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Vanraj tells Anu that he doesn’t take any favors and will pay her rent after a month. Anu asks where has the question of rent come from. Kavya says wherever it has come from, they will pay her rent. Anu says this karkhana/factory belongs to Bapuji. Vanraj says Bapuji gave it to Anu and hence he will pay her rent. She says fine and walks away. Kavya smirks thinking Vanraj was boasting about friendship, but nothing is important than a man’s ego. Baa gives debit card and bills to Bapuji and asks him to pay them as children are busy at work. Bapuji says one is valued until he/she works or else will be valued lesser than a furniture. She asks why he looks angry. He says because of Vanraj, what he did yesterday was wrong, he took Anu’s help when needed and now is showing attitude, they cannot handle both arrogant son and daughter-in-law, they pamper sons so much and give them importance that they ignore daughter’s hard work, etc. She asks him to calm down as she will speak to Vanraj. Bapuji says she should or else if he does, Vanraj will not like; he doesn’t want Vanraj to trouble Anu.

At cafe, Vanraj angrily orders chef Manoj to learn preparing dishes like Anu as their cafe became famous now. Manoj asks if he is tensed. Vanraj shouts that’s none of his business and then apologizes. Kavya consoles him and says everything will be alright. Vanraj blasts her next that Anu got praises because of her self-obsessive behavior and she didn’t even mention his name during cafe review. Samar gets angry hearing about Vanraj offering rent and says they get a thank you for help in return, but we are getting rent; she should take market rate rent from Mr Shah and not spare him. Anu says people who try to pull others down will fall in their own pit. Two media journalists visit cafe and tell Vanraj and Kavya that they are from a Gujrati news channel who cover social cause news and after seeing their cafe’s video review, they came to take Vanraj and his ex-wife Anus’ interview to show that couples can be friends after divorce. Kavya says ex-wife is not here, so they should take current wife’s interview. They say may be next time, they will interview her when they cover second wife. Kavya angrily says she is not second. They say they want to show how an ex-wife can help her ex-husband both morally and financially. Vanraj he cannot give the interview as this place belongs to his father and not his ex-wife and he took just a moral support as he doesn’t take anyone’s financial support. Kavya says sorry that their idea failed. They walk discussing that Vanraj’s ego is hurt as husbands can never accept wife’s help. Vanraj gets angry and asks them to speak on his wife. They warn him that his arrogance will get him negative publicity and he may have to shut his cafe. Vanraj shouts he is not afraid of threats. Anu hearing that thinks Vanraj cannot change at all and his ego is hurt again.

A government official visits cafe and gives 20 lakhs property tax notice to Vanraj pending since years. He gets tensed and walks to dance academy but backs off remembering his rent issue. Anu while teaching students notices him. Kavya calls Vanraj while curtain shopping and he asks to choose the colors herself. Samar notices Vanraj tensed and informs Anu that he looks tensed after he received a letter, but she shouldn’t help him as its not related to them. She asks what if its related to even them.

Rakhi tells Toshu that when there is a problem at home, it affects whole family; its good that he gave ultimatum to Kinjal to shift from Shah house, she should be out of Shah house even with sorrows and will soon forget Shah family. Toshu asks what if Kinjal will not as she is emotionally attached to his family more than himself. She says he should use love as a weapon like Anu if not anger to convince Kinjal, should speak to family tonight and even she will be present there.

Anu notices academy’s exit door closed. Samar says its their naught student Akshat’s mischief and asks him to open it from outside. Samar opens cafe door and walks out. Tax bill flies and falls in front of Anu. Anu gets tensed reading 20 lakhs tax notice. On the other side, Kavya returns home after shopping. Baa offers her water and jokes with her, offers tea and headache balm. Kavya says coffee. Pakhi excitedly informs her about her dance competition’s dress selection. Kavya says she is having headache and doesn’t want to listen to her as she is having headache. Pakhi walks aside. Baa says her mother had also come home tired and she shouldn’t have showed attitude to her mother. Pakhi says she understood Kavya, but mummy loves only Toshu, Kinjal, Samar, and Nandini.

Anu panics seeing 20 lakhs tax notice and asks Vanraj if they can pay it in installments. He says they need to pay it in 1 month. She says this tax invoice cannot shatter their dreams. He says this care is a ray of hope for him and he will break down if it shuts down. She encourages him to be courageous.

Kavya receives a call, informing her that she is short-listed for a job. She rudely says that she will only do job if they match salary with her previous job. Otherwise they shouldn’t call her again. Baa and Bapuji hear her conversation. Bapuji explains importance of work to her and says she should accept now and if she does good work, then she will get a raise. She says that she knows her qualification well. She can’t work for such a low pay. She will easily get a new job. Baa says that Vanraj was saying the same. Kavya tells them not to counsel her about her career when they don’t know anything about it. Bapuji says that she can say no, but try to say it a way so other person doesn’t feel bad. Baa, Bapuji leave.
Vanraj comes home. Kavya calls him, but he goes straight to his room. Anupama walks in. Kavya sees that she’s tensed too. She goes to talk to Vanraj, but he doesn’t respond.

Everyone is at dining table for dinner. Baa asks Kinjal that Toshu is coming late every day? Before Kinjal could say anything, Samar says he’s working on a new branch. During conversation, Mamaji asks Bapuji why he didn’t come to café. Bapuji says he went to pay bill. Vanraj and Anupama pause for a second. Baa asks Kavya didn’t come? Kinjal says she must be coming. Kavya is checking Vanraj’s laptop, but she can’t find anything. She wonders what happened. It must not be a fight, else Vanraj must have been angry and Anupama would be behaving normal.

Samar asks Pakhi to pass daal, but she doesn’t and they start fighting. Toshu comes. Mamaji says that it’s good he came when Baa is not there, else she would have scolded him. Bapuji notices Vanraj is tensed and asks what happened. He says nothing. Kinjal says something happened for sure. Anupama is also tensed. Kavya comes saying she will tell what happened. She doesn’t know why they are hiding such a big matter. They didn’t tell her, but she found it herself. She is holding some paper. Vanraj requests her not to start drama. She says that she is not starting any drama, but soon they all will become a joke. Anupama also requests Kavya not to tell anything. Family asks why they are not letting her tell. Vanraj says it’s a small business matter. Kavya asks 20 lakh is a small deal? Mamaji gets excited asking they have to take that amount? Kavya says they have to give – they have to pay factory’s property tax and that too within a month. She asks Bapuji how he can forget paying property tax. Government asked to pay all property tax till now, else they will seal the factory. She asks Vanraj what’s his plan now? If café and dance class shut down, then how will they survive? She further says that they all will have to pay for Bapuji’s mistake. How can he be so careless? She calls him a tax-thief as well. Vanraj shouts at Kavya saying how dare her to talk to his father like that. She says fine, she won’t say anything to him, but what about the bill? How will they pay it? She asks Anupama. Even Anupama has no answer. Kinjal says that she can try applying for a personal loan, but that big amount is doubtful even for her. Mamaji offers help saying he possibly might have something on his name. He doesn’t remember, but Baa might know. Bapuji says there is nothing. Mamaji cries. Bapuji gets pain in heart. Samar makes him sit. Bapuji says that he didn’t know about it and says sorry. Kavya says, a sorry wouldn’t do anything. She asks Vanraj from where they will bring the money. Rakhi enters saying that she will give.
Rakhi tells them that it’s better to take from her than going outside and begging others. She taunts family members. She tells Anupama to go to tax department and cry there and give lecture as that’s all she can do. Kinjal tells Rakhi to leave. Rakhi continues insulting Anupama and others. She says she’s offering help and they are shouting at her. Vanraj says that she didn’t come to give help, she came to insult them. Kinjal tells her that they don’t want help from her and asks her again to leave. Rakhi asks why middle class people ego is so big. Samar says it’s not ego, it’s self-respect. Rakhi laughs. She then tells Bapuji what a gift he gave to his family. Kinjal now raises her voice telling Rakhi that she cannot insult elders in her home. Rakhi doesn’t spare Kavya either. Vanraj asks Rakhi to get out. Kavya tells Vanraj if he kicks her out, then how will they get money? Vanraj says no one needs to worry, “they” will take loan. Rakhi says, meaning him and his ex-wife. Vanraj says, friends. Rakhi asks why they “friends” will pay the tax together? Vanraj says because they are both using the factory. Kavya says when place is Anupama’s, when she is taking rent, then why he has to pay tax? She tells him to let Anupama handle this and concentrate on his future. He says this café is his future. He and Anupama will give the money. She asks how? He says that he and Anupama will think about. She gets annoyed and asks why he has to do everything with Anupama. Rakhi tells her to keep her insecure-wife drama for later.

Rakhi asks Vanraj which bank will give them loan? There is only one bank that can give loan to them and it’s her. They’ll have to get in her feet in end. Anupama says that she will come, if needed. All dreams in that house depend on that café and dance class. If she needs to bend down for that, then she will even do that. For children, a mother can sacrifice her self-respect as well when time comes, but right now it’s not that time.

Precap: Pakhi asks Kavya whether they can do practice. She tells Pakhi to practice on her own. Anupama hears it. Later, Samar asks Anupama why she’s worrying about Pakhi’s event. Anupama says because she’s her mother. Pakhi is practicing. Nandini comes. Pakhi says that Anupama couldn’t come, so she sent her? Kinjal tells Pakhi that Nandini is elder to her and she cannot talk to elders like that. Pakhi says, oh my god, there are so many Anupama’s clones in that home. Kavya fumes on Vanraj for talking about laon in front of her friends and says she made a mistake by taking him to meet her friends. Vanraj asks what is wrong in it. She warns to lower his tone. He says she hasn’t seen his tone yet. Anu mends Kavya’s dress thinking her doll will win the competition for sure. Pakhi arrogantly snatches her dress and says she doesn’t need her help as she has grown up.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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