give me, I m marrying him for money. Veena says relations are made by heart. Prerna gets bitter and asks her what did she get by this marriage. She says you gave us a middle class life, I want to live like Mohini. Veena cries. Prerna says I want to visit London, I want to travel in big cars, so sorry, you can’t give me this life. Veena says enough, I didn’t know my shadow will be so dark, I was pride to be your mum, today I feel ashamed. Prerna says I am going to Navin’s house tomorrow after college, kundlis will be matched, rasam will happen, I will be glad if you come. Veena leaves. Prerna cries. 

Nivedita gets angry. Anupam asks the reason. She says Rajesh forgets that he is just an employee and we are owners. He jokes that she doesn’t consider him a husband. She asks him to shut up. He gives her beer and chips for free. He says I have an info for free, it will get easy for you to control Rajesh, Prerna is marrying Navin and coming here. She asks how is that even possible. He asks her to enjoy. She thinks so its time to show Rajesh his place.

At college, Anjali says what happened to Prerna, when will she value me. She sees Anurag and throws papers at him. He sees her and says so sorry. She says its okay, such small things happen in big colleges. She sees him gone. She says you are mine, Prerna won’t help, I have to do something. She goes to library and asks peon to shut door when Anurag goes to library. She thinks if I do this and Anurag sees me, it will be bad. She asks him to remove fuse and bribes him. He says no, it will take 15 mins, its said that spirits are roaming in library. She says I know there is no ghost. Anurag and Prerna go to library. Teacher asks Anjali to go to her class. Anjali says its urgent. Teacher sends her. Peon shuts and locks the door. Prerna thinks how to convince them to come in rasam. She hears a sound and turns. She thinks is there any ghost and runs. Anurag asks who is there. She screams. Lights goes off. They scream ghost and run. She holds him. She asks how was the ghost. He says I don’t know, I saw you and screamed. He jokes and asks who is behind. She screams. He says really sorry, I don’t do this normally, but there is someone behind you. She screams again. Anjali asks peon to open the door. Peon says librarian has the keys. She says go and fix the fuse, don’t know who is with Anurag. Prerna asks someone to open the door. She gets door handle and falls down. Anurag calls her stronger than him. Book falls. Prerna screams and says there is a ghost. He says maybe its a rat. She says my heart is saying this. He says there is nothing, your heart always says something. She says you don’t know anything, some guards died here and their spirits are here. He says yes, you should say sorry, you broke their door, sing a song in Bengali and entertain them, I will find some way till then. Anjali tries to see. He says no one will come here, relax. Prerna cries. He wipes her tears. Anjali puts flashlight in. Prerna and Anurag chant and get scared. Lights come. Anjali asks peon to find librarian and open door. Prerna knocks and asks someone to open door. The man asks her to wait. Anjali thinks who is the girl inside with Anurag. Prerna asks for her bag. Anurag shows the window and says no ghost and rat, the book fell down by wind, stay here, I will get your bag. He gets her bag. He says you are superromantic, I got a rose in your book, you are reading Romeo and Juliet, I hope and pray that you get the guy you like. She thinks of Navin. They come out of library. Anjali says Prerna was with Anurag. Anurag asks shall I drop you home. Prerna says no, I will go on own. Anjali says fate gets you with Anurag, I wanted to get locked with him, you got locked. Prerna asks are you mad to do this. Anjali says I didn’t know who is inside. Prerna thinks to go home, my life is starting, I didn’t know this will happen, I have to do this for my family and house. Prerna sees a chunri and recall Veena. Ungli pakad ke tune….plays…. She think of her family and cry. 
Navin gets ready for the rasam. Anupam says this will suit you. Navin asks him to leave. Anupam says we are similar. Navin says not again. Anupam says truth is we both are cheap, what we desire, we get it, you wanted Prerna and got her, I wanted to become Ghar jamai and have become that. Navin taunts. Suman asks Veena to think and attend Prerna’s rasam. Veena refuses. Rajesh asks them to get ready and attend Prerna’s rasam. Suman gets glad. Prerna sees everyone leaving. She thanks them. Veena says we are going as its our duty, we are helpless and unhappy. Moloy calls Rajesh. Suman answers call. Moloy asks where is Rajesh. She thinks he doesn’t know about Prerna and Navin’s rasam, he may talk to Rajesh and spoil things. She says Rajesh isn’t here. Moloy says ask him to call me. He is at airport and says Mohini will get big surprise seeing me. Suman lies to Rajesh. Rajesh asks her to get phone. Suman says we are getting late, I forgot the phone. Mohini asks Anurag to wear a nice suit, Navin’s rasam is happening. He asks what, at this age? He has married twice, and now thrice? She says since a man’s bank balance is attractive, he is young and his bride is adorned, bride is ready to marry him. He asks who is she. She says you know her. He asks what, who? She asks him to get ready and come fast. She goes. He asks who’s that girl, who is so desperate to marry Navin for money? He recalls Chandrika. He thinks maybe she is the one marrying Navin for money.

Navin waits for Prerna. She comes with family. Navin greets Rajesh and Veena. He takes their permission to take Prerna in. He holds Prerna’s hand and takes her. He says I am very lucky, you, your heart and body are mine from now. She goes away. Anurag gets dressed and come down. He sees Prerna and thinks maybe mom invited them, but why, where is Chandrika and her family. He waves to Prerna. She turn away. Pandit explains rituals. Mohini and Veena go. Mohini says Prerna is smart, you are smart and didn’t see her future. Prerna goes to see Veena. Prerna asks Anurag where is the temple. He guides her. He says Chandrika is weird, I am sure she is the one marrying Navin, I can’t believe girls keep their goals and self respect aside, and give importance to money, sorry I know you are not like them, relations matter to you. Navin comes and says you are here, I wanted to introduce you to my friends. He holds Prerna and asks Anurag how did you like my choice, I am marrying Prerna, don’t you know, Navin weds Prerna. Anurag gets shocked. Navin says I am lucky and got her. Anurag looks at her. Navin says you did your work, I have to keep my promise. Anurag thinks how is this happening, Prerna with Navin, impossible, why is she marrying him? Nivedita says mom took Veena inside to give her something, Tapur better start caring, if mom is doing much for Navin’s wife, she can give away everything to Anurag’s wife. Anurag comes to her and says Navin and Prerna’s marriage. Nivedita says yes, its weird, there is no standard, Prerna is a smart girl, Navin fell for her. Anurag looks on and thinks no, Prerna looks uncomfortable with Navin, there is something wrong with this marriage.
Navin asks shall we go to bedroom, I wish to show you our bedroom. He holds her hand and takes her. Anurag thinks does dad know all this? Moloy recalls talking to Rajesh about Prerna and Anurag’s marriage. Rajesh says our wives will fight with us, Prerna will get bored with Anurag, mind and heart aren’t together. Moloy says sometimes two incomplete people complete each other. FB ends. Moloy thinks to take Prerna and Anurag’s marriage talk ahead after reaching home. Prerna feel sorry. Pandit tells rituals. Mohini asks Anurag to do all rituals in Moloy’s absence. Anurag does rituals and sees Prerna. Pandit asks Anurag to say best wishes in bride’s ears. Anurag asks why are you doing this, tell me if this is forced marriage, get up right away, I am there with you, yes…. Mohini asks Prerna to give her Patri to take rasam ahead. Prerna gives patri. Pandit gives two mahurats. Navin selects early mahurat. Shekhar says no, we won’t get time so soon. Mohini says all rasams will happen in Bengali style. Prerna says early mahurat will be fine Navin ji and Bengali rasams too. Navin says fine then. Moloy gets eager to reach home. Mohini says you are smart, take this necklace from my side. Nivedita says that’s mine. Anupam says let it be, I will steal it later and get it. Navin asks Prerna to come with him. Mohini says now Prerna is yours, you don’t even need Prerna’s permission, you can go anywhere you want. Navin gets glad and takes Prerna along. Anurag thinks why did Navin take Prerna to room. Navin asks Prerna to come inside the room. He says we met here for the first time, you have come to me, London’s bedroom is big and comfortable, you will like it. He hugs her. She makes him away.

Precap: Navin gives cheque to Prerna. Anurag comes. She hides the cheque. Mohini says Prerna is yours. Navin holds Prerna’s hand. Mohini says she is marrying for money. She speaks bad about Prerna. Navin says we decided to marry soon. Prerna goes with him. Anurag gets Navin’s phone.

Rerun Of Made For Each Other Air on Star Life from Monday to Friday At 4pm

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