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Anupama holding Kavya’s hand takes her on stage and says Kavya has also right on this trophy as she taught dance to Pakhi, though it was a different one. Pakhi stops her. Anu says its even Pakhi’s mistake and they will discuss about it at home, but right now she should remember that Kavya is also her guru. Bapuji says Anupama is everyone’s guru. Kinjal says mummy is the best. Everyone clap when Anu, Pakhi, and Kavya receive award. Bapuji wipes his emotional tears. Back home, Anu and Pakhi perform pooja with family and turn at Kavya. Kavya says she can explain. 

Vanraj says nobody asked her to. She says they will later, hence she herself will explain; she attended a telephonic job interview which was important to her more than a school dance. Anu says it was important as Sweety participated in it. Kavya says lakhs of small dance performances happen in lakhs of school, job interview was more important. Baa says for a family, their child’s performance is most important. Kavya says her job is important as dance academy and cafe will close any time; Anu has a school job and can teach dance online, but she and Vanraj will be jobless and hence she did right. Bapuji says she did right, but if the way of explanation is wrong, then its wrong. Kavya asks if she he means she is wrong. Anu says she isn’t right, but she should have informed Pakhi before leaving. Kavya continues that a child’s dance is not important than a job. Vanraj says even children’s hard work is important like their job; earlier childhood means doll’s play, but now its more than that with competitions at each step and hence she cannot degrade Pakhi’s hard work.

Kavya continues that the ignored her effort of teaching dance to Pakhi and are catching her one mistake. Pakhi says she failed in her expectations and disappointed her. Kavya says she is back on her mummy’s side. Baa says nobody can break a mother-daughter bonding, etc. Kavya continues arguing and asks why are they creating an issues when Pakhi has already won the trophy. Vanraj says because of her Pakhi would have even lost. Toshu comments if they don’t create an issue, how will the drama happen. Vanraj asks what does he mean. He says any sensible person would have done what Kavya did, but his great family cannot see people’s success and cry about sacrifice. Kinjal says people like him like the word sacrifice until its done for them. Toshu says he is not talking to her. Vanraj says he is talking to him and asks to speak clearly. Toshu says its of no use and tries to walk away. Vanraj stops him and asks he is thinking about profit and loss to speak to his father and is acting like a big businessman like Rakhi Dave, he now feels that he is speaking to Rakhi Dave’s son-in-law and not his son. Toshu says that is the point, son is good till he is obedient and when he opposes, he becomes a villain. Kinjal warns him to behave with his father. Bapuji asks Toshu to calm down.

Toshu continues shouting and says they didn’t even ask Kavya about her interview and are shouting at her instead continuously. Samar says they didn’t even know about her interview. Baa says they will ask her now and asks mamaji to speak. Mamaji asks Kavya how was her interview. Kavya ignores him. Toshu shouts they are even now joking on Kavya and this house cannot see anyone flying. Vanraj says he would have agreed if Samar would have said this as he had cut Samar’s feathers, but he fulfilled Toshu’s each demand and sent him to the best college and coaching class he wished. Toshu says he should inform the expenses he incurred on him, he will return it with interest. Anu asks him to stop. Vanraj says let him pay the debt of his mother’s tears, his father’s hard work, his grandparent’s blessings, etc. Toshu says he is speaking practically and not emotionally. Samar says let us talk practically then, he is not a commerce graduate, but can say that in balance sheet they get both happiness and sorrows. Toshu shouts he is tired of this family’s fights and drama. Samar says this is also his family. Toshu says there is no need to remind him and he hates this house.

Vanraj says he thought Toshu was talking about leaving the house repeatedly and he thought he is angry, but now he wants to know what problem he has with this family. Toshu says nobody can be happy in this house and why should he stay here. Samar says he is going overboard. Toshu warns him to stop or else he will slap him. Samar asks with what right? Toshu says as an elder brother. Samar says he needs relationship even to slap. Toshu shouts to shut up. Vanraj asks them both to shut up and says he can go and stay in Rakhi’s pent house. Toshu says he will go as he hates his family and everyone leaves the house. Vanraj shouts to leave then. 

Toshu says in normal family, papa doesn’t remarry, mummy doesn’t demand for divorce, ex-wife and present wife don’t stay together after divorce. Baa asks Vanraj to shut Toshu’s mouth or else she will slap him. Toshu says if she keeps her mouth shut, half of the family problems will be solved. Vanraj warns him not to dare misbehave with Baa. Toshu says why did he ask when he didn’t want to listen against Baa. Anu warns him to leave but not forget behavior. Toshu says she should teach behavior to Baa; Baa calls her MIL as nagin and insults everyone, threatens to slap them, etc.; no cultured family will behave like Baa; even Bapuji spreads wisdom of knowledge, but himself doesn’t follow it; he cannot call his friends home because mamaji irritates them; Bapuji backs Mamaji and throws PJs which no one finds funny; he couldn’t invite his friends or colleagues home after marriage as his family is unfit to be introduced. Everyone stand shocked watching his behavior.
Kinjal warns Toshu that he is crossing his limits. Toshu says she very well knows that socializing is important in their profession and he cannot call his friends and colleagues here as Baa and Bapuji will create problems if they demand nonveg and alcohol. Vanraj warns him to shut up. Toshu continues and yells at Samar that he cannot introduce his brother as he is just a dancer. Samar says even his friends are not scientists but managing their fathers’ businesses. Toshu then yells at Pakhi that she is the most selfish here. Samar warns him not to insult Pakhi. Toshu then yells at Nandini that she is always here before marriage. Pakhi asks him to stop. He says she fights with Nandini and is supporting her now, then shouts that they made his wife a behanji like them. Anu warns him to stop now. He yells at her that they blame that fights started since Kavya entered this house, but truth is there were fights even before because of her; papa hated her as she smelled masalas/spices, now with the sweat from her dance, she smells more irritating and he cannot introduce his friends to a non-classy non-English speaking mother, etc.

Vanraj boils in anger and gives him a tight slap. Toshu falls down. Vanraj lifts him up and says even today his blood boils when someone insults his parents. He asks how dare he to insult his parents and elders, he would have discussed if he had problem with Baa, Mamaji, and Bupuji and they would have tried to change as they have upgraded themselves more than his laptop and mobile; he should have learnt at least from his mistakes; he had problem with Samar and insulted him many times, but Samar never crossed his limits like Toshu did and should laugh at him for considering Toshu his favorite son who can dare to stare into his eyes; whenever he used to see someone insult his parents, he used to feel ashamed of himself, but Toshu insulted his mother and cleared his guilt. Anu says Toshu told all this earlier heavily inebriated and they thought he was drunk and didn’t mean it, but today he cleared their misunderstanding. 

Vanraj says even he worked in a corporate sector for years, but never compromised on his family to make new relationships outside; even he made mistakes, but never forget to respect his father and touch his mother’s feet. He finally warns him to mend his ways or else he knows how to correct him by trashing him with a footwear. He asks where is he socializing that he feels ashamed of his mother. Toshu says even he used to feel ashamed of mummy. Vanraj asks where is it written that a son should repeat a father’s mistake, he should have learnt it from Bapuji or being a son like him and he can sacrifice his life for his parents, Toshu learnt his mistakes but not his one goodness. He continues that they never insulted him when he used to wet the bed till he was 10-year-old, used to lose school’s running race, etc. He finally asks him to leave if he wants to, but he never will be happy in life. Toshu says he doesn’t have to worry about that as he doesn’t want to ruin his life staying in this house. Family stands sadly while he walks away. Kinjal apologizes family and follows him.

Toshu packs his clothes. Kinjal walks in. He says they are going and its final. She asks if he is not feeling bad after breaking everyone’s heart; whether they agree or not, they know they are wrong like she realized when she insulted mummy. He says even being wrong, he wants to stay separate and happy. She says separating happily is okay but not after fight. He says he has decided already and its her wish whether to accompany him or stay here alone without him. Kinjal cries loudly.

Baa tells Bapuji that Toshu is right that she should think well before speaking or else her son’s family will shatter. Bapuji says they should consider themselves as furniture and keep their mouth shut. Mamaji says even he forgets that he is a guest here. Bapuji asks him not to say that. Mamaji jokes. Bapuji says he cannot laugh with his jokes today and says its better that they leave from here instead of seeing his children fight. Anu and Vanraj hear their conversation. Baa says if they leave, Toshu may stay back. Bapuji says he will inform his friend in Jamnagar to clean their house. Vanraj rushes to him and sitting near his feet pleads not to go and says he couldn’t give good upbringing to his son, but doesn’t want his parents to leave him. Anu backs him. Bapuji says its better they leave instead of seeing their family shatter as today Toshu wants to go and tomorrow Samar will say same. Vanraj and Anu continues emotionally pleading them not to go. Kavya noticing them thinks after the shouting, now emotional drama has started; either Baa Bapuji or Toshu Kinjal will leave this house and make her task easy. Anu and Vanraj with folded hands plead Baa and Bapuji not to go. Bapuji agrees and says they will try nobody is troubled by them.

Precap: Anu tells Vanraj that they are the link between past and future generation and its their duty to keep them united; whether they leave the house happily or not, they should see off them smilingly. She performs Toshu and Kinjal’s aarti, sees them off, and then cries vigorously. Anu gets a bank call that she can get business loan by mortgaging her karkhana/factory as a collateral.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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