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Anupama confronts Rakhi that they will fight until Kanhaji permits them as they have a 20 lakh rs loan now and if they borrow from Rakhi, they will have to bear humiliation worth crores. Rakhi says she will be tired carrying family’s dignity. Anu says they will until god wishes them to. Kavya yells this woman has gone nuts. Vanraj says Anu is right and confronts her that they will protect their dignity until they can, till then Rakhi should.. Mamaji says KYMS, Keep Your Mouth Shut, and encourages Vanraj and Anupama to move ahead. Rakhi says this attitude holds good in stories and not in real life. Anu asks her to keep her taunts till they fail, till then she should stay away from them. Rakhi leaves saying she will go now but till return soon. She comments another evening, another drama, Shah family’s life is full of dramas. Bapuji apologizes Anu and Vanraj and cries saying he didn’t pay taxes unknowingly as he didn’t check documents once his karkhana/factory was shut and if he had seen, his children wouldn’t have to face this problem. Toshu this nobody did right thing in this house that Bapuji will. Anu consoles Bapuji. Bapuji says he should have paid taxes. Mamaji says he wanted to earn for the first time and give his earnings to his jijaji/Bapuji, but he failed and will be a burden forever. Anu asks not to say that, Samar backs her. Bapuji says people leave wealth as heritage to their heirs, but he left loan on them. Anu says he gave good morales to his children, his son doesn’t look into his eyes when she speaks and in a generation where grandchildren run away from grandparents, his grandchildren consider him as their bestfriend and that is his biggest achievement. She wipes Bapuji’s tears. Toshu angrily walks away from that. Anu notices that.

Toshu angrily walks to his room. Kinjal follows him and asks why did he come up when family needs him. Toshu shouts that Rakhi was offering loan, but his family wants to pay property tax by gratitude instead of money; people leave properties as heritage, but his family is giving him 20 lakhs loan; he is tried of living with his family and wants to shift soon. Kinjal says there will be problems even if they stay away from family. Toshu shouts he wants to be out of this family and breathe a fresh air. Anu hears their conversation.

Kavya walks to Vanraj. Vanraj says he doesn’t want to hear complaints. She says she wants to go out and insists. He asks at this time. She says they used to party at night and she is tired of the family drama and wants to breathe a fresh air, so her friend has invited her. Vanraj agrees and goes to change. Pakhi walks to Kavya and requests for dance practice as her performance is tomorrow evening. Kavya says not now as she is going out with Vanraj and asks her to practice herself today. Anu hearing their conversation standing in kitchen looks at Pakhi. Pakhi rudely says she will manage alone. Anu walks away. She then walks to Samar and Nandini who are tensed regarding 20 lakhs property tax payment and ask Nandini to help Pakhi in her dance practice. Samar says Pakhi’s bestie is there to help Pakh. Anu says Kavya is going out with Vanraj. Nandini hopes Pakhi doesn’t rudely behave with her. Anu then asks Samar to speak to Toshu. Samar says she herself should as they fight instead of speaking now a days.
Anu asks if they fought. Samar says they had a tussle. She asks if he forgot her morales. He asks why problems only come to them. She says they don’t say that when happiness comes to them and gives him a long explanation.

Vanraj with Kavya meet his friends in a cafe and thanks Kavya for brining him out. A friend says he gets unwanted calls for loan. Vanraj says telecallers insist people to take loan who doesn’t need loan and not to the ones who need it. Another friend asks if he needs loan. Kavya say yes and asks if they can help. A friend says she will check and inform her.

Nandini walks to Pakhi while she is dancing practicing and offers help. Pakhi arrogantly says mummy sent her puppet via remote control. Nandini hopes Anu would have sent a slap via remote. Pakhi yells that she doesn’t have any right to order her as she is not her bhabhi yet. Their argument starts. Samar, Anu, Kinjal, and Toshu gather and warn them to stop. They continue alleging each other. Kinjal backs Nandini and warns Pakhi to behave with elders. Pakhi yells mummy has many clowns roaming around. Nandini says Pakhi is Kavya’s clown and warns to slap her if she continues misbehaving with her. Toshu asks them to shut up. Kinjal backs Nandini again. Pakhi continues shouting and walks away saying she hates them and this house. Toshu repeats her. Samar starts arguing with him. Anu feels disheartened seeing her children fighting.
Anupama cry seeing her children fighting. Mamaji consoles her and says seeing her, Baa, and Bapuji’s tears, sometimes he thinks its good that he forgets. He then asks why is he hitting her head and walks away. Bapuji stops him and says he was acting as forgetting. Mamaji nods yes and says he was performing his duty of cheering up Anu. Bapuji says Anu and Vanraj are in pain in because of him and asks if everything will be fine soon. Mamaji asks what will get fine. Bapuji says nothing. Anu wipes her tears and thinks she cannot break down as she has to do a lot. Vanraj while driving back home tells Kavya that she brought her from cafe midway and is angry on her. She argues why he sought loan help from her friends. He says he asked only reference and not loan. She yells he should seek help from Anu and not everyone. He says even she sought job help. She says they all know she doesn’t have a job, but don’t know that he doesn’t have money; he shares his problems with everyone and embarrasses her. He warns her to stop yelling as he is already in stress and if she cannot reduce it, she shouldn’t increase it. She warns to not speak to her in this tone. He says she hasn’t seen his tone at all and should ask Anu.

Anu sees Pakhi dancing practicing and thinks she will scold her for her mistake after her dance performance tomorrow. She sees Pakhi’s dance dress lose with stitches and stiches it thinking she will rejoice seeing Pakhi’s performance on stage and will whistle for her. Pakhi arrogantly snatches her dress and asks why did she touch her dress. Anu says its stitches were lose. Pakhi shouts when bestie has done everything for her, why she is trying to take credit in fear of missing out the attention, etc. Anu asks what rubbish she is talking. Pakhi says she has no importance in her life and if she fails to garner importance from her, her life is a waste. Anu warns to stop her nonsense. Pakhi shouts why did she touch he dress. Anu says stitches were lose and would have broken during her dance performance. Pakhi shouts she came here to just show her greatness. Anu says she doesn’t want to scold her before her dance performance or else she would have slapped a misbehaving child. Pakhi continues shouting at Anu. Bapuji with Baa and Mamaji walk out and ask what is happening. Anu asks why did he come out. Baa says how could they sleep hearing Pakhi shouting. Pakhi shouts they didn’t see Anu shouting. Baa gets angry. Bapuji says Pakhi is under performance pressure and should calm down. Pakhi shouts he should explain it to his daughter instead; when she needed mummy’s help, she was not there for her and now when she managed, mummy is forcefully trying to help; she has grown up and doesn’t need mummy’s help. Bapuji says no person in a world becomes so big that he/she doesn’t need a mother’s help.

Toshu in his room hearing Pakhi shouting angrily says the drama started again, one cannot live pacefully in this house. Kinjal says all families in the world fight. He says just one mummy is enough and she shouldn’t become his mummy’s carbon copy. She says he shouldn’t become her mummy’s carbon copy and walks out to check. Pakhi walks to living room shouting to leave her alone. Baa confronts her and warns to slap her for her misbehavior. Toshu, Kinjal, and Samar gather. Pakhi continues shouting and insulting Anu and provokes Baa. Baa says she is unfit to bear her slap. Bapuji stops Baa. Baa asks if he can’t see how Pakhi is misbehaving with her mother. Pakhi shouts that that when bestie did everything for her, why mummy wants to interfere and take the credit, she should stop acting great. Kavya joins her and says she said right. Baa warns her not to always exaggerate the issue. Kavya says she was teaching dance to Pakhi and told her she will check her dance after coming home. Baa says a teacher can only teach a dance, but a mother has to look after her child’s emotional and physical aspect, if the child had food, if she is stressed, if she is dressed properly, etc. Toshu shouts if their drama is over and if they can sleep now, they fight whole day, they should set a time table instead. Kinjal warns him to shut up. Kavya shouts next. Anu asks them to stop and requests Pakhi to stop the drama right now as she did a big mistake of helping her.

Vanraj returns. Pakhi complains that she is already stressed regarding her performance and Baa and mummy are troubling her above that. Baa asks just like that. Toshu starts shouting again. Bapuji asks to end this issue right here. Toshu says he will not stop now and continues. Vanraj asks what is happening. Pakhi says mummy, Baa, and Bapuji are troubling her. Vanraj asks Anu when will she stop forcefully helping everyone. Anu asks him not to interfere when he doesn’t know the issue. Kavya shouts everyone should shut up on great Anu’s order. Anu apologizes and requests to stop the issue right here. Kavya says she just wants to end this issue and become great. Anu says even she can become great. Argument continues when Toshu backs Pakhi and shouts he will leave the house if the daily drama continues. Anu says he should as he is already living in the pent house by heart. He says he will leave forever. Vanraj shouts at both to stop. Anu continues she is tired of Toshu’s threat now.

Precap: Anu tells family that they all will watch Sweety’s dance. Pakhi yells Anu shouldn’t come and says she and bestie will come first tomorrow and prove that she doesn’t need mummy’s support anymore. Bapuji verdicts that a daughter insulted a mother in this house and hence only Kavya, Pakhi, and Anu will attend the competition and if anyone else attends, they will have to face his wrath. He sends 3 of them out and locks door from inside.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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