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Sameer is in the room, he is really tensed when Rishab comes informing how they would leave the day after tomorrow, Sameer exclaims there is nothing wrong ands thanks Rishab, he asks since when does one thank his brother he making her sit mentions how he enjoyed a lot in London but missed his family, he explains that the dialogues of the film are not true but there is one thing that he realized it is that they only get to live once and must enjoy as a family, they must always reveal what is in ones heart otherwise time would move ahead, they will be left behind, Rishab explains they must take the decisions on the right time, Sameer agrees but Rishab advises him to go and reveal his feelings to Shrishti, explaining if he doesnot reveal then how would anyone know, and what is difficult in saying how he feels to Sarla, Sameer replies he gets tensed but Rishab explains if he doesnot take the step now the time will move ahead leaving him behind.

Karina enters the room of Bani Dadi, she in a state of tension questions why is not asleep till now, Karina replies she is thinking how Sonakshi and Preeta both are really different, she did not do much for Sonakshi but only gave her permission to meet her father and she desired to break her relation with her own father, even then she is really grateful but when she did so much for Preeta even then she did not cared for how much she has done for her, she explains how Dadi knows she did not like Preeta the first time she came into this house but when she got to know Preeta was pregnant she forgot each and everything and thought of being happy but even then Preeta does not respect her, had it been Sonakshi their would not have any problem because she is like them and has the same position in the society, she first hated Preeta but now cannot accept her in this house.

Rishab and Sameer walk out of the room when they both bump into Prithvi, Sameer asks him to walk with open eyes, Prithvi mentions he knows it is their house but they can both also walk with open eyes as then neither of them will get hurt, Rishab mentions how Prithvi is mistaken and warns Prithvi to walk away after smiling if he has bumped into them so they think the next time, Prithvi warns Rishab saying he must be careful as those who can respond are to be afraid of, Prithvi tries to walk away when Rishab stops him saying that he must be careful who he fights with as he always has each and everything in his mind, Rishab asks why is Prithvi constantly staying he, asks if Prithvi has come here constantly but mentions that guests come for a few time, Prithvi replies that he is not a guest but an in law, Rishab laughs but Prithvi says that he cannot digest so much food, Sameer questions why does he not talk straight, Prithvi in anger asks Sameer to not talk in between two elders. Sameer is about to fight with him but Rishab stops him, he asks Prithvi to be careful and take care of his wife, Rishab says that he can take his wife outside for shopping, Prithvi replies that his sister does not like going out but prefers staying inside the house so this is why he is still present here, Rishab warns Prithvi to be careful and enjoy his stay in their house as they do not know if he would ever get such a big house, Rishab threatens Prithvi saying that he is the king of this house so Prithvi should not try to be the king.

Preeta walks down to the dinner table with Pihu, Rakhi is surprised to see that Pihu came dressed in the school clothes, Rakhi holding her asks if she knows what has she made in the breakfast, Rishab comes from behind advising this is why he told Sameer to be more careful about the business as there are a lot tings which should not be happening in their business, Sameer is tensed when Rakhi calls them both for breakfast, Rishab asks Sameer to go to the business center and then come straight to the office. Rishab asks about Karan, Pihu replies he is in the room, Preeta responds he is getting dressed up, Karan comes snatching the bite which Rishab made for Pihu, she gets tensed when Rishab makes another bite for her, Mahesh comes mentioning how he came to know that this is his house because of the smiles, They ask about Karina, Mahesh replies she went to drop Sonakshi at the airport as she wanted to go on her friend’s wedding and will be back within a few days, Rishab stands saying he will now leave for the office, he also orders Karan to come but he refuses to come, Rishab asks if he did not understand what he told him last night, Karan leaves with Rishab, Preeta also follows them thinking how she will take Pihu to her school.
Kritika sitting with Prithvi asks if he did not think it was weird that Maa went with Sonakshi to drop her off at the airport and that everyone was not at all worried about anything, she explains how she has made something special for Prithvi so leaves to get it, he signals Sherlin to come and so starts enjoying, she runs away worrying that someone might come, Kritika brings the dish and makes Prithvi eat, he wonders why does anyone let him spend some time with Sherlin, he even is not happy with Kritika.

Sameer signals Shristhi who comes to sit with him, she replies how she is really grateful that he came on her first call.

Karan asks if they both are going to the school, Preeta mentions she is just going to drop Pihu to the school, Karan mentions that even Preeta should go to the school as she is fourth grade fail, they both start arguing and even Pihu calls her but Rishab says that it is wrong as Preeta is a doctor and can even correct the bones of anyone, Preeta mentions she can even break them, Rishab explains Pihu is in the car, Preeta questions why is he not saying this to Karan who is constantly teasing her as if Pihu goes to school then how would she say that her mother is a fourth grade fail. Preeta asks Karan to turn right but points towards left, Rishab also scolds Karan asking why is he going on the wrong way when he knows the way, Karan explains that he got confused when Preeta was pointing left but saying right, Rishab takes the side of both Preeta and Pihu.

Sameer and Shristhi are in the car, he asks what happened, Shristhi mentions how she was thinking about how Rishab is a really nice person because he helped her from getting rid of Sudha aunt and also when she thought he was having an affair, he confronted her saying if she has any confusion then should confront her, Sameer in anger asks if she even thinks something about her because he feels she does not think anything of him, he gets a call from Karan so asks her to be quiet but she at first greets Karan and they both start arguing over who was fighting, Sameer even asks Karan to take his side as he is his brother but he only believed what Shristhi said, Karan once again warns him to not irritate Shristhi, Rishab enters the office when he is shocked to see Karan wearing the glasses, Karan says Shristhi wants to talk with him, she explains he is really the best person in the world and she really likes him, she ends the call, Sameer in anger stops the car saying if she keeps doing the same thing then he would not even give her a lift, she replies she would then call Rishab, she is about to get out when Sameer mentions he has time today but is saying it for the future.

Rishab sitting on the chair shows Karan the reports which compare the profits of the current year with that of the previous year, he explains how there is someone who while staying in their office is trying to ruin them, Prithvi standing outside the office thinks it is him who is doing all this, he is really happy to see how they both are really tensed and then wonders he must do whatever he desires without wasting any time.

Kritika is playing with Pihu while Prithvi walks down the stairs, Sherlin is setting the table, Rakhi and Preeta come with the plates when he suddenly stops Rakhi, she gets tensed asking what did he mean, Prithvi exclaims why is she doing such work when he is present as even he is the son of this family, Rakhi exclaims it is not possible since he is the son in law, Prithvi asking Kritika exclaims that these days even they are the members of the family, Kritika agrees so asks Rakhi to let him work, he taking the plate walks around Sherlin, she gets uncomfortable with him, he even gives her a flying kiss, she signals him to stop.
Mahesh comes to Pihu saying she can have dinner with him, but she says she will have it with Karan, but then explains will have it with him tomorrow, she asks if he has befriended her once again, Mahesh starts tickling her, Rishab walks down with Karan, Karina questions where are they both going, Karan in a sad voice replies Business meeting, Rishab questions why is he so sad as he must be happy about going to a business meeting, Karan signals how can one be a happy for a business meeting, Sameer comes panicking, questioning why are they both still here since they would have already arrived, Rishab exclaims why is he panicking so much, he is sure that they would not have even arrived.

Mahesh asks who are those people who have arrived, Sameer replies they are the business investors from London and they usually come on time, Rishab also explains how they are their really old partners of their company, Karan also informs Mahesh how there is something wrong with their financials and someone is stealing money from them, Rishab asks why is he troubling Mahesh when he told Karan he would take care of it, Mahesh asks Rishab if he is telling the truth, Karan questions if Mahesh thinks he is lying to her, Sameer also assures Mahesh they are searching for the person who has deceived them so would surely find him, Rishab replies they are just trying without getting any viable results, Preeta explains there is a way with which they would be able to find the culprit, she advises Rishab to look at for any new person whom they have hired at the time of the fraud as usually they are the ones who have done the fraud, Karina scolds her saying that she must not thinks of the business as psychotherapy, Rishab however agrees with Preeta explaining she is right and they must take into consideration the small aspects, he assures of looking into this matter tomorrow morning.

Karan asks Preeta to wait for him, as they might get late from the business meeting, Rishab however informs the meeting will end soon, Karan gets a smile on his face, Karan explains how Preeta got intelligent after staying with him, but Sameer explains she was already smart from the beginning, she just got tensed for some time because of which she was not able to think clearly but they can never challenge her intelligence, Rishab explains Karan is not able to digest if he praises anyone in front of him, Karan mentions it is because he is the best, Mahesh asks him to go and attend the meeting, Sameer also leave saying he will come back.
Preeta along with the entire family go to the dinner table, Prithvi in a state of tension sits down, Preeta sees how Prithvi is looking at Sherlin and they are both really tensed, she gets worried.

In the night Preeta asks Pihu to sit up as she must drink the milk before sleeping, Pihu however refuses to drink, she lies down when Preeta thinks about what she saw at the dinner table, Pihu explains she wants to her friend Kuku wants to sleep with the doll, so she will also have to sleep with her in the toy room, Preeta replies if she goes to sleep at the toy room then she will also sleep with her in the toy room, Pihu asks why would she sleep with her when Preeta replies it is because just like Kiku is her favourite so she wants to be with her, just like that she is her favourite, Preeta however says she must drink milk before going to the toy room, Pihu agrees to drink it so they both leave.
Rishab and Karan are with the investors when they explain how they should have a celebration before for the work which they are doing, Rishab says why not but then mentions that he doesnot drink, the investors explains that it is not necessary that they start every celebration with drinking, he explains how they can even have a dinner and eat sweets, Rishab is really glad with the idea, he calls the waiter ordering him to take his guests at the reserved table, assuring he would join them, Rishab is about to leave when karan also says he will go with him, Rishab says he is going to call Sherlin, karan also explains he is going to call Preeta but Rishab says he should go to the other side, Karan asks if he is trying to get rid of him but Rishab assures there is nothing like that.

Kritika is sitting on the bed, she is really tensed because of the severe headache that she is suffering, Prithvi comes out of the washroom thinking that her brother is really suspicious of him, soon enough he would be sure that Prithvi is the one behind each and everything so if that ever happens, he must make sure that Kritika defends him, he goes to sit with her and cracks a lame joke, she however explains she is suffering a severe headache which is unbearable, Prithvi replies how he has a plan which will end her pain, he gives her a tablet assuring it will cure everything and then informs her how he would massage her head, he is massaging it, Preeta from the corner of the door thinks she was worrying without any reason as Prithvi is really happy with Kritika, she was just mistaken because of the past which he had with Sherlin.

Rishab is trying to call Sherlin, she comes out of the bathroom but doesnot attend his call, she applies the favourite fragrance of Prithvi, Karan comes to Rishab and scares him from behind, Rishab questions why did he scare him, karan explains there was not any network, Rishab replies he wanted to inform Sherlin that he will get late so she can sleep without worrying about him, Karan starts irritating him and then even dials the contact of Preeta, he doesnot let Rishab leave.
Sherlin in her room calls Prithvi asking where he is, the door opens and Prithvi entering mentions he arrived just when she called him, he starts romancing with her questioning why did her husband return because ever since he came back, they both have not been able to meet each other, prithvi explains how he is really missing her, she feels it is really romantic, they both start to enjoy.

Karan calls Preeta, she asks what happened, Karan asks her to be a little polite, she replies she is already really polite, Karan explains Rishab is acting like a caring husband, he gets tensed asking Karan what is he saying, Karan puts the call on speaker, Rishab informs Preeta how he just wanted to inform Sherlin that they might get late so she can sleep, Preeta explains he is really nice, Rishab thanks her saying she is the only one who understands him, Karan mentions how he wanted to inform her saying that Rishab loves Sherlin, he taking the call asks Preeta to go and inform Sherlin that he might get late so she can sleep without worrying for him, Karan once again asks Preeta to go and inform her that he will get late, she ends the call.

Rishab asks if he just wanted to pull his leg and had no real work, Karan replies he called to just have fun then leaves asking Rishab to come and have diner.

Preeta explains how Rishab really cares for Sherlin but she will never mend her ways, she decides to inform Sherlin. Prithvi gets tensed when Sherlin asks what happened, he replies that he has been having a really strange feeling since morning, Sherlin is also really worried because Rishab has found out someone is stealing from him, Prithvi asks if she knows what this means, she explains it means they would get to their destination really soon, Sherlin assures she trusts him, he explains after they reach their destination the Luthra’s would pay for all the times they have humiliated them both, she kisses him when he lies down on the sofa, explaining it is tickling, she says he must get used to such kisses, he pulls her closer so they both go to the corner.

Preeta is walking in the hall.

PRECAP: Preeta asks them both to come and answer all the family, Prithvi asks her to atleast listen to him, but Preeta replies that their pot of wrong doings has filled, Rakhi questions them about what has happened explaining she is getting restless, Preeta tries to mentions the truth taking the name of Sherlin, she however signals Preeta to not reveal the truth.

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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