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Sameer driving the car requests Shristhi to forget what each of them said to each other in the house and move on however Shristhi replies she cannot let it go so easily as she is not amongst those who believe in forgiving the people but believes in taking revenge, and for this he would be punished, Sameer smiling questions what punishment would she give him, she explains he ahs to go and inform all those people who were standing that she is not scared of the crackers but he himself is scared, Sameer starts questioning how can he do it since it would look awkward, Shrishti says then their friendship is over, she says he should not even try to talk since her mother told her to not talk with strangers, Sameer suddenly stops the car, Shristhi in anger mentions he would now even ask her to leave his car, Sameer questions why does he have to be so negative since he stope the car because of the signal, Sameer sees Sherlin sitting in the car so asks Shristhi for conformation, she however is not able to see so says he was just looking at other women, she forces him to drive off.

Preeta and karan are sitting with Pihu while she is making a drawing, Karan keeps staring at Preeta which forces her to blush, then Preeta makes a heart from the toys of Pihu to look at Karan, Pihu asks them both to see how beautiful is her drawing, Preeta replies that she is the best artist, Karan also mentions how he can also make beautiful drawings if someone allows her, Pihu mentions she has given him the chance, Preeta standing up explains that she needs to leave because there is a lot of work left, however Pihu closes the door exclaiming that Karan wants to talk with her so she should not leave, Karan praises Pihu mentioning that she is her best child so should go out and make sure no one enters the door, Preeta asks Karan what has he taught their daughter, Karan explains he wants to spend some time with her, she takes out the bag explaining how she brought this dress for Pihu but has not shown her otherwise she would ask her to make her wear them right now.
Sameer comes to Shristhi who is buying the crackers, she leaves asking him to get them all packed and then leaves, she thinks Karina mam would get really mad with her if she buys such flashy decoration but then recalls how Rishab jee also asked for something, she calls Sameer asking him to reveal what did Rishab jee ask them to buy, he however doesnot reply to anything she is saying, Shristhi also gets frustrated saying she would go and sit in the car if he keeps up this attitude, She says how she knows he is mad because she is not holding any bag, Sameer questions what would happen if she also helps him with the bags, Shristhi acts as if she is really weak and holding the bags would cause an injury, Sameer exclaims she doesnot tend to behave like a women at the time when they actually need it, Shristhi in anger exclaims she would call Rishab jee himself hearing which Sameer stops her, he himself dials his number asking what did he ask them to bring, Rishab is not able to remember, Shristhi requests him to ask Sherlin as she said that she required something for the front door, Rishab replies he cannot find her in the house, Sameer abruptly says he saw her at the signal, Rishab gets tensed questioning where did he saw her, Shristhi apologizes for not believing him then explains eh should reveal everything, Sameer responds he saw her at the MR road, Rishab asks him to come back since he doesnot need anything, Samer looms at Shristhi who asks if he is also thinking the same which she is thinking, they both leave. Rishab in the house thinks that MR road has the police station where Prithvi is locked, he in anger exclaims how he warned them to not lie to him as he cannot bear it, he leaves in anger.

Sherlin comes to Prithvi who is locked up, he calls her Punnu Baby, he standing exclaims he has longed to see her and hear those words, she reveals she had to come as he was here while she is outside, she questions why did he not call her before, Prithvi replies he tried to but did not have the mobile and even tried to convince a constable but feels that his time is not right, she assures she would correct everything, he exclaims he should have listened to her, Sherlin mentions he is her strength and should not eb worried since they have fought a lot of big problems while this is just a small problem, Prithvi explains he has made a lot of mistakes and the biggest was to not think of Preeta jee, as now she is his biggest enemy, he exclaims not Preeta je but Preeta Luthra, Sherlin mentions he now seems like her old Prithvi Malhotra, he replies she has made him into it.
Karan sitting with Preeta exclaims they both were forced to live separately but he desires that it should never happen again, Preeta questions why he is talking like this because they would never have to live alone for the rest of their time, Karan and Preeta both hug each other and are smiling, Pihu is standing outside the room, Sonakshi comes to greet her asking where is her mother, Pihu replies she is inside with Papa, Sonakshi demands to go inside but Pihu refuses saying that they both are talking about something important and no one is allowed to enter, Sonakshi however exclaims that nothing is so important, however Pihu mentions she feels that they both are planning to give her the surprise of a baby sister, Sonakshi in anger enters the room where she is shocked to see Karan and Preeta hugging, Pihu explains she asked her to not enter but she did not listen, Karan says there is nothing to worry about and asks Sonakshi if she wanted to talk about something, she is however not able to say anything, Pihu is really excited to see the dress asking if it is for her new sister but Karan exclaims that this dress is for her, Pihu at once starts demanding Preeta to make her wear it, karan exclaims that she should wear it at the Diwali however Pihu demands to wear it now, Preeta says they cannot do anything, karan exclaims he is going to start his drawing while Preeta leaves to help Pihu.

Rishab driving his car thinks of how he found out the truth about Sherlin and Prithvi, she started requesting him to not end their relationship and give her a second chance, Rishab in anger exclaims he himself wants to find out the truth about them both and prays to Bhagwan that he be able to control his anger if it comes out to be the truth.

Prithvi asks Sherlin how is the health of her mother, Sherlin exclaims she is fine and what happened to her, because she was forced to act as if she was ill, it was all, the doing of Preeta because she wanted to do all possible step to help the son of the Luthra family, she was forced to leave because he was not even listening to her and was constantly falling for Preeta, she wanted to make sure he finds the truth about Preeta so had to make sure he gets in jail, but he was replacing her with Kritika. Prithvi questions what is she saying as he will never replace her with that duffer Kritika, Sherlin exclaims she is not his mother and can believe his words because she is his carbon copy, Rishab enters the jai, Prithvi apologizes when Sherlin replies eh would apologize now that he is in jail, Sherlin exclaims she is now going to meet the lawyer when prithvi questions how would she do this as today is Diwali and now everyone would watching her, Shelrin asks if he thinks that she cares for anyone but t heir relation, Rishab enters the police station signing the registrar, the inspector informs Rishab that a women has come to meet Prithvi so can he wait for some time, Rishab leaves replying now he cannot even wait for a moment.

Rishab goes to the cells asking the constable where the cell of Prithvi is, Sherlin manages to hide and when Rishab questions where the lady is who came to meet Prithvi, he replies that a woman did come but it was his mother, Rishab asks why doe she not say it clearly that the women was Sherlin, she manages to rush away from it. Prithvi confesses that she indeed came to meet him because she really loves him and cannot live without him, she loves him a lot so will die without him but Rishab can live without her so why does he not leave her for him, the constable warns Prithvi to stop informing Rishab that he is just trying to instigate Rishab as this is what the prisoners tend to do since they loose their mind while being locked up, Rishab requests the constable to give him some time with Prithvi, he leaves when Prithvi exclaim he came as the one who only speaks the truth, he detected the lie of Prithvi in a moment and ruined his plan, he asks what is Rishab thinking who replies he is thinking how would he spend his time in this cell so can he send some ludo or carrom for him, Prithvi replies Rishab is being affected with the comment, Rishab leaning explains he is not affected by any statements as he saw what he wanted to see, Prithvi replies he is affected as he is just seeing Sherlin around him, prithvi questions why is he trembling, Rishab smiling exclaims he will never give Prithvi the satisfaction of the doubt, he coming exclaims it is feeling really nice to see this pain as Prithvi truly desires to make Rishab pay but he will not succeed as his tricks do not work on him, he can take his revenge if he comes out as the rest of the questions are for him, Rishab coming back says he will not say anything that he will make sure Prithvi remains in the jail cell as his actions were those which brought him here and will tend to keep him locked, he should not call him if he needs anything. Prithvi starts smiling thinking when the lion is trapped even the dogs of the street start yelling, so Rishab can say anything he desires because when he was outside, he had made the lives of the Luthra as hell, they should pray to the Bhagwan that he is never released as when he it happens, he will not just ruin their lives but make them visit the hell.

The preparations are in the full swing at the Luthra Mansion. Shrishti entering exclaims how the house lights up after the decoration when Rakhi comes asking if she really feels it is beautiful, Shristhi replies that indeed when Rakhi questions why she came alone and where is Sameer, Shristhi replies that Sammy is just coming from behind, Rakhi is about to say something relating to the decorators when Karina calls her walking down the stairs, she mentions she has talked with the Pandit jee and he assured that he will come back but he was asking if they have everything which are needed for the pooja, Mahesh walks in the house with Sameer, Rakhi asks what does he have in the bags, when Mahesh replies he has brought everything which was needed. Sonakshi also informs that she has soaked the Diya’s which they will be able to light up, Dadi asks how does she know it, Sonakshi replies she is really smart and knows it all but some people just thinks she is dumb, Preeta coming from behind asks them all to close their eyes as she has a surprise, karan and Preeta call Pihu and when the family opens their eyes they are really excited, Mahesh leaves after picking her up exclaiming she is looking just like a princess, Karina exclaims that she should have worn a cotton dress as today is Diwali.

The entire family leaves to get dressed when Shristhi also exclaims she will come back after getting dressed, Ganesh is working when Rishab coming asks if he saw Sherlin, Ganesh replies he doesnot know which angers Rishab who questions what does he do every day, Sherlin walks from behind, she thinks Rishab seems really angry, Rishab is sitting in the room when Sherlin comes and starts taking out the things which she has bought, she asks why is he not downstairs with everyone else, Rishab asks her to come and sit with him, he explains that Sameer saw her at the road which leads to the police station and even Prithvi told him that she came to meet him, he doesnot want to believe to anything but just wants to listen to what she has to say and believe her words, Sherlin questions why does he not trust her because she even tried to explain the entire situation when he found the ear ring but he refused to even listen to her, she doesnot understand why does he not trust her, Rishab replies that suspicion is what tends to ruin a relationship, Sherlin brings out the receipt mentioning that she went to a boutique because she needed to get her blouse fixed and he can check, she rushes into the bathroom thinking she was clever to take a blouse with her as she paid the money to get the receipt otherwise she would have been caught.

Preeta enters the room thinking she would get ready, she is shocked to see the dress which Karan brought for her as it is not the colour which he likes however she takes it inside thinking that he might have liked the designs, then Sonakshi standing outside the room thinks that Preeta doesnot even know that she is not wearing he dress which Karan brought for her but who cares if she is wearing her dress as after all it is all part of a game.

Kritika is also getting ready in her room, she is about to apply the Sindoor when she recalls how Prithvi ruined her family and even threatened her, she was not able to see his true face and feels disgusted thinking about him. she removes the Mangal Sutur and doesnot even apply the Sindoor.

Karan follows Sonakshi thinking she is Preeta, he goes to hug her from behind explaining they have been away from each other for so long, she should not even think of asking him to leave her and say he is making the puppy faces as he will not listen to anything, Sonakshi is not able to control herself and she even caresses his face, Karan realizes that she is not Preeta so he immediately leaves her, he is shocked to see that she is actually Sonakshi, she is however smiling.

Karan is shocked to see Sonakshi, he apologizes saying that he did not know it was her, Sonakshi exclaims he loves her a lot so did he not know that she was not her, Karan says that he thought she was Preeta because of the dress, Sonakshi exclaims that someone gifted her the dress but she is now going to go and tell her to keep him in check because he hugged his half wife, Karan worryingly questions what does she mean, she replies she considers Preeta as her sister so he is her Jiju but he should never think of her as the half wife, Karan leaves apologizing when Sonakshi exclaims she is not sorry as this is for the first time that he hugged her, she is glad that she was able to divert his mind for some time.

Karan enters the party when he sees Preeta walking down the stairs, he wonders why she is wearing this dress, Preeta also thinks why is he angry because she is wearing the same dress which he selected for her, Sonakshi thinks why is karan so angry because she is wearing the dress that he likes and is his love so he should start looking at her, she then exclaims Preeta is wearing the dress which she gifted him, she knows Karan doesnot like the dress at all as he revealed it at the day before her wedding with Rajat, she asked if Preeta doesnot know he doesnot really like that particular colour, even then she is wearing it, and not the dress which he gifted her.

Preeta while talking with the guests wonders why is Karan so angry even when she is wearing the dress that he gifted her, she decides to go and talk with him when Sonakshi stops her in the middle, asking how is this dress looking on her, Preeta replies she is looking really good and it feels the dress was made just for her, Karan wonders what has happened to Preeta, he decides to talk with her when Rishab coming from behind takes Karan away after greeting both Preeta and Sonakshi, happy Diwali. Sonakshi purposefully thanks Preeta for the gift, Karan turns back in shock before leaving.

Preeta asks what she is saying she did not gift her this dress, Sonakshi agrees saying she forgot about it, Preeta mentions what is the need to be sorry because mistakes can happen, Sonakshi then asks how this dress looks on her, Preeta mentions it is looking really pretty.

Rishab is walking with Karan when Pihu stopping her asks to come and see that she is going to burn the cracker when Rishab explains this not called a cracker but is a pencil, she can burn all that she wants but when someone is present with her, she can call her father or Dadu but if they don’t come then he can be with her, Pihu however exclaims she is not young but really clever but Rishab explains that he knows she is young, Karan also says the same so Pihu getting angry goes to Kritika explaining that they all are saying she is young, Kritika questions what is Pihu saying as she is thew most clever in the house, Pihu questions Rishab to see who replies that she indeed is the most clever person in the house, Preeta coming to Kritika requests her to not be so angry as she has not done anything wrong but herself has been wronged and she should try to move forward, Kritika apologizes saying that she did not listen to anyone when they tried to warn her about Prithvi, Rishab tries to console her, Karan mentions he would not have agreed had she not threatened to commit suicide, Preeta stops him saying today is Diwali so they should just focus on celebrating the event.

Precap: Preeta mentions life is too short for the quarrels and pain so when the life moves ahead they should not be worried thinking about the moment in which they could have showered each other with immense love, she hugs him while Sonakshi gets really jealous seeing them from the corner.

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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