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The Episode starts with Nandini saying its Darsh’s birthday tomorrow. Dada ji says yes, I forgot, Vipul and Chetan would have planned a big party. Vipul says Darsh got married, Nandini is making the preparations. Ritesh says I will help her. Darsh says I don’t want to celebrate this year. Dada ji asks why? Darsh says I don’t want to. She says I have arranged everything. Vipul thinks I hope Rajvi finds out why Chetan and Parul decided to get separated from family. Rajvi comes to meet Bansuri. Bansuri says Parul… Rajvi asks was Parul going to come? Bansuri says yes, she said she will be coming. Rajvi sees some patient inside the room. Naveen says she is my patient, I am a Vaid. Bansuri asks didn’t Parul come with you. Rajvi says no, I came to invite you for Darsh’s birthday, you have to come. She goes. Parul and Chetan come. Parul asks did Rajvi get to know anything. Naveen says no. Parul asks how is she now. Naveen says she is fine. They go and see the lady’s phone ringing. The lady says this is my sister Priya’s phone, who are you. Bansuri says I am Bansuri Parekh, your sister met with an accident. The lady asks is she fine. Bansuri says she is a bit hurt, don’t worry, my husband is taking care of her, she is in Dwarka. The lady says send me the address, I will come. The lady signs on the form as Dr. Charmy. 

Darsh says Nandini you talk sweetly, I didn’t think you will take Shobit’s help and make a fake bracelet, you have hurt me, but I won’t ask you anything. Nandini comes and asks why are you setting the hammock. He says its my wish. She asks him to help her in english class, she has to write a romantic story. He says you make good stories, you don’t need my help. He goes. Chetan thanks Naveen. Naveen says its my duty, I am thinking what you are going through, you are ready to get wrong in Rajvi’s eyes to save her reputation. Parul says I have done this crime. FB shows Parul driving the car and crying. She says IVF failed for the third time, maybe we will never have a child. Chetan asks her to drive slowly. She hits a girl. They get shocked. Chetan says we can’t take her to hospital, else it will be a police case. Parul says we have to take her to hospital, look at her state. He says the car is on Rajvi’s name, she will take the blame, she is going to get an award, we can’t let her name come to this, Naveen is a Vaid. FB ends. Parul says Rajvi did a lot for us, I can’t see her going to jail at this age, there was no one around at the time of accident, if this girl had seen the number plate, then Rajvi will go to the jail, so we got the car transferred to our name, we want to get separated from the family, so that the family don’t get affected if there is any police case. He says Parul, we should leave before her sister comes. They leave. Rajvi says Chetan and Parul want to sign the partition papers and go today. Vipul asks did you find out anything. She signs no.

Nandini reads the story. She asks Darsh what’s a french kiss. He says it maybe something. She asks him to tell her. He asks her to check images of french kiss. She asks doesn’t the nose get in between while kissing. He asks how can I explain, you will know when you do it practically. She asks him to do it practically. She gets shy and says I have no problem in doing a practical one. She holds his hand and gets close. Her phone rings. She says its Ritesh’s call. He says my work is over, I am going to the room. He goes. She answers the call. Ritesh says London research team has approved that surgery, Darsh can get his eyesight back. She asks what, is this true. She pinches her hand. She thanks him. She says Darsh will get his eyesight back. 

Its morning, Shobit says thank God, Darsh will get his eyesight back, you got a donor, I want to tell everyone. Ritesh says yes, whose name did you take last. Shobit hide Charmy’s name. Ritesh says its Nandini’s prayers, I am going to meet Kinjal today, I prepared myself to propose to her. Shobit asks but how, sky ride, dance or anything else. Ritesh says I just thought to go and tell her I love you. Shobit says think of something good, I have an idea. Ritesh asks what is it. Nandini says I will take much care of Darsh after operation, I will help you in forgetting all the pain. She kisses his eyes. Aapki nazron….plays… She goes to kiss him. Darsh wakes up. She gets away and says I was wishing you happy birthday. She wishes him. She gets hurt by the pen. He asks what happened. She says nothing, I got hurt, you didn’t reply to my wish, did you get upset with me. He cares for her hand and goes. She says what happened to him.

Chetan says we have no way left now, we have to leave the house. Rajvi comes and says I decided, I won’t sign the property papers. Chetan asks how can you do this. Parul says fine, keep the property, we will still go. Rajvi says just as I thought, its not about property, Parul said she doesn’t want the property, tell me what is it, why do you want to leave the house, its Darsh’s birthday today, will you give him this gift. Darsh comes and asks what. Parul asks him to always be happy, healthy and successful in life. She wishes him. Chetan says happy birthday Darsh, do you know what will Vipul gift you. Darsh says no, is it important to celebrate the birthday. Rajvi says we always did. Darsh goes. Rajvi says stay back until his birthday party, else his special day will get spoiled. Parul says sure. Rajvi goes. Chetan says you stay, I will talk to Naveen. Nandini says Ritesh fixed a video call with the doctor, I thought to tell Rajvi, she can talk to the doctor. He says no, you surprise them. She says the idea is well, once Darsh and Rajvi know it, they will be so happy. She thanks him. He asks her to go to Ritesh’s clinic. She goes. Chetan looks on. Shobit sees the flowers. He thinks of Charmi. He shouts on the servant and asks him to change the roses, get lilies, Charmy’s death changed me, what did I become, I hate myself. Chetan says Charmy liked lilies right. Shobit says anyone can like lilies. Charmy is on the way. She says I never thought I will come back to Dwarka, I hope I don’t meet Shobit. She sees his pic. Nandini talks to the doctor. He says I will get back to you with the dates. She thanks him and says I will send you the sweets. Ritesh talks to the doctor. Nandini imagines Darsh getting his eyesight back. He says you are more beautiful than I imagined. He hug her. The imagination ends. She thanks Ritesh. He asks her to accompany him. Darsh says Nandini could have informed me and go, I can’t talk to her and hurt her. Shobit comes and hugs him. He wishes him. He apologizes to him. Darsh says its fine, we will go out, I will get the camera.
Shobit says Nandini went to invite Ritesh. Darsh asks why did she go, Ritesh knows about the party. Chetan looks on. Shobit says I don’t know. Chetan says why did Shobit lie to Darsh, he knows that Nandini had gone to get a gift for Darsh. Ritesh and Nandini come to the park. He says you pretend as Kinjal, Shobit was coming, I am getting nervous, I will practice the proposal. She laughs. 
The lady says madam has reached Dwarka, she had gone to the park for some work, then she will come to take her sister. Bansuri thinks to inform Chetan. She calls Chetan. Chetan says I will go there and try to talk to that girl, you stay here and keep Rajvi engaged. Parul worry. Chetan says Shobit is behaving weird. She asks what happened. He says nothing. 

Ritesh proposes to Nandini. Darsh clicks pic. She laughs and goes. Shobit sees them. Ritesh says I won’t practice if you laugh. She says sorry, I am Kinjal. Shobit thinks I knew Darsh will come here, so I kept the practice here. He makes Darsh stumble. He asks Darsh to sit. He takes the camera. He clicks the pics. He signs a man. The man jogs and pushes Nandini towards Ritesh. Ritesh holds Nandini in arms. The man says really sorry. Shobit clicks their pics. Darsh says its light pain, I will be fine. Shobit says we will go. Nandini asks Ritesh not to get angry. Charmy comes there. Shobit takes Darsh. He sees Charmy from behind and thinks of her.

PRECAP: Shobit stops the man. He pays him money. Chetan looks on. Darsh calls out Shobit. Chetan asks why is Shobit lying to Darsh, what is he doing. Nandini asks what’s the pic. Rajvi scolds Nandini. Nandini says I want to know what’s in Darsh’s heart, none can stop me from meeting my husband.

Unspoken Bond Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 5pm

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