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Nandini sees Samar walking on street sadly and asks where is he going sadly? He says one should look at profile along with messages and pics on social media. She gets confused and slips. He runs and holds her. At home, Anu while working in the kitchen with Baa and Kinjal tells them that Samar will realize their surprise party if she prepares his birthday cake in the kitchen. Baa says she can prepare it on the terrace. Vanraj hearing that asks if he can bring cake. Baa says no, Anu says he can and bring some snacks also as kids love it. Vanraj smilingly says he will bring even sugar-free cream rolls for Bapuji so that Anu doesn’t scold him for having sweets. Baa thinks people change over time. At Nandini’s house, Samar nurses her sprain scolding her to be careful. She showers flowers on him. He excited asks if she remembered his birthday. She says she only remembers 3 things, him, his talks, and his birthday. She unveils a surprise cupcake and feeds him singing happy birthday to you. He happily thanks her.

Vanraj get ready for Samar’s birthday party. Kavya hug him from behind and ask if he is getting ready for her? He says no. She says people and relationship change so soon, Kinjal was in her favor yesterday and today she change. Vanraj says relationships can not be bound. She ask what if family is conspiring against her? He says why she gives so much importance to herself, there are other things beyond her. She ask what are they planning? He asks her to come down if she wants to know. 

Samar remembers each event. She hug him and apologizes for not wishing him last night as she didn’t want to interfere between his family. He says first of all she is also his family. She says not yet and asks what is other thing. He says nobody remembered his birthday, not even mummy.
Kavya sees family decorating house and asks if there is someone’s birthday today. Meenu says its Samar’s bhaiya’s birthday today. Kavya acting astonished says Samar is not a kid and has a girlfriend. Baa warns her not to talk about girlfriend in open. Kavya says Samar should party with his friends in a club and not at home. She further ask if they need her help. Kinjal ask her to help them in decoration. Kavya says she didn’t like this childish decoration. Dolly ask her to teach them on 1 word, they will follow her. Kavya nervously says even this is better and ask if they bought gift for Samar? Vanraj says he already bought one. Kavya ask how could he without consulting her? He says he knows what his son need, earlier Anu used to bring some gift and write his name on it; he ask Kavya to get ready and join them. She says ok and goes to her room. Sanjay seeing Samar coming alert everyone and they all hide. Once Samar enters, they all wish him at once and surprise him. He happily touch elders’ feet and stops at Vanraj. Vanraj smilingly pampers him. He touch Vanraj’s feet, hug youngsters, and says he forgot its his birthday today. Anu says he was hinting them all since morning. Bapuji says there is one more surprise for him. Mamaji enters saying he is back. Samar happily jumps with him and touch his feet. Mamaji jokes as usual. Nandini walk in next. Baa get angry seeing her. Kavya returns. Mamaji jokes again. Pakhi says its dance time now. Family dances on Chote Tera Birthday Aaya.. song. After dance, Anu cry emotionally. Samar also cry and wipes her tears. She says she remembers as if its yesterday that she braided his hair. He says it was childhood. Baa says she used to do same with Vanraj. Anu says he used to dance in her lap even in childhood and she realized then itself that he has gone on her, he is the reward for all his good rewards. Mamaji jokes again. Vanraj brings cake. Kavya taunts if he brought cake from his cafe as he gets employee discount. He says its because of good quality there, he never compromised on his children’s happiness till now and will never in the future. Kavya taunts big talks suit on people with big pay package. Dolly reverts back saying big talks suit on people with big heart or else Kavya’s package is big, but she speaks so cheap. Kavya reminds that she is her bhabhi. Dolly reminds her that Vanraj is her husband. Kavya says she is talking as if husband is a god. Anu says even she doesn’t consider husband as god, but she should respect bhai. Anu requests not to fight today. Samar cuts cake while everyone sing happy birthday and feeds them all. Kavya gets jealous seeing that. Samar asks his gifts. Each family member present him gifts. He happily thanks them. Vanraj gifts him guitar and wishes him happy birthday. Samar emotionally accepts it and thanks him. Vanraj asks if he liked it. Samar happily nods yes. Baa says let us see what Samar’s mother will gift him. Toshu says special gift as Samar is mummy’s special child. Anu says she brought a gift for him after searching it a lot, but his gift is with Baa. Baa asks what gift. Anu says blessings and requests her to bless and accept Samar and Nandini’s happiness. Baa gets angry. Nandini switches off lights and playing Tu Aata Hai Seene Me mimics all their initial meetings

Baa get angry when Anupama requests her to accept Samar and Nandini’s relationship and bless them. Anu apologize to Samar and says she thought of giving him a special gift on his birthday, but forgot that one has to gift according to their status and happiness is very precious, she spoilt Samar’s birthday. Nandini ask her not to say that. Anu says one has to dream which they can fulfill. Baa shows her engagement rings and asks to fulfill her dreams or else she will continue her long lecture. Anu and Samar happily hug her. Baa ask Nandini also to hug her and jokes not to spoil her hairstyle. Family gets happy seeing Baa’s surprise. Bapuji asks if everyone saw his Leela’s leela/magic. Mamaji jokes why in every films and serials they present engagement rings instantly, do they carry it every time. Sanjay asks him not to joke during this auspicious moment. Baa says she is happy that children respected elders and waited for approval or else some youngster marry without elders’ blessings. Kavya gets angry hearing that. Baa says she is talking in general; there would be not only age but also thinking difference between elders and youngsters, hence elders take time to chance. Nandini says one thing is common between them, love for family. Baa says she would have forced for marriage, but she wanted to marry with everyone’s approval; she faced the consequences of forceful marriage in her family, now relationship will be with everyone’s approval. Vanraj reminisces Baa and him disapproving Samar and Nandini’s relationship and says even he approves their relationship; says they say a father should treat his son like a friend if his shoes fit in his son’s feet, he couldn’t become a friend and doesn’t want to become an enemy; he blesses them. Anu ask Kavya if she has any objection as she is from both groom and bride’s side. Kavya yell if she remembered her at last. Baa warn her to stop yelling. Kavya yells that they had problem that Nandini can not become a mother in life, now they accepted her suddenly. Bapuji says its good that opinions change. Kavya yells why didn’t they accept her then? Bapuji says they have accepted her, she should remove her angry spectacles and watch things. Kavya continues yelling. Vanraj asks her to reply yes or no. Kavya says she doesn’t have any objection. Baa says then they should celebrate Samar and Nandini’s wedding. Anu thanks Baa for accepting Samar and Nandini’s relationship. Baa says she is happy that children respected elders. Anu says her children will never leave elders’ hands. Samar says mummy is the only solution for all his problems. Toshu jokes. Kinjal says let us celebrate Samar and Nandin’s engagement. Everyone clap in joy. Baa says she just brought rings as approval and will celebrate her grandson’s engagement in a lavish way. Everyone clap more, leaving Kavya jealous. Anu offers cake to Kavya. Kavya rejects saying she eats only sugar-free cake and asks if she asked her husband V to bring cake while she usually prepares cake herself for all birthdays? Anu says she asked a father to bring cake and not Kavya’s husband, a child’s happiness is most important in the world for a mother, gives an example that a child’s smile is 2000 rs and rest is change and hence they can spend some change for 2000 rs note; a person experiences immense love only after becoming a mother; in school everyone call her Anupama, but she always craves to hear maa, mummy. Kavya yells that she is taunting that she is not a mother yet. Anu says why will she?
Samar and Nandini rejoice. Vanraj passes by and seeing them together apologizes for intruding in their privacy. Nandini leaves. Vanraj asks Samar about his dance workshop and says diferences between them creeped up when he grew up, he bought a policy for him when he was just a son for him, he had bought a policy for him when he was child which matured today and he wants to give it to him. Kavya notice him giving envelope and get jealous. Samar accept the policy and says he will repay mummy’s medical loan with this money, he doesn’t like mummy working hard for money, he wants to build a house for mummy where she doesn’t have to bear anyone’s insult or questions, etc. Samar says he thought him as a loser, but he is very mature. Samar thank him and says thanks again for his cafe’s cake. Kavya interferes and asks what were they talking about? Samar warn her not to interfere between a father and son and stop getting jealous of them. Kavya think she thought of separating V from his family after marriage, but they are getting more closer. She ask Vanraj what was he speaking to Samar. Vanraj says when his son’s mother didn’t question him till now, who is she to question him? She yells she is his wife. He says even Anu was his wife and Kavya is his second wife, so she shouldn’t dare interfere between him and his children; says an insurance policy which he bought for Samar long ago matured and he gave it to Samar. She yells if he had bought the policy, money belongs to him. He warns her again not to dare interfere between him and his children or else she will face dire consequences.

The next morning, Anu wakes up Samar. Baa walk in and says she is having severe knee pain. Anu ask why did she dance last night. Baa says why wouldn’t she dance on her grandson’s birthday? Baa walks to her and taunts. Kinjal gets her boss’ call that she has client meeting at 10 p.m. Anu says Kinjal works so hard. Kinjal says even she does. Anu says she doesn’t have boss over her head. Bapuji says they always respect women as a mother, daughter, sister and should respect her even as a working woman. Kavya walks down. Kinjal asks her to handle client presentation today. Kavya taunts that she knows how to handle client well as she worked under Vanraj before, then with him, and now without him and says bahu together will crack even this deal like earlier deal and will get incentives and promotion. Vanraj walks in next and sits on baloon. Everyone laugh hearing balloon burst. Kavya yells what is funny in that? They all laugh more louder. Vanraj tells Bapuji that he will share Bapuji and Anu’s cafe business idea with his friend today. Kavya laughs out loudly and says he took a 12th pass Anu’s help and taunts Kinjal to take Anu for client meeting. Vanraj asks her to give her ideas then as he needs to grow his cafeteria business. She says she will but not today as she has client meeting. He suggest to her to look at client’s face more than presentation slides as she does same mistakes always and fail repeatedly. Kavya get embarrassed hearing that.

Precap: Anu excitedly serves prasad to Baa and Bapuji and says she has a good news for them. Dholakia scolds Kavya for her mistake in presentation and says she should sit at home like her husband. Vanraj’s friend informs him that he may have to close the cafeteria. Anu emotionally informs that her dance academy is ready. Anu seeing Vanraj sad asks if something happened. Kavya yells at Vanraj that his great Anupama’s ideas didn’t work. Rakhi taunts that both Mr and Mrs Shah lost their jobs at once.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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