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Mr Raichand reply had he not saved her from attempting the suicide, he recalls how he saved her while she was trying to cut her vein, he then promised her to get back her daughter but she then demanded him to bring her Karan, Mr Raichand asked her if she loves Karan, Sonakshi replies how she loves him the most and after meeting Sophia at the hotel she thought that when she will come back to him with their child he would accept her, but Mr Raichand told her that her child was born dead so she moved on in her life, she was happy but after coming back found out that he has married someone else, but then going at their house she once again had the same feeling for him which she though he would also realize after seeing she is marrying someone else, he would accept his love for her but nothing of the sort happened, she saw how much he loves Preeta, she then accepted Preeta as her sister so this way she would be able to meet Karan, Mr Raichand explains he would always stand with her but why did she not reveal about this to him before. Sonakshi standing up from the wheelchair mentions she needs to have some water, Mr Raichand asks her about the update what is going on in the Luthra house, he also warns her to be careful about Preeta because she is really clever, Sonakshi explains she does not have to worry about her because if someone cry in front of her, she starts informing how she would surely be with Karan who is her love, Sonakshi says she is only worried about Sherlin but will take care of her, Sonakshi mentions she is glad he hit her with the car but now she would not take any step back because she will surely get her love back, Mr Raichand exclaims he was not with her but now would make sure she get her love.

Pihu signals Rishab to stop, she asks who he is, Rishab says the name Pihu, who gets worried asking how his name can be Pihu as it is her name. Rishab exclaims it is a really beautiful name, he comes to sit in front of her exclaiming his name is Rishab, but her name is even more beautiful then his, he asks if she knows who he is and then explains he is the elder brother of Karan, she can therefore call him as uncle or elder father, or Rishab, Pihu asks how does he know her name, Rishab replies it is because she is really famous and is famous in London, Turkey and the US, he has even brought a lot of gifts and a big chocolate for her so they can be friends, Sameer is excited to see Rishab so hugs him, Kritika is also excited to see him but then hits Sameer with a pillow, Pihu mentions they should be stopped because they are breaking the belongings of the house.

The entire family comes, Rishab takes the blessings of Rakhi asking how could he miss any of the event then goes to Karina, who says she was sure he would come back, Rishab replies how could he not come to see her in such a perfect condition, Karan from the back shouts the name of Rishab and comes to hug him but Rishab questions if he has practised and performed the duties, Karan hugs Rishab then mentions he would not perform the duties as Rishab must take care of everything, Rishab exclaims how can the duties end now since they have to bring the Murti and since they have to arrange the function in the lawn, Dadi asks if he has invited Jitu jee, Rishab questions how could he not invite him and the gave him the first invitation, Dadi says she would wear the best dress, she asks Kritika to help her select the matching jewellery from the modern times, Kritika asks if she should really choose modern jewellery, Dadi explains he is still a lot more handsome then most of the heroes, Kritika and Dadi leave, Rakhi exclaims they all should also get to work as even if the function is in the lawn they still need to perform the arti in the house.
Rishab and Karan are standing, he hugs Preeta congratulating Preeta on becoming a mother, Karan questions why Rishab did not congratulate him, Rishab says that Preeta is his Bhabhi so why he is not letting him talk, Rishab leaves with Karan, Prithvi standing thinks that now since Rishab has come back it would be a lot difficult for him to meet Sherlin.

Rishab in the room is angry with Karan asking why can he not be normal as every time he comes back there is some matters related to him being involved with another girl, he takes the name of Monisha and Santoshi, he asks Mahesh if he has ever heard Rishab is involved with anyone else other then Sherlin, Mahesh replies he knows Rishab is really brave but as a father he can only advise him to be careful with his wife since he would not be able to save him from her.

Sherlin is walking when she sees the door of Sonakshi’s room is open so goes inside wondering where could she have gone, Sherlin thinks if she has went to keep an eye on Karan and Preeta, Sherlin turns to check when she hears the bathroom door opening, Sonakshi walks out sitting on the wheelchair, she asks what is Shelrin doing here, Sherlin replies she came to ask if Sonakshi needs anything since the door was open, Sonakshi assures she is fine so asks Sherlin to go after closing the door, Sherlin suspects that Sonakshi is playing a really big game, Sonakshi sitting on the wheelchair thinks the room is best since the bathroom window opens straight outside so she can leave just like today after closing the bathroom door.

Dadi praises for the ladoo which she makes as they are really delicious, Karina mentions that she has made so many ladoo and would have gotten tired, she asks Sarla to tell the amount which they owe Sarla for preparing them as she would then bring it, Rishab in shock questions what does she mean by this, Karina asks why are they all looking at her like this, she has not said anything wrong as Sarla does the catering business, so this is why she was asking about this, Sarla replies she herself runs the Kumkum Bhagya hall and even her own brother is a caterer who manages most of the things, she herself cooks for the small functions as no work is small, but she has not come here as a caterer but as the mother in law of Karan, she considers Rakhi and Mahesh as her own family so brought these ladoo for Ganpati Papa, as if she was a worker Karina would not be talking to her like this so as being the bua of Karan, so they should at least hug, Sarla forcefully hugs Karina which angers her, prithvi thinks Sarla did something really worthwhile as she has given a befitting reply because Karina left so stone unturned in ruining the image of Sarla however she gave a befitting reply, Dadi advises Rakhi to go and have Sarla perform the darshan of Ganpati papa.

Dadi then leaves with Preeta, Rishab also asks Karina to come with him as he needs to talk something important with her.

The goons enter through the gate and are about to go inside but the guards stop them questioning whoa re they since all those guests who were on the list have arrived, they have marked them present, one of them says they are goons which worries the guards, they exclaim what do the guards thinks they are because they have just come to play and would not leave without performing, they ask the guards to confirm from their boss, they are about to dial the number of Mahesh when they beat them both, planning to put them in the car of any one of the guests.

Karina asks Rishab where is he taking her, he replies he cannot take her on a date so is taking her to the Pandit, she questions why would she go to a Pandit, he replies it is because he wants to ask a questions from him, weather she would ever change in her life, he explains everyone changed in this house except her as she is just the same, he asks why was she trying to give Sarla the money, Karina mentions she has still not been able to accept Sarla as a relative, Rishab says she has a good heart but every time her mind come in between her feelings, Karina exclaims if he means to say she is not good enough, Rishab replies it is not like this as he knows she is really a good woman but sometimes she does something which is a little harsh, he asks if she would accept his one desire and then says she must try to be nice with Sarla just a bit, Karina asks if he knows why did she bring Pihu into this house, she replies it was for Karan and Preeta along with her entire family as she really loves them, Rishab explains she only loves her blood relations, Karina leaves saying now he is judging her. Rishab stopping her explains he is not anyone to judge her nor was he fighting with her because he is not anyone, Karina coming explains she knows this because he is her obedient son, Karina says he asked her for something now she also wants to ask him, she then request him to not leave and stay with them all because when he is not in the house, their family doesnot seem complete, she advises him to also think about his own family with Sherlin, now that Karan and Preeta have gotten Pihu, Rishab exclaims he is happy with Pihu as she calls Rishab, Karina tries to convince him so agrees to try. Rishab once again requests her to be nice with Sarla, she however is adamant that she has changed a lot but agrees to try just for Rishab’s sake.

Sarla says to Rakhi that the murti of Ganpati is always really beautiful but this time she feels it is a lot more beautiful since Pihu has come into their house, Rakhi also agrees with her saying that she is right, they both then see Dadi and Preeta coming to the Pandit where Bani Dadi exclaims she feels there are a lot of boxes her so they should take some of them back and wrap them in the wrapping sheet, Sarla and Rakhi also come to offer their help, Kritika also follows them.

The goons enter the party where they see Sarla however the boss mentions they have just come for their drugs and have nothing to do with any women, Mahesh stops them questioning who they are as no one invited them, they take the name of Mahesh Luthra not knowing he is actually standing in front of them, Mahesh questions who invited them as it was not him, they insist it was Mahesh. Karan and Rishab are walking down the stairs, Mahesh sees them both so going to them explains they both should say to the players that no one has invited them, Karan and Rishab leave mentioning that there has been an emergency at the stage, Mahesh also leaves them ordering they stay here as he would come back, however they all leave to find their drugs.
Preeta is walking with Kritika who asks if it is true that Sonakshi is able to walk, Preeta replies it is the truth as she is getting better, Kritika asks if Preeta it not at all bothered by her because she had a past with Karan, Preeta mentions they should not judge anyone by what happened in the past, as they should be left in the past, Kritika replies she even heard that the past even changes the present, Preeta asks has she not heard that a lot of people have changed, Preeta mentions the dacot who used to cut the fingers, but one day he met a Pandit who informed him he has no right to take anything which he cannot return, Kritika questions what does it have to do anything with their story , Preeta replies it is that they should not judge anyone by their past. Shristhi comes with Sonakshi and Pihu who is wearing really cute glasses, Pihu also offers her help, but Preeta replies she is holding it comfortably, Preeta then gives a box to Pihu, so they all leave for the kitchen.

Preeta gets scared after entering the kitchen which even worries Karan, Preeta however replies she thought that it was a snake, then Preeta starts wrapping the boxes and Pihu even helps her, Karan however starts fighting with Preeta which makes Pihu scold Karan warning him to never fight with Preeta since she is the best mother in the world, however Shristhi along with Karan and Sonakshi start teasing Preeta, even Sonakshi acts as if she is hitting Preeta which angers Pihu who starts beating Sonakshi, Karan then exclaims they all would apologize to Preeta so Pihu also forgives them, Pihu then asks Karan to take her to the room but at first Karan refuses so Pihu mentions only her mother Preeta is the best, karan leaves with her.

The goons standing outside plan to leave for the guest room as there are also some boxes there so they can first check them.

Kritika goes to Ganesh mentions he must bring a cart for the boxes as they have all been wrapped, she sees Prithvi so going to him asks if he is getting bored, he however replies he was just thinking about how he would takeover new companies and would generate a lot of profit, Kritika exclaims that she feels he should be jailed, Prithvi gets shocked hearing this.

Shristhi in the kitchen exclaims she is really impressed with fate as Pihu just came to their house a few days ago but now she loves everyone a lot however is really protective about Preeta as she considers her to be her actual mother, Preeta assures it is not like this as she loves everyone, but was just saying like this as she was in a good mood.

Sonakshi walking in the hall thinks how Pihu was hitting her actual mother for the sake of Preeta, she felt like slapping her as she is her biological mother but was not able to as Pihu is the bridge which would take her to Karan as she would do all she can to get the love of her life.

Kritika comes to Prithvi who is standing,, she questions if he getting really bored, Prithvi replies he was working with his head, thinking how he would work in the future and how he would generate more profits, Kritika replies she feels he must be arrested, he gets tensed when she explains it should be a crime to be so cute, Sherlin standing from the corner thinks they both are having a lot fo emotions between them both, she is about to go to him when she sees Rishab talking on the phone, she thinks Rishab is acting a little weird ever since he came back from London, she thinks of going near him to find out the truth.

Prithvi looking at Rishab mentions that he is the reason Sherlin is his wife, since this is what he wanted because there was no other way to keep an eye on him, Prithvi exclaims had Sherlin not married him, he would have had Sonakshi get married to Rishab as they both are the same and irritated by their life, he wonders why is he constantly thinking of Sonakshi as he already has three women in his life, one is the woman of his dream Preeta, second is his wife Kritika while the third is the woman who is in front of him Sherlin, he looks at her and wonders why is she looking at Rishab with such a smile, he warns her to not look at Rishab in such a way, Prithvi in anger put down the glass but Sherlin follow Rishab when she hears him exclaim the emotion I LOVE YOU, she gets tensed when Prithvi pulls her with him.

This Is Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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