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Saru says after everything we did she is still here. She will be our mother in law. Laxmi says to Durga because of you she is here. Because of you she is our mother in law. You made mistake and we will have to tolerate it. Durga slap her. Durga says mind your tongue. No matter who comes here you can’t talk to me like that. Go and do her greh parvesh without me. Saru says lets go Laxmi. We have to solve this mess what durga has created.

AJ takes medicine. Perv comes and says Guddan didn’t even have her greh parvesh done and you started taking your medicine. AJ says some medicines needs to be taken to be safe from your poison. Prev says please accept this gift. Forget the old things and start afresh. AJ takes the gift and opens it. It is a nighty. AJ throws it away and says how dare you. Prev says got angry? I thought you would like these gifts. Try to understand. Your wife is young. You would need these things. Imagin if you get a baby at this age. AJ says so you are interested in my family planning? I have a return gift for you. AJ takes out a belt. He says this is my gift. He throttles Perv with it. Perv says what are you doing. AJ says when animals are out of control we have to tie the belt in their necks. Hope you liked the return gift. AJ shoves him out. Perv says you see what I do AJ. When Guddan comes her Revati will come back to my life.

Dadi says these daughter in laws will take you inside while you sit on it. Come on Saru. Guddan sits on the seat. dadi says where is Durga? Saru says she said she couldn’t come. Dadi says is she mad? Its okay you two can pick her up.

Perv comes to Revati. She says what are you doing here? Go away from here. Prev says I came here for you. I miss you and love you a lot. Kaushaliya comes. She says what are you doing here? He says I have been hearing about complaints from your neighborhood. People are jealous of you for being mother in law. I also wanted to congratulate you.

Saru says what do we have to do. Guddan says bahu can’t you handle the saas? The seat is about to slip from Saru’s hand. Durga comes and holds it. Dadi says welcome to our family Guddan. They take her inside.

Dadi does Guddan’s greh parvesh. Durga says can I do pooja now? Durga says I can’t live with this girl in this house. She is full of mistake. She drags her towards the gate. AJ holds Guddan’s hand and stops her. AJ says you have no right to say who lives here. No woman has ever been kicked out of this house like this. If you can’t live with her then you can leave. Durga says what do you mean? AJ says you wanted me to get married. Now you have to accept her. He leaves. Guddan coughs. She says I need to rest now. Dadi giggles. Guddan says where is my room? Guddan says to Durga give me all that I want I will leave. dadi says they have nothing. She takes Guddan to room.

Guddan says thank you dadi. You are really nice. She hug her. Dadi says elders have to take care of younger ones. She takes Guddan to AJ’s room and says she will be here. This is her room from now. Dadi leaves. Guddan sleeps on the bed. He says okay sleep here. Antra liked this bed too. I had so many memories here with her. Guddan recalls the man saying he killed Antra. Guddan says I dont’ want to sleep here. He says you can sleep in the balcony. Guddan goes and sleeps there.

The man calls Guddan again. He says did you get proofs? She says I can’t find that this easily. Let me sleep. Guddan comes to room again. She walks in darkness. She says it is cold I want blanket. He gives it to her and says go now. Guddan sleeps.

Laxmi says we have to be together in this time. We have to be against her. Durga says you are right.

Guddan is asleep. Someone throws water on her. Its the daughter in law. They touch her feet. Saru says you are responsible for this house sasu ma. You have to wake up. Laxmi says our sasu ma slept here in the balcony. Her mehndi also says she can’t do it. Laxmi says you better not dream it either. Saru says she won't be able to stay here for even 4 days. Guddan bring shampoo and says please do it as well. I didn’t know i would have three servants here to shower me. Please wash my hair now. i am your sasu ma.

Some transgenders come home and asks Laxmi and Saru for shagun. Shweta is one of them with her face hidden. Saru says she is the one who got married. Guddan come inside we will dance together. You people are so positive. The transgender says she is such a good girl. Durga comes and says what is happening here. She can’t be Laxmi. She is mother in law. The transgender says she is the one who handles everything in the house. She has to give us 1 lax. Shweta says give her sweets first. She gives poisonous sweet to Guddan. Durga says stop. You can’t eat anything. Guddan says what do you mean. Durga says give her naig. Durga brings cash and says sasu ma this is the price of your mistake. You are used to writing mistakes. You have to write your mistakes on all these currency notes. The transgender says don’t do all this please. Guddan says no worries I can do this. She writes her mistakes on each note. Guddan says i will keep doing one mistake, that I can do anything. Guddan dances with them. She says Durga come dance. AJ and dadi come home. The transgender says the groom is here too. Dadi says give them your blessings. Laxmi says Durga has given them 2 lacs. The transgender says hold hands I will give you blessings together. Guddan hold AJ’s hand. She gives them blessings. Dadi says Guddan we got this anklet for you. AJ will make you wear it. AJ makes her wear the anklet.

Laxmi comes to her room and says they messed with my head. Shweta is in her room. Laxmi says what are you doing here? Shweta says this is my turn. I have to teach her a lesson. Laxmi says if AJ sees you he wont spare us. she says I have a plan. Laxmi says this is dangerous.

Guddan is outside. She sees a woman. she says you were stealing something right? It is not a good thing to steal. Shweta says like you stole AJ from me? Guddan says what are you doing here? Shweta says you ruined my life. She takes out knife. Guddan says I did that for my sister. Please dont’ come near me. Guddan takes the knife from her. She says see you don’t have brain. What will you do now. Shweta takes it back from her.
Shweta shoves Guddan in the pool. Guddan is drowning.

Dadi says to the daughter in laws if you want your pocket money you have to dance. They dance. Dadi does pooja. Guddan is trying to come out of the pool. AJ says where is Guddan? Shweta says I should leave before someone sees me. She hides. AJ comes and sees Guddan drowning. He take Guddan out of the pool. Her hands are tie with rope. AJ says Guddan please open your eyes. Laxmi says dadi Guddan broke the anklet. See this pearl. dadi says why are they all over the floor. AJ comes near Guddan to give her mouth to mouth resurrection. Guddan says why were you coming near me? AJ says to save you. First tell me who did all this? Aj sees Shweta. Everyone comes out. Laxmi says I asked her not to..Durga says you knew all this?

Dadi slaps Swheta and says how dare you harm my Guddan. She didn’t even take your name. I am glad we chose Guddan over you. Why were you doing all this? AJ says how dare you enter my house and do all this. Laxmi says please don’t send her to jail. AJ says she did a sin. Guddan would have died. Guddan says but I am fine now. Laxmi is right. Shweta’s anger is justified. I forgive her. Hope she forgives me too. Shweta says please Guddan forgive me you are such a nice girl. Dadi says she is. Go now. AJ says she has to go to jail. Guddan says please don’t do all this. Please forgive her. Shweta leaves. Guddan says thanks for saving my life. He says I would have done it for anyone. She says why are you being so angry? He says how can anyone be normal around you. You are making me angry. Why did you have to forgive Shweta? Forgiving people like her is stupidity. they wont change. They have to be punished. Guddan says can they change after that? People should be taught with love. I use love. This is why I am not like you. But who am I talking to? The person who doesn’t have a heart. He grasps Guddan by shoulder and says I don’t have a heart? She says no you dont. He says I am glad you know that. You have said a true thing for once in you life.

Guddan try to wear sari. she says dadi I can’t wear saree. Durga says how could you on the wedding day? Dadi says you three will get her ready and also teach her how to wear saree. Saru and Laxmi fix her saree. They are angry. Guddan says thank you. She goes downstairs. Dadi says you look very good. Guddan says you look like their saas now. Dadi says you will get used to it. Guddan says I am coming back in a while.
Guddan presses AJ’s coat and says it is wet. I have to dry it. AJ comes and says what are you doing here now? What have you done? He picks the iron. He says this is my coat. she says I didn’t do it. It just happened. He says I ask you to stay away from my things. The coat gets burned too. Guddan says don’t show me this anger. He says I will burn everything you touch. she touches all his clothes. He throws them all on floor and burns them. Guddan is dazed. He leave.

Revati calls Guddan and says how are you? She says I am good. Bhushan says is everything okay? Come home. We left the house and neighborhood. You should come there. Guddan says I won’t give up. I told you I will live here.

Dadi says to AJ spend some time with Guddan. She will like it. He says no one can spend time with her. Durga says AJ left home without breakfast for the first time. Saru says we should ask Guddan. Saru says what will you take in breakfast? Guddan gives them orders. Laxmi says I am sure you know how to cook. this is a tradition. You have to cook for the whole family. Saru says she can’t. Guddan says I can. Guddan goes to kitchen.

Guddan says I can give it a try. She watches recipes online. Guddan serves the food. Durga says is this how you cooked for AJ? He measures food and throws it away if it is not apt. But Laxmi and Saru will have to eat it. Dadi says food will be eaten anyway. All of you sit down. Durga says I can’t do this. She isn’t my MIL. She is just Guddan. Dadi says sit down. Guddan says every girl shouldn’t know how to cook. But I tried. Dadi says well said. You can do anything. Guddan eats banana. She says let me bring the kheer. Guddan brings the kheer. Laxmi has spilled oil on the floor. Guddan slips. All the kheer falls on her. Laxmi smiles. Dadi gets up and picks Guddan. Guddan says I slipped. They all laugh at her. Guddan laughs too. Laxmi says one picture please. She takes Guddan’s picture. Guests come home. Durga says guests are here for munh dikhai. Look at our MIL all ready. She says Laxmi go and open the door. Let them see her too. This is your reality. You will be seen by them exactly like this. Laxmi says let me bring guests. She opens the door.

Laxmi says thats our mother in law. They all laugh at her. The girl says so this is how a MIL’s munh dikhai is. she is unique. Laxmi says she made kheer but then showered with it. Dadi says Laxmi stay in your limits. Guddan goes to kitchen and brings kheer. Guddan says what is this? I do mistakes. Now Laxmi bahu will shower me with milk. Dadi says you wanted to see something different. Now all three of you will clean her with milk. They shower and clean her with milk. The women give her gifts.
Laxmi says it is taking so long to clean the kitchen. Saru says I am so tired. AJ comes and says what did you do to the kitchen. Durga says your wife is responsible for this. Now you saw how I can’t accept that girl full of mistakes. She doesn’t deserve to be here. She leaves.

Guddan showers and comes out. She throws towel on bed. It falls on AJ. she says where did you come from? He says towel is dried not thrown on bed. How can you be so careless. You ruined my kitchen. Guddan laughs. He says why are you laughing? She says will you burn the kitchen? He says I love my kitchen. He says don’t test my patience. I clean everything after working. she says I cooked even when I didn’t know how to.. He says I don’t know anything. Clean your mess. Servant says madam your papa came. Guddan says I have to show him I am very happy here.

Revati recalls what Perv said. Kaushaliya says where are you lost? Don’t fool me. Why did Perv come here? There is some reason. You have been lost ever since. Bhushan ask Guddan how are you? She says I am so happy. The daughter in laws serve me. I am very happy. See all these things they cook. Bhushan says I am your dad. You can’t hide things from me. Come with me.

Kaushaliya says since when did you know him? Those cards were yours. I know there was nothing between AJ and Guddan. Revati says those were mine. Guddan lied to save me from your anger.

Guddan says to Bhushan I don’t want to go from here. I am happy. Bhushan says if you have decided then I won't force you. But always know that you can come back anytime you want. Take care. He leaves. Dadi comes. She says if they don’t accept you.. Guddan hug her crying. She says I lied to my papa for the first time. Dadi says I know they don’t value you. But they will. My prayers are always with you. Guddan says papa your Guddan will solve everything.

The daughter in laws dress Guddan up. They spray perfume. Gudan says I am allergic. Durga says she has to wear this chunri too. Guddan says what is happening? Durga says it is your wedding night.

Laxmi says he is very romantic. They lock Guddan in that room. she says where am I stuck? The whole room is decorated. Laxmi says AJ we were waiting for you. The DILs ask AJ for naig. Laxmi says it your wedding night, you have to give us naig. He says what stupidity is that? Durga says it is ritual. Durga says this is ritual and you have to do it. You remember what you said when I said she isn’t my MIL? You said if it is a relationship now I have to accept it. So she is your wife and you have to accept her. we know she sleeps in balcony. We have seen everything. AJ says move aside. He goes in. Durga says your face says nothing is okay. AJ comes to room and says no one is here? I think she got scared. Guddan says I dont’ get scared. She is on top of the closet. AJ says what are you doing there? She says I feel good here I don’t want to come down. He says are you crazy? He pulls her down. Guddan says don’t come near me. I am dangerous. I can break bones too. He says shut up you think I am doing all this to spend wedding night with you? She says no. He says stay there. You can’t come down anyway. she says I will come down with my will. she comes down. Guddan falls. AJ holds her. She says where are you taking me? Leave me. He leaves her and she falls on the floor. He says you can only stay in this balcony don’t come out of your limit. I will sleep in the other room. Don’t use your brain.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To days At 6pm & 7pm And Saturday At 6pm Only

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