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Kavya fumes in anger seeing Vanraj accepting Anupama’s idea of opening a cafe in her dance academy and yells that V will consume poison as long as its Anupama’s idea, she can not understand why family blindly support Anu’s ideas and get excited as if monkeys saw bananas. She thinks she has to look for job as she can not trust on V’s cafe idea, she has to get a job for financial security and can not sit like a loser. 

Anu walks to Samar’s room and sees him angrily throwing a dart on board. She asks him to calm down and listen to her. He says he will not as she took a wrong decision, she is so good that she gave Mr Shah permission to open cafeteria in her dance academy, dance academy is her dream and prayers. She ask him to listen to her once. He says he can not forget Mr Shah insulting her repeatedly and what he think about dance. Anu reminisces Vanraj brutally humiliating her and kicking her out of house, breaking her ghungroo, calling Samar as nachaniya/cheap dancer, etc. He says Mr Shah can find a solution for his problems himself, she should stop thinking about Mr Shah and Kavya as they don’t deserve her goodness.

At office, Toshu informs Rakhi that he spoke to whole staff and everything is under control. Rakhi says she is proud of her and is different from her remaining team as he thinks about future in business, its high time he thinks about personal life also. He says he opened FDs. She asks why his family thinks only about FDs, insurance policies, etc., like a middle class; he has to change his attitude and address to get out of middle class tag; he and Kinjal married recently and should change their house instead of living with extended family, even Anu agrees to her point. He has already thought about it, there is a nostalgia among people regarding joint family, but only a young couple can understand how it is to stay in joint family.

Baa tells Bapuji that she feels bad for maide ki katori Kavya as a wife doesn’t want to share her husband with anyone else, but she has both saas/MIL and sautan in this house and is irritating because of this; she lied on her lap and cried. Bapuji is surprised to hear that. Anu says Kavya is arrogant and got angry hearing Anu’s idea. Bapuji says its because its Anu’s idea. Baa what can they do when god wants them to grow via Anupama and hopes Vanraj’s cafe idea becomes successful. Bapuji asks if Kavya really cried lying on her lap.

Toshu tells Rakhi he is tired of family’s daily drama and doesn’t have privacy. Rakhi says if he stays alone, he will have better space and when he grows in business, he can invite his friends home and hence should speak to Kinjal regarding this. He says he will. Rakhi thinks a best bahu in the joint family is the one who doesn’t stay in joint family; she wants Kinjal to be a good bahu who visits her husband’s family twice in a year and follow her relationship from a distance; there is a lot of entertainment in Shah House, but she cannot ruin her daughter’s life for that. She calls her aide and orders to get the pent house ready for Toshu and Kinjal.

Vanraj is busy planning his cafeteria budget when Bapuji offers to help him. Vanraj asks him to calculate the exposes. Bapuji sends Pakhi to bring tea for them. Vanraj asks if Samar said something as he didn’t seem happy with cafeteria idea as he opened a dance academy for his mother with so much difficulty, he will not open cafeteria if Samar doesn’t want to. Bapuji asks him not to worry about Samar as Anu will handle him. Samar angrily and aggressively dances in dance academy on Aaj Koi Dua Karo Mere Liye.. song. Nandini asks what is wrong with him, there is nothing wrong if uncle opens cafeteria in dance academy. Anu walks in wearing Vanraj’s mask and says she is his papa now. Anu asks if he wants her to become like Vanraj and do whatever wrong Vanraj did with her. Vanraj says she can never be like Mr Shah. She asks then why he is stopping her. He says helping Mr Shah is wrong as he is a wrong man. she says Vanraj’s situation is bad and he has more right on this factory as this factory belongs to Bapuji; fighting is bad whether its at home, road, or on border, its more worse at home than border as people get hurt at home. Vanraj says it would be difficult for her. She says they will manage.
Baa consoles crying Kavya and asks not to worry about Vanraj’s cafeteria idea or about Anu as she will not snatch back Vanraj, etc. Kavya says her hands burnt while tonging her hair. Baa says she thought she was sad and hence she came to console her, but she is busy here dressing her hair. Kavya asks if she want her to wander crying wearing a white sari. Baa says she ordered tea for her and will have it with her. Kavya says Baa behaved like her mother yesterday, let us do some girly thing. Baa asks what is it. Pakhi brings tea for Baa and is surprised to see Baa ready in heavy makeup like Kavya and mimicking Kavya that she doesn’t have any right to look so beautiful. Pakhi clicks pics and rushes to show them to Bapuji. Baa hurriedly asks Kavya to remove her makeup. Kavya does. Baa gets silent. Kavya asks if wants to taunt her. Baa suggests her to stop insulting her husband and stop him from pursuing his dream and instead support him if she wants to win her husband’s heart. She says she doesn’t like her, but they have Vanraj in common and they want Vanraj’s happiness. Kavya smiles and messages all the best to Vanraj. Vanraj replies give him 3 months and if he fails, then he will do whatever she orders him. She agrees. He gets happy. Pakhi shows Baa’s pic and says Kavya got Baa ready. Vanraj says she is looking pretty. Pakhi goes to show the pic to Bapuji. Vanraj thanks Kavya for being nice with Baa. Kavya replies she was nice to her too.

Anu returns from dance academy. Vanraj asks if Samar’s mood is fine now. She nods yes and asks if Kavya is fine. He says yes and says he feels weird that even after being separated, they are staying under same roof. She says yes. He says he couldn’t respect her when they were related, and when he is respecting her, he cannot name their relationship now; they are supporting each other without any relationship; its weird that they fail to follow most important relationships and follow the one which cannot name. Anu says however it is, it is good. He smiles at her.

Kavya selects a song for her school event dance performance and plays it for Anu. Anu says she knows this song as she heard it in radio yesterday and asks if she wants to rehearse on it. Kavya asks her to rest first as she came home just now and thanks her for supporting papa/Vanraj; says she is young but can understand problems, she felt good when papa smiled yesterday; she is also happy that she is staying at home as she is happy that she is staying with her both parents even after divorce and hopes papa stays peacefully with Kavya without any fight and his all dreams come true. Anu says why not when his whole family is with him. Pakhi asks her to rest and leaves. Kavya thinks though her and Vanraj’s relationship broke, she wants Vanraj and children’s bonding to be strong forever.

After sometime, Anu serves tea for family. Baa asks her to join them. Kinjal asks Baa if Toshu didn’t return yet. Mamaji asks who is Toshu. Baa scolds him. Toshu enters with Rakhi. Mamaji jokes again. Baa asks her to come on 22nd August on rakhi day and not spoil their happiness now. Rakhi says she doesn’t like jokes. Baa says she doesn’t like her. Kinjal asks Rakhi why did she come. Rakhi says she came to talk and informs that she has transferred her pent house in Toshu and Kinjal’s name. Baa asks Kinjal if they are shifting. Kinjal says not yet decided. Toshu says they have. Vanraj asks Anu if she knew about it. Kavya reacts next, but Vanraj shuts her mouth. Anu says she heard Kinjal and Rakhi’s conversation and said its better to stay way from family happily instead of staying unhappy together. Baa says she divided the house and wants to divide the family. Anu says it doesn’t matter what we think, only children’s happiness matters. Kinjal and Toshu’s argument starts. Kavya asks Vanraj to show his hold on his children and order them to shut up. Vanraj says even we do same. Anu asks Kinjal and Toshu to go and discuss in their room and not openly in front of everyone. Vanraj asks Toshu why did he take such a big decision without consulting him. Kavya says its Toshu’s MIL’s idea. Rakhi says when Kinjal’s MIL doesn’t think of anyone, at least she has to think about Toshu and Kinjal. Kavya says she is selfish. Rakhi say that is Kavya’s forte. Bapuji suggests that everyone has right to stay the way they like. Rakhi asks till when they will follow the joint family rule and not let youngsters stay on their own. Vanraj says he never wants to go away from Bapuji. Toshu says there is a generation gap between them, he respect papa’s hard work and sacrifice, but cannot become like him.
Samar says he is overreacting. Toshu says he learnt it from his family and says divorce was considered wrong in our house, but their parents divorced and when they can stay separately, why can’t we stay separately from family; we love family and they can visit each other often. Baa says this house is big enough to accommodate them all. Toshu says its filling and he doesn’t find any privacy at all, Kinjal is busy in office whole day and in kitchen at home, whole day Baa’s TV volume is high, Baa and Bapuji’s jokes, Kavya’s drama, and now Mamaji joined them; he is tired of daily drama and needs some peace; he loves them all, but feels suffocated in this house. Anu asks him to stop. Rakhi says he said right. Anu says his way of expression is wrong, how will Toshu feel if Samar complains he lost his privacy with Kinjal’s entry; he can go away peacefully instead of fighting, she didn’t know he and Kinjal have so many problems in this house. Kinjal says lets discuss this issue some other time. Anu says it should end it today or else it will continue each day, etc.

Mamaji says he will leave the house if they have a problem with him. Bapuji scolds him not to say that as he stays in their heart and not home; says if Toshu and Kinjal have decided, they are free to leave. Vanraj asks how an they. Bapuji says when the heart is out, they cannot hold the body at home, so let Toshu go if he wants to. Rakhi says if they have decided. Kinjal says they haven’t yet. Rakhi says they should check the flat to decide and says lets go. Kinjal and Toshu follow her. Anu cries and imagines them leaving the house. Baa consoles her and says she can understand how it feels when a son leaves home. Anu says they have just gone to check the house and let us see when they really leave the house. Vanraj says how can they let his son leave the house. Anu says its better to live under different roofs peacefully than live under same roof unhappy with a tarnished relationship. Vanraj says she is right. Mamaji jokes. Samar says when they have gone to check house, let us all go to karkhana/factory and checks its decor. Pakhi says she has project and Kavya says she is not in a mood. Vanraj tells Kavya that he needs her suggestion. She says some other time. Family goes to get ready. Vanraj tells Anu that Rakhi took away Toshu once and once again may take him away. Anu says Toshu is not a kid to be taken away, he can take his own decisions, let us go and check their dream place.

Precap: Pakhi waits for Anu for dance practice. Kavya brainwashes her that Samar is Anu’s first priority and Pakhi’s number comes even after Nandini. Anu fails to call Pakhi due to network issue.  Anu returns home and seeing Pakhi dancing practicing with Kavya apologize to her for being late. Pakhi yells that Anu will not teach her as she doesn’t get money for that and she considers only Samar, Toshu, Kinjal, and Nandini as her children.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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