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The Episode starts with Nandini saying you decided that I have cheated you. Vipul ask did Darsh do any mistake or you found anything lacking in him, why did you marry him if you didn’t love him, just because he is rich, is it your habit to use people? Dada ji also scold her. Naveen ask Bansuri to stop. Bansuri ask Parul to explain to Rajvi, Nandini can’t cheat Darsh. Gunjan says I am happy that her truth came out. Naveen ask her to shut up. Gunjan ask why, just Nandini got the daughter inlaw’s respect, because I don’t know how to talk sugary things to impress everyone, I just want good for my in-laws. Nandini says I want to know what’s in Darsh’s mind. Rajvi says you won’t go until you clarify. Nandini says clarification is given before making a decision, not after taking the decision, I won’t clarify. Bansuri says I will call Ritesh. Shobit says his number is off. Nandini says it's good, as I don’t want Ritesh to answer these questions. Rajvi ask why, are you scared your truth will come out, we have seen your real face. Nandini says I can’t change your thinking, but no one can stop me from meeting my husband. Rajvi stop her and says remember, you accept your affair by not giving any clarification, you accept that you have cheated Darsh. Nandini sees Darsh there. She ask were you hearing all this. 

Chetan says I have to tell the truth to Shobit. Priya says no, you deserve this. Charmy says shut up, you won’t file any case, I know you care for me, but we won’t play with anyone’s life, please, for my sake. She hug Priya and says you won’t do this. She ask Chetan to come, they have to talk to Shobit. They leave.

Nandini says you were silent, it means you also accepted that I am a cheater, if you found it wrong, then why didn’t you tell me? Darsh says you have no right to question me, I will question you. He show her the bracelet. He ask what was this doing on Ritesh’s bed, what’s your relationship with Ritesh, tell me if you made a mistake. Nandini blindfold herself. She says my eyes are also close like you now, come with me. Rajvi ask where are you taking him. Nandini says no one will come between us. 

Chetan ask driver to hurry up.  Chetan check his phone. It goes off. He ask for Charmy’s phone. Charmy says I deleted Shobit and Rawal family’s number. He says I don’t remember anybody's numbers. 
Nandini takes Darsh to the room. She says I apply this sindoor every day and ask you what will you have for breakfast. She takes him to kitchen. She says I make protein shake for you every day and think what to make for you that helps you recover. She says I had made preparation for your birthday. He ask what do you want to prove? Nandini says nothing, when I had seen you doubting me, then I thought is it tough to love someone without eyesight, but its not such, I felt the same for you like every day, eyes be it open or closed, my feelings didn’t change for you, your heart changed for me, you can’t give me the excuse of being blind, anyways, this is the surprise gift which I got for you, make anyone read it, next 48 hours are very precious. She cry and leaves. She walk on the road crying. Shobit think Charmy, your revenge got complete. 

Nandini recall Rajvi’s words. She hears Darsh calling her. Darsh comes to her and ask why did you leave the house, it was just a dream, can I doubt you. She says yes, it was a bad dream. He says yes. She hug him. He says come home with me. She nod. She fall inside pit. She call out for Darsh. She says I can’t wait for someone to come and help me, I have to do everything alone. She struggle to come out of the pit. She says I promise I won’t give you another chance or return to my life. 

Chetan says don’t know what’s happening at home, the car had to break down today. Nandini call out for help. The car passes by. She comes up. Bansuri says you all are mistaken, Nandini loves you a lot, she can never cheat you, you talk to Ritesh, he will tell you the truth. She ask Naveen for his phone. She says his number is off. Naveen and Bansuri says Nandini can’t cheat anyone. Vipul asks them to go home. Bansuri says you all are doing a big mistake, Nandini kept relations with sincerity, Darsh will regret it a lot. Naveen and Bansuri leave. Rajvi cry.

Darsh throw that envelope and going. Vipul says we have to handle Darsh. Rajvi says I can’t face him. Darsh goes to the storeroom. He gets an axe. He leaves. Everyone try to stop him. Chetan and Charmy come home. They don’t see anyone. Shobit is in his room. He sees the gifts and cry for Charmy. He says I love you, I still kept your gift safe, I wish you were here to celebrate, our revenge is fulfilled, I separated Nandini and Darsh, I love you so much that I can go to any extent for it. Charmy comes there and breaks the gifts. Shobit get shocked seeing Charmy with Chetan. She asks do you even realize what you did? He says you are alive… She says yes, I am alive. He says I got a call from the hospital. She says it was a lie, Priya had sent that audio to you, what if I wasn’t alive, you thought I will get happiness by destroying two innocent lives, Darsh loved you a lot, how did you think I will get justice if you ruin his life, you are sick. Chetan says you have to stay with this guilt all your life now. 

Darsh goes to Ritesh’s room and breaks the bed with the axe. Everyone stops him. Rajvi says its Nandini’s mistake, she couldn’t keep the relation, she is imperfect, you are my perfect son. Darsh shouts stop it, stop lying to yourself, I am blind, I am not perfect, I got cheated again. He goes out. He takes his walking stick. He says I won’t live in delusion, you all also don’t live in it, this is my truth. 

Nandini cry and think of Darsh. 
Rajvi says I know Darsh, that girl has hurt you a lot. Shobit comes to Darsh. He takes that stick and beats himself. Rajvi asks what happened, why are you beating yourself? Darsh ask what’s happening. Shobit says I should get punished, I ruined everything, I should die, I am a monster. Everyone look on. Shobit says Nandini is innocent. Vipul asks what? Shobit says she didn’t do anything, I have done all this, I created this misunderstanding, she didn’t cheat you, I did this to show Ritesh and Nandini’s affair. Vipul shout why? Shobit says I got the news of Charmy’s suicide, I regarded Darsh responsible for it, I decided to separated Darsh and Nandini to take revenge, when I met Ritesh, I thought to use him. He tells everything he did. Chetan and Charmy come. Shobit says then I got to know that Charmy is alive. Everyone sees Charmy. Shobit says I made a big mistake, I want to die. He cry. Chetan stop him. Shobit says no one can love Darsh more than Nandini, get her back, please. Darsh cry. Shobit beg him and cry. Darsh says champ, I know you love me a lot, you are doing this to keep my heart, you are making excuse to save Nandini, I know my brother can’t do this, don’t do this. Shobit says I am not lying, Nandini can’t cheat you, she got to know that there are chances of your eyesight coming back, she was meeting Ritesh to plan your surgery, she had given you an envelope, where is it. He gets the envelope. He says its a birthday surprise for you. Rajvi reads the papers. Shobit says Nandini had worked hard to get your surgery done, she found a donor also, she loves you a lot, whatever I had shown you was a lie. Rajvi and Darsh cry. Shobit says sorry, please forgive me. Rajvi get angry and says I hate you, what did you do. She beat him. Darsh stop Rajvi. He says don’t beat him, I can’t believe Shobit had hatred for me, I made a big mistake again, I doubted her again, how will I face her, I have to search for her. Shobit says I don’t deserve forgiveness, but please let me find her, I will get her back, trust me, you go for the surgery. Rajvi says you won’t go anywhere, I don’t trust you, maybe this is your plan, maybe you want to go and then do something. Shobit says give me a chance to rectify my mistake. Darsh says I don’t need the operation if I can’t see Nandini, I have to find her. Vipul says we all should go and find her. 

Nandini is on the way. She gets a call. She disconnect it. The battery goes off. She walks on the road. A car speeds up.

PRECAP: A lady meets an accident. Shobit comes there. He asks what happened. Inspector says a lady met with an accident, she is dead. Constable says we got her phone and purse, maybe she is Nandini Rawal. Shobit gets shocked. Rajvi asks where is Nandini. Shobit cry. Rajvi says I will convince her and bring her. He says she met with an accident, she is no more. Everyone gets shocked.

Unspoken Bond Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 5pm

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