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The Episode starts with Darsh saying mum is calling you, where are you Nandini. Nandini says it means she told the truth to Darsh. She goes. Fire catches up in the heater. Charmy goes to Darsh. Nandini says I don’t want to meet anyone, I have no relation with anyone, when Charmy has become this house’s bahu, when Darsh has started a new life, then what does he want to talk to me. Darsh doesn’t see Charmy anywhere. He asks are you fine. Nandini sees the smoke in the room. She runs back. Charmy comes home and thinks this isn’t my house. Nandini worries for Vini. She goes to remove the plug. She gets an electric shock. Darsh comes and asks how did this happen. He takes Vini outside. He says Ishani, just come out, its dangerous. Nandini falls there. Darsh gets Vini outside the house. Shobit sees Vini and asks how is Vini with Darsh. Darsh says handle Vini, there is fire inside, mum is inside. Shobit says this smoke isn’t good for your eyes, I will get mom. Vipul asks Rajvi to come. Shobit takes her. Darsh says Nandini and Ishani didn’t come out. Shobit thinks Nandini is here. Darsh shouts Nandini and runs inside the house. Dada ji asks Chetan to call the fire brigade. Charmy comes to Nandini. Darsh comes shouting Nandini. He can’t see anything clearly. He coughs. He sees Charmy. He says Nandini, you are here, I was calling you since long. Charmy faints in his arms. Nandini gets shocked. He asks what happened to you, Nandini. He lifts her and takes her. He asks Ishani why is she here, fire is spreading, come out. He goes. Nandini says Darsh thinks Charmy is Nandini. She sits shocked.

Shobit asks Darsh to make Charmy sit. Darsh asks Charmy are you fine, take a deep breath. Fire alarm rings. Drivers rush with the water. Guard gets the fire guards. Darsh says fire in my room, go fast. Shobit says Ishani didn’t come. Darsh says thank God, Ishani came back. Everyone gets shocked seeing Ishani. They see Nandini alive.

Parul says Nandini… Darsh looks at her. Rajvi holds her hand and stops her. Fire catches Nandini’s dupatta. Nandini thinks I don’t know them, I regarded them as my family, they gave my name and identity to Charmy easily, Darsh accepted that Charmy is Nandini. Darsh says your dupatta has fire. He goes and removes her dupatta. He blows off the fire. He asks are you okay, why are you standing like a statue. Rajvi think Darsh thinks Nandini is Ishani. Shobit smiles and says you came back, I feel much relieved. Darsh asks do you know her? Shobit says yes, she is…. Rajvi worries and shouts doctor has come. She says come with me to the outhouse. Vipul takes Vini. Nandini looks at them and takes Vini.
Shobit thinks Charmy isn’t saying anything, she has no need to do this drama. Charmy thinks you don’t know Shobit, I am carrying your child, if Darsh and Nandini unite, then who will give a name to this child. Shobit says I need to talk. Darsh says not now, there is fire inside. Vipul stops Shobit. Shobit asks why isn’t anyone telling truth to Darsh. He asks Charmy why are you silent, you get happy, you don’t need to do this drama again, you can go back in your life, what are you thinking, I m going to tell Darsh that Ishani is Nandini. Vipul says we have to save Darsh from stress, what will he go through that everyone lied to him, Charmy is your ex, its complicated, just Rajvi can talk to Darsh. Shobit says it will be difficult for mom to say it, don’t stop me. Vipul says you were responsible when Darsh lost his eyesight for the first time, if he loses eyesight again, do you want to become the reason for it. Shobit cries. Doctor treats Vini. He says she will be fine soon. Nandini talks to him. Rajvi thinks you are alive, you gave Darsh the biggest gift before going, you have become Vini’s mum to look after her, you are my Nandini. Doctor says don’t worry, Vini will be fine. Doctor goes. Rajvi hugs her and says you came back, I can’t believe you came back, I m sorry, I doubted on you and didn’t believe you, forgive me, I have always missed you. Nandini says you missed me so much that you gave my name and identity to someone else. Rajvi says we didn’t know you are alive. Nandini says you thought I m dead. Rajvi says we didn’t know you were alive, we found a woman’s body at the accident site, police said the documents are of Nandini Rawal. Nandini says maybe my purse fell down there, Vini’s Nanny had died, fine, I accept that you felt I m not alive, but giving Charmy my name and bringing her to Darsh, he accepted her as Nandini, what’s this. Rajvi says I had no option, doctor said that Darsh shouldn’t get any sorrow, his retina can detach, Darsh came home and saw Charmy, I had no option, if I told him the truth, Darsh could have not accepted it, I convinced Charmy and family to lie to him and save his eyesight, so Darsh is thinking Charmy is Nandini. She cries and says I know you will not believe me, I prayed that you come back to me, I m your bigger culprit now. Nandini says no, you are not my culprit, I cheated your son, I m wrong, its good you told me the truth, all the confusion got clear, I was thinking how did you forgive me, you didn’t forgive me, but dead Nandini, you would have thought that I got punished for my deeds, so you gave my identity to someone else, I m really happy, I m not crying on my loss.
Charmy hears Dada ji and Chetan talking. Dada ji says Nandini has come back, everything will be fine. Parul says yes, Charmy won’t need to lie, she is free now. Rajvi says I don’t want your forgiveness. Shobit comes and says you were never wrong, I did everything. He apologizes to Nandini and cry. He says I cheated Darsh, Darsh isn’t at fault. He tells her everything. Nandini cry. Shobit says please accept Darsh again, punish me, I will do whatever you say, please forgive him, it was my mistake. Nandini writes something and says get this signed by your brother. Shobit asks what’s this. She says trust me, I will not run away with anything, I proved that I am not a gold digger. He says I will get this signed. She says read this once. He read and says mom, its written that Darsh dismisses his claim on Rawal property, Shobit has a right on it. He ask what’s this, I don’t deserve anything of this house, I can’t snatch Darsh’s rights. Nandini ask why, you said you will do whatever I say. He says I can’t do wrong on anyone’s saying. She says how did Darsh misunderstand me on someone’s saying, I forced you but you didn’t do wrong with him, this is love, he didn’t love me, he didn’t trust me, Darsh and I never had love, anyways, we have no relation now, stop calling me sister inlaw. Rajvi ask Shobit to just leave. Shobit leaves. Rajvi says your anger is justified, but will you forgive Darsh and come back to this house. Nandini says Vini returned peace in my life, I am Vini’s mum, my name is Ishani Jhunjhunwala, this is my identity, I will never become Nandini and return to this house. Charmy comes and says he loves you a lot, if I get a bit hurt, he get worried for his Nandini, I act to study late night, he also stay awake for his Nandini until I sleep, he never expresses it, he loves his Nandini a lot, you are his Nandini, I have always apologized to you, I have nothing here, its all yours. Nandini cry. Charmy says Darsh is yours. She says aunty, I will leave. Rajvi recalls her promise. She says I can’t let you go, you supported me, its not your mistake. She says Charmy is my responsibility now, because she is pregnant, I got to know this two days back, she is carrying Darsh’s child. Nandini and Charmy get shocked. Charmy think why is Rajvi lying to Nandini again, why isn’t she saying that I am carrying Shobit’s child. Rajvi says now you know why I had made Charmy as Nandini to save Darsh from the trauma, it wasn’t easy for Charmy, she did this to make Darsh believe her, she was with him all the time, they had formed husband and wife’s relation. Nandini says you think it's fine. Rajvi says no, if a mum does something for his child’s betterment, how can it be wrong, what shall I do, Charmy is ready to leave seeing you here, how shall I let her go? Nandini says Darsh is starting a family based on a cheat, you are the person starting this cheat. She goes to Charmy and says my identity isn’t on rent, my name is not just a name, no one can use it. Rajvi says you don’t want to come here, you want to stay as Ishani all life, what’s your objection if Charmy stays here. Nandini says you all are cheating him, I feel bad for him, being a mum can’t be an excuse to choose the wrong path, a mum teaches one how to fly, not one who cheats, I didn’t expect this from you. She says Darsh didn’t know you are not Nandini, you knew it, how did you get pregnant, I will not let him fall in this cheat. Rajvi says don’t tell the truth to Darsh, he doesn’t know about Charmy’s pregnancy, no one knows. Nandini ask how long will you hide this, he will know it some day. Rajvi says he will break down, you will tell truth and go your way, what about Charmy, the child will be called illegitimate. Nandini says I will become a culprit for him if I keep him in darkness, after knowing the truth, I will tell him the truth. She goes to Darsh. Rajvi worries.

PRECAP: Darsh comes to see Vini. Nandini asks him to never meet them again. Vini hugs him and says mum is a liar, I don’t want to stay with her, I will stay with your family. Nandini gets shocked. Darsh looks at Nandini. Charmy comes. She says Darsh will identify Nandini some day, find a solution. Rajvi says Darsh, I want to get you and Nandini married again. Nandini looks on.

Unspoken Bond Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 5pm

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