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The Episode starts with Moloy and Nivedita talking about work. Anurag comes. Moloy says Nivedita got the project. Anurag says congrats. Moloy asks Anurag to handle it. Nivedita says this isn’t fair, I have given my 100%, I want to take it ahead. Moloy says you worked at top level, we want someone at ground level now, Anurag is the best, let him do this. She gets upset and goes. Rajesh says I am going out. Veena asks where are you going. Suman asks him to get vegs. Shekhar asks Suman to make tea. She asks him to hire a servant for her help. He says I will have it in office. Prerna says I have to go college. Mohini and Anurag come home. Rajesh asks them to come in.

Mohini says I am very happy that Anurag is out of jail, I m ready to apologize. She apologizes to everyone. She gets shagun. She says I got whatever I liked, its ashirvad rasam tomorrow, you all have to come. Suman asks what will you have, tea or coffee. Mohini says no thanks, I got Anurag as driver wasn’t there, he is getting late for college. Anurag asks Mohini to have tea. Suman goes to make tea. Mohini says inform Moloy to send his driver, you leave for college Prerna says I m also going to college. Anurag says I can drop you. She goes to get a book. Anurag goes to washroom. Mohini says Navin respects you all, he is a real gem. Navin meets the lady. He gives flowers. He says you did good to send Chobey, thanks, I m marrying because of you. He hugs her. Anurag and Prerna collide. Her books fall. He says sorry. Their heads hit. Navin says no one can snatch Prerna from me, thanks. They leave. Mohini asks just tea, where are pakoda. Suman says I will get it. She thinks when will I see the gifts. Mohini likes the tea. Rajesh says Mohini never spoke to our family with love, its looking good seeing her bonding. The lady says Prerna was in jail, her parents tried and couldn’t help, you helped her, will she remember the favor. Navin says we will know it now. He calls Prerna.

Anurag and Prerna reach college. She asks are you annoyed with me. He says no. She says for whatever I told you. He sees incoming call. She takes his books as well. She doesn’t answer call. Navin calls again. She gives books to Anurag. He thanks her and goes. She answers call. He turns to talk and sees her gone. Navin says you have to answer my call, I m madly in love with you. She says I m in college. He says so what, I know you are marrying me for a sacrifice, you want me to support your family. She thanks him. He says we will get engaged tomorrow, I will have more right on you. She says I will call later. She disconnects. Anjali asks her to come. She says someone has put your rasam video here. Prerna hears people gossiping about her and calling her a gold digger. Anjali asks Prerna to ignore them.
Sid greets Anurag and tells about Tapur smoking. Anurag goes to her and asks Jaan, why are you smoking. She asks don’t you trust me. She runs away crying. Anurag looks for her. He goes to washroom and says I can’t leave Tapur alone. Prerna is crying inside. She says I can’t tell this to anyone, when I go, everyone will hate me. Anurag says no, no one hates you, I will always be there. Prerna says leave me alone. He says no, you need me, you can’t cry, you need to be strong, I also misunderstood you on Sid’s saying, it was imp to confront you. She says everyone thinks I m bad. Anurag says no, I will feel bad if you cry, I trust you, I will be with you, I promise, I love you Jaan. Prerna thinks he is thinking I m someone else. He asks her to come out. Prerna opens the door and comes out. He sees her and says you…. She leaves. He says I thought Tapur is inside. He goes to her and says I was saying that to Tapur, she was also crying, so you were crying more, whatever I told, its for you also. She looks at him. He says I heard what you said and what you didn’t. He gives a handkerchief to her. He says don’t waste precious tears, even if you don’t say, I have heard it. He helps her and says you should always smile, don’t waste tears for someone who doesn’t deserve. She says I will wash this and return. Prerna’s friends see them and think this isn’t friendship. Navin comes there and says I was thinking to pick Prerna. He goes and sees Anurag and Prerna. Prerna asks what are you doing here. Navin says I was missing you and thought to take you for candle light dinner. He asks Anurag to come along. Anurag says no, carry on. Navin asks did you cry. Prerna says nothing. Navin says we will have dinner, it will be fun. Prerna refuses. Navin says then come home, Mohini bought some gifts for you, she wants you to wear saree given by her. She nods. Anurag looks on. Navin takes her.

Mohini ask Prerna to see the saree. She gives her sweets. Anurag comes and recalls Navin’s words. Mohini says check its fitting, I m throwing a big party and invited big people, I want you to look good. She asks what’s this Anurag, you left for college and now office. He says I had imp work, I will freshen up and come. She feeds him sweets. Mohini asks Prerna to go to guest room and try. Anurag stops Nivedita and asks what happened. Nivedita says I m busy.
Mohini asks are you happy now, I have given her a saree. Navin says I m happy as you love me a lot. Anurag keeps his books. He recalls Nivedita and says so she is upset with me, I will go and talk to her. He hears Prerna’s voice and goes to see. He sees her and says sorry, I thought someone needs help, shall I send Tapur. She says yes. He says I got to know why you were upset, the students won’t say anything now, I have scolded them, I told them that every person has own choice, your choice is your matter, they have no right to judge you, I mean it. She says until Tapur comes, Mohini will need to wait, so if you can tie the string, please. He says sure…
He ties the blouse’ back string. Tu hi bata….plays….Navin comes there and sees them. Anurag turns to him. Navin says Moloy is calling you, I will help my would be wife. Anurag says of course. He leaves. Navin says I will help. Prerna says its done. Navin says relax. He ties string again. He asks her to call him next time instead calling a stranger. Anupam gives the car keys. Nivedita asks did you take my new car, did you drive well. He says yes, auto driver has hit it, he has run away, any way, there is a big dent, I m kidding. He laughs. Moloy asks don’t you have anyone else than this family. Anupam says I have, but you give me much love, so I m here.

Moloy says you do nothing, great, say truth always. Anupam thanks him and asks for money. Moloy says I don’t have cheque book. Anupam says I will get it. Moloy asks do you know where is it. Anupam says yes. Moloy jokes on him. Anurag comes. He says I can’t handle this project, I have to study, its complicated project, I will be busy, I won’t be able to do it well. Moloy says okay, so Nivedita, are you still interested to do this. She says yes. Anurag gives her the file. Moloy goes to Mohini. Anurag asks were you upset because of this project, you are much imp, I know you worked hard and truly deserve this. She says sorry, I love you. He hugs his sisters and says we are in one team. Prerna smiles and thinks so sweet, he left a project for Nivedita’s happiness. Tapur says sorry, I didn’t talk to you well. He says its okay. Moloy calls them for dinner. Tapur compliments Prerna. Navin says she is looking best, she is my choice. Anupam serves food to Nivedita. She asks what happened, what do you want. He says fund for my betting. Mohini says this saree looks good. Navin says she is looking beautiful. He asks Prerna did you think of honeymoon, we shall fix it soon. Prerna sees Anurag.

Moloy says you went to Switzerland for honeymoon with your first wife, you went to Paris with second wife, this time give a chance to India. Anupam laughs. Moloy says maybe your marriage will stay this time. Prerna helps Anurag and passes the food. Navin holds her hand and says we will go to a cold place, its romantic. She tries to free her hand. Anurag looks on and gets angry. He says enough and gets up. He says sorry, I have to complete my college assignment, excuse me. He goes. Anurag sits to work. He hears a phone ringing. He sees Navin’s phone. He reads the message of some woman. He sees the woman’s DP. He replies and asks her to come outside his house. He thinks I have to know who is this woman, Navin is hiding his relation with her, but why, I have to tell everyone. He rushes and collides with Anupam. Mohini asks are you fine. Anurag says there is imp file in car. Anupam says file would be in your room. Nivedita asks are you annoyed with me. Anurag says no, its alright, fine, give me 5mins, I will be back. Navin thinks what happened to him. Anurag goes and waits outside. He sees the woman coming. Mohini asks Navin to call Veena and ask about guests. Navin says I will go and get my phone. The woman says he isn’t answering my call now. Navin gets his phone. He gets the call and says you always come when there is a good news. She says you didn’t come to meet me. He asks where. She says you messaged me to come and meet. He checks his phone. He gets shocked. He asks where are you. She says outside your house. He shouts get out of here fast. He worries and says who wants to find about me. She turns and sees Anurag. He says Navin has sent me, he asked me to receive you, come. She says I m thirsty. She thinks where did I get stuck, Navin’s truth can get revealed. He thinks if she is Navin’s friend, she shouldn’t have any problem to come inside. He says I m Anurag Basu, what’s your name, are you fine, you look scared. She says no. He asks her to come. She agrees.

Rerun Of Made For Each Other Air on Star Life from Monday to Friday At 4pm

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