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Anupama tells Kavya that Vanraj will not stay in his cafe the whole day and will return home in the evening. Kinjal tells Vanraj that she will give him her project file to study and give his suggestion. Vanraj says sure. Kavya says her boss is convinced with her report, but if he finds any changes to be made, he should let her know and she will convince her boss. Anu pray to god and gets sad looking at family. Samar walks to her seeing her sad. After sometime, Samar brings coffee for her and asks why she is sad, if its because of him. She says there are many issues apart from her son’s love story. He says its a lame shayari. She says she is worried for Kinjal and Kavya as they have to work both at home and in office. He asks what is she thinking about Kavya. Anu says its a fight of all women, when they fight against the world and win trophies for them, other women should support her. He asks what about house work. She says she will. He asks what about school, dance class, her recovery, etc. She says its difficult but she will manage. He says she cannot leave dance class as she still needs to pay hospital fees to Adi; she need not worry as he will handle dance class, help her in household chores, and service Baa and Bapuji. She says he is like a IV drop for her which gives an ill person a required energy. Bapuji says even he will help. Samar jokes if it will look good if a young chap works. Bapuji says when a man works and comes home, he needs peace at home, and when a woman works outside and comes home, she needs family support. Anu says we will do household chores and free Kavya and Kinjal. Baa says even she will do household chores. Bapuji jokes its better if only she keeps her mouth shout. Baa says when Kavya, Kinjal, Vanraj, Toshu, and Anu can work, why can’t she. Ek Dusre Se Karte Hain Pyar Hum.. song plays in the background. They all cut vegetables enjoying song. Anu’s brother calls her and informs her that maa is ill with high fever and cannot even stand up from bed. She informs about it to family and says she wants to help maa, but how can she leave all the work here on Kavya and Kinjal. Baa says she is not a bahu anymore to be bounded here and is free to help her mother, so they will call Bhavesh’s son Nihar here to stay with them and will second tiffin twice. Samar says he will give naani tea regularly as she stays nearby. Bapuji says that is a good idea, they will manage here like she managed for 26 years. Baa backs him. Anu thanks Baa. Baa and they all at once say Hum Karlenge Yaar.

The next morning, Anu prepares breakfast hurriedly. Kinjal says she will help. Anu asks her to concentrate on her office work. Kinjal gets call from office and goes aside. Baa, Bapuji, Samar help Anu in her chores. Vanraj walks to Anu and asks if maaji is fine. She says maa is still weak. He says if she needs his help, she should inform him, he will drive maaji to hospital. She nods okay. He asks her to take care of herself also and walks out of kitchen. Kavya gets jealous hearing their conversation. Vanraj noticing her says she must have heard their conversation, he is concerned as a human and Kavya should dare not try to control him. Baa and Bapuji gives Anu’s tiffin and ask her to finish it on time. Anu leaves for work. Kinjal with Kaya walks down and asks if maa left. Baa says yes and takes her tiffin to pack her lunch. Kavya brain washes her that work would have been easy if there was a maid, Anu escaped and trapped Kinjal in all the mess. Kinjal says mummy finished all the work, so she need not worry.

In the evening, Anu returns home and informs Baa that she brought vegetables, maa’s condition is severe, Samar is already there, she needs to rush. Bapuji gives her money and asks her not to worry about dinner as they will order pizza. Anu leaves. Bapuji says he doesn’t like pizza, so she will ask Kinjal to prepare rotis. Kinjal with Kavya returns from office and asks where did mummy leave in a hurry. Bapuji says her mother’s health deteriorated again. Baa asks Kinjal to prepare rotis for Bapuji. Kavya says they have an online meeting in sometime. Baa says she is asking Kinjal and not her. Kavya brain washes Kinjal again that Anu should have prepared rotis and then gone, but she dumped her work on Kinjal. Kinjal prepares rotis. Baa asks her to prepare rotis and teaches her, which irritates Kinjal. Anu returns home at night and remembers Bapuji wants to have raw jackfruit sabji and goes to cut it.

In the morning, Kinjal serves sabudana khichdi to Baa. Baa says its uncooked and asks her to serve it to cow instead. Kavya smiles at Kinjal. After sometime, Baa complain to Anu that Kinjal prepared thick rotis even after her teaching. Anu says Kinjal is not habituated to it, she is already under work pressures and they should support her instead of complaining. Kinjal serves Baa tea. Baa throws tantrums again and yells to boil it properly. Kinjal says she is in a mobile meeting. Baa yells and continues irritating her that Anu doesn’t make this mitake. She gets angry and says she is not mummy, mummy is working since years, she goes to work and comes in the evening, she is not Anupama and don’t expect her to be Anupama, etc. Kavya grins seeing her plan working. Anu gets hurt hearing that. Kavya says Kinjal called Anu by her name directly from mummy. Kinjal turns and gets nervous seeing Anu standing behind her. Anu says they bear boss’ scolding silently, but can not tolerate elder’s scolding; like boss is not always right, even elders are not right always, even then they are elders. Kavya says she doesn’t think Kinjal did wrong as Baa instigated her. Anu asks her not to pour ghee in fire and try to maintain the difference between her and Geeta. Kinjal says Baa behaves differently with mummy and her.

Kinjal confronts Anupama that she is great, but that doesn’t mean other bahus should be compared to her and until that happens, they can not be expected to live freely or prove themselves. Baa ask why is she comparing herself to Anu? Kinjal walk away saying this is what happens. Kavya says they thought she over reacts always, even Anu’s daughter inlaw said it today that she is the real problem. Anu stands shattered. Baa says she didn’t scold Kinjal purposefully and was explaining to her, then seeing Anu’s condition says sorry. Anu reminisces Kinjal’s words. Kavya video calls Rakhi and says her daughter gave a befitting reply to Anu and Baa. Rakhi says nice, but what actually happened there? Kavya says all the work is dumped on Kinjal as Anu’s mother is ill and she leaves in the morning and returns home at night, Baa sits on swing the whole day and order everyone, instead of hiring a maid they made Kinjal a maid like Anu, Anu escaped throwing her snare on Kinjal, finally Kinjal’s patience gave up and she took Anu and Baa to task, etc. She then ask if she will not come to confront Anu. Rakhi get angry on Anu.
Anu cry sitting in lawn. Bapuji consoles her. She says she failed, she promised Kinjal that she would be her mother and her house problems will not interfere with her work, she promise her that she will not let her become another Anupama, poor Kinjal is stuck in a trap; she scolded Kinjal, but Kinjal is right and she is wrong. Bapuji says its because her mother is ill. Anu says her mother is ill and its her problem, but its all her mistake because of which Kinjal is suffering. Bapuji says Leela made a mistake and shouldn’t have scolded Kinjal. Toshu return home and tells Kinjal that Kavya told him she argued with Baa and mummy, what exactly happened. Kinjal describes Baa’s reaction in detail and comparing her with Anu. Anu walk towards Kinjal’s room to speak to her. Bapuji tells Baa that she shouldn’t have scolded Kinjal. Baa says even her grand MIL used to scold her like this. Bapuji says times have changed, now bahu has to work at office and at home, its become a menace to become a joint family bahu, bahu is under a lot of pressure and she should not pressure her more if not lessen it. Baa says she didn’t. Bapuji says she shouldn’t throw tantrums. Baa says she was teaching her. Bapuji says she shouldn’t and shouldn’t try to make Kinjal as Anu as they both are different. Toshu tells Kinjal that its not a question of scolding but explaining things, there is no better example than mummy when it comes to handling family. Kinjal asks him not to start now. He says there are several traditions which carry in the family, Baa’s MIL taught her and she taught mummy. Kinjal says its not necessary that they should follow the same, earlier there were never mixer, washing maching and other gadgets and why shouldn’t they use it now, it doesn’t matter if they cook rice in microwave or utensil. Toshu says it doesn’t matter if powerpoint content be in landscape or portrait mode, even then she asked Kavya that she needs all content in landscape. Kinjal says she is trying to change. Toshu says few things take time to change.

Anu try to knock Kinjal’s room door when Kavya walk to her and asks if she couldn’t hear anything, even she couldn’t, one thing is clear that they are fighting as she informed Toshu that Kinjal and Baa fought; Anu must have come to speak, but this part of house comes in her and V’s share, so she should get out. Anu leaves. Kavya thinks what will Anu do if the relationships she boasts of break. Toshu tells Kinjal he can not believe that she warned him that if he doesn’t stop misbehaving with mummy, she will not marry him; she completely changed him. She says instead of explaining to Baa and mummy, he is explaining to her; how can Baa expect her to become like mummy. He says whether she become like mummy or not, she shouldn’t become like Kavya; then asks her to take a break, visit her mother’s house for a few days and think calmly. She asks why does he think so. He walks out. She continues fuming. Rakhi calls her, and she disconnect the call.
Vanraj returns home and seeing everyone silent asks Kavya if she did something? Kavya says for a change Anupama did. Rakhi barges in shouting at Anupama. Kavya taunts Vanraj that he will see that his ex-wife can not always be right. Rakhi remind Anu’s promise that she will keep Kinjal as her daughter and not bahu. Toshu try to interfere. She shouts not to dare speak or else she will not spare anyone. She reminds Anu’s promise that she will not let Kinjal become like her, she says all her promises were false; she brought up her daughter like a princess, but Anu made her a maid; she didn’t let her daughter lift a thing, but she made her daughter lift vegetables; Anu is no one to force her daughter to work in the kitchen, just because Anu’s son is married to Kinjal, she can not make her a maid; her daughter loves and respects them all and hence staying in this house or else she can buy 50 houses like this for her. Vanraj warns her to mind her tongue. Rakhi shouts he doesn’t know what her daughter has to suffer behind him. Vanraj says its all rubbish. She shouts its not. Bapuji stops her and says this is a house and not a market where she is shouting. Rakhi says she can send them all to jail for torturing her daughter including Bapuji. Anu warns her not to dare speak ill about Bapuji, she will not tolerate it.

Precap: Rakhi says making her daughter work in kitchen like a maid is wrong. Anu says it is, but it is also wrong to be adamant. She apologizes Kinjal for whatever happened and promised that whatever happens, she will not become another Anupama. Anu returns home and Baa informs that Kinjal didn’t return home yet. Kinjal with Kavya returns home late after partying. Anu says everyone are hungry waiting for her. She walks away saying she didn’t ask them to be hungry. Anu warns Kavya that she can share her love with her, but if she tries to snatch her children from her, she will not tolerate it.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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